"Mom, I just want to know, who is the man you can fall in love with... I'm so old, what can't I tell me..." Song Xuan pestered her mother and kept whispering.

Jingle Bell…

The phone rang suddenly! The direction the sound is coming from is weird.

Song Xuan turned her head to take a look, lowered her head again, and went to get it... She was in the crack of the sofa and took out a ringing mobile phone. The caller ID on the mobile phone showed two words: Ruobing.

"Mom, this is..." Song Xuan took the phone and turned her head to ask.

"Your uncle's..." Wu Yurong took the phone into her hand.

Song Xuan looked at her mother. Seeing that her mother was just holding a cell phone, but she didn't go to the bathroom to deliver it to "Uncle", she couldn't help asking, "Aren't you going to deliver it to Uncle?"

No matter how dare Wu Yurong, she didn't dare to open the door of the bathroom, for fear that her daughter would see it all at once.

"It's fine, no need, I know him." Wu Yurong smiled at her daughter, then walked to the side and put the phone to her ear.

Chapter 0190 Dare this attitude? !

Wu Yurong deliberately walked a little further away because she didn't want her daughter to hear the voice on the phone. After the call was connected, Wu Yurong didn't speak first, but listened first.

"Where?" Li Ruobing asked.

"He went to the bathroom, and the phone is in the living room." Wu Yurong said softly and sweetly, if it wasn't for her daughter Song Xuan in the living room, Wu Yurong would definitely not have said this, at least she would have mentioned "Wu Chen" instead of "he" directly replace.

"Huh?" Li Ruobing was stunned, only to realize that the tone of the voice was Wu Yurong.

"It's Ms. Wu." Li Ruobing said in a normal tone. She didn't have the cold feeling she usually had when speaking. She respected Wu Yurong, so her attitude towards Wu Yurong was always the same.

"Yes, it's me." Wu Yurong's usual tone of voice was really gentle and sweet.

"Wu Chen, he went to see Ms. Wu again early in the morning?" Li Ruobing asked, she really guessed, because she knew what kind of woman Wu Yurong was, so she wouldn't guess in that direction, and the time is now eight in the morning It's almost half past nine, and the time is no problem.

"He..." Faced with this question, Wu Yurong pondered for a while, her eyes wandered, and she glanced at the door of the bathroom. She smiled softly and sweetly, "No."

She could only answer no, Wu Yurong couldn't go into details directly, because she went to the side, Song Xuan couldn't hear the voice on the phone, but she could hear what she, the mother, was saying.

"No?" Li Ruobing was stunned for a second, then thought for a moment and asked, "Ms. Wu, did you find him?" Li Ruobing was surprised. Although she knew that Wu Chen was very capable and good at "making friends", Wu Yurong was not. Why not?

Li Ruobing admires Wu Yurong's skill.

Li Ruobing knows even more that although Wu Yurong has many good male friends and various wealthy and powerful businessmen, even these people, after so many years, have not even touched a single strand of Wu Yurong's hair! No matter how powerful a man is, he has to sit down obediently in front of Wu Yurong!

Wu Yurong is wary of men and has a more playful mentality. Li Ruobing has speculated.

Because Wu Yurong has an instinctive hostility towards any man, so Wu Chen talked to Wu Yurong for an afternoon, so that Wu Yurong could take the initiative to find him the next day, and talk about things?

That can be said to be the pinnacle of the ability to make friends!

"No." Wu Yurong's answer was even shorter this time.

Li Ruobing was stunned again.

It was neither Wu Chen looking for Wu Yurong nor Wu Yurong looking for Wu Chen, so what else could it be? Li Ruobing was silent for a while, and then continued to be silent. She thought about it, the breathing rhythm was a bit wrong, and it seemed that there was no other option. There was only one option left that the two of them did not separate from yesterday afternoon to this morning. If so, then …

To be honest, Li Ruobing was a little confused.

It's like... it doesn't seem like it should be directly like this, right? Not to mention whether Wu Yurong is threatened or lured, Wu Yurong is not a little girl, she is famous for her viciousness and cleanliness! And whether she was threatened or seduced by interests, she didn't make sense... Ah!

She is Wu Yurong!

"Where are you?" Li Ruobing was also afraid of misunderstanding and asked again.

"My home." Wu Yurong replied.

"Ms. Wu let Wu Chen stay overnight?" Li Ruobing asked again.

"Yes." Wu Yurong said another word.

It may also be just staying overnight. Although Wu Yurong never lets men stay at home, Wu Chen is so much younger than her and is her daughter's university senior... Li Ruobing wanted to think in this direction, but Li Ruobing remembered Wu Chen's style. , she felt that Wu Yurong's current attitude was very strange.

Even though she was listening to herself, she didn't take the initiative to say it, and she didn't explain it at all. She was not afraid of her misunderstanding. She clearly knew who Wu Chen's boyfriend was! If it was really okay, Wu Yurong would never be like this!

Thinking of taking a deep breath, Li Ruobing asked in a cold tone, "Ms. Wu and Wu Chen slept?"

"Yeah." Wu Yurong responded with a nasal voice and admitted it without hesitation!

Still didn't say much.

In fact, she didn't say much because her daughter was in the living room. If Song Xuan wasn't there, Wu Yurong would tell Li Ruobing in more detail! She had already thought about it just now, and she would not hide it from Li Ruobing. Since Li Ruobing didn't care if her man had other women, she simply let her know directly! After that, even if there is any conflict, or the relationship deteriorates... She Wu Yurong is not afraid of her Li Ruobing!

Li Ruobing was silent again.

In her heart, it was as if the sky was shattered and the earth was broken, and she once again reshaped her cognition of Wu Chen! Wu Chen, is that so magical? He... kills? !

Actually, it doesn't matter anymore. At this stage, the more awesome Wu Chen is, the happier Li Ruobing is.

The problem is, the woman Wu Chen attacked this time turned out to be Wu Yurong!

He actually won Wu Yurong, who theoretically could not be won by any man in one day!

Even Su Qingying couldn't bring a strong sense of threat to Li Ruobing, but Wu Yurong... brought her! Especially Wu Yurong's current attitude, although she is still gentle and sweet, she doesn't say much, as if she doesn't want to say more! Too lazy to say more! This made Li Ruobing's heart ablaze.

Can't figure out who Wu Chen's girlfriend is? !

She clearly knew that Wu Chen had a girlfriend and still slept with Wu Chen! How dare you take this attitude when you are a junior? !

"Ms. Wu, I think it is necessary for us to talk." Li Ruobing said bluntly.

"Come on, Nancheng." Wu Yurong said.

"Dududu..." Li Ruobing hung up after listening.

While Wu Yurong was answering the phone, Song Xuan was not idle. She continued to tidy up the sofa and make some simple work. From time to time, she turned her head to look at her mother, seeing that her mother was on the phone, and only then would she reply. This is what people who know well would do.

She was already guessing that "uncle" was definitely a wealthy businessman she knew before. Maybe it was the kind that she knew very well. She must be very familiar with her mother, otherwise her mother would not have said that to the person who called her uncle. For a long time, they should be very acquainted with each other.

Wu Yurong finally put down the phone, turned around and smiled sweetly at her daughter, "Xuanxuan, there will be guests in a while..."

"Then I'll go." Song Xuan said immediately, she didn't like occasions where it was all "elders", she was very restrained, and the topics she talked about were not of her interest, "Mom, please clean up and ask the part-time worker to help you, I went…"

Song Xuan said she would leave.

Wu Yurong knew her daughter very well and was not surprised by her daughter's reaction at all. Seeing her hurried down the stairs in the past, she also warned her, "Drive slowly."

"I know." Song Xuan, who went downstairs, replied.


Click! The bathroom door opened.

"Is Ruobing's phone number?" Wu Chen asked with a smile when he came out. He was listening to the movement outside, knowing that Song Xuan had left, and that Wu Yurong had answered her call. Judging from Wu Yurong's answer, it was only Li Ruobing's phone number. Will let Wu Yurong deal with so many noises.

"Yes, she should be here soon." Wu Yurong smiled softly at Wu Chen, and the smile contained a lot of information.

Wu Chen smiled and said nothing.

He could tell that Wu Yurong's state of mind at the moment, she did not intend to fight with Li Ruobing after a showdown, but... not afraid!

"I feel very uncomfortable, let's take a shower." Wu Yurong walked into Wu Chen again.

More than forty minutes later.

The door of the villa opened, and the female bodyguard Chu Yan led Li Ruobing, who was wearing red high-heeled shoes expressionlessly, into the door.

She is coming.

Chapter 0191 Kneel down and apologize to me!

Da da da!

The sound of high heels stepping on the floor was very clear. Li Ruobing was as black and straight as always, with a little makeup, but her mouth was bright red, which was as eye-catching as the red high heels on her feet.

She walked into the living room and glanced at it, but she didn't see Wu Chen and Wu Yurong. Neither of them were in the living room on the first floor. After finishing the living room, she didn't see any special traces.

"Miss Li, wait a moment, our boss will come downstairs soon." Chu Yan asked Li Ruobing to sit on the sofa, her face was strange when she spoke, and she was cautious and cautious.

Of course she knew who Li Ruobing was!

I also know that Wu Chen is Li Ruobing's boyfriend!

I also know that my boss, Wu Yurong, slept with Wu Chen yesterday. Besides, before Li Ruobing came, Wu Yurong not only called Chu Yan to greet him, but also instructed Chu Yan to do something special, which made Chu Yan feel that today Something might happen!

Li Ruobing, who was wearing a lady's suit, sat on the sofa, then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

It'll be over soon.

"Where's the person?" Li Ruobing asked, listened again, and hung up.

Chu Yan didn't spend much time in the living room. When Li Ruobing was on the phone, she hurried out.

A minute later.

Wu Chen, who was clean and tidy and had some scent of shower gel on his body, went downstairs and walked into the living room. Li Ruobing turned his head and glanced at her with an expressionless face. His eyes moved with Wu Chen's movements until Wu Chen walked to the sofa. Sitting down beside him, he turned his head and smiled at her.

The two were very close, face to face, looking at each other.

"My dear Mr. Wu, you really always bring me surprises." Li Ruobing said coldly and quietly in a precise tone.

"Thank you." Wu Chen smiled, pretending that Li Ruobing was complimenting himself.

"Did you have fun?" Li Ruobing asked again.

"Of course." Wu Chen smiled.

"You really...kill! Wu Yurong's daughter is almost the same age as you, you really..." Li Ruobing's tone was obviously getting more and more wrong, she was angry, not because Wu Chen had other women who were angry, but this woman It was Wu Yurong, and Wu Yurong still had that kind of attitude, she was angry!

"Look at the face." Wu Chen replied with a smile, very calmly, this kind of thing must be seen in the face!

Li Ruobing stopped talking, she turned her head and stared straight at Wu Chen for a while.

"Are you jealous?" Wu Chen asked with a soft smile.

Li Ruobing didn't answer Wu Chen's question. "You can't be jealous" was because she lost a bet to Wu Chen. She also knew that Wu Chen was teasing herself again... In fact, she didn't acquiesce, she was just angry!

"I know you're amazing, my dear Mr. Wu!" Li Ruobing spoke after being silent, then she got closer to Wu Chen, lowered her voice and bit her teeth: "But if you don't get angry for a day, can I die? You can't let me Point? What good is it for you to be mad at me?"

With Li Ruobing's character, if she can say such a thing, it shows that she really cares.

Moreover, in her own way, she "complied" with Wu Chen.

You can simply translate her words and sum it up in two words—coax me!

While saying this to Wu Chen, Li Ruobing stretched out her hand towards Wu Chen's waist... She pinched him again! Pinch Wu Chen, the behavior of a very small woman!

The face of Wu Chen who was pinched did not change at all, he turned his head and stared into Li Ruobing's eyes, keeping a smile, the smile on his face became more, and then he said, "I love you."

At this moment, Wu Chen... If he is someone who doesn't know Wu Chen or what Wu Chen has done, he will definitely see Wu Chen as a little white-faced scumbag who cheats on countless rhetoric and especially coaxes girls! It's the kind of super scumbag who says he loves you calmly when he is caught by his girlfriend for cheating, and when his girlfriend calls you over!

Very similar, yes!

However, Li Ruobing knows Wu Chen, she knows Wu Chen's ability, and she also understands Wu Chen's character, she knows that Wu Chen is not the kind of man who relies on coaxing to get girls, he will not be " Licking the dog", he will only make the girl obedient and worried about losing him, for example, the almost perfect strong woman Su Qingying, in front of Wu Chen, she looks like another person.

Wu Chen, who is good at playing with people's hearts, will never be "humble".

So the words "I love you" came out of Wu Chen's mouth, and Li Ruobing began to subconsciously feel that Wu Chen was coaxing herself, and she was really happy, even if she knew that Wu Chen was good at routines, it might be a routine, but She still couldn't help being happy... After thinking about it, she felt something was wrong.

It's very abrupt! It's like a confession all of a sudden! It is completely against Wu Chen's character.


Li Ruobing's thoughts were very fast. After she was stunned for a while, she looked at Wu Chen and asked, "Who else did you take the initiative to tell me?" She wanted to confirm her thoughts!

"No." Wu Chen laughed, asking actively and passively are two different things. This is really the three words he actively said to a woman after his new life began.

Li Ruobing suddenly turned her head to the side, she wanted to laugh very much, the kind she couldn't restrain, either with other emotions, or simply wanting to laugh with happy emotions.

She understood Wu Chen's meaning completely. She was afraid of misunderstanding. She asked one more question to confirm it. Now she has finally confirmed it completely. That's what Wu Chen means—she is Wu Chen's most important woman! She is "Zheng Gong"!

Other women, no matter who they are, no matter what their status or status, no matter how they are with Wu Chen, they are all small!

Li Ruobing couldn't believe that she would be so happy because of such a thing! What is there to be happy about? This is something that ordinary women can't accept, how can I accept it? still happy?

Even if Li Ruobing knew that she was feeling this kind of emotion at this time, she was a bit "cheap"! But she is, really uncontrollable!

Li Ruobing, who only succumbed to the strong, suddenly became extremely happy.

Turning her head to the side, Li Ruobing pursed her lips and controlled her emotions. When she turned to look at Wu Chen again, she didn't let herself smile, but her face was no longer cold.

Looking at Wu Chen for a while, Li Ruobing said with serious eyes, "I love you too."

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