In the main hall

"Ming'an invites you, but if you don't go, he might be furious." King Zhenbei chuckled twice.

"It's a waste of time to go there. It's nothing more than making excuses with me. I don't want to hear anything about misunderstandings." Li Hao shook his head.

King Zhenbei said slowly: "If you don't go to the Central Territory, it won't be a big loss for him. After all... in the end, he still doesn't want to go."

"I understand..." Li Hao nodded, but he had other methods.

"I'll give you a push..."

Li Hao raised his head: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

After chatting for a while, Huaiyuan came to the palace under the guidance of General Lin.

King Zhenbei suppressed his smile. Huaiyuan didn't even look at King Zhenbei. He just asked Li Hao: "You suddenly called me over. What's the matter?"

"Yuanhe and the others, who is closest to Zhenbeicheng?" Li Hao asked.

Although Yuan He and others were thrown out by him, they would still contact Huai Yuan regularly for communication.

"Hmm..." Huaiyuan pondered for a moment and said, "It should be that boy from Cangnan. He was on his way home when I reported last time. According to the time, he should be here."

"His home is in Kirigakure City. According to his speed, it's only a few days away from Zhenbei City."

"Cang Nan..." Li Hao nodded, having an impression of the passionate young man: "Is there anyone else?"

"The three Yun brothers from Linglong Pavilion are following him," Huaiyuan said.

"Four people should be enough for the time being. Let them come to Zhenbeicheng as soon as possible." Li Hao ordered.

"Understood..." Huaiyuan nodded.

King Zhenbei said at this moment: "No, General Lin, you go and inform the lord of Wuyin City and arrange a faster beast for them."

"Yes!" General Lin took the order and left.

"It hasn't been a month since you asked them to disperse, why are you bringing them back again?" Huaiyuan couldn't help but ask.

"The plan can't keep up with the changes." Li Hao also didn't expect that King Zhenbei would actually be willing to help him deceive Daxia, which saved a lot of effort.

"Huaiyuan..." Seeing that the conversation between the two people had come to an end for the time being, King Zhenbei spoke in a deep voice, staring at his adopted son with a solemn expression.

"Father..." Huaiyuan held up his hand and interrupted directly: "I am no longer under the command of my foster father. If you want to preach or something, please stop talking."

King Zhenbei frowned, Huaiyuan looked indifferent, and Li Hao looked like he didn't hear anything.

King Zhenbei still wanted to speak, but his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned his head and looked in another direction: "What's going on!!"

In the Wutong Hall, a formation that is not too big is arranged in the hall, but it is layered on top of each other, and every inch is engraved with dense formation patterns and symbols, leaving almost no empty space.

Jiang Chen's body is among them, with his brows furrowed and his eyes closed. The symbols are like tadpoles, crawling from his feet to his torso.

Elder Ao stroked his beard, and Taoist Beiling couldn't help but marveled: "There is such a strange formation in the world..."

Hearing this, the look on Elder Ao's face became even more contented, "This formation is indeed strange. Four hundred years ago, Concubine Wan was pregnant with twins."

"However, it is a pity that his brother was born with a different body. When he was still in the womb, he absorbed all his soul and body."

"The bodies swallowing and absorbing each other are fine, but the soul is ignorant and difficult to fuse, and even vaguely tore apart, showing an endless trend."

"By the time of birth, this situation became even worse. After three months, I, Qin Tian Jian, finally developed this method of stripping away the soul, which I called the Alien Soul Formation."

"I am impressed, I am worthy of being called the Heavenly Supervisor of the Great Xia Dynasty." Beiling Taoist couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

As the two of them talked, the tadpole-like dense symbols had spread to Jiang Chen's head.

Soon, he suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils were dark, and he roared hoarsely: "Old guy, you are seeking death!"

Taoist Beiling's face changed, but Elder Ao comforted him: "Brother Taoist, don't worry, although I don't know where this body came from, it's already the end of the war. Just watch."

As soon as he finished speaking, the tadpole-like black symbol suddenly trembled, peeled off from his body and fell to the ground.

Elder Ao looked slightly solemn and hurriedly took out the seals to consolidate the magic circle.

"Old guy, do you know what you are raising after raising corpses for so long?" The voice was dull.

Taoist Beiling suddenly shouted, "No!"

"Elder Ao, did your formation erase other things on him?"

Elder Ao frowned, "Of course that's the case. Brother Dao is hesitant and doesn't want to go into details. However, the formations are delicate. If they collide with each other, it will cause irreparable consequences."

"Trouble!" Taoist Beiling's expression changed dramatically.

"Hahaha..." Jiang Chen laughed: "I still want to thank you!"

In an instant, a strong black corpse gas suddenly erupted from his body. The rotten smell was so unpleasant that it even corroded the jade bricks on the ground into dark brown.


The formation exploded directly, and a terrifying aura burst out, as if you were in a mass grave, filled with cold air.

Jiang Chen's body began to rot, and his aura became more intense.

"Where did the evildoer come from!" Elder Ao's face turned cold. As his mind turned, a large number of formations appeared around Jiang Chen, sealing the void, suppressing the corpse energy, and attracting thunder.

"Haha, you can't trap me anymore!" Jiang Chen laughed, swinging his withered-looking hand, directly shattering the surrounding formations.


He came straight towards Taoist Beiling, but Taoist Beiling also reacted very quickly. He stepped on the seven stars and his body was like a phantom. There were actually seven phantoms that could not be distinguished from the real ones and the fake ones shot out in all directions at the same time.

However, Jiang Chen did not hesitate and chased directly towards one of the figures.

"I told you, I will rip out your throat next time we meet!"

boom! boom! boom!

The palace exploded, and the spiritual energy fluctuated and spread in all directions.

"Who dares to be so arrogant in the palace!"

A burst of thunder resounded through the sky, and the black figure flew down at a faster speed and hit the ground. It was surrounded by formations and did not cause much damage.

"Fairy Fire Realm..." Jiang Chen crawled out of the pit. The figure of King Zhenbei stood in the sky, followed by Li Hao and Huaiyuan.

Elder Ao and Taoist Beiling couldn't do anything together. Li Hao was very surprised when he saw this scene.

"It seems that you are well prepared..." Jiang Chen looked around and recognized Li Hao, having met him once before.

But he just glanced at it, obviously not taking it to heart, and locked the King of Zhenbei, he is the strongest.

He seemed to think that this was all just for him.

"Forbidden!" King Zhenbei looked down at him, raised his hand, green-gold chains criss-crossed, activating the power of Zhenbei's formation.

"It's useless..." Jiang Chen smiled grimly: "The corpse-raising lineage has raised me for so many years, and it is not in vain. Although it is a pity, it is worth it with your flesh and blood to make up for it..."

"My lord, be careful!" Taoist Beiling shouted, "He will do it at any cost."

As soon as he finished speaking, the aura on Jiang Chen's body rose layer by layer, and the corpse aura that had been poured into him for many years was detonated by him at this moment.

Pushing his strength to an unimaginable level, the phantoms of zombies appeared all around, and in the Zhenbei formation, it was difficult to open up a virtual scene.

King Zhenbei's expression gradually became serious. Obviously, the changes in the other party also surprised him.

"I am immortal..." Jiang Chen roared, but before he finished speaking, a figure invisible to the naked eye fell from the sky and hit Jiang Chen.

"Noisy." Yang Shen stepped on Jiang Chen, and the formation patterns around him were constantly being obliterated, preventing the power of the collision from spreading.

"Ha..." Li Hao couldn't help but feel happy. He failed to show off and was fucked instead. Yang Shen was still in the palace. He was obviously impatient and took action directly.

Jiang Chen was confused, and then he felt a terrifying force restraining him.

Immediately, the burly man in front of him lifted himself up from the ground, his eyes full of impatience.

"Where are you from? How dare you act so arrogantly here!" Yang Shen stared at Jiang Chen coldly.

Jiang Chen's cheeks were rotten, but he didn't dare to speak nonsense at this moment.

"This senior..." Taoist Beiling's throat trembled, and he could clearly detect the panic coming from Yang Shen, which was far beyond his realm.

"This is my apprentice, please... show your respect..." he said cautiously.

"Your disciple?" Yang Shen frowned: "This person has a strong corpse aura and is half dead. You are not a good person for raising such a thing."

Taoist Beiling's scalp was numb and he suppressed the urge to escape. Just as he was about to explain, he heard Li Hao's voice.

"Senior Yang Shen, this person is my friend. Due to some special reasons, he had to become like this."

Li Hao landed not far away and walked straight over.

Yang Shen glanced at him and his expression softened slightly: "It turns out he is your friend, so that's not surprising."

With your thick eyebrows and big eyes, I really can't tell if you are sarcastic or if you really think so, Li Hao is slandering you.

"How do you want to deal with it?" Yang Shen asked.

Taoist Beiling was secretly shocked. The strength of this powerful man was unfathomable.

Jiang Chen had just detonated the corpse energy hidden in his body for many years, and the strength he unleashed in a short period of time had reached the realm of fairy fire.

However, this man captured Jiang Chen effortlessly.

But now, Li Hao is asked for his opinion, and he takes it seriously, which is really shocking.

"My friend's soul has been suppressed by him, and I want to save him." Li Hao said.

Jiang Chen, who had been held in Yang Shen's hand, sneered, "If you want to save him, don't be wishful thinking."

"His soul has been integrated into this body, which I did not expect. It is impossible to separate."

"Since we can't separate, then we will wipe you out."

"You can't destroy me!" Jiang Chen said coldly: "My body has been severely damaged. Even though my strength is now at a loss, it still has magical effects. My soul is like a weed, which grows again when the spring breeze blows."

"Unless you let him destroy my body together and let me die with that kid!"

He knew Li Hao, had contact with Li Hao, and knew that Li Hao had a close relationship with another soul.

If given the chance, this person would never obliterate this body.

Taoist Beiling looked nervous. This was also what worried him. This body was too strange and not an ordinary zombie.

He even suspected that the current soul in this body was not its original soul.

"It's the reincarnated immortal gods again..." Yang Shen frowned, guessing that he didn't have any good impression of these reincarnated immortal gods, they only made trouble and caused trouble.

"You'll know if you try..." Jiang Chen was squeezed tightly by Yang Shen and couldn't move.

Li Hao stretched out his hand and touched his forehead.

At the same time, people kept arriving and were disturbed by the movements here, and of course Prince Ming'an was among them.

King Zhenbei glanced at him, his eyes moved slightly, and landed next to Prince Ming'an.

"Uncle Wang, what happened?" Prince Ming'an asked.

"It's nothing, just a little unexpected." King Zhenbei shook his head.

Prince Ming'an frowned. He didn't like anything unexpected, and he didn't want to have doubts in his heart, not to mention it was related to Li Hao.

"Your Highness, I just want to discuss something with you." King Zhenbei said.

Prince Ming'an then looked back and looked at King Zhenbei with a bit of doubt in his eyes: "What's the matter?"

"Li Hao just told me that Ksitigarbha Buddha invited him to go to the Plateau of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and he was a little moved."

"Absolutely not!" Prince Ming'an reacted fiercely: "My father called him, but he was unmoved. Ksitigarbha Buddha invited him, and he came forward eagerly. Where does this put Daxia and my father?"

Daxia just suffered a dark loss in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau not long ago, and one of his brothers was converted into a Buddhist son.

Although he was very happy in his heart, he still had to think about Daxia's face.

Now, Li Hao did not see Emperor Xia, but went to see Ksitigarbha Buddha. Wouldn't it be even more unpleasant?

"I have also advised him, but Master Nagasyapa is quite kind to him. He has helped him many times, and it is difficult for him to refuse when the other party asks." King Zhenbei sighed: "But I asked him that after meeting Ksitigarbha Buddha, he must Go to the Central Territory.”

"He also agreed."

"No, why can't it be the other way around!" Prince Ming'an was still unhappy, "This is actually a charity from him to me, Daxia."

"Besides, I, Daxia, have also cultivated him a lot, why don't I express my gratitude?"

"To be honest, Your Highness, he is worried..." King Zhenbei sighed: "The incident with Bianhuahua hurt him deeply. If he didn't have a few trump cards, he would really be dead."

"How could I use the power behind me to kill him!" Prince Ming'an suppressed his anger, "What is he afraid of?"

King Zhenbei didn't answer, just shook his head silently.

Prince Ming'an took a deep breath and looked at Li Hao with various suppressed emotions in his eyes, but eventually calmed down and had some thoughts.

Originally, Li Hao had no choice but to go, and Prince Ming'an could accept it.

But now, not only will he not go to Daxia, but he will also go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau, which makes Prince Ming'an difficult to accept.

At present, there is turmoil in various parts of Daxia, and the outcome of the northern border's handling is neither good nor bad.

Although the process had nothing to do with him, Emperor Xia only looked at the results and praised him quite a lot this time.

He didn't want to have any flaws. It would be fine if the person Emperor Xia wanted to see couldn't take him back. The other person actually wanted to go to the Plateau of Ten Thousand Buddhas. If he really went there, what use would he have?

While Prince Ming'an was thinking about it, Jiang Chen let out a wailing sound.

At first, his expression was very calm, and he just sneered.

But as an invisible force tore at his soul, he could no longer remain calm.

"This... what kind of power is this!?" He roared, his voice was shrill and even more unbelievable.

He could clearly feel that the foundation of the soul rooted in this body was being uprooted bit by bit at this moment, eradicating the roots.

"How could this happen!?" He couldn't accept it. With the characteristics of his body, he survived countless years.

"I see..." Li Hao's eyes flickered, and a gray vortex appeared in his palm.

"You are not the original owner of this body. You are just the first consciousness born from it. You are not a real general. No wonder you don't know anything."

He was trying to send his soul to reincarnation for the first time. He had an indescribable feeling, and he vaguely sensed more information being transmitted from his soul.

Of course, it is not the memory of the Yuan Shen, but another kind of information, similar to the age of the Yuan Shen and whether it is the original Yuan Shen.

Very peculiar.

" do you know?" Jiang Chen was horrified and said in horror.

Yang Shen was close at hand, suppressing Jiang Chen, and at the same time watching Li Hao use his methods.

"You don't need to worry about it anymore. Goodbye." Li Hao's eyes flashed, and the last wailing sound disappeared.

Jiang Chen's soul has been sent to reincarnation by him. He can clearly feel that there is a cool feeling in the soul. This is the "reward" of reincarnation, and the strength of the soul is increasing imperceptibly.

He often had this feeling, that it should be those people who were released to travel around the world, constantly sending ghosts to reincarnation.

Little things add up, and when the Soul-Suppressing Division is completed, I can really practice while lying down.

Jiang Chen's body collapsed on the ground, but the surface decay had not faded away, but his aura was much weaker.

Soon, he opened his eyes, a little confused, and then screamed: "Fuck, what happened to my body!?"

He jumped up in shock, caressing all over his body, even reaching into his crotch, and then became even more desperate.


He was trembling and speechless, "How could this happen!?"

"Congratulations to Brother Jiang for getting rid of the evil spirit and becoming yourself." Li Hao patted him on the shoulder.

"I might as well die..." Jiang Chen was disheartened. Although there were problems in the past and there was no harmony between heaven and earth, he would not be looked down upon by women.

But now, it's all rotted away, and given the special characteristics of this body, it might be difficult to grow it.

"Spirit and body are one, you have completely occupied the magpie's nest, why don't you enjoy it secretly!" Beiling Taoist priest came up and slapped Jiang Chen on the back of the head.

There was an inexplicable meaning in Li Hao's eyes. He clearly knew how difficult it was to achieve this step.

He searched through ancient books, but in the end he could only get the word reincarnation, and he might not even be successful.

But as soon as Li Hao took action, he easily pulled out another soul and completed the integration of spirit and body.

"I've always had a lot of fun since I became your apprentice." Jiang Chen forced out a smile, then looked at Li Hao and said solemnly: "Thank you very much. I will never forget your life-saving grace."

Although he was wailing, he knew in his heart that what was before him at this moment was a broad road.

No one understands the potential of this body better than him, but he has been unable to reach the deeper power before.

Li Hao not only saved him, but also gave him a way to heaven.

"When I said I was protecting you, did I lie?" Li Hao asked back.

"Tsk, after today, I will be the boss in the northern border." Jiang Chen climbed along the pole.

The two were teasing, but Yang Shen was too lazy to say anything. His figure flashed and disappeared.

When Prince Ming'an saw Li Hao's success, although he didn't know what it was, he was a little unhappy and hurried back.

Originally, King Zhenbei wanted to say something about this kind of thing, but in the end he just pretended that nothing happened.


At dusk, Kirigakure Castle is not a large city. Because at dusk and morning, there is always fog that comes from nowhere, so it is called Kirigakure Castle.

This city is quite close to Zhenbei City. Nothing major has happened in the past hundred years and it is very stable.

In a dilapidated house in Nancheng, Cang Nan had an angry look on his face, but he was tightly held by an old woman. At his feet, there was a child holding his thigh.

"Nan'er, Nan'er, you have to calm down, calm down!" The old woman had a wrinkled face and was wearing rags and linen clothes.

"It's not easy for you to come back alive. Don't make trouble again." The old woman couldn't stop crying.

"I want to kill him!" Cang Nan roared with bloodshot eyes: "Kill my father, let my mother and sister live in a broken house, I want his whole family to die!"

The three Yun brothers also looked very ugly. They shared the same hardships and made a promise that those who came back alive from the hell gate must fulfill the last wishes of others as one body.

Cangnan's family was humiliated, and they felt the same.

They have been in Kirigakure City for two or three days, but they have not found Cang Nan's family at their original residence.

In desperation, they could only search door to door, and finally found Cang Nan's family in this barren place.

"How dare they insult you like this!" Cang Nan clenched his teeth.

"Two or three months ago, there was a letter from the sect in Linglong Pavilion, saying that you ignored the sect's rules and had expelled you from the sect, so..." The old woman shed tears, her hair all white.

"Zongmen... Zongmen..." Cang Nan clenched his teeth: "Senior Brother Yuan wants to slaughter all the sects, and I can't bear it. I didn't expect that in order to cover up my face, I would be so ruthless!"

These disciples of the sect were detained by Daxia, Linglong Pavilion and Liuli Pure Land, and if they swallowed their anger, they would inevitably be cast aside by outsiders.

But if those people are expelled from the door, they will not be counted as their disciples, which is barely an explanation.

"Whoever shouts here will be killed." A voice came, and several figures in rich clothes came over. The leader had narrow cheeks and a gloomy look.

When he saw Cang Nan with an angry face, his heart couldn't help but jumped, and he said coldly: "Cang Nan, it's you..."

"Feng Xu, back then you were not as qualified as me and were abandoned by Linglong Pavilion, but you still hold a grudge today!" Cang Nan's voice was cold.

"Persecuting my family, you are seeking death!"

"Seeking death!?" Feng Xu sneered: "Who do you think you are? You are no longer a disciple of Linglong Pavilion. Without Linglong Pavilion to support you, who are you?"

"By the way, your father lost your sister to me before he died. I have given Madam Cang a few days to raise the money. Have you raised the money? If not, I will take her away."

"The little sister is trained and trained, and she is also a beauty."

"Brother..." Zhidong pouted and looked up at Cang Nan, his eyes filled with tears.

"Brother Yun..." Cang Nan took a deep breath: "Except for Feng Xu, kill them all, don't...leave one more..."

"Okay!" The three Yun brothers nodded without hesitation, and the long swords flew out of their sleeves, invisible to the naked eye.

Almost instantly, everyone around Feng Xu was killed, leaving only a boy behind him.

The corpses were separated and blood spurted out.

Cang Nan covered her little sister's eyes.

Feng Xu was stunned, his pupils were dilated, his eyes were almost covered with blood, his face was pale, and his whole body was trembling. Looking at the fierce Cang Nan, he couldn't help but say:

"You...what are you going to do!?"

"My father is the patrol general of Kirigakure City, you can't kill me!"

"Ask the person behind you to report and call everyone he can!" Cang Nan lowered his head and his voice was cold.

Feng Xu was stunned for a moment, then turned around hurriedly, beating and scolding him, "Go to my father quickly and ask him to come over quickly. Also my second uncle and third uncle, call them all over here, call them all over here!"

The boy woke up from a dream and fled in a hurry, stumbling.

"Nan'er, you kill them... leave quickly. The Feng family has been in the city for hundreds of years. We are no match!" The old woman's arms trembled as she pulled Cang Nan.

"Mom, don't worry... don't worry..." Cang Nan comforted her.

The three Yun brothers said in a low voice: "Senior Brother Cang, the four of us should have no problem dealing with two cave heaven realms, but it will be troublesome if there is a third one."

"And you have to protect your aunt and sister, why don't you leave for now?"

"It doesn't matter..." Cang Nan looked indifferent: "When we parted, Master Huai once gave me a spiritual talisman, which can also be killed in the Four Symbols Realm!"

"Yes, you are quite suitable for Master Huai..." The three Yun brothers breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after, the earth shook, and queues of soldiers came from all directions to wrap up the place and form a military formation. Then three people wearing armor came out.

"Xu'er..." The man in the center tightened his expression when he saw Feng Xu kneeling on the ground, pale and trembling.

Then he raised his head and looked at Cang Nan, cold as ice: "Who is your Excellency, and why are you going on a killing spree in the Hidden Mist City?"

Cang Nan didn't respond, but an old man who looked like a housekeeper squeezed out from behind. He walked closer but didn't speak. He should be transmitting messages.

Then, the man's expression changed, and he frowned and said, "Young Master Cang, although Feng Xu was at fault, you were indiscriminate and killed my servant when you came up. Isn't it too much?"

"Besides, your father was addicted to gambling, which led to the ruin of his family. What does that have to do with Xu'er?"

Cang Nan didn't react at all. He just pulled Feng Xu's hair and forced him to look at the man, "Is that your father? Watch carefully."

A crystal clear talisman appeared on Cang Nan's fingertips, and the lines on it shone brightly in an instant.

Then a blue beam of light shot out at an extremely fast speed, barely giving others time to react, and it instantly penetrated the head of the person in the middle.


The headless body hit the ground, raising a large amount of dust.

Feng Xu was stunned, and so were the others, only to hear a shrill wail: "Father!"

His father, whom he worshiped as a god, and who he relied on all the time, was actually killed by Cang Nan. It was no more difficult than slapping an ant to death.

Huge fear exploded in his heart, and he suddenly shuddered, and a stream of turbid and smelly liquid flowed down from his crotch.

"Remember, you killed your father." Cang Nan's voice was cold.

"Seeking death!" The two people next to them yelled angrily, but they retreated hundreds of meters at the same time, and then called on the surrounding soldiers to go back up.

"Killing the generals of Kirigakure City in public is a provocation to us, Kirigakure City, and to Daxia!" they shouted.

"Please come, Lord City Lord, and kill this beast!"

"No need, I'm already here!" A flash of red thunder flashed across the sky, and a rich voice followed a red figure.

This man’s brows were furrowed and he was already quite old. The two people who retreated were overjoyed and hurriedly came forward again, “Lord City Lord, this beast killed Master Feng in public and also killed a group of ordinary people before. It is truly a heinous crime. "

"Lord City Lord, please save me, this person's crime cannot be punished!" Feng Xu wailed. He had met Lord City Lord and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, praising him as a young talent in Wuyin City.

He believed that the city lord would definitely make the decision for him.

Cang Nan stared coldly at the city lord, while the three Yun brothers tightened their swords.

Suddenly, the lord of Wuyin City suddenly smiled, with some inquiry: "But Young Master Cangnan, and the Third Young Master of the Yun Family?"

Cang Nan frowned, and the three Yun brothers looked at each other.

"It's us..." Brother Yun nodded, "I wonder, City Lord, what's the matter?"

"That's fine..." The Lord City Lord breathed a sigh of relief and his smile became even brighter: "Everyone is shocked."

After hearing this and seeing this scene, Feng Xuru was struck by lightning and his eyes widened: "City... Lord of the City... you... you..."

The rest of the people were also in an uproar. They did not expect that the Lord of the City would be so kind to these villains.

The other two Feng family members had dry and sore throats, and vaguely felt something was wrong.

"That's it. Earlier today, news came from Zhenbei City. Chief Li asked me to send you to Zhenbei City as soon as possible. The King of Zhenbei also has an order, and there must be no mistakes." The city lord explained:

"But I searched for you for several hours, but couldn't find you. I noticed there was movement here, and I guessed it as soon as I arrived."

"King of Zhenbei, Chief Li..." Feng Xu's eyes were distracted and he kept repeating these two names.

These were all names he could only hear in rumors, and everyone he talked about was respectful and admiring.

These two people asked Cang Nan to go by name?

how so?

He thought that Cang Nan was expelled from Linglong Pavilion and the resentment he had endured for several years finally had a chance to vent.

That's why he attacked Cangnan's family, but how could he get into the hands of such a big shot as Li Sishou!

"Lord City Lord, do you know what happened today?" Cang Nan said.

"I don't need to know. I only know that the orders given by Chief Li and the prince must be correct." The Lord City Lord said with a smile.

The two armored Feng family members were frightened and secretly cursed Feng Xu for being blind, while also slowly retreating back.

"But if the current matter is not handled well, how can I leave." Cang Nan said.

"How do you want to deal with it?" The city lord's expression remained unchanged.

"Destroy the Feng family." Cang Nan spit out four words.

The city lord's expression changed slightly. Although Cang Nan's mother didn't know the reason, she also knew that her son had become a big shot.

But when he heard these four words, his face turned a little pale: "Nan'er, killing is too serious..."

The city lord advised: "Let the women, old and young, stay here. The young master is young, so don't let yourself regret it for the rest of your life because of your impulse."

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements for him to leave Kirigakure City, and there will be no chance of seeking revenge."

The three Yun brothers hesitated to speak, but Cang Nan's lips made a nod, and finally said: "Okay, I would like to ask the Lord of the City to find out. Anyone who does evil will be severely punished."

"Those two people must be killed no matter how serious or light their crime is!"

Feng Xu's second and third uncles stiffened and looked at the city lord pleadingly.

The city lord was also a little hesitant, after all, he was his general.

"City Lord..." Boss Yun spoke: "We are following Mr. Li. If this matter fails, we will do whatever it takes to make it happen."

Li Sishou…

The city lord exhaled a breath, and a smile appeared on his face again: "I understand."

Feng Xu fell to the ground, his lips trembling slightly, and his whole body was trembling like a branch swaying in the wind.

Then, Cang Nan slapped him on the top of his head, his eyes bulged out, and they were lifeless.

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