In his own home, he naturally knew the password for the back door of the basement.

Walking back through the parking space, Song Xuan entered the password and entered the basement of the villa through the back door. After passing through the corridor, she went up the stairs again, and soon reached the first floor.

Song Xuan just walked up the stairs, and was about to turn around and continue to the second floor, but suddenly stopped, she blinked at the living room with big eyes, glanced around, not only her eyes were wrong, but her whole body was wrong!

Why is the living room so messy?

Why was the pillow thrown on the TV cabinet? There's another one on the ground on the other side!

How did the wine cabinet door open? The red wine inside was knocked over, and they didn't get up.

Why did half a bottle of red wine roll to the wall? The wine was all spilled, and the floor was dirty. It looked like it had been a while, and the floor was soaked like this, and I don't know if it could be wiped out.

What about the half-person-high decorative cabinet? The photo frame and decorative bonsai above were all pushed to the ground, and the bonsai was broken. It looked like, who pushed everything down at once, to make the cabinet empty, what to do with it? Who wants to lie down on it?

What is hanging on the lamp? Men's ties?

What is hanging on the TV? A woman's inner self? Song Xuan knew that it was her mother's favorite piece, with a black slender strap.

What is that under the big bonsai flowerpot next to the TV cabinet? It's like...mother's high heels.

Why was the cheongsam thrown on the carpet?

Next to him is the man's suit pants?

Why is the decorative picture frame on the wall crooked? Who is leaning against the wall?

The more Song Xuan looked at it, the more wrong she became. She suspected that the family had recruited thieves. She even speculated that her mother had suffered some kind of accident. It was impossible for her to do it on her own initiative. Her mother was always clean and tidy, and she would not make such a mess in the house.

Very confused.

Song Xuan couldn't help shouting, "Ah? Mom? Where are you, Mom?"

She can't see anyone, she's looking for someone!

I am not afraid of losing things, but I am worried that my mother will have an accident.

While shouting, she took two steps forward, and shouted again: "Mom are you at home? Mom?!" While shouting, she glanced at the top of the stairs, paying attention to whether there was any movement upstairs, because she couldn't see it. When she arrives, she is very impatient!

on the sofa.

Wrapped in a blanket, Wu Chen and Wu Yurong woke up at the same time.

"Mom? Mom? Mom, don't scare me? Are you at home?" Song Xuan shouted as she walked towards the sofa.

Wu Yurong woke up a bit, and she was shocked. What time is it? Why did my daughter come back suddenly?

The reason why Song Xuan couldn't see her... was because the view from the stairs was behind the sofa. That is to say, Song Xuan could see the living room, but couldn't see the situation on the sofa. The backrest of the couch gave her the view. blocked.

This sofa is so large and luxurious that it completely blocks the view.

In other words, Song Xuan could only see the mess in the living room, but couldn't see anyone! Totally invisible!

Wu Chen put his arms around the weak and boneless Wu Yurong, and lay down on the sofa with a blanket in his arms. He was completely blocked by the backrest of the sofa.

Song Xuan can't see anything! It just feels like the house is messy, and it sounds like a thief!

He and Wu Yurong both heard it after they were awakened, and looked at each other again.

Wu Chen's expression was very delicate. This was an "accident" for him. If he was discovered by Song Xuan today, his strategy towards Song Xuan would have to be drastically changed. But it's not a big problem. If necessary, he can reset the time to seven o'clock in the morning today.

Don't panic!

Wu Chen was not panicking, but Wu Yurong was really panicking, and it was written on her face.

Actually, it's not a big problem, because Wu Yurong has been divorced for more than ten years and has been single. It is normal for her to have a boyfriend again, or even remarry. Even if she remarries, Wu Yurong believes that her daughter will bless her.

Although it was embarrassing to be bumped by her daughter, she was not afraid of being known by women that she had a man! It is very normal for a divorced woman to remarry these days!

So these are not problems!

What really made Wu Yurong panic is... this man is Wu Chen!

It's my daughter's university senior! A young man who is only two years older than his daughter! If the daughter finds out about this, how will the daughter see herself? Who have you become? How will you face your daughter in the future? Don't you have to eat tender grass, it's too ruined!

"Mom? Don't scare me..." Song Xuan still couldn't see anyone at all.

It really feels like something has happened!

Because the living room is so huge, she is still a long way from the sofa. She shouted and took out her mobile phone. She was a little anxious and wanted to call her mother's bodyguard.

Wu Yurong sat up all of a sudden and greeted her daughter Song Xuan, "I'm here... Xuan Xuan is back, why didn't you make a phone call first..." In such a situation, Wu Yurong felt a little embarrassed when she said this.

I was really nervous. I was very worried that my daughter came over to see it and didn't know what to say.

Song Xuan suddenly stopped, and her whole body was stunned.

Because of Wu Yurong's appearance... The back of the sofa can cover the person lying down, but if she sits up, Song Xuan can see what Wu Yurong is saying. Take it up, and there are several places on Wu Yurong's collarbone on both sides, with red and purple marks.

Although Song Xuan has never been in a relationship, she is a college student and of course understands what "growing strawberries" is.

On one shoulder of Wu Yurong, there were traces of what could be called "scratch marks". In addition... Wu Yurong's loose hair, and her natural look that was different from before, obviously gave people a kind of feeling that she was "moisturized". "The feeling of passing!

what's the situation? !

"Mom! You—" Song Xuan was really stunned. She was brought up by her mother. For 20 years, she knew her mother too well! She knew how her mother was a clean woman. Wu Yurong's appearance today was something she had never seen before.

She could already guess what her mother had done.

how can that be? !

"Mom...why don't you wear're still sleeping in the living room, you..." Song Xuan said with an unnatural look on her face, and she blushed a little. It wasn't because Wu Yurong didn't wear clothes that she blushed. The mother and daughter often bathed together. , she blushed at the thought of what might have happened.

While saying that Song Xuan was still walking towards the sofa, she wanted to "take care" of her mother.

"Don't come here." Wu Yurong called out in a hurry.

Song Xuan's footsteps subconsciously slowed down, and she was a little stunned, because her mother never called her. Wu Yurong can speak softly to anyone, let alone her own daughter.

at this time.

"Cough!" A man's light cough sounded from behind the sofa.

Chapter 0189 is very embarrassing

Wu Yurong was also frightened. She never expected that Wu Chen would suddenly cough, and it sounded... intentional.

Wu Yurong reacted, and immediately understood Wu Chen's thoughts.

Although Wu Chen has no special relationship with Song Xuan, he is only a senior at the university, and Wu Chen has graduated... But being seen is not good after all. Wu Chen just wanted to prevent Song Xuan from seeing him.

Song Xuan really stopped completely, her face was very wrong, and she was very embarrassed.

"" Song Xuan stammered, then paused before saying, "Uncle is here..."

Song Xuan couldn't see anyone, but only heard a cough.

She understood that there was someone behind the sofa.

Song Xuan knows that some wealthy bosses are pursuing her mother, and Song Xuan not only does not oppose her mother's love and remarriage, she even hopes that her mother can have a good home.

Wu Yurong educated her very well, Song Xuan also passed the rebellious period, she only hoped that her mother could live a better life.

She knew that her mother, Wu Yurong, who seemed to be infinitely beautiful over the years, actually lived a very tiring life. She would often sit alone in an empty living room in the middle of the night, turn off the lights, and drink alone in front of glowing TV shows.

"Well...Xuanxuan, go upstairs first..." Wu Yurong also calmed down a bit, and gave her daughter a wink.

"Ah! Yes! Ah! I'm going upstairs." Song Xuan reacted immediately. They were both embarrassed when they bumped into her mother. She should have avoided it. "I just came back to get something, I'll go up first..."

Song Xuan turned around and walked towards the stairs as she spoke, her footsteps getting faster and faster, and when she went up the stairs, she trotted.

Going up the second floor, and walking a little further into the corridor, Song Xuan suddenly stopped.

Her heart was beating so fast.

She pursed her lips, her face still red.

Mother actually has a man...

Song Xuan believes that her mother is serious!

Song Xuan believed that her mother was not a random woman, because she had never messed with her before.

A man who can be admired by his mother must be a very loyal man, right?

Song Xuan stopped in the corridor on the second floor for a short while, and then hurried back to her bedroom after thinking about it.

In the living room on the first floor, on the sofa.

"It scared me to death, scared me to death, why did this girl come back without saying hello..." Wu Yurong was already lying on Wu Chen's heart, muttering in a low voice, she really had her heart in her throat just now.

"So afraid that your daughter will know?" Wu Chen asked softly with a smile and a glance.

"You said..." Wu Yurong looked up at Wu Chen, as if she wanted to blame Wu Chen, but after meeting Wu Chen's eyes, she remembered everything that happened yesterday, from the afternoon to the evening, to the middle of the night... ...everything is moving too fast.

Wu Yurong's complexion changed slightly, she bit the corner of her mouth lightly, an uncontrollable smile slowly appeared on her face, and a spring water-like aura appeared between her brows.

"Did you want to be with me from the moment you saw me..." Wu Yurong asked.

"Yeah." Wu Chen smiled and asked softly, "Don't you like it?"

Wu Yurong pursed her lips, and said in a soft and sweet voice, "I like it." After she finished speaking, she placed her head on the corner of Wu Chen's mouth and kissed her.

"If you don't get up again, your daughter will come down." Wu Chen reminded with a smile.

Wu Yurong got up, turned her head and glanced at the stairs again, and then started looking for her clothes in the living room.

There were only a few pieces in total, but they were scattered in different places, but Wu Yurong also picked up Wu Chen's clothes by the way. Some were thrown directly on the sofa, and some were taken, such as Wu Chen's shoes.

"Get up." Wu Yurong also urged Wu Chen in a low voice, not in a hurry, but in a soft, soft and sweet voice.

Wu Chen sat up.

also began to wear.

Wu Yurong dressed first, and then quickly took care of the messy living room, picking up everything that fell on the ground. In fact, she didn't have to do it herself, someone would come to take care of it after a phone call.

But Wu Yurong couldn't wait, her daughter Song Xuan would come down soon.

She was afraid that her daughter would look at the living room too messy and think about what happened last night, so that both of them would be embarrassed and unnatural.

After a few minutes.

There were heavy footsteps on the stairs. It was Song Xuan who was going downstairs with some good things. She deliberately stepped heavily to remind her, but she didn't want to be embarrassed by bumping into something she shouldn't have seen.

Wu Chen was almost wearing his clothes. Hearing the movement, he turned his head to look, very calm.

Wu Yurong suddenly became anxious and gave Wu Chen a wink.

Wu Chen calmly got up and walked to the bathroom in the living room. Just as Song Xuan went down the stairs and turned to look at the living room, Wu Chen had already entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her back.

Song Xuan didn't even see Wu Chen's back, she only knew that someone entered the bathroom, and her mother Wu Yurong was in the living room, so the person who entered the bathroom must be "Uncle".

Wu Yurong immediately looked away from her daughter, pretending to be cleaning and tidying up, and said in a relaxed and sweet tone, "Xuanxuan has it ready? Are you going to Xiaoye's place?" Xiaoye was referring to a good friend of Song Xuan's. .

Seemingly asking casually, she was actually driving her daughter away.

"Yeah..." Song Xuan replied, but she didn't mean to go down, but walked towards Wu Yurong.

Wu Yurong walked towards the sofa with the throw pillow, to set it up.

Song Xuan walked over to her mother and helped her organize them together. She straightened the pillows on the sofa. While she was busy, she glanced at her mother, her expression was a little shy, but her big eyes were shining brightly. He seemed to be curious.

"Don't help me, I asked my aunt to come over, and I'll come over in a while, just to get it done first... You go to help you." Wu Yurong glanced at her daughter, and said in a normal and soft tone.

"Yeah." Song Xuan replied obediently, but before she left, she took two steps closer to her mother and asked in a low voice, "Mom, uncle... Who is it? Have I seen it before?" , and glanced towards the bathroom.

"Why are you asking this?" Wu Yurong glanced at her daughter.

"Let's get to know each other, we have to get to know each other." Song Xuan replied in a low voice.

"There will be a chance in the future... don't you feel embarrassed today?" Wu Yurong said gently.

"It's a bit..." Song Xuan said that the little girl smiled at her mother, pursed her lips again, and asked in a low voice next to her mother, "Mom, just tell me who my uncle is... I'll leave."

"You girl, do you care so much?"

"Mom, just say it, say it."

The relationship between the two was really good, and Song Xuan even took her mother's hand and acted like a spoiled child.

Wu Yurong appeared to be fine, but in fact she was getting more and more panicked. What would she do if this daughter didn't leave?

She could only pretend to be mysterious, as if she wanted to betray her daughter.

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