"I know." Wu Chen smiled.

"You..." Li Ruobing thought, and asked Wu Chen again, with a slight smile on his face, "Aren't you afraid that Su Qingying would know? Or, this one today? If...they have opinions and make trouble with you, what should you do?"

"I know... I'm fine, I won't make trouble." Wu Chen finished with a smile.

Li Ruobing didn't know what she was thinking, and her expression became strange. She didn't argue with Wu Chen, but asked again, "Why hasn't she come down yet? Upstairs?"

"As for the makeup, we took a shower before." Wu Chen said.

"Just taking a shower?" Li Ruobing glanced.

"Otherwise?" Wu Chen grinned, then stood up, gathered up his suit and said, "Okay, she'll come down in a while, I'll go first, you can talk alone."

"Why are you going?" Li Ruobing asked.

"Go home and sleep." Wu Chen said.

Said to leave, Wu Chen really left! It doesn't matter how the two women talk, whether they listen or not, Wu Chen doesn't worry about what will happen out of control. He didn't rest well yesterday, and he really wants to go home and sleep.

A full ten minutes passed after Wu Chen left.

Wu Yurong went downstairs. She was wearing a silk nightdress with delicate makeup and long flowing hair. She looked lazy, elegant and beautiful.

"Miss Li has been waiting for a long time." Wu Yurong walked into the living room, her voice soft and sweet as always.

Sitting on the sofa, Li Ruobing was expressionless. After being silent for a while, she said directly: "Ms. Wu, everyone is busy, and I don't want to spend too much time here. I think we can skip unnecessary quarrels. Be direct."

"Miss Li...what do you mean?" Wu Yurong really didn't understand what Li Ruobing was doing.

"Kneel down and apologize to me." Li Ruobing said seriously.

0192 Kneeling is impossible

What Li Ruobing said was very straightforward, and Wu Yurong was stunned. If someone else told her that, she might have smiled more, because it was so funny, but Li Ruobing... Whether she is serious is not important, it is important She is Li Ruobing!

Since Li Ruobing said this, he has already thought about any possible consequences!

Wu Yurong still had a smile on her face. She pursed her lips and glanced at the living room casually. She knew that Wu Chen would leave first, because when the two of them were taking a shower, Wu Chen told her that they would talk to each other alone. , he's going home to sleep.

This is also in line with Wu Yurong's intention.

Because she was very worried, if three people were present at the same time and she had a conflict with Li Ruobing, Wu Chen might not turn towards her, but most likely she would turn towards Li Ruobing, then... she would be very uncomfortable, she was not afraid of robbing Li Ruobing for a man , this man is especially worth grabbing!

But if this man doesn't speak to her and is biased towards helping Li Ruobing, it will be difficult for her Wu Yurong to be in front of Li Ruobing in the future!

So it's best to talk alone!

Two women can completely showdown and say!

However, Wu Yurong never expected that Li Ruobing, with a strong and domineering personality, would be so straightforward!

"Miss Li... I don't understand, why should I apologize to you?" Wu Yurong smiled softly and said, walking to the side of the sofa chair and sitting down, she seemed to casually pull on the strap of her nightdress. like tidying up.

Of course Li Ruobing could see the red-purple marks near Wu Yurong's collarbone.

"When you sleep with my man, you always have to say hello to me first, right?" Li Ruobing looked at Wu Yurong and said, this was one of the reasons why she became more and more angry. Wu Yurong knew it clearly, so come back!

If she was the kind of woman who would be easily confused, that's all because she couldn't handle Wu Chen, and it wasn't her fault.

But Wu Yurong is not that kind of woman, but the opposite.

She must have thought about the consequences! And feel ok! I didn't even intend to hide the meaning of tucking, the mind is very obvious!

"Say hello...is it necessary?" Wu Yurong smiled at Li Ruobing, "Mr. Wu and I don't think about the future either. If Mr. Wu gets married in the future, the marriage partner will obviously not be me, and I will not remarry. We It's just that enjoying life will not hinder the future of you and Mr. Wu, Miss Li."

Although Wu Yurong was not afraid of Li Ruobing, she also did not want to make unnecessary misunderstandings, so she made it clear.

"The woman who is willing to be with Wu Chen, you are not the first, nor will you be the last, there is no difference between you." The meaning of Li Ruobing's words can be described as "ugly", "Ms. Wu, you should also understand, I Why do I need your apology!"

Wu Yurong knew that Li Ruobing didn't care that Wu Chen had other women.

But Li Ruobing wanted her to apologize.

Wu Yurong could imagine Li Ruobing's mentality at this moment! She knew that what Li Ruobing wanted was her own attitude! Make a statement!

"Miss Li, I didn't expect you to feel unconfident at times." Wu Yurong smiled softly.

She and Li Ruobing looked at each other.

Li Ruobing, who was expressionless, paused for a while, and then suddenly smiled, as if she found it funny and smiled confidently.

"Ms. Wu, why do you think I'm not confident?" Li Ruobing asked with a smile, with the corners of her mouth upturned.

"You feel pressure, right? Even Su Qingying didn't put pressure on you, but you are... not confident with me?" Wu Yurong said, smiling more than Li Ruobing, she had a good grasp of Li Ruobing's mentality.

"Yes, there was! Because I once regarded you as a senior, and I think you are someone who is worthy of my study." Li Ruobing admitted it directly, but said with a smile: "But, now I understand. , you, Ms. Wu Yurong, no matter how much you hated men or how unfeeling you were towards men, you will still be tempted by a man after all! And, in just one day! Last night...you were very active, right Ms. Wu ?"

Wu Yurong blinked and understood what Li Ruobing meant.

"You think I'm not as unique as you think, so you are confident?" Wu Yurong asked with a smile.

"Not only that." Li Ruobing replied with only four words.

She didn't tell Wu Yurong what Wu Chen told her just now.

"Looks like..." Wu Yurong still wanted to say something.

At this moment, the door of the villa suddenly opened, and the female bodyguard Chu Yan walked in. She hurried in, holding a bottle of water in her left hand and a small black bag in her right hand. She hurried to the coffee table and put the bag with The water was handed to Wu Yurong, and at the same time, he said, "Boss, you want it."

"Well, let's go." Wu Yurong took it and said softly.

Chu Yan hurried away, leaving the villa and closing the door.

In front of Li Ruobing, Wu Yurong took out a box of medicines. It was Jin Yuting. She opened the medicine box and took it out. Bottle of water, unscrew.

Take medicine!

Wu Yurong had instructed Chu Yan to buy medicine yesterday. In fact, she had already bought it. Now that she has come here, Wu Yurong specially ordered it to deliver the medicine while she was talking with Li Ruobing!

Li Ruobing also felt it. She didn't know if the medicine delivery was specially arranged, but Wu Yurong took medicine directly in front of her, it was definitely intentional!

Li Ruobing knew that Wu Yurong was "demonstrating", and she wanted to make herself understand what she did with Wu Chen yesterday.

"Listen to Mr. Wu, Miss Li hasn't lived with Mr. Wu, right?" Wu Yurong raised her head and smiled sweetly at Li Ruobing after taking the medicine.

It's a demonstration!

"That's right!" Li Ruobing seemed to have thought of something, and the smile on his face became even wider, "Wu Chen is a man that no one can guess! He is amazing. I told me before that he became Su Qingying's man in one day. I don't believe it! But he did it! Su Qingying is very willing to be his little woman! And he does the same to Ms. Wu and you! I even believe now that Wu Chen, he has the ability to get whatever he wants in one day A woman, as long as he wants, he can get it!"

Li Ruobing paused as she spoke, and finally said seriously, "Including me!"

"Then why haven't you..." Just as Wu Yurong was about to follow the words to ask Li Ruobing, she stopped abruptly before she finished speaking! The smile on her face suddenly decreased a lot, and she suddenly understood what Li Ruobing meant.

Wu Chen has done so much for Li Ruobing, even planning to destroy the Ding family, but he is not in a hurry to completely occupy Li Ruobing!

It's not that he can't, but he doesn't want to, that is to say, he probably wants to win Li Ruobing's heart first!

He only had this kind of patience with Li Ruobing.

Because of more love?

"Ms. Wu." Li Ruobing saw Wu Yurong's smile disappearing, but she stopped smiling, and said blankly, "I'll give you one more chance, kneel down and apologize to me!"

"Miss Li, why are you so aggressive?" Wu Yurong smiled lightly.

"Am I wrong?" Li Ruobing raised an eyebrow and asked back.

Wu Yurong was speechless.

She thought for a while, took a deep breath and stood up, Li Ruobing looked at her, she walked in front of Li Ruobing, her body suddenly fell short, Li Ruobing's eyes widened instantly, and the whole person was a little dazed.

Because Wu Yurong didn't kneel down.

Chapter 0193 Wu Chen! Can you find something normal when looking for women in the future?

Wu Yurong kissed Li Ruobing on the forehead!

too suddenly!

Li Ruobing thought that Wu Yurong was going to come over to kneel down and apologize, but she became soft, and she was really short after she came over, so Li Ruobing was kissed by Wu Yurong without any precautions in advance. If it was someone else, Li Ruobing would not be like this. She didn't react. Li Ruobing has practiced, and her reaction speed is faster than ordinary people.

Because it is Wu Yurong, Li Ruobing can be sure that Wu Yurong came very close, and it is impossible to directly endanger herself, and it is impossible to take advantage of her unpreparedness, and she never thought that the two would have any physical contact!

So she didn't even have any reaction to hide, so she was kissed.

He kissed his forehead and stopped for about two seconds.

There are many concepts for a woman to kiss a woman. It is different from men and women. Between women, a good best friend can eat, live, bathe and sleep together. Kissing is normal.

There are even some female stars. The two female stars are good girlfriends. When they take photos in public, they can show their girlfriends affection and kiss each other...

So, a woman kissing another woman suddenly and unsuspectingly may have the intention of taking advantage, but it may not.

Wu Yurong is obviously not like this.

She and Li Ruobing have the same sexual orientation, they both like men!

So Li Ruobing didn't understand at all, what was Wu Yurong trying to express by kissing herself suddenly? She didn't have time to think about it at all. After being stunned for a while, she raised her hand and pushed Wu Yurong away, but Wu Yurong was at the right time. She calculated Li Ruobing's reaction. After two seconds, she stood up straight to the took a step back.

"Miss Li, I can understand your feelings, Mr. Wu likes kissing very much." Wu Yurong's face was gentle, and her tone was even sweeter, "Now he kisses me, I will give it back to you! I apologize to you! Are you satisfied?"

After Wu Yurong finished speaking, she kissed the palm of her hand and made a light gesture to Li Ruobing, blowing a kiss!

Li Ruobing's scalp is numb!

"That's right, Miss Li." Wu Yurong smiled sweetly and softly at Li Ruobing again, "It's a pity that you weren't here last night..."

Li Ruobing couldn't sit still! She understood what Wu Yurong meant!

Confused again!

She was frightened!

She knew that Wu Yurong was very wealthy, good at calculation, thoughtful in doing things, and never acted impulsive, but she never thought that Wu Yurong would be so brave!

Wu Yurong spoke softly with a face full of tenderness.

But Li Ruobing's whole body exploded!

She even had some doubts, is there something wrong with Wu Yurong?

"Did Miss Li feel the sincerity of my apology? Do you want me to..." Wu Yurong didn't say anything, but continued to express her expression with her face and eyes.

"Ms. Wu! Please respect yourself!" Li Ruobing abruptly stood up!

Wu Yurong looked at Li Ruobing with a soft smile.

"Ms. Wu, I really didn't expect...you really opened my eyes today!" Li Ruobing said again, and after she finished speaking, she turned around and walked directly to the gate. She left... She lost and continued to communicate with Wu Yurong Desire, and even want to get out of here quickly.

In fact, Wu Yurong has softened, and she apologized! It's just that I didn't kneel down, but used a special way!

And she didn't just apologize, she even wanted to go further...

Li Ruobing really can't stand it!

Wu Yurong looked at Li Ruobing who was leaving on high heels, and kept watching until Li Ruobing pushed the door out and the door closed again. Wu Yurong smiled and muttered in a low voice, "Little girl, you want me to kneel down..."

Wu Yurong apologized, but she didn't lose!

Instead, Li Ruobing forced him to leave!

Kneeling down to apologize, Wu Yurong felt that whether it is now or in the future, based on her current situation, she would probably only kneel down to apologize to Wu Chen, and even beg Wu Chen for mercy, but that may not be true It's an apology, but it's going to be a little bit of a fun game in the middle of the night...

No matter what, it is impossible for her to kneel down for Li Ruobing!

She is fifteen years older than Li Ruobing! She couldn't bow her head to Li Ruobing in such a humiliating way!

It's okay to apologize. After all, theoretically speaking, you are wrong, but an apology is an apology, and it is absolutely impossible to kneel down!

She knew very well that if she knelt today, she would have no chance to turn over in the future. If nothing else, she and Li Ruobing wanted to make an appointment with Wu Chen in the future, but the time came to crash, then if she knelt today , I have to make concessions in the future, and I can't fight with Li Ruobing!

Wu Yurong will not allow herself to suffer this kind of grievance!

It is also impossible to make concessions to Li Ruobing in the future!

But...she can't fight directly with Li Ruobing, this is not the best solution! She really sacrificed herself for Wu Chen. She gave Wu Chen the body she had kept for so many years. She really liked all aspects of Wu Chen, and she knew that if her relationship with Li Ruobing directly deteriorated, then Wu Chen's attitude ...It's probably not good for her!

After paying so much, Wu Yurong would never let that happen.

So she thought of this method.

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