I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 204 The Emperor of Heaven’s simple worldview was impacted

The Emperor of Heaven came with a strong aura. He didn't talk nonsense. Before the person could fully emerge, he came up with a palm, a palm that covered the sky.

The five fingers are clear, and the palm prints are clearly visible. When it falls, it is like a mountain ravine, covering everyone.

Red flames were drawn on the edge, and the surging wind pressure caused the earth to drop inch by inch!

King Zhennan looked solemn. Now was not the time to think about many doubts. He looked at Li Hao, and Li Hao also looked at him at this moment.

Between the two of them, there is no need to say anything more now. The most important thing is to save their lives.

A long knife appeared in the hand of King Zhennan. The blade was blood red and exuded a coquettish light, as if the creatures who had died under this knife in the past were all imprisoned in it.

He held the knife in both hands, his eyes were filled with blood, as if he had performed some forbidden method, and his aura was rising layer by layer.


He slashed upwards, and with this sword, the world exploded into pieces. The sword's light was shocking, and it extended for an unknown length, heading towards the giant palm.

Li Hao was not idle either. The bright golden energy and blood surged around, and golden lines appeared on the six arms.

Ripples rippled around his body, seeming to solidify and become an extension of his body. He concentrated on it, ready to use something at any time.

He was not sure whether the other party wanted to fight him, or was just using this method to force out some of his trump cards, but then pulled away.


He punched out and turned into a fist the size of a mountain. This was just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, countless fists were blasted upward, and at the same time... the magic sword was waved, the ink sword light crisscrossed, the thunder spirit beads trembled, stirring up thousands of thunder dragons!

Everything here is invisible. The Beiling Taoist below used his last strength to construct layers of formations to block the surging energy ripples.

Xu Yuanxin looked horrified. He didn't expect such a change in the end. He thought he was safe when King Zhennan came.

He subconsciously looked at the others, but found no strange emotions in them. Ming'an, who was nearest, just frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

Not too uneasy.

He didn't understand. When Ning Yao attacked just now, the panic on Ming'an's face almost overflowed. Now that the more powerful Huan Zhen Realm has arrived, why is he not worried anymore?

However, now is not the time for him to ask questions. Crazy spiritual energy fluctuations are coming from the sky, and the surrounding formations are flickering, and it seems that they will collapse in the next moment.

When the dust dispersed, the surrounding land had been devastated by successive battles, and there were bottomless ravines just inches away.

In the sky, King Zhennan was breathing heavily, with sharp eyes, holding a long knife, and blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Li Hao looked more miserable than him, with some fine cracks on his body, but they were slowly being repaired.

The two of them worked together to withstand the blow.

Li Hao has almost figured out his own strength, and he is still some distance away from the peak of Immortal Fire like Zhennan King.

But under the King of Zhennan, there should not be many Immortal Fire Realm opponents who are his opponents.

If you want to fight him, at least every time you break the mirror, the mirror-breaking object you use must be of the highest quality.

"I managed to hold it." An indifferent and gentle voice came, and the figure gradually became clearer, wearing a luxurious golden crown.

His face is like a crown jewel, and his appearance has a feeling of being in harmony with heaven, which makes people unable to bear any emotion. It seems that this face represents "the unkindness of heaven and earth".

The giant spirit nodded slightly and showed respect to the emperor.

"Emperor of Heaven, you are not dead yet." King Zhennan looked ugly. This was a wilderness, and he had no power to rely on.

The other party's strength was simply crushing, and they had just tried their best to block that blow.

"Now that you have seen me, there is no need to keep hiding this matter. Your methods are too shallow. It is impossible to kill me."

The emperor's understatement made King Zhennan boil with anger. However, he did not pay too much attention to King Zhennan, but focused on Li Hao.

"Li Hao..." He said indifferently, "We finally meet."

"You have caused us a lot of trouble."

"This is my honor." Li Hao restrained his head and arms and showed a humble smile. He was not nervous when facing this true state.

"How sure are you?" King Zhennan asked secretly. He knew that this boy had an amazing record. It didn't matter what method he used, as long as there was a way to get out of today's predicament.

"If there is any way you need to delay, tell me and I might be able to delay it for a while."

There is a high probability that Xuntian's people will not kill King Zhennan... Li Hao secretly thought, after all, he was from the eighth prince, which would be equivalent to cutting off his own arm.

But it's hard to say that after King Zhennan saw the Emperor of Heaven, he would definitely be suspicious of the Eighth Prince after he returned.

Unless the Eighth Prince is also sure of completely subduing King Zhennan, this will be a problem.

While his mind was spinning, he was not slow to reply, and responded secretly:

"Six-eared macaque?"

King Zhennan was stunned and didn't understand what Li Hao meant.

"Hahaha..." Weird laughter came from the sky, and the six-eared macaque appeared. He seemed to have arrived a long time ago, but he never showed up.

Hiding in the dark, he seems to be using his magical powers to steal some information.

"Tsk tsk..." His tone was playful, the hair around his cheeks was fluffy, and the golden-red armor shone brightly, "As expected of you, you even guessed that I was nearby."

"It's not difficult to guess." Li Hao shrugged, "With how cunning you are, I would be a little surprised if you weren't here."

"I take it as your compliment." The six-eared macaque didn't care.

It seems that the six-eared macaque's own strength has come a long way since the last time they met, which at least gave Li Hao a sense of panic.

It should be similar to King Zhennan.

"You want to besiege me too?" Li Hao asked with a half-smile, "With this Emperor of Heaven?"

He emphasized the word "Emperor of Heaven" with a sense of irony.

Before the six-eared macaque could answer, he asked again: "Isn't he really the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven? I don't really believe it."

"No..." The six-eared macaque shook his head, "This is the current Emperor of Heaven, not the reincarnated Emperor of Heaven."

The two of them were like old friends, talking as if no one else was watching.

"So that's it." Li Hao was thoughtful and suddenly asked, "Do you want to help me kill this giant spirit and the Emperor of Heaven this time?"

He asked openly, causing the atmosphere at the scene to suddenly tense.

The King of Zhennan was so unbelievable that he instigated the core members of the enemy to rebel in person. What did Li Hao think?

"?" The six-eared macaque was also a little confused and sneered: "You deceived me badly before. As far as I know, you came to arrest me on the order of Emperor Xia."

"Am I tired of working with you?"

"I lied to you? Are you talking about the reincarnation identity?" Li Hao smiled, "Isn't it normal to hide it? If you find the Yuanling fragment and use it to blackmail me, I will be in trouble."

"As for Emperor Xia, I will explain over there that you were bewitched by Xuntian and had no choice but to help the evildoers."

"I can act as a guarantor to make your father trust you." Ming'an was passively triggered and immediately agreed.

Li Hao added: "Besides, Xuntian and you shouldn't have an equal partnership, right?"

As soon as he said this, the smile on the six-eared macaque's face gradually disappeared, and he naturally ignored Ming An and glanced at the Emperor of Heaven calmly.

He snorted coldly: "Stop being delusional, I will never change sides."

At this time, Xu Yuanxin looked at Ming An with a face full of pity, and finally asked uneasily: "You...why are you not worried anymore? The Emperor of Heaven is still in the true state."

"Stupid..." Ming'an subconsciously wanted to scold him, paused, and then said: "The prince is unaware of something. Since Li Hao can move around freely, there is a high probability that what happened today will be a near miss."

When he faced Ning Yao's panic before, it was because he thought Li Hao couldn't move and was making a breakthrough, so he lost control.

Now, Li Hao is alive and kicking. With this guy's unpredictable nature, it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with someone who is in the Realm Realm.

Xu Yuanxin noticed the strong confidence in Li Hao in Ming'an's tone, which was even more difficult to understand.

The one who was more relaxed than him was undoubtedly Jiang Chen, who also agreed at this time, "That's right, I have never seen him lose before, he is used to it."

"The rough process is that the enemy is too strong, Li Hao is surrounded by dangers, falls into a dangerous situation, and is on the verge of death, and then..." An indescribable look appeared on the ghost's face, "Everyone can drink happily."

Xu Yuanxin's face was dull and he asked hesitantly, "But...what if?"

Ming'an glanced at him coldly, "Nothing is wrong."

Jiang Chen comforted him: "It's okay. Even if something happens, with the strength of this Emperor of Heaven, we won't feel the pain."

There was no sound transmission of the conversation between the few people, and no one was evaded. Everyone present, all of whom were strong, could hear it clearly.

Li Hao was speechless, where did the living treasure come from? The reality realm above was regarded as a decoration, right?

King Zhennan looked tense and glanced at Li Hao secretly several times. After all, he could not completely trust him and did not dare to send messages secretly.

The eyes of the six-eared macaque flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Suddenly, wisps of black formations began to emerge, centering on the battlefield, gradually emerging and crisscrossing.

Everyone felt a dull sense of obstruction, as if a pair of invisible hands were grabbing their throats.

"This is this?" Taoist Beiling looked around, and finally realized that he couldn't identify what formation it was.

"This is Ji Ling." The Emperor of Heaven finally spoke, the indifference in his eyes like stagnant water.

"In the formation, all the soul fragments of the reincarnated immortal gods will fall silent."

This is to prevent Li Hao from mobilizing the power of his past life.

Then, the giant spirit behind him took out another incense stick, only half of which was inserted into the void, and the smoke curled straight into the sky.

There was an inexplicable change in the surrounding world, and Li Hao didn't know what this change meant.

"This is to sacrifice to heaven." The voice of the Emperor of Heaven was very close in front of us, but it seemed to be coming from outside: "Reincarnation is not in this life. If you want to mobilize the power of other immortal gods through the list of gods, you need to ask heaven and earth if they agree."

Li Hao frequently uses the power of other immortal gods, at least in the eyes of others, he uses the power of other immortal gods.

Most people speculate that this is the power of the Gods List.

This is the power of banning the list of gods. The gods of the past are not recognized by the world in this world.

"Finally..." He paused, and a broken lens appeared in his hand, only the size of a palm.

When he appeared in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven, the ray of light enveloped Li Hao, not giving him any time to react.

"this is…"

"Haotian Mirror?" Li Hao interrupted the Emperor of Heaven. He had already guessed it. The light shone on him, causing the power in his body to fall into silence and turn into stagnant water.

"Since you know him, I won't say any more." The Emperor's tone was a little turbulent.

These three moves blocked all possible trump cards and power of Li Hao.

The reincarnated immortal gods are indeed a power beyond their limits, but that does not mean that they have no means of checks and balances.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to dare to use the reincarnated immortals as tools.

"It's rare to see an opponent like you. When using the methods, he also introduces them to the enemy in detail." Li Hao said with a hint of ridicule.

"I want you to understand that you have fallen into a real desperate situation. Even Daxia's understanding of reincarnated immortals is not as good as ours." At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven truly showed a sense of superiority.

"I'll give you a chance to join us."

"No matter how noble your status was in your previous life, everything has to start over in this life. In fact, your status in your previous life will become your biggest constraint."

"There is nothing to care about in your past life. Follow me and I will make you transcend your past life."

Is the Emperor recruiting him?

Li Hao was surprised, this guy smelled like "invincible in the world".

He killed three of his men and didn't care, but wanted to recruit him.

Others were also surprised. King Zhennan was the most nervous. In his opinion, as long as Li Hao agreed, he would be beaten to death.

"He probably won't agree." Xu Yuanxin looked at Ming An carefully, hoping that the other party could give him a reassuring answer.

"Shut up." Ming An scolded.

"So cheap for me?" Li Hao said "surprised": "In a great situation, you don't even want to kill me? You just need me to surrender?"

"Hand over the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone and kill these people. This is your surrender." The Emperor continued.

Until now, he has not mentioned the Conferred God Platform, only the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone.

"Ha..." Li Hao laughed, "It seems that there is nothing to talk about."

The other party never knew that he could store the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone.

In his opinion, this kind of recruitment is more like the purpose of the Emperor to ensure that he can get the God Conferring Platform.

"If you don't want to, then go and die." The Emperor's eyes turned cold, and his big hand came towards Li Hao again, "Liuer, giant spirit, stop King Zhennan."

The giant spirit looked at him coldly, with a sinister smile on his lips.

King Zhennan is indeed ready to take action, because in his opinion, the only way for him and his son to survive is to allow Li Hao to exert his immortal power.

But now that there are three layers of bans and layers of targeting, it is obviously impossible to do that.

The moment the Emperor of Heaven was about to take action, he also moved towards Li Hao, who was very close at hand.

But the giant spirit was simple and crude, shooting towards Xu Yuanxin with a beam of light. It was an old method, but it worked.

King Zhennan's face was ashen, and he had no choice but to retreat and crush Ge Guang, and the six-eared macaque was already entangled.

Originally, the giant spirit alone could fight with King Zhennan, but now with the addition of the six-eared macaque, the two joined forces to make it difficult for King Zhennan to do what he wanted.

He watched helplessly as the Emperor of Heaven's big hand enveloped Li Hao, and it seemed that the other party really had no strength to resist.

Is it really the end of the road... No...

Ming'an looked tense. Even at this time, out of his confidence in Li Hao, he had not completely lost hope.


Xu Yuanxin was trembling, and everyone was staring at that person.

Li Hao raised his head, looked at the giant palm getting closer and closer, and the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up.

"Emperor of Heaven..."

In his hand, a ray of golden light lingered, and then dispersed, and no one except him saw what it was.

"Do you deserve this name?"

Between heaven and earth, a terrifying aura suddenly burst out.

He raised one hand, and a thick divine light shot up into the sky, like magma erupting from a volcano, lighting up the sky, and its power shook the heavens and the earth.

The fallen giant palm was directly thrown away, and Li Hao's figure escaped from the Haotian realm and hung above the sky with an indifferent expression.

The Emperor's expression suddenly stiffened. The giant spirit and the six-eared macaque noticed the movement and turned their heads to look over. Their minds were immediately shaken.

The giant spirit's cheeks made of gold and iron twisted, "How could this happen?"

"The Emperor of Heaven has obviously banned everything."

"Why can he still burst out with such power!?"

Obviously he can get his wish, and he can catch Li Hao immediately and regain the Conferred God Platform and the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone.

After obtaining the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone, he set out to break through the Realm Realm and become one of the top bosses standing in this world.

The six-eared macaque was frightened and doubtful. Under the three-level ban of the Emperor of Heaven, the reincarnated immortal god could only be captured without any help. He felt deeply about this.

But now, the good situation has been turned upside down in an instant. How on earth did he do it?

"You!" The Emperor of Heaven looked at Li Hao in astonishment, and instantly realized that Li Hao's power had not changed at all.

Still in the fairy fire realm?

At that moment, he probably used some kind of trump card to force himself out of trouble.

He calmed down slightly, but when he thought about what the other party had just said, he suddenly felt depressed, "I'm just hanging on for a while!"

A golden spear appeared in his hand, with an astonishing breath of blood flowing on it, and the patterns were complex and orderly.

This is a Taoist weapon, a weapon that belongs to him, beyond the immortal weapon.

Li Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he put away the magic sword and thunder bead to avoid damage in the subsequent collision.

He took out this weapon, but before it was over, the Emperor of Heaven had pieces of the Haotian Realm on his head.

From it, an illusory figure actually walked out.

Wearing a heavenly crown, a dragon robe, and golden boots, he has an aura that makes all spirits worship him.

This figure merged into the body of the Emperor of Heaven in one step.

Then the crown and robe rolled off, causing his already strong aura to rise again, reaching an unimaginable level.

At least, just standing there himself was enough to make the world shatter, as if it was unbearable.

"Now, can I be called the Emperor of Heaven?" He stared at Li Hao coldly.

The lion and the rabbit also need their full strength, and this is his full strength.

Trump card? Who doesn't?

No wonder, Taishi once said that in order to destroy Xuntian, at least three of the Huanzhen realms must attack at the same time, Li Hao thought to himself.


Invisibly, there was a violent roar in the void.

That was the aura of the Emperor of Heaven. He didn't make a sound, but he burst out with boundless murderous intent, roaring there, vaguely like a Emperor of Heaven.


The golden spear erupted into ocean-like fluctuations.

The divine light suddenly flooded the sky. It's so terrifying that it makes people tremble!

Li Hao's aura was always peaceful, he was in the Immortal Fire Realm, and he did not take out any strange weapons.

The fight here is the battle that dominates the final outcome. The six-eared macaque and others slowed down their movements, focused their attention, and looked here.

"Not enough!" Li Hao shouted coldly and jumped up.

Then, the next scene happened, which caught the eyes of all the spectators present.

Li Hao's seemingly weak hands actually grasped the golden spear chopped out by the Emperor of Heaven. Even where the two met, there were sparks flying.

Connecting the Taoist tool with bare hands?

At that moment, Li Hao's aura also rose to an immeasurable level, but only for the moment of contact.

After the two retreated, Li Hao declined to the fairy fire realm again.

It is difficult for the Emperor of Heaven to understand, how could this happen?

The confrontation between the two was in Sumeru. What methods did Li Hao use to explode a power comparable to his during the confrontation?

So weird.

"As expected...evenly divided." Li Hao sighed secretly. He had just used a certain prop that he had accumulated for a long time, and its name was [Evenly divided].

[Evenly divided: After using it on the target, you and the other party will be evenly divided in every aspect, unable to do anything about each other. It lasts for one hour and can only be used once. 】

He chose the Emperor of Heaven as his target.

Then such a strange scene happened, even though he was only in the Immortal Fire Realm.

But as long as the enemy is the Emperor of Heaven, no matter what the opponent's methods, weapons, or secret techniques are, Li Hao's power will rise to the same level as him during the fight.

Of course, Li Hao couldn't do anything to him, and he was absolutely calm.

"I don't believe it!" Such a strange scene somewhat stimulated the Emperor of Heaven's simple world view. His eyes were cold and he took action one after another.

The golden spear stirred the heaven and earth, and even the power that escaped was difficult for Beiling Taoist to stop.

Continuously stabbing Li Hao, brilliant light emitted between the two, and sparks flew everywhere.

Li Hao didn't know if the power of the Emperor of Heaven at this moment had surpassed the Realization Realm. Anyway, the other party couldn't do anything to him.

So he seemed lazy, but he could easily block the attack of the golden spear.

"Emperor of Heaven, if this blow is just one point harder, it will be enough." Li Hao pushed away the golden spear and pretended to be a pity comment, it was just nonsense.

The Emperor's face was as cold as frost, and the Golden Changge suddenly shook violently, crossing the crescent moon in the void, triggering the golden tide, and slammed it down.


Li Hao raised his fingers, clamped the sword's edge, and shook his head sadly: "No, it still won't work."

The Emperor of Heaven was uneasy and felt helpless when facing Li Hao.

It's like when you faced your master, you could suppress yourself no matter what, and couldn't see his limits.

This situation only applies to the Emperor of Heaven. If the giant spirit joins the battlefield at this moment, this situation will not happen.

However, this weird scene excited not only the Emperor of Heaven.

The seemingly terrifying power of the Emperor of Heaven fell on Li Hao, but it was so light that it was difficult to exert any effect.

In fact, Li Hao spoke lightly as if he was educating the younger generation.

This scene made the giant spirit almost crazy. He couldn't accept that the Emperor of Heaven would be restrained by Li Hao and even played tricks on him.

The long arm is like a shadow, the burly body carries absolute oppression, and the movements of the hands gradually become heavier, killing King Zhennan continuously.

Originally, the plan when he came was not to kill King Zhennan, but now he couldn't restrain himself.

King Zhennan was excited, and finally understood why Ming'an was so confident that he only defended but did not attack, and looked at the six-eared macaque from time to time.

Compared to the killing intent of the giant spirit, the six-eared macaque is much lighter.

Finally, the giant spirit roared angrily, "Six ears!!"

Li Hao noticed the movement and couldn't help but turn his head to look, and then grinned. As expected, Liu Er rebelled.

A long stick, while the giant spirit was attacking Zhennan, hit the giant spirit on the shoulder, causing him to stagger, crushing the void with his feet, and retreating at a high speed.

Moreover, a wisp of bright red appeared at the corner of his mouth. A strong man of the same level gave him a violent blow, hitting his body directly. Who could withstand it?

He let out an angry roar, and could clearly feel that the stick was originally heading towards his head. If he reacted faster than he did and turned sideways, he would be seriously injured in one blow.

King Zhennan was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted, holding a bloody knife in his hand. With the movement of the knife, the world collapsed and he killed the giant spirit.

"Liu Er, you dare to betray us, you are seeking death!" The giant spirit gritted its teeth, wishing to eat Liu Er alive.

"I just found a better partner." The six-eared macaque shook his head and followed King Zhennan towards the giant spirit.

He had his own ideas. Just now... Li Hao was fighting the Emperor of Heaven while bewitching him.

After carefully analyzing the pros and cons, some words really spoke to his heart.

Judging from the current situation, Xuntian's situation is over. The Emperor of Heaven has revealed all his cards and cannot defeat Li Hao.

More importantly, Xuntian's greatest advantage is concealment.

After today, it will also fall apart, and it will even usher in Daxia's most severe pursuit.

It is obviously not wise to follow this sinking ship.

Of course, he also has his own considerations.

In all the information Xuntian revealed to him, there was no evidence that Li Hao had learned about the existence of the Conferred God Platform.

This is operational.

According to the original plan, the leadership was in the hands of Xun Tian. Even if he controlled part of the list of gods, he would only play a supporting role.

But if you operate it properly, you may not be able to trick things out of Li Hao's hands and control it yourself.

"Six-eared macaque!" The Emperor's murderous intent was awe-inspiring, and he was no longer as calm as he was at the beginning. The accidents that happened one after another made his mood fluctuate.


Li Hao took the opportunity to rush over, smashed the golden spear open, and hit him in the chest, triggering a tide of energy.

Then, his thigh swept over and hit the Emperor of Heaven, causing him to stagger back.

The Emperor of Heaven used a secret method to change his figure and turn into a bodyless person, in an attempt to destroy the traitorous six-eared macaque.


Li Hao rushed forward and went straight to his true body without using any weapons. His body was his weapon.

There was a big battle between the two, the spiritual energy was undulating, and the center was bright.

None of them could do anything about the other and fell into entanglement.

The Emperor of Heaven looked tense, because the time of Haotian Realm's blessing was limited, and it would be difficult for him to continue to maintain this kind of strength.

In another battlefield, the giant spirit was already a little tired of dealing with the siege of the six-eared macaque and King Zhennan.

The six-eared macaque suddenly attacked him and seriously injured him. King Zhennan became more and more courageous as he fought and was bound to kill this man.

The six-eared macaque was assisting from the side. He was extremely cunning and used various secret techniques one after another.

King Zhennan didn't know that Xuntian wasn't planning to kill him. He just thought that today was full of dangers and he would almost die here.

He needed to vent his anger at being deceived.

"Death!" King Zhennan's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and his whole body was surrounded by scarlet evil aura. The sword's light overflowed and he slashed down to the sky and the earth.


The first wound opened on the giant spirit's chest. The skin was not bright red flesh and blood, but also looked like metal. Only the overflowing blood proved that this person was still alive.

Then came the second and third wounds.

Under the combined efforts of King Zhennan and the six-eared macaque, the giant spirit's aura gradually weakened, blood spread all over its body, and its eyes widened. Until the soul was killed, it still held the Changge in its hand.

At the same time, the Haotian Mirror above the Emperor's head flickered, and his breath began to leak out like a balloon.

His expression was ugly and his eyes were cold. Looking at Li Hao who was following him like a shadow, he could hardly let go of the depression in his heart.

Failed, these two words flashed through his mind.

The panting King Zhennan and the six-eared macaque carrying a stick gathered over.

The three of them looked at the Emperor.

"He is dying. Cooperate with me and keep him." Li Hao stared at the Emperor of Heaven coldly, seeming to regard him as prey in his words.

"If you want to keep me, you think too highly of yourself." The Emperor looked around and glanced at the dead giant spirit, with a hint of sadness in his eyes, but more of anger.

Then, the Haotian Mirror burst into dazzling light, gradually engulfing him, and disappeared into the sky together.

The Emperor of Heaven left. Li Hao frowned and pretended. He didn't relax until he was sure that the Emperor of Heaven had really left.

He is currently unable to kill this guy. The opponent has the blessing of Haotian Realm and his strength is beyond imagination.

[Evenly divided] can only allow him to tangle with the opponent, and there is no absolute certainty that other props can kill the opponent.

Even if you add the six-eared macaque and the Zhennan King, it will be useless.

If the six-eared macaque is willing to use the three-life stone, it might be possible, but this guy will definitely not do a loss-making business.

The Emperor of Heaven was just afraid of the accidents one after another, and was afraid that he would really die here, so he was scared away.

If the opponent continues to fight with him and notices that his strength has "declined", he may not be able to guess something.

Of course, this idea must not be expressed.

Li Hao shook his head, with a look of pity on his face, and said: "I didn't expect Haotian Mirror to have such ability, so I let him run away. I don't know when we will meet again next time."

The six-eared macaque silently moved some distance away. Now he was at a disadvantage. If not, these two guys were ready to swarm up and kill him directly.

King Zhennan does have such a plan. As for Li Hao's previous promise, he doesn't need to care about it.

"Liuer, don't worry, we are friends." Li Hao smiled and had no intention of taking action. The six-eared macaque still held the Sansheng Stone in his hand.

King Zhennan frowned and didn't think so. He even thought about whether to force Li Haoying to join him.

But at this moment, a wail suddenly came from below, and Xu Yuanxin was enveloped in green flames, screaming in pain at the top of his lungs.

"Father, father!" He stretched out his hand and begged for help.

Ming'an and others, who had already relaxed, were startled and subconsciously retreated far away for fear of being affected.

"Yuan Xin!"

King Zhennan descended from the sky, looking anxious, and grabbed Xu Yuanxin's arm, his spiritual energy surging, his energy and blood roaring.

To suppress the green flames on the opponent's body, but it is of no use.

"Father, save me! Save me!" Xu Yuanxin howled miserably. King Zhennan tried his best, but to no avail. He could only watch his son turn into withered bones in front of his eyes.

Trouble... Ming'an's heart sank.

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