I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 203 Continuous beheading, sacrifice of fairy fire

Ning Yao let out a miserable wail. After breaking through the fairy fire realm, he did not expect that he would suffer the pain of being burned by fairy fire again.

The power of the fairy fire burning in Li Hao's body far exceeded that of the fairy fire he ignited when he broke through.

Logically speaking, even if he is shrouded in fairy fire again, he should not feel pain with his current level of strength.

The physical injury can still be endured, but the pain of the soul being burned is not something that ordinary people can bear.

But Li Hao was surprised to find that the fairy fire in his body was burning with more intensity.

My body, which had already completely adapted, now felt the tingling sensation again.

"Is this using Ning Yao's body as fuel?" Li Hao thought carefully and was a little unsure in the end.

It doesn't seem to be the case, it's more accurate to say that it's like a combustion accelerant, releasing the fairy fire that originally took longer to burn with greater intensity.

Its intensity increased again, and Li Hao was not even sure if his body could withstand it if he faced this level of fairy fire from the beginning.

But for him now, it's not a big problem.

The fairy fire burned Ning Yao's body, burning even more vigorously. His soul was twisted and his voice trembled: "You will die in Southern Xinjiang, in the hands of Xuntian."

"You don't know what you did, you died in confusion!"


He never expected that he would meet death here. It was too sudden and difficult to face. In the face of death, he felt a little crazy.

"It's just the Conferred God Platform." Both of them were shrouded in fairy fire at the same time, and Li Hao's voice could only be heard by Ning Yao, who was close at hand.

Suddenly, Ning Yao fell silent. He was speechless, and his last pride was shattered by Li Hao.

"You actually know about the Conferred God Platform? Who are you?"

It was only then that he discovered that the other party was always shrouded in a layer of fog. Xuntian thought he had found out the other party very clearly and made various predictions and judgments.

But in fact, this person is still hidden in layers of thick fog, and no one can see him.

He intended to yell and try his best to cause the last bit of trouble to the other party before death, but unfortunately he could no longer do it and could only be reduced to ashes in the fairy fire.

"Lao Gui, did the immortal fire around Li Hao swallow up the opponent's body and soul?" Taoist Beiling had already arrived at Lao Gui's side dragging his seriously injured body.

Both of them discovered this problem, and Old Turtle frowned, "That's true, and it makes the fairy fire burn even more intensely."

"Is it possible that in the process of breaking through the fairy fire, something can be added to it to increase the intensity of the fairy fire?"

This is an unverifiable question. Every Immortal Fire Realm statue is extremely precious, and there is no one like Li Hao who runs around surrounded by Immortal Fire.

When making a breakthrough, they are always cautious and make various preparations for fear of something going wrong.

Not to mention fighting, even the slightest move could result in a total loss.

Ming'an didn't care about this issue. He only knew that he was most likely safe now. The overt combat power that Li Hao showed now was enough to crush Ning Yao.

Even if the remaining two immortal fire realm figures arrive, Li Hao will not be a problem.

The days when he was chased and intercepted before were not considered sad, but he was holding an evil fire in his heart. Once he was completely safe, he would definitely try his best to get revenge.

In the field, Li Hao raised his hand and took two bronze bell fragments in his hand.

In just a moment, the edges of the fragments had turned crimson and continued to spread towards the inside.

The two fragments disappeared in the blink of an eye. Then, he raised his head and looked towards the sky. His fiery golden eyes were glowing, and they also transformed in the process of being burned by the fairy fire.

He saw Ruoyouruowu's eyes, which should be from clairvoyance, and two figures. Their speed was very fast, and their aura was no less than that of Ning Yao.

It's Lu Liang and Xia He!

The two of them were very fast. They rushed over as soon as they noticed something was wrong here. During this period, they even noticed fluctuations in the battle, which added a bit of urgency to their hearts.

However, until this place fell into their field of vision, the battle fluctuations strangely disappeared.

"That is?"

The two people came from different directions. At first, they looked at the figure enveloped in flames and were a little confused.

But they soon realized that the aura of fairy fire was no stranger to them either.

Then, they took a breath of cold air, was that Li Hao?

Why did it become three heads and six arms?

They also had the same shock and confusion as Ning Yao.

There are actually people who can move around at will while breaking through the fairy fire!

But now was not the time to wonder about this. They suppressed the surprise in their hearts, quickly looked around, and finally focused on the sluggish Taoist Beiling.

Taoist Beiling was seriously injured and Ning Yao was nowhere to be seen. Could it be that he was dead?

Almost instantly, a guess formed in their hearts. Ning Yao discovered that Li Hao was breaking through the fairy fire, so he rushed over excitedly.

Who knew that when Li Hao broke through the Immortal Fire, he could act at will, catching him off guard.

There was also Beiling Taoist who was lying in ambush. The other party was a master of formations and might have set up some tyrannical formation. In the end, the two of them joined forces and killed Ning Yao at the cost of serious injuries to Beiling Taoist.

This is the best answer. After all, Ning Yao is in the Immortal Fire Realm and possesses immortal weapons.

If you want to kill him in a short time, this method seems to be the only one that is theoretically feasible.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Li Hao used some kind of trump card, but the serious injury of Taoist Beiling is a bit unreasonable.

"Those two are here too." Ming'an was not nervous at all, he even looked forward to watching Li Hao tear them apart.

Let out the resentment in your heart!

Only Taoist Beiling frowned and looked up at Gao Tian from time to time, vaguely feeling a sense of prying eyes coming from nowhere.

"Kill Ning Yao!" Xia He said in a deep voice with a cold expression.

"That's right." Li Hao looked at them, "He was talking about deals, cooperation and the like that I couldn't quite understand, so I killed him."

"You guys, want to say something else?"

"There is nothing to say to a stranger who is on the road." A kind of sadness and coldness appeared on Xia He's beautiful cheeks.

"We'd better not fight him to the death, wait...just wait until the giant spirit and the Emperor of Heaven arrive and pester him." Lu Liang's eyes were sharp, and he secretly communicated with Xia He, hoping that she would not be impulsive.

"You keep an eye on him, and I'll keep an eye on Taoist Beiling."

"I understand." She responded, looking down at Li Hao again: "You are already a turtle in a urn. You don't understand how much we have paid for you."

"A turtle in a urn?" Li Hao's three heads grinned at the same time, and the figure disappeared from the spot.

"Too much nonsense, I'm going to kill you."


Xia He's face was slightly condensed. She waved an arm and put it on her wrist. The bracelet-like weapon extended. She tightened the chain in her hand, broke Tianyu, and pulled it towards Li Hao.

Xia He's murderous intention was wrapped in it. The chains were bright and dazzling, and accompanied by the light of blood, he wanted to crush Li Hao immediately.


Li Hao's body tensed upright, one arm clenched a fist, and blasted out a beam of blazing lightning, which hit the silver chain.

The cold light and dazzling lightning exploded here at the same time, and the smoke rolled into the sky.

When it calmed down, the brilliance faded, and Xia He stood in the void, looking down, with fierce energy billowing on his beautiful cheeks.

However, Li Hao stood there, motionless, uninjured, and untouched.

The fairy fire all around is still surging.

"Something's wrong..." She sensed something was wrong. The opponent's strength was too strong. Even if he broke through to the Immortal Fire Realm, he shouldn't have such strength.

Xia He was just testing and had some reservations. After realizing this.

She flicked it, and the chain in her hand changed color. Each link shone with a dark golden luster. It was strong and hard, and was blessed with some kind of magical power.


Xia He's lightning shot came, and his whole body, faster than lightning, rushed toward Li Hao. The chain was thrown out, making a clattering sound, penetrating the void, and following him like a shadow.


At this moment, a terrible sound came. The chains shrank and piled together, like a sword. The world was collapsing. The chains were now indestructible!

This is the power she has accumulated in a short period of time. It can be called the strongest blow, killing the enemy in an instant!

Xia He's strength is vaguely much stronger than Ning Yao's, and this chain is even more strange, with many variations.

Around Li Hao, flames rose one after another, his eyes were piercing, as bright as stars, the same burning flames, and the three-headed and six-armed posture were full of violent beauty.

In addition, the surroundings around him were dimly reflected in a golden yellow. His arm waved the magic sword, and the black sword light was shocking, splitting the sky in half, the scene was horrifying!


When the two collided, the spiritual energy ripples exploded in an instant and spread continuously in all directions. Everything in the center was chaotic and could not be seen clearly.

Further away, Lu Liang had already opened his big bow, with no arrows on the string. The bow was full of the moon, and his arms were shaking, as if he was under great pressure.

He didn't want to take action, but something was wrong with Li Hao's strength. Xia He secretly asked for help and asked him to assist secretly.

Around it, the void twisted, and a peerless edge appeared vaguely.


Those sharp edges are manifested as golden feather arrows one after another, lying across the void, as thick as a spear, with a terrifying edge and overwhelming murderous intent!

I don't know how many thousands of golden feather arrows there are. Wherever the arrow points, the beam of light is terrifying and can pierce everything.

At this time, all the feather arrows were screaming softly, the metallic sound was deafening, and the killing energy was overwhelming. These golden feather arrows were all aimed at the central area.

"I don't believe it, you are really so defiant!" He gritted his teeth and let go of the arrow string.

Around it, tens of thousands of golden feather arrows trembled together, the sound was frightening, and turned into golden rainbows one after another, flying away.

The world was penetrated immediately, and the void exploded!


From the place in the center where the energy was boiling, a figure rushed out, and the golden arrows in the sky were already close at hand, shrouding him.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

Each root is like substance, and in the process of falling, it reflects the surrounding brilliance at the same time.

Li Hao moved forward against the rain of arrows. These arrow rain had the function of tracking, but they could not break through Li Hao's skin. Even if they landed on his pupils, they could not make him close his eyes.

The tinkling sound continued, and the arrow feathers shattered on the surface of his body and turned into light mist.

Looking at Li Hao who was constantly enlarging his field of vision, Lu Liang's pupils shrank and his mind was shaken. He subconsciously wanted to turn around and escape, but Li Hao was faster than him.


The two collided and shot into the ground, causing spiderweb-like ravines to spread in all directions.

Lu Liang only felt that his body was being imprisoned, and then fists as big as sandbags hit him one after another, like drums, which could be clearly heard throughout the world.

boom! boom! boom!


The sound of broken flesh and blood made Gui Lao and others who had already retreated far away feel their hearts tightening, as if they were immersed in a life-and-death battle.

When the blood rushed out, Li Hao stood proudly and unharmed, holding Lu Liang in his hand. The man's face was distorted, the pain was unbearable, and his body was a mess of flesh and blood.

"Ning Yao, wasn't...ambushed..." A dry voice came from his throat.

This person's overall strength is not even as good as Ning Yao. He can shoot arrows from a distance, but once he gets close, he has almost no ability to resist.

At this moment, Xia He rushed up. The frontal impact just now had a great impact on her, but it was far less than the scene that happened in front of her.

Lu Liang was captured, but only for a moment, Li Hao captured him. Even though Lu Liang was not good at getting close, he still had the strength, yet he was defeated so easily.

"Ning Yao didn't die in an ambush, he was killed by him." Only then did Xia He understand, and felt frightened.

When they first arrived, they looked at the seriously injured Beiling Taoist and Li Hao who was enveloped in fairy fire, and they subconsciously made inferences.

The reason why Ning Yao died was because he was ambushed by Li Hao and Taoist Beiling.

However, after this moment of fighting, she discovered that her initial guess was completely wrong.

Ning Yao was killed by Li Hao alone, and his strength exceeded expectations.

"No, he is too strong..." Xia He's face was uncertain, he thought to himself, and soon came up with an idea.


She couldn't defeat Li Hao at all, and she couldn't save Lu Liang. She could only wait for the giant spirits and the Emperor of Heaven to arrive before she could defeat this man.

Without hesitation, she turned her head and shot into the distance, turning into a stream of light.

"Want to run away?" Li Hao raised an eyebrow, "Now that we are here, no one can leave."

"Just try the power of this thing." In one of Li Hao's palms, he held a blue bead, flashing with dazzling arc light, as if there was a sea of ​​thunder boiling in it.

It was the Thunder Lingzhu. Originally, he had no extra materials to materialize it.

However, he just got a bronze bell, which can be used as a material for realization.

Nearly endless spiritual energy was poured into it, and a huge golden lightning formed a large crooked circle. The sea of ​​clouds gathered together and the thunder roared, echoing the Thunder Lingzhu.

At the same time, the Thunder Lingzhu rose into the sky and shined brightly.

While the sea of ​​clouds was lowering, the Thunder Spirit Pearl attracted the sea of ​​clouds, and five thunders struck the ground.

Between the sky and the earth, thunder and lightning whips dance wildly, and before they hit the ground, they will separate into countless scurrying electric snakes.


Accompanied by the whistling sound of wind and thunder, the Thunder Lingzhu escaped from Li Hao's hand, only to hear the roar of thunder, the sky and the earth were bright, and a streak of thunder splitting the heaven and earth fell in the distance.

"Hit." The corners of Li Hao's mouth raised slightly, and he headed towards the place where the thunder struck.

Soon, he arrived here and almost turned into a sea of ​​thunder. The Thunder Spirit Pearl hung in the sky. Xia He was trapped in it and could only keep dodging and throwing out the chains.

Not only do you have to avoid the lightning pillars that crash to the ground, but you also have to avoid the chaotic lightning that spreads like branches and leaves in an instant.

But with the strength of the other party, it is only a matter of time before they can get out of trouble.

But now, what she lacks most is time.

Xia He had already noticed Li Hao's arrival, and his expression changed drastically. In his confusion, he was hit by lightning several times and lost his sense of control.


The chain broke through the air, passed through the Thunder Prison, and struck directly towards Li Hao.

Li Hao reached out and directly grasped the end of the chain with one hand. The lightning escaped and crackling sounds continued to sound.

With a sudden pull, Xia He couldn't control himself with such huge force, and his body was pulled directly towards Li Hao.


Li Hao's figure rushed over and faced Xia He. The moment they collided, the opponent's body exploded and turned into silver light.

The blazing golden eyes in Li Hao's three heads flashed at the same time and kept moving. One of his arms clenched a fist, condensed into a thunder spear, and thrust it into the void.


Thunder exploded, and Xia He fled in panic. His method of escape was discovered, and he was extremely panicked.

Li Hao locked his eyes firmly on the other party, looking down at Xia He with an indifferent expression, like a cat chasing a mouse.

At the same time, he was still holding Lu tightly in his other hand, and he broke through all obstacles arrogantly.

Finally, Li Hao broke through a wall composed of black runes, his arm turned into gold, as if cast from gold, and he grabbed Xia He's throat forcefully.

"I caught you." Li Hao grinned.

One hand lifted the person up, and the tyrannical strength made the two unable to resist. The Thunder Lingzhu and the Demonic Sword were each lifted by one arm.

The fairy fire boiled and gradually enveloped the two of them. It rose to an unprecedented height, distorting the surrounding void, and was accompanied by the wails of the two.

At this moment, a sharp shout was heard from the sky and the earth, and roars rolled in!


A long sword pierced the sky and the earth, and the light of the crescent moon fell, but the target was not Li Hao, but the Beiling Taoist group.

The other party wants to surround Wei and save Zhao!

Obviously, if the opponent attacks and kills Li Hao, Li Hao can avoid it as soon as possible, and he does not necessarily have to fight head-on because of his detour.

But the other party's intention was obviously to save people, so he took action against Beiling Taoist's group, forcing Li Hao to return for help.

But Li Hao's golden eyes were blazing, and he stood there without moving. Instead, a golden light rushed from the side and directly shattered the light.

Ming'an and others were a little dazed, looking at the scattered light all over the sky. The confrontation only lasted a moment, and most people didn't react.

Only Taoist Beiling was terrified. If the Ge Guang had just fallen, no one, including him, would have any chance of surviving.

The person who takes action is very powerful, but equally, the person who blocks it is also astonishingly powerful.

"Father!?" Xu Yuanxin looked dull, his eyes bursting with blazing light, and he was surging with excitement.

Above the crowd, a burly figure wearing armor stood there, with a resolute expression and a face as sharp as a knife or an ax.

He looked angry and shouted: "Djinn, what do you want to do!?"

"King Zhennan, you understand now. I have said long ago that someone who was not one of ours attacked your son. It would be unpleasant to be stabbed in the back by one of our own." A rich voice followed a figure falling from the sky.

This man was nearly two feet tall, with light golden skin, wearing neat golden armor, and holding a big gun. He looked like a creature made of gold and iron, with sharp edges and corners.

This man's eyes contained anger, and he said unceremoniously: "You are so stupid to pursue us so hard."

King Zhennan glanced down with a gloomy expression. Ming'an was smiling as he helped Xu Yuanxin up from the ground and patted the dust off him.

"Your Majesty, why did you fall to the ground? You saw that the situation was critical just now, so I didn't care about you. Are you okay..." He wiped away the footprints on Xu Yuanxin's abdomen with a smile.

Xu Yuanxin gritted his teeth in hatred, but he was not stupid enough yet. He knew that it was not the time to pursue the case yet, so he forced a smile and said: "Your Highness, you are polite. It is understandable that the situation is critical. You don't need to take it too seriously."

"Yuan Xin, are you okay?" King Zhennan asked with a cold expression.

"Father, I'm fine." Xu Yuanxin forced a smile and glanced at the milky white light flame from the corner of his eye.

The hunched turtle's eyes flickered. Ming'an's face was stunned, and he couldn't help but look back. There was already a round thing in his hand.

"King Zhennan, I don't want to tangle with you any more, please leave here quickly." The giant spirit said in a deep voice.

"You ambush the prince of Daxia. Your crime is unforgivable. As the King of Zhennan in Southern Xinjiang, how can I just sit idly by and do nothing." King Zhennan shouted in a deep voice.

Before entering the game, he could sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers, but now he can no longer do that.

In fact, when he first learned that Xu Yuanxin was attacked, he was indeed a little agitated, but after fighting the giant spirit some time ago, he also felt it.

The one who attacked Xu Yuanxin was probably not Xuntian, but Ming'an and his group.

But even if he wanted to understand, he couldn't leave. This was a conspiracy.

Because in his opinion, once Xuntian finds Ming'an and his party, Xu Yuanxin will also fall into their hands.

Li Hao and Ming An wanted to force him into the game.

"King Zhennan, I give you one final advice, don't interfere." The giant spirit stared at him coldly.

"What happened here!" King Zhennan asked.

He also hurried over after noticing the movement here, not knowing what exactly happened here.

That Li Hao is enveloped in fairy fire and can move at will is really unheard of.

"Father, Li Hao used the method of twins to break through to the Immortal Fire Realm, and just killed the three Immortal Fire Realms of Xuntian!" Xu Yuanxin said impatiently.

"What!?" King Zhennan was stunned, and his heart was filled with turmoil. The amount of information in this sentence was too great.

The method of twin twins to break through to the fairy fire realm?

His first reaction was that Li Hao was so bold?

Dare you use this?

But the other party had already killed three Immortal Fire Realm ones, which made it even more difficult for him to control himself.

The three immortal fire statues of Xuntian are all holding immortal weapons, and they are also in the middle realm of fairy fire, not the fairy fire of Taoist Beiling.

However, he was still killed by Li Hao.

He subconsciously thought that Li Hao had used another trump card that he couldn't figure out how many cards he had.

At this moment, the surging fairy fire surrounding Li Hao finally gradually extinguished. Using the three immortal fire realms as accelerants, the fairy fire scorching was finally ended.

At the last moment, his body had adapted to the fairy fire, but under the catalysis of the bodies of Lu Liang and Xia He, the extremely strong fairy fire pushed his body forward again.

His skin was crystal clear, with runes swimming under his skin, and his body was completely integrated. He pulled out a piece of clothing and blended it into his body.

His eyes were crystal clear, and he looked like he was reborn. He looked at King Zhennan and said loudly: "My lord, do you want to join us and keep this guy here?"

A sense of absurdity subconsciously arose in King Zhennan's heart. He had fought against the giant spirits more than once, and they were evenly tested in rough tests.

And he is already at the peak of the Immortal Fire Realm, and he only needs to break the mirror to step into the True Realm Realm.

And Li Hao had just stepped into the Immortal Fire Mirror, and he threatened to join forces with him and leave the other party behind.

If anyone else spoke, King Zhennan would definitely sneer, but when it came out of Li Hao's mouth, he was silent for a moment, and then he actually raised his head to look at the giant spirit, with a hint of thought in his eyes.

During this time, he had discovered something was wrong in many places. Xuntian suddenly became active and showed strength beyond his imagination. It did not look like an organization after suffering heavy losses.

He was confused, and if he left the djinn behind, he should be able to get some answers.

"King Zhennan, don't make a mistake. Let me tell you the truth, the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone is not in our hands at all, but in the hands of Li Hao!" The giant spirit frowned. Once King Zhennan intervenes, things will be in trouble.

This matter has not been told to King Zhennan. The main reason is that he is afraid that King Zhennan will become greedy and interfere with their search for Li Hao.

But in this situation, there is no time to hide it.

The giant spirit asked: "You intervened in this matter. If you save this group of people, do you still have a chance to get it back? Can you still fall out with them?"

Is the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone in Li Hao's hands?

There are so many things that I don’t know. King Zhennan’s face was solemn, and he suddenly looked at Li Hao, “Give me the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone, and I will keep you safe in Southern Xinjiang.”

Li Hao raised his eyebrows. He had eaten all the dragon gold stones and wiped them clean. What a fart.

But when King Zhennan was distracted, Ming An, with quick eyes and quick hands, suddenly stuffed something into Xu Yuanxin's mouth.

"You...you...what did you give me to eat!?" Xu Yuanxin looked horrified, feeling that the thing melted in his mouth and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Sensing the movement, King Zhennan suddenly looked over, and his figure instantly appeared next to Xu Yuanxin. He touched his back with his palms and checked his body in an instant, but found nothing.

"Your Highness!?" Zhennan Wang Sen looked at Ming An coldly.

"My lord, please rest assured. This is the heart-eating and bone-breaking elixir. It is the royal secret elixir developed by me. In six hours, the prince's body will rot and die." Old God Ming'an explained comfortably.

Xu Yuanxin's expression changed drastically, he pointed at Ming'an and was speechless.

"You are seeking death." King Zhennan squeezed out three words from his throat.

Ming'an snorted coldly, "My lord, is Xuntian destroyed? Among the four immortal fire realms, which destroyed organization has so many strong men?"

"Now, you actually want to ask for the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone. Let me ask you, are you going to stand by and watch if we don't give it to you!?"

He shouted harshly and was not afraid of King Zhennan taking action against him.

Although it was Mr. Gui who noticed the possible unexpected situation, he could only be the one to feed Xu Yuan the new elixir.

Others will be instantly shot to death by King Zhennan.

"Did you collude with Xuntian!?" Ming'an asked soul torture.

King Zhennan's face changed slightly. Faced with this accusation of treason, he said decisively: "I am loyal to Daxia. This matter is indeed strange. After I find out, I will naturally explain it to Your Majesty."

Then, he looked up at the giant spirit with an indifferent expression: "If you want to touch them, you must get through me first."

The giant spirit took a deep breath, the surrounding earth cracked, and veins appeared in the big hand holding Chang Ge. At this moment, it had some characteristics of a normal creature.

Li Hao had already arrived in front of everyone. King Zhennan's eyes were cold and distant, even with a hint of murderous intent.

This is normal.

At this moment, Ming'an finally felt relieved. King Zhennan had arrived. As the pinnacle of the Immortal Fire Realm, he even had various other means. It was impossible for the opponent to break through this barrier.

At this moment, he was completely safe, and there should be no force that could threaten him.

It was even said that with Li Hao's presence, it might not be impossible to keep the other party.

The four Immortal Fire Realms were all in Li Hao's hands. Rounding them all off, they can be considered as his contribution.

The Eighth Prince must have been driven crazy by the pain, but the credit for the destruction of Xuntian fell on him. Before he could do anything, he saw the throne waving to him.

At this moment, the giant spirit spoke, looking at the sky, his voice was like the dead wind, "Since you insist on doing this, don't blame us."

The sky changes, forming a vortex covering the sky and the earth. In the center, a figure shrouded in light slowly appears.

His aura was as vast as mountains and seas. Ming'an and the others almost couldn't control their knees at the same time and wanted to kneel down and tremble.

Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and King Zhennan's pupils widened, showing the aura of the true realm!

The Realm of Yi Zun is coming soon.

It's the Emperor of Heaven! ?

However, what shocked him was not because he noticed the true state.

It was because he thought that the Emperor of Heaven had fallen long ago and fell in his hands. He cooperated with the Zhennan City Formation and used the special weapons brought by the Eighth Prince to kill him.

He felt an unspeakable absurdity at this moment. Four immortals in the Immortal Fire Realm and one in the True Reality Realm. This is called destruction?

The upper floors of Xuntian were almost intact.

Various small clues were tangled in his mind.

He suddenly remembered Ming'an's accusation against him just now. At this moment, he even doubted whether he had colluded with Xuntian.

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