Royal Palace, Ming'an Hall

Prince Ming'an looked down at the worshipers below with indifferent eyes, "I'm back..."

"Your Highness's life-saving grace will never be forgotten by Qing Nang." Qing Nang said respectfully.

"Yes." Prince Ming'an nodded, "Get up."

"Yes, Your Highness..." Qing Nang stood up, subconsciously glanced at the expressionless Prince Ming'an, and then glanced at several people around him.

This was his habit of trying to figure out what Prince Ming'an was thinking, but he was a little unfamiliar after not seeing him for a long time.

Then, he couldn't wait to say: "Your Highness, I would like to identify that during this period, Li Hao, the head of the Junfa Department of Zhenbeicheng, detained me."

Liezhou's expression suddenly changed slightly, and his eyes became playful.

Prince Ming'an looked at him quietly, "Why do you want to identify him?"

"Your Highness, this is a good opportunity, an opportunity to inflict serious damage on King Zhenbei!" Qingnang gritted his teeth: "I have seen Li Hao's true face in the dungeon, and I am willing to use my soul to prove it."

"The evidence is conclusive. I am your staff, and he is too arrogant."

"You can report to Zhongyu, bypass King Zhenbei, deal with Li Hao, let him die without a burial place, and at the same time severely damage King Zhenbei."

This was something Qingnang had thought about deeply on the way here.

He understood Prince Ming'an, even though he was imprisoned by Li Hao and was the victim.

But in the eyes of Prince Ming'an, he was no different than a waste. If he wanted to win Prince Ming'an's attention again, he had to be ruthless.

Self-certification with the Yuan Shen will cause great damage to the Yuan Shen.

But right now, this is the only chance to prove his loyalty and take revenge on Li Hao.

The last time Li Hao broke through the Four Symbols Realm, he was designated by the King of Zhenbei as the head of the Junfa Division and suppressed Yang Ting'an.

He knew that Prince Ming'an had a lot of resentment in his heart and would not let this opportunity pass by.

"Well, it is indeed a good idea." Prince Ming'an nodded lightly, and before Qing Sang could get excited, he heard a sharp shout:

"The bold Qing Sang dared to frame Da Xia Hu Gu. Lie Zhou took him down and cooked him."

Qingnang was stunned when he heard this, Daxia humerus?

Who is Bacteria Humerus?

What happened to Prince Ming'an?

He had thought it over carefully, this was definitely a perfect opportunity and excuse, and he even did not hesitate to use his soul as proof!

"Your Highness, Your Highness...this...I..." The completely unexpected result even made Qingnang unable to react.

But now life and death were at stake, and he knew that he could not hesitate. He said loudly: "Your Highness, I know that you have a deal with King Zhenbei. If you let me out, you must have agreed to King Zhenbei. You can't be disadvantageous to him."

"You don't need to worry about me. I'll report to Zhongyu myself. You can act like you don't know anything!"

He believed that it must be a deal between King Zhenbei and Prince Ming'an, which was why Prince Ming'an had such a reaction.

Therefore, he took a step closer and exposed it himself, so that he would pay more and search for souls more than once or twice.

But he wants to gamble, to gamble, otherwise he will be completely useless, no different from death.

"He didn't tell you anything..." Prince Ming'an stared at him coldly: "And he asked you to come back and disgust me again."

"You idiot, get out of here."

What's the meaning? tell me what?

Qingnang couldn't understand, and he was even more at a loss. He knew so little information that he couldn't even refute.

When he came to his senses again, he was already being driven out of the palace by soldiers.

"Brother, brother, for the sake of staying with me for several years, please save me..." he begged.

Liezhou sighed: "Mr. Qingnang, you... are too impatient. You must at least understand what the situation is now, right?"

"What's the situation?" Qingnang couldn't understand: "Although I have been banned from seeing the light of day, it was definitely less than half a year since I was arrested."

"It's only been half a year, has something terrible happened?"

He murmured to himself, and suddenly, his pupils shrank and he said loudly: "Could it be said that King Zhenbei has broken through to the True Realm?"

"Ha..." Lie Zhou couldn't help but laugh: "What are you talking about? How long has it been? How could the prince practice so fast?"

"Then what happened!?" Qingnang's face turned pale and he tried to calm down.

"This matter is more complicated... The main reason lies with Li Sishou." Lie Zhou hesitated for a long time, and finally condensed it into one sentence: "Li Hao killed a person in the Realm of Realization."

"What!?" Qingnang froze, his eyes widened, and there seemed to be bursts of thunder in his ears, and there was only one sentence in his mind.

"This is impossible!"

In the Huanzhen Realm, he was the person who truly carried the backbone of Daxia. Even though he had been with Prince Ming'an for a long time, he had not seen many of them.

All of them are extremely noble people, standing high above the others, and His Highness the Prince must be extremely respectful.

Such a character would actually be beaten to death by Li Hao?

"Brother, what happened during the time I was imprisoned?" Qing Nang asked again and again, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Tell me, and let me die knowingly."

"It's a long story..." Lie Zhou shook his head and looked at his colleague. Once upon a time, the two of them were in a competitive position, and there was a lot of overt and covert exclusion.

But now that I am sending him to the road of death, I feel somewhat sad that the rabbit is dead and the fox is dead.

Immediately, he told Qing Nang everything that happened during this period.

As he spoke, Qing Nang's breathing gradually became heavier. If someone hadn't been holding him up, he would have collapsed on the ground at this moment.

"...How could this happen..." He murmured in a low voice, his eyes empty. The initial shock had faded away, leaving only confusion and confusion.

Li Hao's growth rate far exceeded his imagination and expectations.

No wonder Prince Ming'an would react like this. With Li Hao's current strength and status, his accusations would have no effect at all.

If he had known that he was facing such an opponent, how could he have dared to scheme.

"Haha..." He laughed miserably: "With His Highness's character, I'm afraid he would have sentenced me to death a long time ago. He hopes that Li Hao will send back a corpse, so that he doesn't have to do it himself."

"It's not your fault that Mr. Li is not in the pool." Lie Zhou shook his head.

Qingnang sneered, "Brother, compared to the King of Zhenbei's breakthrough to the True Realm, what happened to Li Hao, which one is more unbelievable?"

"Of course..." Lie Zhou subconsciously wanted to answer, but paused.

Qing Nang just guessed that King Zhenbei had broken through to the Realm of Reality, which was why Prince Ming'an was so afraid.

He felt a little funny. After all, how long had passed, Qing Nang would actually have such a guess?

But if he puts himself in Qing Nang's eyes, what happened to Li Hao is obviously hard for him to accept.

It's just that as a witness, Li Hao's development has been a gradual process, which is not so exciting.

"Mr. Qingnang, let's hit the road..." Lie Zhou shook his head.


In the early morning, the cold air is thick, and the concentration of Yin Qi in the northern realm has increased so much that some low-level practitioners cannot bear it.

The prices of many fire spiritual items on the market are much higher.

In the main hall of the mansion, Li Hao, Lin Fei, and Jiang Chen at the end, all gathered together.

"The situation in the Central Territory is complicated, and all kinds of monsters and monsters are emerging one after another. Since Brother Li is going to the Central Territory, I will introduce it to you..." Lin Fei crossed his legs and wore brocade clothes.

This was exactly the purpose of Li Hao calling him here, so he was naturally all ears.

"Among the princes, the second prince is the strongest. His strength is probably at the peak of the Immortal Fire Realm. Of course, some people say that he has broken through to the True Realm. However, we haven't seen him take action for about twenty or thirty years..."

"Where is the eldest prince?" Jiang Chen, who was pushed away by the two men, couldn't help but ask.

Lin Fei looked disgusted, glanced at him subconsciously, and quickly changed his eyes: "The eldest prince has died a long time ago. He died in southern Xinjiang."

After a brief explanation, he continued: "Currently, the one with the highest reputation should be the Eighth Prince. He has a well-known reputation and has many followers. He has an interesting story that is widely circulated..."

"More than ten years ago, when he was traveling around the world, he met a lame old master in a dilapidated village. Everyone in the village abandoned him and hated him..."

"Only the Eighth Prince, because of his fate, he ate and lived with him without any objection."

"Then after a series of events, I finally discovered that the old master was a powerful man in the Immortal Fire Realm. I was moved by him and followed him."

"How can anyone believe such nonsense?" Li Hao was speechless.

"There are quite a few people who believe in this. I don't know how many people are eager to be favored by the Eighth Prince and follow him every day." Lin Fei curled his lips.

"There are quite a lot of idiots in this world." Jiang Chen responded appropriately.

"Yes, it's just like when Little North King was born, purple energy came from the east, wild cows sent flowers, etc..." Li Haoshen thought it was true: "Before, every time I met someone, when they mentioned Little North King, they would say Say it again."

"The story about Little North King is also a lie, right?" Jiang Chen asked, it was hard to see any expression on his rotten cheeks.

"It's really not..." Lin Fei shook his head, "This matter is true. I was also curious about whether it was true or not before, and I confirmed it through Tianji Pavilion's means."

"With the prince's character, he really won't lie about this kind of thing." Li Hao pondered.

"Then how could Xiao Beiwang's strength be a bit disappointing for his birth vision?" Jiang Chen muttered.

"It's hard to say. I suspect there is something going on here, related to the princess." Lin Fei looked around and said cautiously: "The Dao Palace behind Prince Ming'an. As you know, the princess is from the Dao Palace."

"Shortly after the Ghost Gate appeared, the Taoist Palace asked the princess to pick up Little Bei Wang, ostensibly because she wanted to teach him carefully."

"But in fact, the prince had a fight with the people from the Taoist palace. There was no fight, so he had no choice but to let them take Little Bei Wang away."

"There is such a thing..." Jiang Chen was full of energy, and Li Hao frowned slightly. He was not very strong at that time and did not know this secret.

"When you go to the Central Territory this time, you should have a chance to meet Little North King. Remember to say hello to him for me." Lin Fei said.

Li Hao nodded. Lin Fei didn't know much about this matter either. The three of them guessed for a long time and then returned to the topic.

"Originally the Twelve Princes were quite powerful, but it was a pity that they were saved by Ksitigarbha Buddha." Lin Fei said regretfully:

"Except for some dead princes, the rest are pretty much the same."

Hearing this, Li Hao asked, "What level does our Prince Ming'an belong to?"

"Prince Ming'an is very powerful behind the scenes, but his background is too weak. His overall strength is just average." Lin Fei thought, but then said:

"However, these princely battles were all old routines before the great changes in the world. The situation should be a little different now."

"It will be more or less affected. I heard that the second prince no longer wants the throne. He wants to pursue greater strength."

Li Hao pondered for a moment, "Is there any conflict between the two?"

"Hmm..." Lin Fei was stunned: "There seems to be no conflict. If you think about it carefully, it is indeed nonsense."

"By the way, are you interested in going to the Central Territory together?" Li Hao glanced at Lin Fei and asked.

"Me?" Lin Fei smiled, shook his head and said, "Forget it, the Central Territory is too chaotic. If it is not necessary, I'd better not go and just stay in my one-third of an acre of land."

"I guess I can't bear to part with the Spiritual Source Crystal you stored in Runchun Garden." Li Hao teased.

"Ha, how can the vulgar powder in Runchun Garden compare to the moonlight in Brother Li's mansion last night?" Lin Fei laughed playfully: "I have another strange thing."

"A few days ago, since the Moonlight Fairy came to Zhenbei City, there has been an endless stream of people visiting her residence. Many visitors want to see her."

"It's a pity that none of the Moonlight Fairies were seen. What's interesting is that in Brother Li's mansion last night, the moonlight was like a pillar, gentle and soft."

"When I came this morning, I heard that the Moonlight Fairy's residence was already deserted."

"Brother Li is so lucky..." Lin Fei was filled with envy.

The vulgar powder is easy to come by, but the immortals in heaven are hard to find.

"I want to pick the mountain lotus, but it is extremely difficult. The weather, the right location, the right people and people are all indispensable."

When Jiang Chen heard this, he said quietly: "Brother Li, you know how much I loved you back then."

"Tsk, if you can do this with just a few words, why don't you go to the street to talk to matchmakers?" Li Hao said with disdain.

"Everyone thought you were dead that day. It's just the right time. That stupid casual cultivator who appeared out of nowhere helped you regain your reputation. This is a good location." Jiang Chen analyzed:

"I tried my best to fabricate your rise experience. This is due to human nature."

"People always have a sense of pity and regret for the dead. Coupled with other factors, you came back from the dead. It can be said that you ran directly into the heart of the Moonlight Fairy."

Li Hao was silent and thought about it for a while, and it seemed to make sense.

"Ha, I didn't expect that although Brother Jiang is useless, he is quite proficient in talking on paper." Lin Fei couldn't help but wonder when he heard this.

"Fuck!" Jiang Chen was angry again and rushed straight towards Lin Fei, then flew back at an even faster speed.

"You can kill him directly with this collision." Li Hao was speechless.

"Fart, I have to hold back my strength!" Jiang Chen cursed: "You are deliberately retaliating against me. When I have eaten enough corpse energy... vomit..."

"You wait, you wait!"

Jiang Chen cursed and walked out, and happened to meet Wan Ren, who came in a hurry.

Subconsciously, he moved a little to the side, but felt that this was not good, so he moved in the direction of Jiang Chen.

This time, the rotten flesh on Jiang Chen's face shook again.

"Huh!" He walked away with a puff of his sleeves.

Wan Ren was a little embarrassed, so he walked in and reported: "Sir, Cang Nan and others are back."

"Oh?" Li Hao raised his eyebrows slightly. It had only been a few days, but the speed was quite fast.

"Let them in."

Wan Ren responded in a low voice. Not long after he left, the three brothers Cang Nan and Yun walked in.

"My lord..." The four of them knelt down on one knee, but Li Hao held them up: "It doesn't have to be so complicated."

Since the enlightenment of Yin Shen, they all collectively call themselves Lord Li Hao.

"Cang Nan, I heard that your family has something going on, have you dealt with it?" Li Hao asked.

"Thank you, Lord, for your concern. The matter has almost been dealt with. My mother and sister are on their way to Zhenbei City." Cang Nan said respectfully.

"Well..." Li Hao nodded: "I have called you back this time for something. The Soul Suppression Division is about to be established in Zhenbei City. Your task is to use the abilities I gave you to suppress the recently deceased in the Soul Suppression Division. .”

"We understand..." Cang Nan and others nodded in agreement. They didn't really care what it was. They would listen to Li Hao's orders.

"There's nothing else to tell you. Just ask Huai Yuan to follow General Lin. He will make arrangements."

"Yes!" The four people from Cangnan came and went in a hurry, and soon left here again.

"Are they your means to eliminate ghost disasters?" Lin Fei's eyes flickered and he asked.

"That's right..." Li Hao stared at Lin Fei and suddenly thought that this guy seems to be unable to practice. If he is transformed into a Yin God, this hidden danger can be eliminated.

Lin Fei was a talent, but Li Hao thought about it and didn't mention it for the time being.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lin Fei was so stunned by his gaze that he shrank back.

"Nothing, just thinking about something..." Li Hao smiled.


The King of Zhenbei takes the affairs of the Soul-Zhen Division very seriously.

Before Cang Nan and the other four arrived, the soul-suppressing divisions distributed in the southeast, northwest and four directions of Zhenbei City had already been roughly built.

Some veterans were also transferred from the three divisions to serve as the manpower of the Soul Suppression Division. At the same time... Li Hao was temporarily appointed as the head of the Soul Suppression Division.

This is just a false name, used to scare some people with evil intentions.

In the north, Li Hao's name is quite useful.

Soon, in the afternoon of the same day, the King of Zhenbei ordered people to post notices everywhere, informing the entire Zhenbei City.

Notices are not often posted in Zhenbeicheng. Looking for the beam of light emitted by the notice, many people soon gathered.

The notice emits fluorescent light, and the characters on it are suspended high in the sky and can be seen from a long distance away.

"What's that written on it, Soul-Suppressing Division?" Someone was far away, so he had no choice but to use his spiritual pupils, which were not very skilled in cultivation, and his vision was blurry.

"It said that there should be another Soul Suppression Department in the city, distributed in the four cities. All dead people must be sent to the Soul Suppression Department within half an hour, and the Soul Suppression Master will perform the soul suppression before they are allowed to be buried. "

Someone said loudly, so that the people around could hear clearly.

"Ah?" The crowd fell silent, and then started an uproar.

"The situation of the Three Divisions has been established in the city for a long time. Why did a Soul-Suppressing Division suddenly appear?"

"The deceased must be resurrected before he can be buried? How? What if someone does something evil to the dead person?"

"Before, it was required to be burned, but now it is required to calm the soul..."

Everyone was talking about it, forgetting the idle monks who had traveled here, but the people who had lived in Zhenbei City for a long time reacted quite strongly, and it had the most profound impact on them.

"It also said that the head of the Soul-Suppressing Department will be temporarily replaced by Chief Li, and that the three divisions will be asked to assist in the investigation. Anyone with evil intentions or disobeying orders will be expelled from Zhenbei City and will never be allowed to enter!"

Someone added, which immediately silenced the slightly noisy crowd again.

When any new policy is released, it will inevitably change long-standing habits and cause subconscious resistance.

It must be suppressed with severe punishment, otherwise there will be more people who will not obey.

"Let Chief Li take over temporarily. This is a cruel move. I still remember the time when those unlucky dandies were caught and asked the forces behind them to come and redeem their people."

"Those guys are still laughed at..."

"Director Li has a great heart, and this matter will definitely be beneficial to us. I believe him..." Some people are very convinced of Li Hao.

Some people even took a peek and said, "It seems that this matter is inevitable. To calm the soul... to calm the soul... I don't know why..."

The sudden arrival of the Soul-Suppressing Division caused an uproar in Zhenbei City. Not only were the common monks suspicious, but there was also resistance from the members of the Third Division.

After all, the cake is so big, and it has been occupied by the three divisions for a long time. Suddenly, another soul-suppressing division appears, which is bound to take away a lot of their profits.

However, this was the order of the King of Zhenbei, and Li Si was the first to execute it, and no one dared to resist directly.

And in the midst of this turmoil, five days passed in a blink of an eye.

"Your Excellency Yang Shen, the Soul Suppression Department has been established and it is indeed very effective." Elder Ao stood behind Yang Shen and reported.

"Can you tell so quickly?" Yang Shen frowned.

"According to statistics from the Jingwei Department, five days ago, there were about a hundred incidents of ghosts hurting people every day."

"On the first day of the operation of the Soul-Suppressing Division, the quantity did not change at all, and the same was true on the second day, but on the third day it dropped by more than a dozen items, and even more so on the fourth and fifth days."

"Today, there should be less than fifty incidents of ghosts hurting people."

"The Northern Territory is most profoundly affected by the Gate of Ghosts. Ghosts will breed within a day or two of ordinary people's death, not to mention those who are practicing." Yang Shen nodded slowly: "It seems that he does have a way to eliminate ghost disasters. .”

"Do you know what methods they used?"

"This..." Elder Ao shook his head: "Our people stood beside those people and watched helplessly. They have been awake for three days and found nothing."

"They just touch it casually, and there is no change, but those dead people will no longer breed ghosts."

"The remaining ghosts that hurt people are the corpses that have not been resurrected by them before."

"It's expected, but it's useful..." Yang Shen nodded: "Now that this matter has been proven, let Ming'an and the others prepare to go back."



[As the new shopkeeper of Yongan Pawnshop, you are very proud of yourself, but unexpectedly you offend the eldest lady of the Tang family on the street. After some twists and turns, you return to the pawnshop.

But it was discovered that because of the previous conflict, you had been removed from the position of shopkeeper by the eldest lady of the Tang family. Zhao Wenchang became the new shopkeeper and sneered at you. Faced with this injustice, what would you choose? 】

[ask for justice]

【Temporary surrender】

Yongan? The eldest lady of the Tang family... Tsk... It's actually the world of fairy swords. It's interesting... This world has the Heavenly Court, although it is obviously weakened, and the Demon Lord. The level is indeed not low.

Li Hao thought to himself that this was just a small choice and would have little subsequent impact. In order to avoid accidents, he chose the second one.

After all, judging from the current situation, he has no justice to seek.

[You thought about it again and again, and playfully called him Shopkeeper Zhao. Zhao Wenchang sneered and said that your hard days are still to come, and you will be stepped on by him for the rest of your life. 】

[Reward Remake...] As the font blurred for a while, a new font emerged——

[Get rewards--Search the world: Use the target object as a guide to forcibly lock the target's location. 】

oh? Li Hao was a little surprised, [Infinite Chaos] is indeed interesting.

Originally, there should be no reward for such a trivial decision.

But he was randomly given this fairly good reward, [Search the World], which allows him to forcibly locate as long as there are related items, which is good.

As for [Time Acceleration], he didn't use it during this period because he tried it a little bit at first.

The five hundred thousand spirit source crystals only lasted for a moment before they burned out, and he didn't know how long they accelerated.

It’s so expensive, it’s a bottomless pit.

However, as the world level becomes higher and higher, the evolution interval becomes longer and longer, [time acceleration] is not useless, but it consumes too much.

"Sir, please come over..." Wan Ren's voice made him open his eyes, "I understand."

Not long after, in the Zhenbei King's Palace,

Li Hao bowed slightly, "My lord, are you looking for me?"

"Sit..." King Zhenbei raised his head, and after he took his seat, he said: "The Soul Suppressing Department is indeed very effective. In just these few days, most of the incidents of ghosts hurting people in the city have been eliminated."

"It should be so." Li Hao nodded, not surprised at all.

"Your Excellency Yang Shen has learned about this matter, and Prince Ming'an will return to the Central Territory soon." King Zhenbei said.

The reason why Yang Shen has not allowed Prince Ming'an, Li Hao and others to return to the Central Territory is because he is waiting to verify this matter.

Now that it has been proven that he does have the ability to eliminate ghost disasters, the next thing is about the Central Territory.

"Although the Soul-Suppressing Department is very effective, some people have evil intentions and are doing things secretly." King Zhenbei's face turned cold. The Soul-Suppressing Department is good for Zhenbei City, the Northern Territory, and even the entire Great Xia.

He would never allow anyone to interfere in this matter.

"Some people are secretly spreading rumors that people in the Soul Suppressing Department use corpses to practice sorcery, and that they are related to Jiang Chen..."

"You said you were cultivating for your friends, so you specifically talked about this soul-suppressing department, which caused quite a stir."

Li Hao was speechless. How big of a face did Jiang Chen have to be worthy of his efforts?

"I have found out that it was a city chief of the Shao Yusi who secretly spread the rumor that the Soul Zhensi had been deposed because he had profited from some things that he should get." King Zhenbei said again.

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." Li Hao said immediately.

"This is something that is beneficial to the Northern Territory, and I will support it myself. Since your method is indeed effective, I am going to introduce it to other cities in the Northern Territory. Do you have enough people?" King Zhenbei asked.

Li Hao was waiting for this sentence, "I still have thirty-two people, but there is no second Zhenbeicheng in the north."

"Practice people have a long lifespan and will not die too quickly. For a slightly larger city, just send one person there."

"As for the smaller scale, just send people to patrol." Li Hao put forward the idea, which he had been planning for a long time.

"This is feasible." King Zhenbei thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

"I'll leave this matter to the prince. I'm afraid I will soon follow Prince Ming'an to the Central Region." Li Hao said with cupped hands.

"It should be so..." King Zhenbei nodded and said hesitantly: "However, the Central Territory is not a kind place. After you go there, you must be careful and don't be impulsive."

"I know you have your own ideas, but don't underestimate the royal family." King Zhenbei hinted: "The reincarnations of ancient gods and gods are scattered across the earth. Each of them has a great origin and background."

"Perhaps at its peak, just one person can wipe out Daxia."

"But this is not their era anymore. Practitioners have a long life span. Have you ever thought that there are many princes in each generation, except for those who become emperors?"

"They also enjoy the support of a country and should not be underestimated..."

Li Hao felt a little chilled in his heart. He knew that King Zhenbei was reminding him——

I know you are very cool, but Daxia is not a vegetarian. Don't do whatever you want just because you have some means and cards.

But Li Hao saved his life, and he couldn't say it directly, so he could only hint in this way.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your teaching..." Li Hao said respectfully. From the standpoint of the King of Zhenbei, it was already very good to raise this point.

Looking at him, King Zhenbei's face flashed, and he added: "If you encounter trouble that cannot be solved in the Central Territory, you can go to the Tianlong Palace and use force. It is not the first choice."

"I understand..." Li Hao nodded.

King Zhenbei comforted him again: "His Majesty values ​​you very much. He views problems from a very high perspective. You don't have to worry about what he will think of you because of your conflict with Prince Ming'an."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty..." Li Hao smiled, "I also admire your Majesty in my heart."

"Yes, you are Chief Li..." King Zhenbei laughed: "How smart you are, you can naturally handle it with ease."

"Your Majesty, please stop teasing me." Li Hao smiled helplessly.

King Zhenbei's eyes were complicated. He recalled that when his son brought Li Hao to see him for the first time, the boy was still a little complicated.

As time has passed, it has grown to this point.

Then, he suppressed his smile and said solemnly: "Li Hao, I want to ask you something."

"My lord, please tell me, if I can do it, I will definitely do it for you. If I can't do it for the time being..." Li Hao paused slightly: "...I will also find ways to do it."

I have never seen King Zhenbei look like this before. Asking for help is not King Zhenbei's style.

"I want you to rescue Yao'er..." King Zhenbei said solemnly.

"Little North King? Wasn't he taken away by the princess?" Li Hao was slightly stunned.

"Daogong..." King Zhenbei's voice was cold: "Daogong plotted against me and asked me to give birth to Yao'er with her. The purpose was not pure and he had a plan for Yao'er."

"But I was so angry back then that I forcibly kept Yaoer, and the Dao Palace did not dare to confront Daxia."

"But the world changed drastically, and Dao Palace took action again. Daxia had too many worries, so he could only acquiesce in Dao Palace taking Yao'er away."

King Zhenbei's eyes were filled with anger: "I don't know anything else, but this time the Taoist Palace is going to let Yao'er practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Technique and cut off everything in the mortal world."

"Once you complete the cultivation, you will disown your relatives and lose yourself. I cannot see this happening."

"Practice the supreme method of forgetting love?" Li Hao was stunned, and a flash of inspiration suddenly came to his mind.

Purple air comes from the east, wild cows send flowers, the Supreme Being forgets his love...

No way?

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