I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 202 Fairy Fire! Fairy fire! Tear apart the immortal weapon with your bare hands!

In the imperial capital, the eighth prince sat cross-legged, with purple energy lingering around his body and his brows furrowed.

After a while, he breathed a long sigh of relief and quit practicing.

Ever since the accident occurred in Southern Xinjiang, he has been feeling uneasy and unable to calm down.

This feeling was very mysterious, but he did not dare to underestimate it. With his level, this premonition was not groundless and it foreshadowed something.

"Your Highness..." Lan Ke came in a hurry, with a rare look of confusion on his face, "I just received information from Southern Xinjiang that Xu Yuanxin, the crown prince of Zhennan, was ambushed by Xuntian, and his whereabouts are unknown."

"What?" The Eighth Prince suddenly stood up and said firmly: "This is impossible. We have warned Xun Tian that they cannot attack Xu Yuanxin at this juncture."

"That's right." Lan Ke also nodded, "I have confirmed with Xuntian that they did not take action."

"But I can't say this to the prince. I can only tell him that there is no need for Xuntian to take action. I asked him to check it carefully, but he didn't listen."

"Don't listen?" The Eighth Prince's face changed suddenly, as if he realized something, "Has King Zhennan left Zhennan City?"

"Yes, he has left Zhenna City and went to the place where Xu Yuanxin was suspected of being ambushed." Lan Ke said helplessly.

Zhennan City is separated from them by more than hundreds of millions of miles, and many things cannot be explained clearly in just one or two sentences. Even if the King of Zhennan insists on doing so, they cannot stop him.

"It's not Xuntian, it can only be Li Hao." The eighth prince looked gloomy, "It's a good plan to lure King Zhennan out. As long as they meet King Zhennan, King Zhennan will never abandon them again."

This was the bottom line. No matter how openly and secretly they fought before, as long as people from Daxia joined forces with them, King Zhennan would not be able to abandon them to Xuntian.

This was the eighth prince's plan, to lure King Zhennan out under the guise of Xuntian. When the two parties met, they could naturally borrow the power of King Zhennan.

This has nothing to do with Li Hao's thoughts, not to say they are completely different from each other.

"Does Xuntian know about this?" the eighth prince asked.

"I have notified Xuntian. They used the mother-in-law carved gold stone to block the teleportation array in most places in southern Xinjiang. Li Hao and others should not be able to run far."

"They won't run away." The Eighth Prince shook his head and concluded, "If they run away, they won't be able to wait for King Zhennan."

"It depends on who is faster."

After thinking for a moment, the Eighth Prince made a surprising statement: "Let the Emperor of Heaven also go."

Lan Ke's face changed slightly, "Once the Emperor of Heaven appears, if he meets King Zhennan, he will probably understand."

The previous official statement was that Xuntian was destroyed, but later, three immortal fire realms suddenly appeared.

You can explain it by saying that it has a profound foundation and a long heritage.

But another reappearance of the true mirror appears, which is difficult to explain. The reappearance realm has not yet been extinguished. Do you call this destruction?

At that time, a series of troubles will follow.

"We will figure out a solution for this matter later. Don't worry about King Zhennan's thoughts. I have a feeling that if we can't find the Conferred God Platform this time, it will be a real big trouble." The Eighth Prince shook his head and said as he spoke. Be decisive.

"The risk is too great..." Lan Ke hesitated. Under normal circumstances, he would not comment on any decision made by the eighth prince.

"If King Zhennan really discovers the Emperor of Heaven and reports it, even if the Conferred God Platform is recovered, the gain outweighs the loss."

"Three Immortal Fire Realms are enough. If necessary, we can ask them to give up the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone and only ask for the box."

"Unless he makes up his mind to fight bloody battle, there is a high probability that he will hand over the box."

Lan Ke's idea also makes sense. Li Hao can fight to the death, but is it necessary to pay such a high price?

"No...no" the Eighth Prince still shook his head, "I have already regretted it once, don't make me regret it a second time."

"I have played all the cards I can play. If he can still win, I am willing to lose!" The eighth prince's eyes burst out with a fiery light, "Go!"

Lan Ke looked at the current eighth prince. The expression on his face was something he had never seen before, like a gambler who put everything on the gambling table.

Just waiting for the final result to be revealed, whether it will be a complete defeat or a reversal of the crisis can all be done in a matter of seconds.

The Eighth Prince is not such a person. He met that guy named Li Hao and a series of unbelievable things happened that led to the current scene.

The Conferred God Platform is the core of everything. It is the condensed effort of the Eighth Prince and cannot be lost.

"I understand." Lan Ke nodded and was about to leave, but the Eighth Prince said: "Pay close attention. I want to know everything that happens as soon as possible."



In the cave, the fairy fire burned brightly, and Li Hao's entire body was covered in flames. Arrays surrounded him, restraining the power of the fairy fire as much as possible.

If there is no protection, ordinary fairy fire can burn thousands of miles into dry ground.

This was simply affected by the aftermath. The breakthrough failed, the immortal fire escaped, and everything within a radius of thousands of miles could not escape and turned into ashes.

In the flames, Li Hao's figure was looming, making crackling sounds like dry firewood exploding.

It is also very similar, this is Li Hao's flesh and blood, the bones are exploding, and the blood that explodes will be evaporated by the fairy fire in an instant.

Li Hao groaned from time to time. From the moment he was covered by the fairy fire, he suffered unimaginable pain all the time.

Along with this, his body is also constantly evolving. His skin has not been burnt black, but has a smooth feeling.

Every inch of skin, blood, flesh, and cells is evolving, and the runes and symbols mixed in it are also twisting, enduring the tempering of fairy fire.

Some disappear into thin air, while others become stronger and more powerful.

The Holy Body of Ten Thousand Laws is being tempered, smelting countless magical powers.

The fairy fire penetrates deep into the flesh and blood, reaching deep into the cells, causing them to boil, and then becomes crystal clear, transforming towards a more perfect form.

And in this process, it is bound to be accompanied by unparalleled pain.

The most terrifying thing was the fairy fire that shot out from the center of his eyebrows. Just a wisp of it made the two Beiling Taoist souls tremble.

"Huh?" After observing for a moment, Taoist Beiling expressed incomprehensible doubts.

"Why does the immortal fire burn his soul intermittently?"

He noticed that the fairy fire rushed in from the center of Li Hao's eyebrows, wisps of it, as if they were queuing up, for fear that the soul would not be able to bear it.

"It seems like this. It's really weird." Gui Lao thought about it, "I just heard that he was very strange before, but now it seems that he is indeed so."

In Li Hao's Yuan Shen, the Fengdu seal shines brightly, milky white light lingers around the Yuan Shen, fairy fire lingers, and the waste is burned out, making it more tenacious and powerful.

Beyond the light, groups of burning fairy fires were waiting.

It wasn't until the fairy fire lingering on the soul was burned out that the milky white light weakened slightly, and a ball of fairy fire couldn't wait to rush in.

This kind of scene is unheard of, and if someone saw it, they would probably be shocked and stunned.

Li Hao has great confidence in his physical body, but he also has little confidence in his soul. Without the protection of the Fengdu Seal, he would not have ignited the two top fuels.

"How many days did the Immortal Fire burn for when Gui Lao made the breakthrough?" Beiling Taoist asked with great interest.

"Well, about three days..." Gui Lao thought, it had been so long that he almost forgot.

"Amazing..." Beiling Taoist praised, "I almost couldn't bear it for only about two days, and I don't know how many days his fairy fire will burn."

"I speculate that it will probably be no less than seven days." Turtle Lao said, "As long as he can bear it, the longer the burning time, the better."

"Yes, but the current situation..." Taoist Beiling sighed, the worry in his eyes could not be eliminated, and he shook his head: "I hope my luck will not be so bad."

Around Li Hao, there were thick formations, trying their best to suppress the boiling fairy fire.


In the blink of an eye, eight days later, the fairy fire around Li Hao showed no sign of extinguishing.

Taoist Beiling was already sweating profusely, and Elder Ao was also pulled over by him. Formation patterns appeared around the two of them, and new formations were constantly formed.

The formation can't hold it anymore!

The surrounding formations used to suppress the power of the fairy fire had long since cracked. The two men were tinkering with them, but they could still barely maintain a balance.

But after all, it is not a tyrannical formation that consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. It has been sustained for so many days, which is beyond expectations.

"We can't have problems at this time." Beiling Taoist gritted his teeth, and the cave was arranged with layers of formations.

The outermost periphery is used to cover up traces, and can also shield the secrets of the sky. During this period, there have been frequent warnings that someone is searching the nearby land using special secret methods.

There is no doubt that the enemy has arrived.

Once the formation of the inner layer to suppress the first fire is broken, it will be even more impossible for the outer layer to resist.

When the time comes, they will be exposed in full view of the public!

In the fairy fire, Li Hao no longer made any sound and was almost silent. His whole body was like porcelain, enduring endless burning.

After more than half a day, Taoist Beiling and Elder Ao could no longer bear it.

The Immortal Fire didn't give them a chance to repair it at all. The two of them didn't have time to take out various materials and arrange the formation in the true sense. They all arranged it quickly with one thought.

What is consumed is their own spiritual energy, and they are destined to be unable to deploy a more powerful formation.

"It's over." Taoist Beiling paused, his expression gloomy.

The next moment, the formation that had been patched countless times in front of him began to crack, and the blazing temperature instantly caused the surrounding earth to begin to melt.

A terrifying aura rose into the sky, and the movement caused by the breakthrough could no longer be concealed.


At the same time, Ning Yao was hanging high in the sky, his eyes like red lights, apparently using some kind of spiritual pupil secret method to scan the world.

"Where is it?" He frowned. Their people had been searching for two or three days and found nothing.

However, the Eighth Prince was certain that Li Hao was in this area.

Of course, this area is very wide. Xuntian is centered on Kuteng Mountain and includes Jingnan City, covering a very wide area.

Having dispatched most of Xuntian's top brass, the battle is bound to be successful.

However, nothing was found for the time being, which was expected. The other party was accompanied by Taoist Beiling and Elder Ao. Both of them were formation masters and were proficient in various concealment formations.

"Idiot King Zhennan, how could we do anything to his useless son?" Ning Yao's face turned gloomy again.

"Don't you think about it? They've been chasing us."

King Zhennan is a variable. Originally, under the balance of the Eighth Prince, King Zhennan would not intervene rashly.

But his son was kidnapped by Li Hao, so King Zhennan subconsciously thought it was Xuntian Dong's hand and directly lured him over.

Three days ago, King Zhennan had a fight with the giant spirit. There was no winner or loser. There was no life or death fight, just a trial.

King Zhennan ordered Xuntian to hand over his son, but Xuntian did not do it. He analyzed the pros and cons on the spot and proved that there was no need for him to do anything.

In the end, King Zhennan also became suspicious, but he did not leave here. He was currently sitting in Jingnan City, and the Daxia troops that could be mobilized nearby were all coming here.

He was obviously trying to disrupt the situation.

Skipping these thoughts in his mind, Ning Yao felt uneasy when he thought of that young man. For him, the Eighth Prince asked Xuntian almost to the fullest.

Although it felt a bit absurd at first, the absurdity gradually dissipated when I thought about the scene when the priest died.

"If this person is not eliminated, he will be really in big trouble." Ning Yao's mind flashed, "I just don't know if the Emperor of Heaven is willing to fight him to the end."

He believed that Li Hao would not be stubborn, and his previous escapes were all because there was still room for change.

If there was no room for change, he would definitely not fight to the end.

After all, Xuntian didn't really want his life, it was just the Wandering Dragon Golden Stone and the Conferred God Platform.

These two things are of little use to him.

The Wandering Dragon Gold Stone is useful for people who are at the peak of Immortal Fire. The opponent is currently only at the peak of Tongyou, and there is still a big realm between them.

Not to mention the Conferred God Platform, it must be used in conjunction with the Conferred God List, and the conditions are strict.

How much is he willing to pay for two things he doesn't need?

No one can deny Li Hao's mystery.

It was because of the unfathomable nature of the other party that they let the other party go last time, so Lord Yun did not want to take action.

However, that is without direct conflict of interest.

Now, they are here just for Li Hao.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly turned his head and looked to the right. A terrifying aura poured into the sky, and the blazing temperature made him feel it.

"Huh? What is it?" As his mind turned, he had already shot over, surrounded by ancient bronze bells.

Although the place where the strange thing happened seemed to be quite far away from him, his speed was like a stream of light, and he crossed the distance almost in an instant.

The powerful aura fluctuates like ocean waves, and the blazing temperature continues to spread. The bottom has turned into a magma pool, with billowing lava flowing, and the scope of influence is still expanding.

And in the center, a figure sat cross-legged, surrounded by white flames.

"Fairy fire?" Ning Yao was no stranger to this. His expression was startled, then slightly stunned, and finally his eyes burst into intense joy.

"Li Hao!?"

He saw clearly that the figure sitting cross-legged in the fairy fire was the person they thought about day and night - Li Hao!

Is he actually lighting the fairy fire?

This was his first thought, unbelievable.

After all, when the opponent set out from the Central Region, he was still in the Netherworld Realm. He reached the peak within two days of arriving, and now he is igniting the Immortal Fire.

too fast.

Even though the reincarnations of immortals and gods are rampant nowadays, breaking through the realm is like drinking water, this kind of breakthrough speed is incredible.

But then, his mood was filled with excitement.

When a person breaks through a boundary, it is almost the time when a person is most vulnerable. The slightest movement may lead to death.

He personally experienced the horror of fairy fire. In that kind of suffering, even thinking was a difficult problem, let alone moving, and he could only bear it passively.

This means that no matter how mysterious and unpredictable Li Hao is and how many trump cards he has, he is now just a piece of meat at the mercy of others.

"So brave, so brave!" Ning Yao laughed. Even as an enemy, he had to admire Li Hao's courage.

At this critical moment, you dare to break through rashly.

"Hasn't he completed his breakthrough yet?" Ming'an looked anxious. They were not far away, being protected by Elder Ao.

As the prince of Daxia, he is no stranger to the Immortal Fire Realm. Even his father, the current Emperor Xia, only took six days to break through.

And Li Hao has been here for eight days, and the fairy fire has not been extinguished yet.

It's fine if it's not extinguished, but the enemy has already arrived. This situation is simply bad.

Elder Ao showed a helpless smile, "Two top-notch fairy fire fuels, but Mr. Li managed to survive. If he really succeeds in breaking through, I'm afraid it will be unprecedented."

This kind of words does not have an inspiring effect. After all... even if it is unprecedented, a breakthrough must be successful.

In this situation, the enemy will obviously not give him a chance to break through successfully.

Xu Zixuan clenched his fists and stared at the flames. The rest of the people looked confused and frightened.

They were no strangers to Ning Yao in the sky. He was one of the three Immortal Fire Realms that attacked them. The bronze bell was an immortal weapon with infinite power.

"It's over, it's over, he's going to kill all of us!" Xu Yuanxin curled up and muttered to himself, "I've said it before, he's too arrogant."

At first, when he found out that Li Hao had actually carried it, he was really shocked.

But now, his tyranny has become a stumbling block. If he only used one kind of fairy fire fuel, he would have broken through long ago.

"Shut up, I!" Ming An looked at him solemnly and kicked him in the stomach, making him whimper softly and sweat break out on his forehead.

"Don't worry, even if you are captured by Xuntian, I will send you on your way in advance. Daxia does not allow weak princes." His voice made Xu Yuanxin dare not say another word.

"Heaven help me!" Ning Yao laughed loudly, and without any hesitation, he walked directly towards Li Hao, holding a bronze bell.

In this case, he believed that there was no need to communicate anymore, so he just killed people and then touched the corpses.

Li Hao sat cross-legged on the spot, not moving, but heard a dull roar.

Thick lines appeared all around, layer by layer, blocking the incoming Ning Yao.

"Taoist Beiling." Ning Yao's expression darkened. In front of him, the shadow of Taoist Beiling appeared, with his thin and hunched eyes cold.

"Resistance." Ning Yao sneered, "This place has been exposed. Our people will be here in a short time."

"You can stop me, can you stop them?"

"Or is it really such a coincidence that the fairy fire in him can be extinguished during the moment you delay?"

He didn't believe there could be such a coincidence.

"Just give it a try." Taoist Beiling has lived for who knows how long, how could he be shaken by these few words.

"Ha!" Ning Yao raised the bronze bell and smashed it directly. This bronze bell was an immortal artifact, shrouded in misty light, entwined with layers of runes, and at the same time packed with invincible power.


Black smoke poured out of Taoist Beiling's body, and pitch-black chains came from all directions. The chains shook, intending to wrap around the bronze bell.

However, it has no effect. The black chain will be shattered as soon as it gets close, and light and dust will flow.

"Oh..." Ning Yao seemed to have discovered something, "You seem to have just experienced a big battle? Your energy and spirit are very weak."

"I understand. You have been suppressing the fairy fire in him before, and you have consumed most of your energy."

"Ha..." Ning Yao felt that he was really lucky today, as if everything was on his side.

"If that's the case, then I don't have to wait for others." A majestic spiritual energy surged around him, the bronze bell buzzed, and some strange pictures appeared on it.


The surrounding array patterns were directly shattered, and the bronze bell hit Taoist Beiling hard. The terrifying power made him vomit blood and his breath became weak.


Jiang Chen shouted, Ming'an's pupils shrank violently, his mind was shaken, and he could not calm down.

The only hope is that Taoist Beiling has spent too much energy suppressing the Immortal Fire and now has almost no power to resist.

Elder Ao was sweating profusely, and had been locked by Ning Yao's energy. As long as there was a slight movement, the opponent would come directly to kill him.

Others' back cheeks trembled, and unspeakable fear arose in their hearts.

"Alas..." Ming An's energy and spirit were all drained from his body, and he said dejectedly: "Time, luck..."

Xuntian's people discovered that they were late enough. Beiling Taoist used his maximum ability to suppress them for eight days, until now.

No one expected that until now, the fairy fire showed no sign of fading away. It can only be said that fate plays a trick on people.

"You pick up a prisoner of the Immortal Fire Realm for nothing." Ning Yao grinned, "Such an opportunity is rare."

He stepped towards the seriously injured Taoist Beiling, and during the process, everyone remained silent.

Suddenly, his movements paused, and then he raised his head suddenly, his pupils shrank in an instant, and a human face appeared in front of him before he knew it.


Then, an unparalleled force came from his abdomen, and he flew backwards, his figure tearing the earth apart, forming a ravine that was difficult to heal.

The whistling milky white flames passed in front of Taoist Beiling's eyes. His turbid eyes gradually widened, and he watched helplessly as the flames enveloped the figure again and engulfed it.

"Li...Li Hao!?" He exclaimed, having difficulty understanding the scene before him.

He moved, right?

How could he move even though he was enveloped in fairy fire?

Li Hao, who was surrounded by fairy fire, slowly turned his head, the flames boiling, "It's me."

Taoist Beiling's cheeks trembled, and his tense mood suddenly relaxed. Although the scene in front of him was difficult to understand, it also felt reassuring.

Li Hao wasn't too impressed. The breakthrough process of Immortal Fire was not achieved overnight.

It's not that you light the fairy fire, and then wait for the fairy fire to go out, and your whole body suddenly becomes taller, but that in the process of being tempered by the fairy fire, your soul and body slowly strengthen.

Li Hao's body has been tempered for eight days, and it has reached an unbelievable level of strength.

In short, his physical body is strong enough and his soul is not disturbed, so he can carry the fairy fire in this situation.

On the other side, Ming'an felt his heart freeze, then beat again, and huge joy filled his mind.

He grabbed Elder Ao tightly, veins popped up in his arms, and repeated over and over again: "I knew it, I knew it!"

His emotions were going up and down, and he seemed a little crazy. The pressure needed to be vented. Then he kicked Xu Yuanxin hard and repeated over and over again, "Did you see it? Did you see it?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Xu Yuanxin froze, letting Ming'an kick him wildly. Severe pain swept through his nerves. He wanted to live...but he didn't want to be saved by this person.

Others, including Elder Ao, were stunned and didn't know what words to use to describe their inner emotions.

Survival? Not enough, far from enough. No one has heard of it, no one has seen it. There are creatures that can light fairy fire and run around at will.

This shock will be remembered by them forever.

At the same time, Ning Yao had already stopped. The turmoil in his heart was no less than that of anyone present.

How could there be such a monster?

That's fairy fire!

He has also personally experienced that when being enveloped by fairy fire, it is an unimaginable pain and transformation. Let alone action, even thinking is a luxury.

Li Hao's figure disappeared again, and the next moment he appeared in front of Ning Yao, very close at hand.

Ning Yao was startled and subconsciously took action. His body's aura surged, emitting unusual and shocking fluctuations. Countless sword lights flashed around his body, stabbing at Li Hao.

Li Hao raised his hand, and his arm made a roar and turned into a golden dragon. It shook its head and tail and swept the sword light. It was only then that the fairy fire engulfed him again.

Then, a punch was thrown out, wrapped in immortal fire, breaking through all the barriers around Ning Yao, and hit him again.

He screamed and wailed, and retreated violently, milky white flames burning on his body.

The bronze bell trembled, barely extinguishing it, but within a moment, the skin had been burned into a burnt black color, with red in the black.

"What...what...are you!?" Ning Yao's eyes were horrified. Within a moment of fighting, he clearly felt a kind of oppression from the opponent.

He is in the Immortal Fire Realm, not a Taoist from Beiling. He has been in the Immortal Fire Realm for a long time.

But just now, when facing Li Hao, he felt a sense of invincibility.

"Wait, we don't have to fight. Our purpose is not to kill you. Let's talk." Ning Yao saw that Li Hao still wanted to kill and spoke hurriedly.

"As long as you return the Wandering Dragon Gold Stone to us, we can turn enemies into friends."

"Turn enemies into friends?" Li Hao's voice was calm in the flames. After a moment of silence, he shook his head: "I'm sorry, I've been holding back for a while and I have to kill a few people. Take it easy."

The fairy fire obviously couldn't keep up with Li Hao's speed. Golden spears appeared around him, following his figure, stabbing at Ning Yao.

"You want to kill me?" Ning Yao's eyes turned fierce, "It's not that simple!"

He spat out a mouthful of blood and sprinkled it on the bronze bell.


The big clock was long, and the precious light soared into the sky, blooming with strange brilliance. It magnified instantly, like an ancient giant mountain, directly pressing Li Hao into it.

It shrank in an instant and became as tall as a person. It was surrounded by complicated symbols, like tassels, and the light of the array pattern bloomed from the outside.

"As long as we can suppress him for a moment, wait for the others to arrive, and then fight him!" Ning Yao thought for a moment, the bronze bell was an immortal weapon after all, and Li Hao couldn't break it easily for a while.

As long as they are surrounded by their people, they can naturally work together to fight against the enemy. At least his danger can be eliminated.

However, when the fairy fire arrived, it was only enveloped by the bronze bell. It could not find Li Hao's figure and could only cling to the bronze bell.

Soon, the bronze bell turned red and trembled incessantly. Ning Yao cursed in his heart, this fairy fire was too evil.

Like wrought iron, it weakens the solidity of the bronze bell in disguise.

when! when! when!

There was a loud sound from the bronze bell, as if someone was bombarding the wall of the bell, which continued and became louder and louder.

Finally, the bronze bell began to deform, and fists protruded from the red parts.

Ning Yao was horrified, what happened to this guy? Didn't he just break through to the Immortal Fire Realm? How could he become so strong?

Not only can he suppress himself, but he can even carry immortal weapons with his bare hands.


With a clear cracking sound, a crack opened in the wall of the bronze bell. On the crack, a hand came out arrogantly and grabbed the edge of the crack.

Then came the second one, then the third one, the fourth one...

In Ning Yao's incomprehensible eyes, a total of six palms were pulled out from the crack, and then...


The bronze bell was torn apart from the center, like a piece of paper being torn open, and a figure was revealed.

Ning Yao's already shattered state of mind was hit hard again, and he shouted in shock: "Three heads and six arms!?"

He was no stranger to this, and even said that they had half of the credit for the birth of the spirit baby, but now, this magical power appeared in Li Hao.

Ning Yao had too many questions today, but he was destined to not get answers.

At this moment, Li Hao was in a posture with three heads and six arms, and the fairy fire quickly attached to it. He patted the fairy fire on his body affectionately.

Without the help of fairy fire, it would not be possible to tear the bronze bell so easily, and the magic sword must be used.

The reason why he has not used the magic sword for the time being is because he wants to try out how far his strength has reached. After this attempt, he probably has an estimate in his mind.

He turned into a escaping light, and the surrounding world was distorted. Ning Yao's face changed drastically, and jade shields lingered around his body, which also evolved into chains, sword lights, and rivers of runes.

"Not enough, not enough, not enough!" Li Hao rushed in arrogantly, like a fierce dragon coming out of the gate, using only the power of his body.

The power of the fairy fire alone is enough to annihilate most of the opponent's magical powers.

In close combat, Ning Yao was no match for him and he barely raised his hand to block him.

His fist cracked inch by inch, exploding into pieces of flesh and blood. He wailed in pain and staggered back.

Li Hao didn't give him a chance, and the force was like a strong wind. With a pop, Ning Yao's shoulders deformed, his whole body shook, and the bones in his body crackled. He opened his mouth and coughed up blood.

Then, his limbs were grabbed by Li Hao, and the other two arms were wrapped around his chest.

"I've been chased and intercepted by you for so long. Let's collect some interest first." He looked coldly and pulled hard on his arm, causing his body to break.

Blood spurted out, pouring on the fairy fire, causing it to surge. Then the fairy fire actually swallowed Ning Yao's remaining body, and its momentum became even more violent.

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, feeling the fairy fire that was blazing again, and was very surprised. What was going on?

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