I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 175 New Evolution, Moonlight Dance

The two of them were lying on the gorgeous brocade couch, Li Hao's eyes were slightly closed.

Not long after... there was a cry beside him.

Li Hao opened his eyes and turned around to see that his white jade eyelashes were trembling and slowly opening.

Her eyes were as dark and moist as a deer in the forest, her face was a bright pink, and she was shy and timid, but yet she was willing to take whatever he wanted.

She has an exquisite appearance, plump figure, smooth and flawless skin, as white as warm spring snow, like a jade beauty.

Li Hao's realm is extremely high, so he naturally doesn't need to rest.

However, Bai Yu couldn't stand the bed that had been shaking for half the night. Although she had practiced secret skills, Li Hao's current level was too high to cope with.

Even if Li Hao hadn't relaxed his body, Bai Yu would not have had a restful night.

"Are you awake?" Li Hao then stood up, his clothes floated over and fell on his body.


Bai Yu nodded silently, her tender limbs a little limp.

"Prince Ming'an invites you, I'll leave first." Li Hao said casually.

"His Royal Highness Ming'an invites you. It's all because of the slave family's fault for delaying you..." Bai Yu's face changed slightly, and she forced herself to stand up.

"It's just to dry him out...you can go on to sleep." Li Hao faced the cold wind and left the room.

In the palace, Prince Ming'an looked unhappy. The jade table in front of him was already filled with spiritual fruits, spiritual wine, and various foods rich in spiritual energy.

But the seats were empty.

"Are you sure he will come?" He glanced at Liezhou coldly.

"It was indeed his butler who responded in person, saying that Chief Li would come to the banquet." Lie Zhou responded hurriedly.

"I have shown my attitude of conciliation. If he continues to be arrogant, it will be too much." Prince Ming'an said a few cold words.

"Maybe there is something delayed. Your Highness, wait a moment..." Lie Zhou advised.

"You just did it on purpose to embarrass me, Li Hao..." Prince Ming'an sneered, knowing full well.

It didn't take long for Li Hao to arrive here under the guidance of the palace people.

"Oh, thank you for your hard work, Chief Li. I know you are practicing, but I still have to let you run away." Prince Ming'an greeted him with a very warm smile.

"Your Highness is very polite. Your Highness invited me. How dare I not come?" Li Hao responded with a smile.

"Although you and I are in the same town in Zhenbei City, we rarely interact in private. I have long wanted to have a long talk with you."

Prince Ming'an strode forward, grabbed Li Hao's arm, pushed him down on his seat, and patted him on the shoulder, appearing very close to him.

Damn it... Li Hao secretly cursed. He really didn't expect that Prince Ming'an could achieve such a level. He was worthy of being a son of the royal family.

"Sit down quickly, sit down quickly, pour wine, pour wine. This is the wine I brought from the Central Region. It has been brewed on a big star for eight hundred years. The power of the stars has seeped into it..."

Prince Ming'an was extremely enthusiastic. The wine was like nectar, with stars shining in it and a dense purple color.

"In that case, I won't be polite." Li Hao drank it. The wine was refreshing and refreshing. It really nourished the body and made people feel refreshed.

At the same time, his finger dipped a little and was sent into the Sumeru space.

[Xinghui Liquor: Brewed from the secret medicine of spiritual fruits collected deep in the stars. 】

Li Hao was a little surprised that it was true. He thought Prince Ming'an would find something to fool him.

Since he is so sincere, he probably has a prediction in his mind about today's events.

The two of them chatted for a while. Prince Ming'an put down his wine glass and sighed. Li Hao raised his eyebrows, knowing that the main event was coming.

"Li Sishou, it is a great blessing in life that you and I can have a good chat over wine and speak freely about what is on our mind. Unfortunately, I will return to the Central Territory to meet my father in the future..."

He sighed: "You have become famous, and my father is also very concerned about you. It is a pity that you do not care about the Central Realm, and it is difficult for the two of us to get together in the Central Realm."

"Your Highness, there is no need to be so sad..." Li Hao shook his head: "I have discussed it with the prince a long time ago. After meeting the Ksitigarbha Buddha, I will go to the Central Region."

King Zhenbei was angry with him, so he certainly knew how to stimulate Prince Ming'an.

Prince Ming'an twitched the corner of his mouth and said sadly: "The Plateau of Ten Thousand Buddhas is not a good place. Why should Li Sishou go there? If he is forcibly converted into a Buddhist son, wouldn't it be troublesome..."

"I don't need your Highness to care about this. I have my own way to ensure that I won't be converted into a Buddhist disciple." Li Hao shook his head, drank another bottle of wine, and smacked his lips.

Prince Ming'an stared at him and suddenly sighed: "I know there were some misunderstandings with Li Sishou in the past. Now that we are about to be separated, I also want to settle this grudge to avoid further trouble in the future."

He raised his hand, and Lie Zhou came up holding a jade plate with ten standard Qiankun bags neatly stacked on it.

"What do you mean by this, Your Highness?" Li Hao looked surprised.

"This is my intention, but there are some things I need to clarify. I never ordered Yang Ting'an to kill you." He looked straight at Li Hao.

If he was a little pretentious just now, now Prince Ming'an seems to be very sincere indeed.

"The dispute is just a position. I adhere to the bottom line." He said sincerely: "You are the pride of Great Xia Tian. I will not do such a thing as cutting off my arms. I hope the chief minister will trust me."

Li Hao looked at him blankly and breathed a long sigh of relief: "Your Highness, since the matter has passed, why bother mentioning it again."

He didn't know if it was the instinct engraved in Prince Ming'an's genes or other reasons.

At this point, Prince Ming'an is still acting.

The enthusiasm shown by the other party should not be fake anymore, no one will believe it, but the calmness at this moment is in contrast to the hypocrisy before, making it more believable.

If it were anyone else, maybe he would really be moved and eliminate some of the hatred in his heart.

Coupled with the sincerity in this Qiankun bag, it is almost enough not to forget about letting go of grudges with a smile.

Raising his hand, ten Cosmos Bags fell into his hands. Li Hao chuckled, "The Plateau of Ten Thousand Buddhas is my old enemy in Great Xia. I suddenly thought clearly that it is impossible to see the Ksitigarbha Buddha."

"I have respected Emperor Xia for a long time, and I hope that when His Highness returns to the Central Region, he will never forget to take me with him."

Prince Ming'an nodded, "Of course."

Then, he looked hesitant and said with a wry smile: "To be honest with Li Sishou, I have one more unkind request, and I hope Li Sishou will agree."

"Oh, please tell me..." Li Hao was a little surprised and waited for the next step.

"Director Li also knows that I have a subordinate named Qingnang, who is my confidant and was brought from the Central Region."

Prince Ming'an looked sad, "It's just that he disappeared inexplicably after he came to Zhenbei City. I couldn't find him, and it really hurts my heart."

"Now that you are the head of the Junfa Division, I hope that Chief Li can do his best to find my confidant to comfort my heart."

Green bursa?

Li Hao quickly remembered that it was the guy who went to recruit him under the orders of Prince An.

Later, this guy saw that he was unhappy, and maybe he was prompted by Prince Ming'an, so he made trouble several times.

The current conflict between him and Prince Ming'an was partly due to that guy.

Later, after he became the head of the Junfa Department, he was sent by Prince Ming'an to trick him, but he was directly caught in the dungeon.

Now that Li Hao is locked up in the dungeon of the mansion, he almost forgot about it.

Most of the senior officials in Zhenbei City are well aware of this matter.

Prince Ming'an wanted to regain his respect, and Li Hao saw Prince Ming'an's plan.

If Prince Ming'an only paid unilaterally, this would be a confession of his mistake. However, if Li Hao also responded, this would be called reconciliation between the two parties.

Of course, the level of effort required to release Qingnang and Prince Ming'an are not on the same level, but sometimes, this level of respect is what is needed.

"I will do my best, Your Highness, just wait for the good news." Li Hao nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, the two drank and chatted again. It wasn't until Li Hao wandered away that Prince Ming'an's face suddenly darkened.

"Go to Broken Yuxuan!" He stood up and walked all the way to where Rou Yue was, his expression solemn.

"As you might expect, after I offered enough benefits, he immediately changed his rhetoric."

Prince Ming'an was obviously in a bad mood, so it would be fine if the things were given to his subordinates.

It happened to be given to a disgusting person, which made him feel pain and grit his teeth at the same time.

Rouyue's eyes flickered and she chuckled: "Your Highness, don't worry too much. Aren't you and I mentally prepared for it already?"

"Even so, seeing his look like that still makes me feel angry..." Prince Ming'an sneered: "But just treat it as a subordinate."

"Oh?" Rou Yue's heart moved slightly, "What does this mean, Your Highness?"

"I have asked people to spread the news in the Central Territory, saying that Li Hao is my man." Prince Ming'an smiled lightly.

Rou Yue frowned slightly, "But Li Hao clearly doesn't deal with His Highness."

Ming'an glanced at her: "You are usually very smart, but now you can't figure it out."

"It doesn't matter what he thinks in his heart, what matters is what other people think."

"None of my brothers are simple. If they knew that I had such subordinates, I don't know how uncomfortable they would be."

Rou Yue suddenly said, "You mean, because of you, Li Hao will inevitably be targeted by others after arriving in the Central Territory?"

"The Central Territory is not the Northern Territory, and no one will talk to him about being in the same territory or the same age. That is all to fool young people." Prince Ming'an said as if he was in control:

"If you don't have the strength to break through the sky, you can only stay in the Central Region."

"When everyone thinks he is my subordinate, even if he doesn't want to, he will have no choice but to be tied to me."

"At that time, I will show you some favors, so I can naturally recruit him to serve me."

"Your Highness is wise..." Rouyue was secretly surprised. She didn't expect that Prince Ming'an would also come up with a way to fight back despite suffering a secret loss.


[During evolution, scene anchoring is successful]

[Heaven-level evolution is activated, the special function - other transformation is activated freely, please choose an identity -

pawnshop owner

Wandering knight

Tang Clan Disciple]

Among these three identities, Li Hao still followed the old rules and chose the first one directly. There were no other clues anyway.

[Special function-evolution entry: none]

Tsk, it’s time to play krypton again. This is the highlight. The last [disaster transformation] made Li Hao never forget it.

[Tiansha Lone Star: Anyone who has been in contact with the projected clone for more than three days will encounter various dangers. The longer the contact time, the higher the risk. 】

Damn, what the hell is this entry?

Li Hao was speechless, one million at a time, keep refreshing!

[Peach blossom relationship: Attracting bees and butterflies, projected clones are more likely to attract the opposite sex. 】

Li Hao's face darkened, and then... all kinds of entries flashed by, none of which were very suitable.

Until——[Infinite Chaos: All choice rewards will be redistributed, and any reward may be obtained. 】

Tsk... Li Hao frowned slightly, hesitant.

He swindled 100 million Spiritual Source Crystals from Ming'an.

But for heaven-level evolution, each level requires 20 million spiritual source crystals.

In order to refresh the evolution entry, he kept 20 million spiritual source crystals in his hands and only activated the fourth level of evolution.

And refreshing the entries has already consumed 14 million, and there may not be a better one next.

Moreover, I don’t know what new functions the heaven-level evolution will have, so I have to keep some in case of emergencies.

[Infinite Chaos] looked at the upper limit. After thinking for a moment, he decided that this was it.

[Special function--world characteristics: none]

[World Characteristics]?

This should be the new function brought by the heaven-level evolution, Li Hao thought about it and continued reading.

【please choose--】

[Revival of spiritual energy: The spiritual energy of the evolving world is more intense, the practice is simpler, and the quality of decision rewards is higher. Energy needs to be supplied to continue to turn it on. 】

Li Hao's eyes went dark, okay... Just by looking at the description, I knew that this was another bottomless pit.

The evolution entry only affects the projected clone, while the world characteristics affect the entire evolutionary world.

Energy needs to be continuously supplied to keep the world’s characteristics turned on.

[Aura Resurrection] will raise the level of the entire world and increase rewards, and there are also hidden gains, that is, after Li Hao Yingzhao enters, he will get more benefits.

However, he has chosen [Infinite Chaos], and all choice rewards will be redistributed. [Aura Resurrection] is somewhat useless.

The characteristics of this world can also be refreshed, but the energy consumed reaches an astonishing 10 million Spiritual Source Crystals.

The Spirit Source Crystals on his body were almost exhausted, so he scraped them together and went to find Jiang Chen, who had been staying in the mansion, to pick them up. Finally, he collected about 10 million Spirit Source Crystals.

[Time acceleration: Accelerate the speed of the evolutionary world. The higher the level of the evolutionary world, the greater the energy consumption]

This seems interesting... Li Hao thought about it. The time flow rate in the evolutionary world is inconsistent with that in the main world. This is something Li Hao has known for a long time.

If time could be accelerated, it would mean that decisions would be made more frequently, which would be quite good.

Fortunately... He breathed a sigh of relief, this feature is not bad, that's it.

It also saves you having to borrow the Spiritual Source Crystal again.

As the complicated words in the Wanjie Zhi disappeared, Li Hao felt that a stone was missing from his heart.

Next, it's just a matter of waiting for evolutionary decisions to be made.

I just don’t know if this is still a familiar world.

"Wan Ren, is that green bag still alive in the dungeon?" Li Hao summoned Wan Ren and asked casually.

He did not interrogate Qing Nang too much, mainly because as the situation changed, Prince Ming'an no longer posed much of a threat to him, and Qing Nang knew only a limited amount.

He simply left it in the dungeon without caring or asking.

"Eat and drink well, live well." Wan Ren responded.

"Go and have a look..." Li Hao nodded and asked, "By the way, how is your son?"

"Reporting to your lord..." Wan Ren said respectfully: "My son was accepted as a closed disciple by a former master of the academy and taught him carefully."

"Well, don't let him leave Zhenbeicheng." Li Hao warned.

"Understood." Wan Ren responded: "Your Majesty has already sent someone to warn you."


In the dungeon, the candlelight was dim, Qingnang sat cross-legged on the ground, and when he noticed someone coming, he slowly raised his head.

"Li Sishou..." Qingnang responded calmly, "It must have been a long time since you last interrogated me."

"It has indeed been a while. Do you have anything else to say to me?" Li Hao asked.

"Is His Highness putting too much pressure on you?" Qingnang smiled with some speculation: "Last time I told you the news about Rou Yue, I thought you would continue to interrogate me soon, or His Highness would put me on trial Get out."

"It's a pity that it didn't happen. After all, this is the territory of King Zhenbei, and it is really difficult for His Highness to perform well."

"However, His Highness must know that my disappearance is closely related to you, so he must be targeting you."

"Your Excellency, you are overthinking this. Your Excellency is living a good life." Wan Ren said dissatisfied.

"Very good?" Qingnang said inexplicably, "King Zhenbei has been able to protect you until now, which is indeed beyond my expectation, but I know His Highness's skills."

"Since Sixiangjing has taken the position of head of the Supreme Law Division, Yang Ting'an must be disgusted with you."

"I have also thought clearly during this period that no one in the north can check and balance His Highness, and I will not say anything." Qing Nang closed his eyes tightly: "So, whether you want to kill or behead him, it is up to you."

Li Hao had a strange expression on his face, looking at Qingnang who was willing to die generously, and said: "Mr. Qingnang, I want to let you go."

"Let me go?" Qingnang suddenly opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth: "Sure enough, you can't bear it anymore. Your Highness has put too much pressure on you, so you can only let me go..."

"I knew you wouldn't come to me for no reason."

His heart was trembling. When he was imprisoned here, his hatred for Li Hao had already penetrated deep into his bones.

I thought I would never see the light of day again, but I didn’t expect that His Highness would always be Your Highness. Northern Territory? hehe…

But he did not show it now to avoid any changes at the last moment. Instead, he spoke calmly:

"Don't worry, Chief Li, you didn't criticize me harshly when I was imprisoned here. I will speak kindly for you in front of His Highness."

He comforted him so that Li Hao would not be depressed and kill him in anger.

Revenge is something that will happen in the future, but we still have to endure it now.

"You..." Wan Ren frowned. Just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by Li Hao, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Thank you very much, Mr. Qingnang. I will send you directly to the palace to meet Prince Ming'an..."

Mr. Qingnang looked at Li Hao's half-smiling expression and always felt that it had profound meaning.

He couldn't figure it out for a moment, but no matter what, it was always true to go out.

After the person was taken away, Li Hao warned: "Remember, don't let him see anyone on the road, and send him directly to Prince Ming'an."

"Understood..." Wan Ren nodded, but also puzzled:

"Sir, why don't you kill him? Prince Ming'an didn't say anything. Do you want a corpse or a living person?"

"Why should we kill him? Let's leave this matter to Prince Ming'an." Li Hao shook his head and grinned as if he thought of something.

"Will Prince Ming'an kill him?" Wan Ren was puzzled.

"If we don't kill him, then His Highness has really changed his gender." Li Hao smiled lightly and suddenly asked: "By the way, who did you say came to visit you before?"

Wan Ren responded: "She calls herself the Moonlight Fairy. She came when you entered the palace, but you were not there. She said she would come back later."

"Is it her?" Li Hao nodded.

"If she comes again, just ask her to find me in the practice room." Li Hao ordered.



As night falls, the moon and stars are sparse, and the Ganoderma lucidum rakes in the courtyard emit a shimmering light, vying for beauty.

"Is Chief Li here?" A cold voice came into his ears, and Li Hao opened his eyes.

The Moonlight Fairy is dressed in snow clothes, her green hair is as bright as silk, her eyes are shining with wisdom, and her face is peerless. She stands not far away, with her perfect figure on full display.

A flash of panic flashed in his pupils, because not far away, Li Hao's figure appeared out of thin air.

"Long time no see, Miss Ruyue..." Li Hao greeted.

Lin Ruyue was a little stunned when she heard this. Very few people called her that, and she didn't want others to call her that...

But Li Hao's words made her feel completely different.

"Li Sishou, long time no see..." Although her voice was cold, it had a softness to it.

"When did you come to Zhenbeicheng?" Li Hao motioned for her to sit down.

Moonlight Fairy has bright eyes and white teeth, a snow-white neck, a tall figure, and a slim waist.

Sitting on the stone pier at this moment, the curves are undulating, the legs are straight and slender, and the skin is more like a light moon veil, the whole person is so beautiful that it is a bit unreal.

"I arrived a few days ago. The master was worried that I would be harmed by Shiling. The King of Zhenbei also declared the northern border and was willing to protect those of us who have awakened our innate supernatural powers, so he came to Zhenbei City." She explained, and then said :

"Last time in Silver Dragon City, if it weren't for you, I would have been killed by the Shiling demon. I am here today to thank you."

"Only verbal thanks?" Li Hao asked.

Lin Ruyue was stunned, looking a little cute, and pursed her lips: "I know that Li Sishou is in a high position now, is powerful, and lacks everything."

"If there is any order, I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

"It's just a joke." Li Hao chuckled and shook his head.

Lin Ruyue looked at Li Hao and couldn't help but say: "I heard that Li Hao has entered the Nether Realm. I have a dance that can strengthen the spirit."

"Oh?" Li Hao was a little surprised, "There is this kind of dance?"

"After I awakened my innate magical powers, what came to mind was that other people might have some powerful magical powers or cultivation methods, but I am quite unique. I only have Yiwu..." Lin Ruyue said helplessly.

"Thank you very much..." Li Hao smiled and muttered to himself, Chang'e's dance, you really need to see it.

Lin Ruyue's cheeks were a little red. After getting this dance, this was the first time she danced in front of outsiders, and it was still in front of a man.

Lin Ruyue stood up, stretched out her arms, and the moonlight fell on her body, and then... danced...

Beauty is like moonlight, dancing for nine days

As Lin Ruyue dances, the moonlight falling in the mansion is much stronger than in other places in Zhenbei City.

Li Hao indeed felt an inexplicable power nourishing and comforting his soul, which was very strange.

But he didn't care too much because the improvement was very weak.

Those old guys who haven't entered the country for a long time will definitely be ecstatic, but for him, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

Soon, after the dance, Lin Ruyue stood up, and Li Hao couldn't help but said: "It's really beautiful."

A slight smile appeared on Lin Ruyue's cheeks, "As long as it works..."

Just as she was speaking, her body staggered a little, and Li Hao's eyes flashed slightly and he was already in front of her.

"The soul is depressed?" Li Hao's eyes flashed, and he had already seen it: "Dancing like this will consume the power of your soul. You have not yet reached the Netherworld, and the consumption is too great, so you need to rest."

"It doesn't matter...I already knew it." Lin Ruyue shook her head.

Li Hao raised his hand, pulled her weak and boneless arm, and said, "This dance is unusual. Let me see if there are any other hidden dangers."

Warm Qi and blood flowed through Lin Ruyue's body, like a big hand rubbing up and down.

"Li...Li Sishou..." Lin Ruyue was speechless and subconsciously wanted to refuse. She had never been in such close contact with a man.

But some of the emotions in her heart left her speechless.

"Well, it should be fine...it's just that the soul is a little worn out." Li Hao stopped his hand and nodded.

Lin Ruyue felt even more dizzy at the moment, her body was limp and her heart was pounding. She pursed her lips and said, "Thank you so much, Chief Li, for your concern. Master is still waiting for me. I...I'm leaving first..."

After saying that, she hurriedly took a few steps back, then turned around and left in a hurry, looking a little embarrassed.

"Ah!" She exclaimed, and the originally bright and soft moonlight became extremely sharp at this moment, rolled into white gauze, and shot towards the front.

It was a rotting corpse, as if it had been buried in the ground for more than half a year and then crawled out of the ground.

Standing in the shadows, one suddenly realizes that it is really scary.

"Fairy, it's me, Jiang Chen." The rotting corpse said six words.

"What?" Moonlight Fairy was shocked. In fact, she noticed something was wrong the moment she took action.

Because this is Li Hao's mansion, there is no possibility of any evil happening, and the magical power he used has been withdrawn.

However, she couldn't help being surprised when she heard the other party's words.

She knew Jiang Chen, who was a disciple of Taoist Beiling. The two of them had met many times. Although they were a bit wretched on weekdays, they would not be like this.

He and his master have robbed too many tombs, is there a problem?

"Brother Jiang..." Li Hao teased: "Didn't I tell you not to come out casually? What if you scare the flowers and plants?"

Jiang Chen was speechless: "The moonlight here is a bit too strong. If you are curious, come and take a look."

Moonlight Fairy reacted, her cheeks became hot again, and she whispered: "Brother Dao, please forgive me, we will talk about it another day."

After that, he left in a hurry.

Jiang Chen stared at Li Hao for a long time, then snorted coldly, "Beast! I saw it all!"

"Go away." Li Hao said in disgust: "Peeping on others, you are not only physically abnormal, but also psychologically abnormal. Be careful, I will do justice to God."

"Sanctimonious!" Jiang Chen scolded angrily.

"I think you are envious and jealous. Hurry up and eat the corpse energy. Maybe it will grow back." Li Hao stabbed him in the heart.

"I'll fight you!" Jiang Chen was furious, rushed forward, and then flew backwards at an even faster speed.


Somewhere in the Northern Wasteland

Mr. Sakibayashi held about a dozen yuan-seizing beads in his hand, all of them were brightly colored and different from each other. He said in a deep voice:

"Sir, now all the remaining reincarnated immortals in the north have gone to Zhenbei City. The one in Daxia's True Realm should not have left yet, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to hunt those people again."

"I know, what I have collected so far should be enough." The figure of the six-eared macaque appeared and took these Yuanzhu beads from Lord Sakibayashi.

Then, a black treasure box appeared in his hand. After opening it, there were many densely packed columns inside. Roughly counting, I am afraid there are no less than three hundred.

Immediately, another piece of silk cloth slowly appeared in his other hand. It was only the size of a palm, golden in color, and the edges were still a bit incomplete, as if it had been torn off somewhere.

The material is very special. It is neither gold nor jade nor stone. It looks like cloth, but it is crystal clear and round and exudes golden light.

As the two were in the same space, the scrap of cloth slowly floated up and gradually came to the treasure box. Wisps of Yuanling fragments were extracted and gradually gathered on the scrap of cloth.

Lord Sakibayashi looked at it secretly and was frightened. He didn't know what this thing was, and he didn't know why the six-eared macaque collected these Yuanling fragments.

But he knew that the answer would probably come today.

As the Yuanling fragments gradually merged into the remaining cloth, some ancient fonts appeared on it, glowing with fluorescence.

Mr. Sakibayashi couldn't understand it, he just felt that it was very mysterious.

The six-eared macaque had been holding his breath and concentrating. Seeing this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Finally...successful."

A small piece of residual cloth swallowed up all the Yuanling fragments and fell into the hands of the six-eared macaque. He stroked it gently, with a little excitement on his face.

"This is the right way. The underworld is nothing. I really shouldn't have gotten involved that day and wasted three lives." He frowned again, as if he remembered something.

"But fortunately, Li Hao didn't get anything from that day's battle, but I... was completely different."

"Sir..." Mr. Sakibayashi said cautiously.

The six-eared macaque raised his head, and with a sharp light in his hand, a ray of spiritual light shot out from the remaining piece of cloth, which instantly merged into Lord Qi Lin's body.

"Sir!" Mr. Sakibayashi was shocked. Before he could react, he felt a majestic force exploding from his body.

Then, a large amount of information filled his mind, and wisps of starlight appeared around him, forming a strange bird, purple and gray, mysterious and amazing.

"One of the twenty-eight constellations, Bi Yuewu, is good..." The six-eared macaque nodded.

"This is... the power of reincarnated immortal gods?" Lord Sakibayashi was shocked: "Wouldn't the acquired fusion cause the soul to collapse?"

"The day after tomorrow?" The six-eared macaque sneered: "This is more innate than the Yuanling fragments of reincarnation. This is called..."

"Become a god!"

"Feng Shen..."

Sakibayashi-kun murmured in a low voice, realizing the new power and supernatural powers.

At the same time, he vaguely felt an invisible force pulling him and the piece of cloth together.

He even felt that his soul and life were tied to that piece of cloth.

"Also, how is the matter with Ksitigarbha Buddha handled?" the six-eared macaque asked.

"The things have been handed over to Kasyapa." Mr. Sakibayashi responded hurriedly.

"Well, where's the news for him to spread?" the six-eared macaque asked again.

"He has also agreed." Lord Sakibayashi frowned, seeming a little confused, "Didn't you say that what Li Hao used at that time was not the fragments of the Three Life Stones? Why did you let Kasyapa spread the word that Li Hao's Three Life Stones had been used up."

"I know, but others don't know. I'm really curious about who he is. I don't want to take the risk and let others try." The six-eared macaque waved his hand, and Sakibayashi-kun knew enough not to continue asking.

"Since the Northern Territory can no longer collect Yuanling fragments, let's find another place."


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