I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 159 Da Xia’s plan [Chi You Blood Point]

"That's almost it..." Li Hao's response made Qi Linjun secretly sigh in relief.

He had no intention of fighting against the big boss in front of him. The scene of "Li Hao" talking to the great sage that day is still vivid in his mind.

However, if the matter continues to be entangled, he will not be able to complete the task assigned by the Great Sage.

What he did before was just pretending to be arrogant, completing what the Great Sage asked him to do, and coming back for revenge.

Although he was ambushed by the King of Zhenbei last time, the six-eared macaques killed everyone.

However, he had to consume some of the three life stone fragments, which were also extremely precious items to him.

But it was precisely because he was unwilling to continue consuming the three life stone fragments that the six-eared macaque did not come back with revenge.

We can only find face in this kind of thing, but cooperation is still necessary.

All the fragments of the Three Life Stones have been used, and they must find some benefit. The ghost gate that they gave up earlier can just be used to get involved with the remaining power.

"You also understand that I had no choice but to do this. The Great Sage was holding his breath in his heart." Qi Linjun explained with a wry smile, as if he did not regard Li Hao as an outsider.

This made other people's eyes look weird, and it always felt awkward in their ears.

"Okay... whoever is upset, since we want to cooperate, don't make small moves in secret." Li Hao said impatiently and walked straight through the monsters.

Princess Zhanqing stretched out her hand, and a simple chair appeared beside her. Li Hao was not polite and sat on it directly.

He looked down and said, "General Lin has taken care of me many times, so this lizard is seeking death on his own, so no one else can blame him."

If that lizard was to be ridiculed by someone else, Li Hao might not have such a big reaction.

Qi Linjun was speechless for a while. Who knew that Li Hao would appear at this time? What a coincidence.

General Lin staggered back to his seat, looking at the spear stuck on the ground with complex eyes. He stretched out his hand, the spear trembled, flew back, and held it tightly in his hand.

He looked at the minced meat on the ground, and felt as if a huge boulder had been put down in his heart. Then he looked up at Li Hao. This was not the time to say thank you, so he just nodded slowly.

"What you are saying is that I just had to do it as a last resort. I hope you all, Haihan, don't take it to heart." Mr. Sakibayashi looked around, his attitude was warm and his attitude changed easily.

"I hope you won't have any bad feelings in the future cooperation."

After this small friction, although no one wanted to look good on these monsters, they also did not want to continue to intensify the conflict.

Princess Zhanqing looked calm: "Quan Dang just had a misunderstanding, but you should go down and rest first. We have other things to deal with."

"We will discuss cooperation matters after the processing is completed."

Li Hao's sudden appearance caught Princess Zhanqing off guard.

This place was shrouded in formations, and there was no movement when Li Hao came in, and no one reported it.

She wanted to find out what was going on and why the people in Shiling were so respectful to Li Hao, which puzzled her.

Qi Linjun was about to respond when he heard Li Hao say: "Wait a minute, there is one thing that needs to be resolved right now. Since Shiling also wants to intervene in the matter of the ghost gate, we can discuss it together."

Qi Linjun's heart moved, and he didn't bother to pay attention to what Princess Zhanqing said, and immediately responded: "Please tell me..."

"I got news that the Yin Division is going to attack this place in a big way." Li Hao said with thunderous words, which made everyone look shocked, and some people couldn't help but said in shock: "What?"

He stood up from the chair. He was a middle-aged man with a big belly. He frowned and said, "Yinsi... what is it again?"

You don’t even know what Yinsi is, how surprised are you?

Li Hao was speechless for a while and secretly cursed.

He told the matter directly, not preparing to deal with Yin Si alone.

He turned around in a big circle before he could intervene in the gate of hell in a reasonable way. He had Daxia's power and it was not in vain.

Not only him, but most of the people present looked confused. They came from the Central Region and did not understand the distribution of forces in the North.

What's more, even in the north, the Yin Division is very hidden. If you don't investigate carefully, you won't know it at all.

"The Yin Division is a secret organization in the North. The reason why Li Sishou disappeared before was because of the Yin Division." Princess Zhan Qing's thin lips opened slightly, and everyone looked surprised.

They didn't pay much attention to this matter before. They only knew that Li Hao was plotted by someone, but they didn't know who it was.

"It's not surprising. The Yin Division has been eyeing the Guimen Pass and wanted to get some information about the Guimen Pass from us, but the Great Sage looked down on them and was too lazy to pay attention to them."

Mr. Sakibayashi nodded and pretended to be a little pretentious. No one knew the specific reason anyway.

"I don't know where Li Sishou got the news from. Can you confirm whether it's true or false?" Zhan Qing asked.

"Sure..." Li Hao glanced at her, his features were as cold as ice.

"The Yin Division is divided into six halls. The master of each hall is in the Netherworld Realm. There are also palace envoys who are also in the Netherworld Realm. The overall strength is... immeasurable." Li Hao's simple introduction made everyone present change their expressions. .

"Is there any fairy fire?" one person asked cautiously.

"As far as I know, there is no Immortal Fire Realm in the Yin Division." Li Hao shook his head and looked at Qi Linjun again, "I wonder if the information I got is wrong or missing."

"This..." Mr. Sakibayashi hesitated: "We do have contact with the Yinsi, but we don't know this top-secret information."

"That's not right..." The man in scale armor who sat down frowned: "If the Sixth Palace of the Yin Division does not have the Immortal Fire Realm Commander, who will give orders? Such an organization will only end up splitting."

"If a group of dragons has no leader, it will inevitably have many negative consequences."

His words resonated with everyone, and they all nodded secretly. However, after he finished speaking, he suddenly woke up and hurriedly stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Li Sishou, I don't mean to question you, it's just..."

"It doesn't matter..." Li Hao shook his head: "As for the various reasons, I am also puzzled. Maybe they also have the fairy fire realm, but I don't know."

"Then we'll deal with them as if they have the Immortal Fire Realm." Princess Zhanqing said, "Be prepared."

"Your Highness, if we estimate like this, we won't be able to fight at all." Someone said helplessly: "There are less than a hundred thousand soldiers here, there are no five fingers in the Nether Realm, and the formations are only simple seals and illusions."

"If Commander Crane is still here..."

He closed his mouth mid-sentence, but everyone understood what he meant.

On paper, they are bound to lose, but just the comparison of the number of high-level combat forces makes people feel desperate.

Moreover, I don’t know if this Yin Si has any other methods hidden.

"Does Chief Li know when they will attack the Gate of Hell?" Princess Zhanqing looked at Li Hao. The distance between the two was not far. From this line of sight, she could only see the firm profile of Li Hao's face.

However, she had seen too many embroidered pillows in Zhongyu.

"I don't know." Li Hao shook his head: "It may be ten or twenty days later, or it may be the next moment."

His words made everyone feel uneasy.

"Your Highness, Chief Secretary, I suggest you evacuate Guimen Pass as soon as possible. Since the purpose of the Underworld Division is Guimen Pass, we should not let them explore first, and we will be behind." A middle-aged man dressed as a scholar made a suggestion, which was quite pertinent and feasible.

The most important thing is not to take any chances.

"Withdraw?" Mr. Sakibayashi couldn't help but say: "The dignified Daxia is still afraid of a small underworld, so just bring in a fairy fire mirror to guard this place."

Princess Zhanqing glanced at him and said calmly: "Every fairy fire in Daxia has its own things that need to be done and cannot be transferred casually."

Even though he said that, it was actually because of the existence of the Great Sage that it became very risky for Daxia to mobilize the Immortal Fire Realm.

What's more, it's not just the northern part of Daxia that needs to be taken care of, the other places are also undergoing changes that are like changing the world.

As far as she knew, a war had begun in southern Xinjiang, and more than a dozen people in Tongyou Realm had fallen.

"Since Daxia Teng can't take action, what can Shiling say? Now that they have begun to cooperate, Shiling should also have a share of the responsibility to guard this place." Li Hao said leisurely.

Mr. Sakibayashi was slightly frightened and reluctantly said: "You mean you want us to jointly resist the Yinsi?"

He is unwilling, or unwilling to directly act as the main force.

"I need to ask the Great Sage about this matter. I can't make the decision." Sakibayashi-kun declined.

"Then give me an answer as soon as possible. That's all I have to say. You can leave." Li Hao issued an eviction order without ceremony.

Mr. Sakibayashi nodded, and then left the palace with his demons. He felt very headache. He had not reaped the benefits, but had faced a big trouble.

However, when Li Hao spoke, he had no choice but to leave this problem to his boss.

As soon as he walked out of the door, his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look to the right, only to see a young man in blood-stained clothes with flowing white hair staring at him coldly.

Damn, whose child is that?

Mr. Sakibayashi was startled, and after taking a closer look, he was startled again: "Chief Huai? Are you not dead yet?"

He knew Huaiyuan. After all, he was a high-level executive in Zhenbeicheng, and they had even crossed paths with him several times.

He knew that Li Hao had been tricked by the Yin Division because of Huaiyuan. There were many people present that day and the news could not be concealed.

But what surprised him was that Li Hao appeared here intact, but Huai Yuan was not killed by him.

"This old vulture is not dead yet, how could I die?" Huaiyuan sneered.

Qi Linjun snorted coldly and spoke down to Li Hao. There was a reason for that. He had no such fear towards Huai Yuan: "We have another master, and the one he changed is quite diligent."

Huaiyuan's face turned cold, and the two sides exchanged words with no intention of going further.

Some soldiers took Sakibayashi-kun and other demons to a pre-arranged resettlement place.

In the hall, Zhan Qing asked: "Director Li, where are the disciples of the sect, are they okay?"

"They're fine."

Zhan Qing then breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. I wonder where they are now?"

"They are slowly coming. I came in advance to inform you about the underworld." Li Hao explained simply, and then asked: "What happened at the Gate of Hell? When I came, I found that there were more ghosts. , wreaking havoc in the Northern Wasteland."

"Ming'an didn't tell you?" Zhan Qing frowned slightly.

"No, he just urged me to come here as soon as possible. Is it related to Higanbana?" He said this deliberately.

After hearing these words, everyone present except General Lin and a few others had calm expressions, while others were somewhat aloof.

His eyes flickered, not daring to look at Li Hao.

Because this was a lie they had jointly spun, and they even said they used General Lin and other people who didn't know the truth to pass on the news in order to trick Li Hao over.

Of course, this is also to comply with Prince Ming'an's thoughts.

They were still puzzled before and secretly slandered many times. This hell gate is a big trouble. What's the use of luring Li Hao here?

Could it be that he alone could solve the troubles that so many people in Daxia couldn't solve?

But just when everyone was intimidated by Shiling, Li Hao made a strong appearance, showing everyone's deep anger.

This made them feel a little more favorable towards this famous young man.

Under such circumstances, I always feel that it is unethical to continue to deceive the other party.

But the lie has been killed, and now they can't stab Prince Ming'an in the back, so they are embarrassed.

"This..." Upon hearing these words, Princess Zhanqing, who had been calm all along, flashed a flash of panic on her face. She was speechless for a moment, and then she said calmly: "There is indeed a part of the reason."

"A gap has opened in the gate of hell, and a steady stream of extremely yin energy escapes. For demons, ghosts, ghosts, or evil cultivators, these are extremely precious cultivation resources, but now they are beginning to overflow."

"A gap has opened?" Li Hao was a little surprised, "Didn't you try to enter through this gap?"

"It can't be done..." Someone below explained: "When Lord Heqing was still here, he tried it once. He forced his hand in half of the time and it bounced back."

The sudden change at Guimenguan happened before Heqing ambushed the Great Sage, and he had also made many attempts.

"I know..." Li Hao thought thoughtfully. It seemed that he was waiting for no one even at the gate of hell. He couldn't wait any longer.

Just opening a gap will trigger a series of chain reactions. No one can predict what kind of disaster it will cause if the hole is really opened.

"Everyone, Princess Zhanqing and I have something to discuss. Can you please leave first?" Li Hao was silent for a moment and then suddenly spoke.


Everyone was stunned, and their eyes became a little strange. Some people wanted to speak but stopped, but were stopped by the people around them, with all kinds of thoughts running around.

Xuanyang was the first to speak, and his tone was cold: "Then let's leave first."

Although he and Li Hao had some conflicts, it was not rooted in hatred, but was forced by the situation at the time.

Later, Li Hao hurt his holy soldiers, and although he had resentment in his heart, it had all dissipated just now.

Others followed suit.

Princess Zhanqing's personal maid was also swept away, and in a blink of an eye, only Li Hao and Princess Zhanqing were left in the originally noisy hall.

"Who is this guy? He has a good aura..."

"I don't know, the strength is amazing...I'm afraid it's the Nether Realm..."

After leaving the door, everyone noticed Huai Yuan standing beside the door, and they were confused and wary for a moment.

Huaiyuan was too lazy to pay attention to this group of people. Li Hao came to Guimen Pass first, but he did not trust him. He did not leave him with the group of sect disciples, but brought him over.

"Master Huai!?"

A voice of surprise came from the crowd, and it was General Lin who spoke. He was extremely surprised. He did not expect to see Huai Yuan here.

"It's you..." Huaiyuan said lightly: "Are you surprised to see me?"

Of course he was surprised, he thought Huai Yuan would be killed by Li Hao.

"I'm a little surprised..." General Lin said truthfully.

The two of them were old acquaintances, and their relationship before was neither good nor bad.

"It turns out he is from Zhenbeicheng..."

"But why does the name Huaiyuan sound so familiar?"

Others suddenly realized, started talking in low voices, and then gradually disappeared. It wasn't that they stopped discussing, but that it became a sound transmission.


"Li Sishou specially left me here, what's the matter?" Princess Zhanqing's eyes were inquiring.

"I want to ask you, if Daxia agreed to Shiling's cooperation, wouldn't he want to do something secretly?" Li Hao asked.

Last time Daxia agreed to cooperate with Shiling, and the King of Zhenbei came to visit him. This time, did Daxia really admit defeat?

He didn't believe it too much, so he wanted to find out what Daxia's plans were, which would have a crucial impact on what would happen next at the gate of hell.

"What does Li Sishou mean?" Princess Zhanqing frowned.

"When Your Highness Ming'an came here, he promised me to take over anything related to the Gate of Hell. At least he would be on an equal footing with you, so I want to know if he has any other plans."

Li Hao looked directly at Princess Zhanqing. The two of them had already stood up and were not sitting on the same side.

Due to her height, Princess Zhanqing had to raise her white chin to look at Li Hao, her delicate and slender neck hidden under the brocade robe.

She was silent and did not answer immediately. She subconsciously had a xenophobic mentality and believed that Li Hao was not one of her own.

But the scene that just happened echoed in her mind, and Li Hao was very popular with King Zhenbei.

Although he is not considered one of Prince Ming'an's own people, he can be regarded as one of Daxia's own people.

Thinking of this, she hesitated and said, "I do have a plan."

Li Hao's eyes lit up and he asked: "What are your plans to dispatch the powerful masters of the True Realm?"

The Huanzhen Realm is a realm above Immortal Fire. If we want to suppress the Great Sage with absolute certainty, practitioners of this realm must be dispatched.

As far as he knew, there were only a few practitioners of this realm in the entire Great Xia.

"It must be like this, it can only be like this..." Zhan Qing nodded: "He Qing's death is a shame for Daxia, and only the blood of Shiling can erase it."

"However, according to what the prince said, this person has incredible supernatural powers and can even hear people's voices. It is inevitable that he does not have the ability to predict good or bad luck."

"So, this matter must be done only when we are absolutely sure."

Li Hao nodded slowly, which was not beyond his expectation: "In this case, the powerful man may not be able to intervene in this matter."

"That's right." Zhan Qing confirmed Li Hao's idea.

What does it mean to be foolproof, that is, if the great sage appears, he will be beaten to death.

After the last incident, the six-eared macaque is probably very cautious and will not give Daxia any chance.

Therefore, the strong men of Daxia can only hide and cannot appear in advance.

Obviously, in Daxia's eyes, killing the six-eared macaque has a higher priority than the gate of hell.

"I think this Yinsi attack is an excellent opportunity. If Shiling doesn't want to give up the gate of hell, it will have to send out strong men. Maybe we can take the opportunity to seduce the Great Sage." Princess Zhanqing paced and proposed an idea. Suggestions, and asked Li Hao what he thought.

"That's exactly what I mean..." Li Hao nodded: "I just want to use the power of Shiling to fight against the Yinsi and make them dog eat dog."

"But this matter will not be easy to succeed. Shiling could give up the gate of hell before, but it may not persist this time." Zhan Qing is quite worried:

"And what I'm most afraid of is that if Shiling and Yinsi come into contact, it will be very detrimental to us."

"They won't cooperate." Li Hao chuckled when he heard this. Zhan Qing was quite surprised and didn't know why Li Hao said that.

"When Shiling was looking for a certain item, he had a big fight with the Yin Division. The Yin Division in the north suffered heavy losses and it took a long time to recover." Li Hao explained, but he did not say what the specific item was.

He learned about this from Huaiyuan. Shiling had bumped into someone from the Yinsi before when he was collecting fragments of the Sansheng Stone.

The fragments of the Sansheng Stone are also something that Yinsi must obtain. There is a fundamental contradiction between the two, and they started fighting if they disagreed.

After all, Shiling is the place where demons gather in the north, and there is also a big trap like the six-eared macaque, which directly killed the Yama Palace to a complete defeat.

It is precisely because of this that the Yama Palace lags behind the other palaces in searching for the Fengdu Great Seal and refining the power of ten thousand souls.

Zhan Qing was a little suspicious, but seeing that Li Hao was so sure, he didn't say much.

"If Yinsi won't cooperate with Shiling, it will be easy to handle." Zhan Qing quickly proposed a plan: "Shiling will definitely not pay a big price, but if they only make them pay a small price, it will break the camel's back." The last straw, I’m afraid they are happy to see the result.”

Li Hao's eyes flashed with appreciation. This was a good idea. As long as Shiling was involved, and the situation escalated later, they wouldn't be able to escape if they wanted to.

"It's just..." Zhan Qing turned to say: "In a short period of time, it will be difficult to mobilize more Tongyou Realm to come."

"Oh, is Daxia's situation so difficult?" Li Hao couldn't help but be surprised.

"On the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau, there is a Ksitigarbha Buddha. It is said that this Buddha has strength beyond the true."

"Is it really above that?" Li Hao's heart trembled, darling...do you want to grow up so fast...

"Well, he entered Leiyin Temple not long ago, killed several Buddhas, became the Tathagata of the third generation, and stepped into the realm of reality..." Zhan Qing's information is very well-informed.

Li Hao didn't know the news at all. After hearing it, he felt speechless for a while.

It seems that the body of the Third Tathagata is not Ksitigarbha's. It's in chaos... it's all in chaos...

After sitting in the underworld for so many years, Ksitigarbha has become impatient and wants to go to Lingshan Mountain to stand up and take charge.

"Daxia is under great pressure..." Princess Zhanqing said helplessly, "Seventh brother has converted to Buddhism."

Seventh brother? The seventh prince?

Have you converted to Buddhism?

Li Hao no longer knew what to say.

"Any more?" he asked, quite curious.

"The war in Southern Xinjiang is in full swing. No less than ten Tongyou statues have fallen, and three Immortal Fire statues have been seriously injured. I don't know the specific direction in which it will develop." Zhan Qing sighed.

Li Hao was silent for a moment. In comparison, only one fairy fire fell in the North, and it was Daxia himself. The fuss was indeed not big.

But thinking about this, he felt a little strange. As the most powerful force in this world, why didn't Daxia take the lead?

He couldn't figure it out, he always felt like there was something going on inside.

There are so many talented people in Daxia, including the nine formations and the national masters. It sounds impressive. Even if the world changes drastically, it will not be too defeated.

Shaking his head, King Zhenbei probably didn't even know about these things, let alone Princess Zhanqing.

He said: "Tend Elder Ao here, I still have one person in hand, and with the strong men here, it's almost enough."

"We can only try this first." Zhan Qing nodded, hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively: "I wonder why Lord Shiling Qi Lin is so respectful to Chief Li?"

She could see that Sakibayashi-kun's previous pressure was definitely not a bluff.

He counterattacked without hesitation when facing General Lin's attack. He was not a coward.

But facing Li Hao, this demon was submissive. His humility and fear were so obvious.

"How old is the princess this year?" Li Hao suddenly asked.

Zhan Qing frowned subconsciously, "Twenty..."

"Two decades of glory..." Li Hao nodded and asked, "Can we get married?"

Zhan Qing frowned deeper: "No."

"I wonder what kind of person Princess Zhanqing likes?" Li Hao asked again.

Zhan Qing couldn't help scolding: "Li Sishou won't say anything if he doesn't want to. I won't be aggressive, so why use this method to imply that this matter has nothing to do with me."

She frowned, snorted coldly, called her maid, and left the hall.

"Tsk...if I don't shut your mouth, you won't be able to stare at me all day." Li Hao laughed and couldn't help but shake his head.

After walking out of the palace gate, Huai Yuan was still leaning on him, following Li Hao freely.

"Director Li..." A soldier wearing bright silver armor came over and said in a loud voice: "The princess has a destiny. Please come with us. She has arranged a place for you."

"Then let's go..." Li Hao followed this person to his residence.


At the same time, in a large tent isolated from other tents, there seemed to be a space array arranged here, which was very vast.

Sakibayashi-kun was surrounded by many demons. Although they had no expressions, you could tell from their changed skin or the flame-breathing nostrils that they were not in a good mood.

"I don't understand why we should be so respectful to such a human being." The Bull Demon said in an angry voice: "He killed the old lizard, but we didn't react at all. We didn't even dare to refute him."

Although he was talking about us, he was clearly pointing at Sakibayashi-kun.

"Yes, the Great Sage asked us to stay away from him before. Now that the Great Sage's strength is unpredictable, why are we still so afraid of him? Besides, even if we stay away, there is no need to be so humble."

A big horse with white skin made a sound, had a single horn, and looked very holy.

They are very dissatisfied. Most demons have explosive tempers. It is already very good to be able to suppress them on the spot.

"Are you done?" Sakibayashi asked calmly.

"Sakibayashi-kun, are you scared?" An old ape spoke, with golden hair and standing upright.

This golden ape was highly valued by the great sage and was said to have taught him many magical powers. Other great demons did not dare to despise it.

"If you are afraid, just change someone else. If you are so submissive, I'm afraid the Great Sage will be very unhappy if he finds out." There was a hint of intimidation in his words.

Lord Sakibayashi glanced at him and said bluntly: "In that case, I happen to want to contact the Great Sage. How about you ask him face to face if I have done anything wrong?"

"Then ask, I don't believe that such cowardice is the order of the Great Sage." Jin Yuan sneered.

Mr. Sakibayashi shook his head and began to engrave the formation. After a moment, a small formation took shape, shining with light, formation patterns intertwined, spiritual mist gathering, and a voice came from it——

"Have you had any contact with people from Daxia?"

It was the voice of the Great Sage.

"I have been in contact." Mr. Sakibayashi responded in a low voice.

"How did they react? Was there anything unusual?"

"I went to humiliate Xuanyang according to the plan, but something unexpected happened." Qi Linjun responded.

"What's the accident?" The Great Sage's voice was calm, and there was no hint of emotion or anger.

"The man named Li Hao came out and beheaded the old lizard, but Lord Qi Lin not only didn't resist, but he flattered us so much that he completely embarrassed our Shiling!" Jin Yuan, who couldn't hold himself back for a long time, couldn't wait any longer. said.

He has already seen Lord Qi Lin being scolded by the Great Sage. In this way, his prestige in Shiling will be even higher.

"Little monkey, are you talking?" The great sage's voice was slightly rippled.

"Great Sage, it's me." The golden ape showed his charm. The Great Sage could identify him just by his voice, which showed his status in the Great Sage's heart.

When other monsters saw this, they couldn't help but cast envious glances.

"Who asked you to interrupt!" The Great Sage's voice suddenly became severe.

Jin Yue was stunned for a moment, the pride on his face faded, and he stammered: "Great... Great Sage, it was Sakibayashi-kun who was wrong..."

"Who said he was wrong?" The Great Sage said coldly: "Sakibayashi-kun represents what I mean. If you say he is wrong, does that mean I am wrong?"

"No, no, I mean he is too flattering to Li Hao..." Jin Yuan hurriedly explained, not knowing where he made a mistake.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. I have warned you a long time ago to stay away from him when you encounter him." The Great Sage warned: "Now, I say it again, no one is allowed to offend him."

"But what if, what if he takes the initiative to provoke a dispute?" You Yao asked weakly.

"Then run..." The Great Sage's voice was indifferent.


You were still shying away before, but now you are not even allowed to resist?

The demons were completely stunned, as if struck by lightning.

Didn't the Great Sage even kill Daxia's Immortal Fire Realm? Why are you still so afraid of this person?

They couldn't figure it out.

"And..." The Great Sage's voice became silent again: "Sakibayashi-kun, if there are still people who question your decisions and ideas again, you should handle it yourself."

The golden ape's face turned pale and he froze in place, his ears buzzing, and he just felt weird.

Mr. Sakibayashi bowed and said, "I understand."

"Great Sage, there is one more thing. Li Hao said that the Yin Division will attack Guimen Pass and wants us to send some of our forces to help them defend themselves against the enemy. What do you think about this?"

"The Yin Division attacked the Gate of Hell?" The Great Sage sneered: "Yes, Heqing has been killed by me. For them, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and they will not let it go."

"What about us?" Sakibayashi-kun asked again.

"It depends on the situation. We must not become the main force against the Yinsi and let Daxia take the lead." The formation was unstable, but the voice was very steady: "We will watch the fire from the other side and act according to the opportunity."

"I understand." Mr. Sakibayashi nodded, already knowing where the "line" was.

"This Yinsi still has some skills. Everything is in their hands. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to grab it." The great sage said, because there were other demons, he did not speak too thoroughly.

"However, it would be nice if I can grab the fruit in the end. If I can't grab it, forget it. This is not my path."

"However, Chief Li seems to be quite interested in the Gate of Hell." Mr. Qi Lin said tentatively.

"Of course he is interested." The Great Sage was not surprised, but with an inexplicable meaning: "However, he may not be able to succeed. The underworld is in such a terrible state. Even if the underworld is well prepared, it may not be as good as they want. willing."

"Hmph, this is no longer the ancient times, Siyu...hehe..."

Many demons were confused by his words, but they could hear some contempt for Li Hao in his tone.

This made them very puzzled. Originally, they thought that the Great Sage was extremely afraid of the guy named Li, but now it seems that it is not as strange as they imagined.

Lord Sakibayashi finished roughly reporting the matter, and the Great Sage didn't say much. The formation dispersed, and calm returned to the place.

Lord Sakibayashi looked around with his gloomy eyes, and all the demons trembled in their hearts and remained silent.


As night falls, the moon and stars are sparse, and the huge stars seem within reach.

Li Hao heard that these stars can be climbed up and suspended in the sky. There are countless treasures on them, but it requires tyrannical strength.

Mingyue Mountain pulled down a star in the first place, allowing them to stand in the north for a long time. If it hadn't been for a natural disaster, they would have been able to stand even longer.

In the stone house, Li Hao's eyes were distracted and he was looking at Wan Jie Zhi -

[Everyone followed your advice and designed a false target on Mount Wutai, and the real body was taken to the vicinity of Chi You's blood cave.

At the same time, although you had foreseen the unknown and everyone trusted you, they still had the last trace of fear, so they ignored your refusal and forcibly brought you to the vicinity of Chi You's Blood Cave.

I also want to know how certain it is to eliminate the Youquan? 】

【Tell the truth】

【Too lazy to pay attention】

[Rebirth from disaster]

Tsk... Just kidnap the projection? Li Hao raised his eyebrows lightly and couldn't help but give a thumbs up. It really made the projection awkward, how could he make a choice?

Don’t think too much, it must be [disaster transformation]

[You wanted to find a place to hide, but you were forcibly taken here. You were already extremely angry, and now that you are being treated as a tool, you are furious.

He said that everyone must finish playing, because the secret of heaven has been changed, and you should not be here, waiting to die together, with no bones left, and the world will be destroyed by then, all because Xuantian Sect and Lian Xing kidnapped you.

The two were shocked and covered in cold sweat. 】

[Get reward - Chi You Blood Point: Infuse energy and manifest Chi You Blood Point. You can absorb the blood and strengthen your body. If you practice blood path magical powers in it, you will get twice the result with half the effort. 】

This thing... Li Hao frowned subconsciously. It was not as good as some direct rewards, but it probably didn't really require him to refine it step by step.

How specific it is, we still have to try it before we know.

His eyes were slightly focused, and Huai Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the other side, seemed to be aware of it, and the heavenly dragons surrounding his body disappeared.

He opened his eyes and looked over, but he didn't see any clues.

"Aren't you afraid that those group of sect disciples will run away on their own?" he asked, trying to find something to say: "Coming to the gate of hell is not a good thing. They all know that the future is uncertain, so they may be tempted to run for their lives."

"Aren't you going to look for them? If they are gone, you will really be helpless to deal with the situation."

Li Hao glanced at him and said indifferently: "Who said I would be helpless."

Huaiyuan was stunned, and then looked at Li Hao suspiciously: "Yes, you have also been in contact with the gate of hell, so you can naturally enter it, but you are so kind-hearted that you risk yourself and don't use them to explore the way?"

"What's the use of them? They're just sending themselves to death." Li Hao shook his head: "The current situation is not the same as before. I am not the Prince Ming'an, so I don't need to worry."

What is the purpose of Prince Ming'an?

Find out the ins and outs of the ghost gate and what impact it will have on this world.

It would be best if there was a way to control it.

As for Li Hao, he knew the origin of the Gate of Hell and what the Underworld wanted to do, but he didn't know the details.

Moreover, he didn't know much about the strength of Yinsi. It would be very dangerous to fight alone.

That's why he thought of joining forces vertically and horizontally, using the power of Daxia and Shiling to balance it.

Explore the gates of hell? Don't be ridiculous, that was just to fool Prince Ming'an. Everything you did before was also to fool Prince Ming'an, or to fool Daxia.

When the fight actually breaks out, those disciples can only watch the show, which will have no effect at all.

"Tsk, you are really ready to let them go, interesting..." Huaiyuan was quite surprised and looked Li Hao up and down: "I didn't expect that you still have such a kind heart."

"Kindness?" Li Hao laughed, spread his hands, and strands of black hair appeared in his hands.

Huaiyuan raised his eyebrows and understood immediately: "This is the hair of those people."

"With these things in hand, you can track them, and you won't be afraid even if they are scattered?"

"Why bother?" He didn't understand.

"Test..." Li Hao's eyes flickered. The test for Yuan He and others was also a test for those sect disciples.

"Do you want to conquer them?" Huaiyuan said thoughtfully: "Those people's qualifications can only be considered to be acceptable, and a few are indeed outstanding. However, as the world changes drastically and the reincarnations of immortals and gods continue to awaken, they will be abandoned."

Li Hao shook his head and did not explain anything.

When Huaiyuan saw this, he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he said with a playful smile: "If they really run away, what will happen after you find them?"

"How can you say that they were rescued by you and killed them without saying goodbye?"

He wanted to know Li Hao's answer, because Li Hao was not a sinister person, and this situation was quite confusing.

The average age of those disciples was young, and all they wanted was to survive, which was understandable.

"It's not what will happen if I find them, but what will happen if you find them." Li Hao corrected: "If they really run away, I will let you find them."

Huaiyuan was stunned for a moment, then his face darkened, and he sneered: "Hypocrite, let me go find them, so I don't have to think about it."

"What if I let them all go?"

"It's up to you..." Li Hao didn't care and said calmly: "I never said that I was a gentleman. After all, we are still just teenagers and girls. I will be very confused about how to deal with it."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll run away too?" Huaiyuan asked.

Li Hao responded quickly and shrugged: "If you run away, I'll kill you directly."

Huaiyuan: "..."

Post first and change later, otherwise the update will be too late

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