I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 160 Is the gate of hell about to open? Close it for me!

Huaiyuan asked for trouble, snorted and closed his eyes, not wanting to communicate with this person anymore.

Li Hao was so happy that he took this opportunity to infuse the [Chi You Blood Point]. It took about 20 million Spiritual Source Crystals to completely materialize it.

"You...leave here first." Li Hao thought about it and suddenly spoke to Huai Yuan.

Huaiyuan opened his eyes and frowned slightly: "Where do you want me to go?"

He misunderstood Li Hao and thought Li Hao was going to give him some secret mission.

"You don't have to go anywhere, just stand outside the door." Li Hao responded.

Want me to see the door?

Huai Yuanqi trembled, seriously thinking that Li Hao was humiliating him.

He snorted, stood up, and walked toward the door, feeling extremely unhappy.

After Huaiyuan left, Li Hao's eyes moved slightly, and a bloody vortex appeared in front of him.

Then he walked straight in, and the world changed. When his eyes became clear again, he was already in a place with an extremely strong bloody atmosphere.

Gurgling blood fountains continued to gush out from the ground, and the surrounding walls were brightly colored. The blood filled the air rushed into Li Hao's body when he first appeared.

Sure enough, just as Li Hao expected, there was no step-by-step practice here. The majestic blood was continuously poured into the body without any effort on his part.

In just a moment, he felt that his own realm began to slowly but surely climb up.

"Tsk...this is a super training ground..." Li Hao probably understood.

However, the most important blessing in this place is the assistance in practicing the blood path method mentioned in the description, which is probably even more terrifying.

However, he does not have any relevant blood magical powers at the moment.

Thinking of this, he temporarily stopped practicing. With a thought, he disappeared from here and reappeared in the stone house.

The bloody vortex in front of him disappeared, and he could enter it at any time before he completely refined Chi You's blood cave.

It can even be used as a portable space. Unfortunately, once he enters it, the blood essence will be continuously swallowed by him. If he cannot resist it, it will disappear sooner or later.

"Hmm... I don't know if Princess Zhan Qing has any blood magic powers, or if there are so many Netherworld realms in other people's hands, there is a high probability that they do. Let's see if we can get away with it..."

Li Hao thought about it and decided to go to Princess Zhanqing tomorrow.

Suddenly, he shook his head and laughed again: "Why do we have to go tomorrow? We can go now. She doesn't sleep."

Although it has been a long time since he traveled through time, some habitual thoughts still appear in his mind from time to time.

He walked out of the stone house, and Huai Yuan was standing guard bored. There were several armed soldiers nearby, led by the guy who brought him here.

"Master Huai, come with me." Li Hao casually ordered.

Huaiyuan's face turned dark. In the past, no one could yell at him, but now he was relying on others and had no choice but to follow him.

Seeing that he seemed to be leaving, the captain of the guard couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Where are you going?"

"You want to stop me?" Li Hao asked strangely.

"That's not the case. It's just that Her Royal Highness the Princess has ordered that during this period of time, I will be your personal guard. No matter where you go, we will follow you." He responded hastily, with a respectful expression.

"Go to see Her Highness the Princess. I want to ask her something." Li Hao glanced at him: "Just in time, I don't know where Her Highness the Princess is, so please take me there first."

"Understood, please come with me." He handed over, then turned around and waved, asking the nearby group of soldiers to follow.

Along the mountain road, the group went deeper. Not far away, a magnificent bronze gate penetrated into the sea of ​​clouds.

"Although I'm here, I still haven't seen the Gate of Hell up close. I'll go take a look later." Li Hao muttered a few words.

"It's very dangerous near Guimen Pass. You'd better not approach it easily." said the captain of the guard who was leading the way.

"Isn't it just Yin Qi leaking out? What's the danger?" Li Hao became interested and asked.

"I can't say..." He hesitated, as if he didn't know whether he should say it or not.

"Just say what you say." Li Hao scolded with a frown.

His face changed, and he whispered: "Li Sishou, actually I heard from other brothers that when they were patrolling, they would occasionally hear faint roars from the ghost gate."

"It's like something is wailing inside. Some brothers went crazy when they came back and were secretly imprisoned."

"Huh?" Haoden Li felt a little surprised, because Princess Zhanqing didn't mention this to him.

"What's your name?" Li Hao thought about it and asked casually.

"Sir, you can call me Ergou..." He seemed a little unkind.

"Er Gou..." Hearing this title, Li Hao came out of his thoughts, "What a good name."

Several soldiers following Li Hao couldn't help laughing when they heard this, but they held it back and did not laugh out loud.

Ergou remained silent and walked a little faster.

Not long after, a magnificent small palace appeared in front of everyone's eyes. There was a maid waiting in front of the door, with her head lowered and her eyebrows lowered, standing straight.

"Princess Zhanqing is unreasonable. She lives in such a good place, but she arranged a stone house for me?" Li Hao said dissatisfied.

Seeing them coming, the maid waiting in front of the palace quickly came forward. She had already confirmed Li Hao's identity halfway and said respectfully: "I wonder why Chief Li is here?"

"Discuss something with Her Royal Highness the Princess," Li Hao said.

When the maid heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "Director Li, Your Royal Highness, you won't see any guests tonight."

"Huh?" Li Hao frowned: "Your Highness the Princess doesn't need to sleep, right?"

"I don't need to sleep, but I have other things to do. Could you please come visit me again tomorrow?" she whispered.

"There are so many problems..." Huaiyuan sneered, "If the underworld comes to attack the door, let's see if the princess can block the enemy from the door by saying "no guests at night"."

How did Huaiyuan become like this? He was quite calm when we met him in Zhenbei City before, but now he has to quarrel with everyone he meets.

Li Hao muttered to himself, ultimately blaming it on the subtle changes in his mentality caused by a series of changes after being suppressed by his half-father.

Of course, it may also be related to the fact that Li Hao has been yelling at him these days. He has been holding his breath and always needs to vent.

Huai Yuan's words were very rude, and the maids' expressions changed slightly, but they did not dare to get angry and stood there looking at a loss.

Pretending to be pretty good.

Li Hao didn't think that as Princess Zhanqing's personal maid, after so many years of iteration, he would be frozen in place because of such a trivial matter.

Most likely, he was just using this show of pity to arouse Li Hao's sympathy.

At this moment, the palace door behind him slowly opened.

A beautiful woman in palace clothes came out with her hands folded on her lower abdomen. Her voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard in everyone's ears——

"Director Li, Your Highness the Princess invites you..."

The two maids standing in front of Li Hao had a look of astonishment in their eyes, but they didn't say much and turned aside to signal Li Hao to enter.

Li Hao shrugged and walked into the palace. As for the others, they were stopped outside the palace.

The fragrance hit his nose, and Li Hao was led into a small room. The gold-swallowing beast opened its mouth and spit out wisps of smoke.

"Please wait a moment, Your Highness the Princess will be here in a moment." The woman in palace attire nodded. Her skin was white and tender, her breasts were bulging, and she had a certain air of her own that was far more beautiful than those ordinary maids outside.

She should be Princess Zhanqing's personal maid.

"Don't be in a hurry..." Li Hao also sensed that Princess Zhanqing didn't see guests at night. It was definitely not because of sleeping, but because of other things.

He wasn't too anxious, he could just come back tomorrow, but since he was already in, he might as well wait.

Before he could wait too long, a figure wrapped in a cyan robe walked into the room, it was Princess Zhanqing.

There was a little blush on the sides of her cheeks that had not dissipated, and her expression looked a little cold, as if she was disturbed.

She sat directly opposite Li Hao and asked directly: "I wonder what Mr. Li wants from me?"

Li Hao looked at Princess Zhanqing up and down with a strange look in his eyes. Her hair was messy and spread behind her.

He could clearly feel that the princess' blood was surging, and it had not calmed down yet, as if she had just experienced a big battle.

Interesting... Li Hao's eyes glowed with fire. He used his fiery eyes, but the result surprised him, because Princess Zhanqing's body was blurry and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"A treasure to cover up exploration..." Li Hao was a little surprised. Being able to block his current sharp-eyed prying eyes must be of a very high level.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, she is the princess of Daxia. It would be too embarrassing for people to spy on her casually.

"Li Hao!" Princess Zhanqing's tone suddenly became louder. The ring-shaped jade pendant hanging on the right side of her slim waist was emitting fluorescence, which meant that someone was spying on her.

She gritted her teeth and looked unhappy: "Is Chief Li going a little too far? This is how you use the secret method of spiritual pupil to practice!?"

Being exposed on the spot, Li Hao was not embarrassed at all. He smiled and said, "Your Highness, please don't misunderstand me. I just found that Your Highness's body was full of energy and blood, which was very strange."

"No one here should dare to make a move with Her Highness the Princess. I was afraid that something unexpected might happen, or that someone might occupy your nest, so I wanted to spy on you."

Hearing what he said, Princess Zhanqing's neck turned red. She didn't know whether it was from anger or other reasons. She couldn't help but said coldly: "Li Sishou's ability to associate is really amazing."

"Thank you..." Li Hao chuckled, as if he didn't hear Princess Zhanqing's eccentricity.

Hearing this, Princess Zhanqing took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and said, "Why did Chief Li come here?"

Li Hao responded: "I would like to ask Her Majesty the Princess if she has any blood magic powers or secrets in her hands."

"Blood magical power?" Princess Zhanqing was stunned. He thought it was something else, but this is the result?

She looked very ugly and said in a cold voice: "The supernatural powers of blood mostly involve evil methods. I don't have that kind of magical powers and secret methods in my hand."

"That's such a pity..." Li Hao couldn't help but sigh.

"Then I'm sorry for bothering Her Royal Highness late at night." He stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait..." Princess Zhanqing stopped him, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's not like I don't have anything in my hand."

Li Hao glanced at her in surprise, whether there was something there or not.

Sensing Li Hao's eyes, Princess Zhanqing's mood fluctuated again. She was in a bad mood when someone disturbed her.

However, she was the princess of Daxia after all. After her rationality prevailed, she decided to carefully consider Li Hao's request.

"What type do you need?" she asked.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's a blood path, it's better to be more powerful." Li Hao thought for a while.

The so-called blood path magical power is just a general term, referring to those special magical powers that can be cultivated using the blood and essence of living creatures.

Therefore, they are also labeled as evil. Of course, there are also some people who use spiritual source crystals to regularly collect a large amount of blood from ordinary practitioners. This is also allowed by Daxia.

However, there are not many practitioners with such integrity.

Princess Zhan Qing thought for a moment, then raised her head and said, "Qing'er, go get the blood refining soul from the secret room."

The maid in palace clothes nodded, lowered her head and left in a hurry. After a while, she returned holding a jade slip.

Li Hao stretched out his hand to take it, glanced at it, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in surprise: "The art of killing with a curse?"

This so-called blood refining and soul-transferring technique is clearly a curse-killing technique. After mastering it, one can use one's own essence and blood to curse the enemy. One day will result in septic blood, two days bad blood, and three days the enemy's essence and blood will be stained. Poisonous blood, sinister and vicious.

If you want to master this technique, you must use various poisonous blood, corpse blood, dirty blood, etc. to assist.

"Well, this is the only powerful technique in my hand. The others should be of no use to you." Princess Zhanqing nodded.

"Thank you very much then..." Li Hao put it away. It was better than nothing. He had never used the curse killing technique. The last time he saw Taoist Beiling use this kind of technique to help him kill the real person Longhu, he was quite curious.

"By the way, one more thing. I heard that some people heard the sound of wailing ghosts coming from the gate of hell?" Li Hao asked again.

"There is indeed such a thing, but it has not been verified. Only some low-level soldiers heard it, but high-level practitioners could not hear it at all." Princess Zhanqing nodded and explained:

"Some soldiers went crazy because of this, but it may also be caused by the inherent evil in the gate of hell."

"I see..." Li Hao said thoughtfully, then said goodbye and left.

After he left, Princess Zhanqing couldn't help but snorted: "I thought there was something urgent, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter."

"Li Sishou has just arrived. I'm afraid he doesn't know your rules." Qing'er whispered.

Zhan Qing's eyes flashed slightly, and she said with a faint smile: "You speak for him?"

"I dare not..." Qing'er responded hurriedly.

"Come here, kneel down..."

Qing'er hesitated for only a moment, but didn't stop moving. He came to Zhan Qing and knelt down.

Zhan Qing stretched out her hand and lifted Qing'er's chin. Qing'er's cheeks turned red and she whispered: "Princess..."

The beautiful blue cheek slowly came closer, and finally he kissed her. Qing'er subconsciously wanted to break away, but didn't dare, and her body gradually softened.


After leaving the palace, Li Hao was not in a hurry to go back, but was preparing to continue to the Gate of Hell.

"You can go back for the time being." Li Hao said to Ergou.

"No, we are your personal guards and must protect you personally." He refused.

Do I still need your protection?

Li Hao was speechless, but he did not dampen everyone's enthusiasm, so they simply went to Guimen Pass together.

Although the people of Daxia are stationed around the Guimen Pass, in fact, in order to avoid accidents, they are still quite far away from the Guimen Pass.

At the same time, there were layers of guards on the road, and formations shrouded the sky. In order to avoid causing commotion and causing a lot of trouble, Li Hao did not force his way in.

Instead, under the guidance of Ergou, they walked forward and passed many passes. After a few hours, the sky dimmed and the few people approached the gate of hell.

The majestic and majestic Gate of Hell is so close in front of you that you can barely see the edges from left and right, and even disappears into the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

When you get closer, you can feel the vastness and weight of it firsthand, which makes people feel frightened.

Princess Zhanqing's guess is correct. Low-level practitioners may indeed go crazy if they are exposed to this kind of wonder for a long time.

Every line and every picture engraved on it hides an incomprehensible secret.

If it is forcibly remembered, it will cause irreparable damage.

The whole place is closed, with only a gap where the mist overflows, an ominous aura fills the air, and the energy of destruction is surging, which has not dissipated yet.

Li Hao's pupils glowed with red light. He used his fiery eyes to see the scene behind the gate of hell through the gap. Unfortunately, there was only darkness and he could not see anything.

"The Yin Qi is leaking and cannot be stopped no matter what method we use. We can only watch helplessly." A general beside him said helplessly. His name is Tan Wei, and he is mainly responsible for the defense around Guimen Pass and the Four Symbols Realm.

There is another person next to him, it is Xuanyang. Due to the strangeness of the gate of hell, there must be a Nether Realm guarding here at all times to avoid being unable to react in time if something unexpected happens.

He didn't talk to Li Hao. It wasn't that he still had resentment towards Li Hao, but he just didn't know how to speak.

You can't just pretend that nothing happened and just go up and chat with him. That's not his personality and he can't do that.

Li Hao nodded slowly, and then walked towards the ghost gate.

The area around Guimen Pass has turned dark brown due to the intrusion of the mist. It feels cool when you step on it, and there are some gray and black plants growing there.

On top of the swaying flowers were ghost heads, which looked extremely ferocious. They seemed to sense that someone was approaching them and smiled at Li Hao.

Then, a golden flame ignited out of thin air, and then burned the nearby strange plants like a fire.

"The ghost-faced flower hasn't grown yet..." Xuanyang couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw this. This kind of strange flower is quite rare. It only grows in places with extremely strong yin energy. It is difficult for it to be born even if it is slightly lighter.

"Li Sishou..." Tan Wei couldn't help shouting.

"It's okay, I'm just going to take a look." Li Hao gradually approached the gate of hell. He looked normal and nothing unusual, just like other people approaching the gate of hell.

Until Li Hao stretched his hand through the gap.

"How could this happen..." Xuanyang was shocked. When his master wanted to go in and take a look, he was forced out. How could Li Hao do it?

But then, he suddenly thought that Li Hao had been in contact with the gate of hell.

Those who have been in contact with the hell gate are defined as tool people.

Li Hao's identity was completely different from theirs, and Xuanyang subconsciously excluded him from the tool men and didn't think about it for some time.

It was cold, bone-chilling, and chilly, just like the feeling of putting your hand into an ice cave in the middle of winter in a previous life.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary person. In this life, his physical strength is comparable to that of Tongyou.

He frowned slightly and continued to move in. At the same time, he opened the Great Zhou Tianyan Picture——

[Realm of Death: The living enter the underworld and suffer endless suffering]

The above explanation made him feel a little chilly, which was enough to prove the danger of hell.

"Li Sishou!" A loud shout suddenly came from behind, and Li Hao suddenly pulled back.

I saw a bald monk who didn't know when he was coming. His face was anxious: "Oh, why are you so reckless? This hell gate is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die."

"If you go in, no one can save you."

"Master Kasyapa..." Li Hao's eyes brightened and he greeted.

When he first arrived yesterday, he caught a glimpse of this old acquaintance, but he didn't bother to say a few words at that time.

After the last deception, the old guy recognized him as a Buddhist, so he continued to deceive him.

Jin Chan remained silent behind him, and Li Hao had a strange look on his face. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva not only occupied the magpie's nest, but also turned Tathagata's disciples into his own. It was really interesting.

Seeing Li Hao coming over, Kasyapa looked resentful and said, "Li Sishou, you have deceived the old monk so miserably."

After he discovered that Li Hao was suspected of being a Buddhist disciple, he found time to report to Ksitigarbha Buddha with great interest, and asked Ksitigarbha Buddha to send him some more people to take away the Buddhist disciple.

After listening to what he said, Ksitigarbha Buddha remained silent for a long time and then said - "You were deceived by him. He is not a Buddhist and has nothing to do with my Buddhism."

"Uh..." Li Hao smiled helplessly: "Master was joking, what is cheating? But he didn't say anything."

It's all your own imagination.

No one may know Ksitigarbha's slogan now, but if it were in the ancient age of gods and gods, I'm afraid even Erlang Shen's dog would know it. It's not a secret.

Shouting a few slogans can fool Kasyapa, but not Ksitigarbha.

Kassapa shook his head helplessly, but had no intention of pursuing the matter, because Ksitigarbha Buddha said that there is no need to have a bad relationship with this person. It would be best if we could make good friends with him.

Seeing Kasyapa's attitude, Li Hao's eyes flashed slightly, and he was keenly aware of something.

When the great monk came, he set up a ring outside Zhenbei City. His attitude was quite rude and he was not a good-tempered person.

But now that Li Hao lied to him and was exposed by him, he still didn't say anything. He must have gotten Ksitigarbha's will.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "I heard that Ksitigarbha unified the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau, and what kind of third-generation Tathagata body he has cultivated?"

Princess Zhanqing spoke in general terms, and Li Hao was quite curious. Why didn't Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha come to the north to meddle in the gates of hell despite all the coaxing.

As his hometown, Ksitigarbha probably knew the importance of the underworld.

Kassapa did not understand what the name "Ksitigarbha" was, but he respected him and said: "Ksitigarbha is the common lord of ten thousand Buddhas and unifies the plateau of ten thousand Buddhas. This is inevitable."

"Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas...Okay, okay..." Li Hao always felt a little disillusioned when he heard this title.

"What about the Tathagata True Buddha?" Li Hao suddenly asked.

He didn't believe that these people from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau had no idea about the situation of the ancient immortals and gods.

After hearing this, Kasyapa's expression changed and he said: "Director Li, please don't mention the name of this evil Buddha in the future. This person is the common enemy of all Buddhas."

Has the Tathagata become the common enemy of all Buddhas?

Awesome, Li Hao couldn't help but give Ksitigarbha a thumbs up.

Kassapa seemed unwilling to mention these Buddhist secrets and changed the subject: "This gate of hell is quite dangerous. Chief Li should not approach it unexpectedly."

This was just a casual remark, and Li Hao didn't take it to heart. He sent a message and asked, "By the way, did Ksitigarbha reveal any inside information to you?"

Kasyapa's face was horrified and he glanced at Li Hao as if he had seen a ghost.

Ksitigarbha Buddha did tell them some secrets, but no one should know about it.

"We are all our own people, let's talk about it." Li Hao saw his reaction and knew that he had guessed correctly. Ksitigarbha had been in the underworld for so many years, so he must know the underworld well.

Kasyapa's face flashed and he hesitated, but remembering Ksitigarbha Buddha's advice, he still said: "Ksitigarbha said that the underworld is doing useless work, so don't worry."

"Useless effort?" Li Hao was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes.

What level of useless effort means that the underworld's resurrection of the underworld is useless? Or is mastering the underworld a useless exercise?

He was confused and asked directly.

Kassapa shook his head: "Ksitigarbha Buddha did not say it clearly, he only said that the underworld has become ruins."

Li Hao frowned. It seemed that Ksitigarbha knew a lot. No wonder he had the upper hand. He must have opened a back door for himself.

Xuanyang on the side saw the two of them flirting with each other, but even though they didn't speak, he knew that they were transmitting messages secretly.

"Thank you for informing me." Li Hao nodded, then turned to look at Guimenguan, took two steps forward, and saw a black object in his hand.

It is the seal of Fengdu.

Now that we know that the Fengdu Great Seal is related to the underworld, we must take it out to test it at this moment.

However, the next moment, the world changed!


The terrifying low roar sounded like countless ghosts howling.

Endless mist rose into the sky from the gate of hell, covering the sky.

Then, boundless darkness covered everything, and nothing could be seen. The heavy fog covered the sky, and instantly covered the entire Hell Gate with deathly silence.

The whole world was dead silent, why couldn't I see or hear anything.

"What's going on!?" Xuanyang shouted in shock, his whole body ignited with blue-gold flames, and then spread, burning out a piece of pure land.

The Buddha's light shone around, Kasyapa held flowers, and the Buddha smiled, and lotuses grew everywhere.

Golden thunder crisscrossed in the fog, and Li Hao's eyes were burning with red fire. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that taking out the Fengdu Seal would actually cause such a change.

When the fog cleared, everything here was blurry and visible.

I saw that the gap between the gates of hell seemed to be opening wider.

Then, the place boils!

In the ghost gate, the mist almost condensed into liquid, the black water surged, and there were countless waves. Then the heavy rain poured down, covering the sky and the earth.

Look carefully, the rain does not come from the sky, but starts from the gate of hell.

The most frightening thing is that the downpour has turned bad, it is not ordinary rain, cold rain.

It's really scary. If you look carefully, in every raindrop, there are endless ferocious and ghostly heads, densely packed in the sky and the earth.

"Get into formation, get up into formation!"

Tan Wei took advantage of this skill and roared. The nearby soldiers reacted quickly and formed a military formation to form a large dark green shield, covering the formation and blocking the gloomy ghost rain.


The gate of hell was shaken by a huge earthquake, as if it was partially opened again, and then the world became dark again, and the fog covered the world again, and nothing could be seen.

Until later, streams of light pierced the foggy sky, and all the nearby high-level practitioners came, dazzling with various magical powers and driving away the fog.

"What happened here? Has there been any change in the Gate of Hell?" They were puzzled and spread out around, scanning carefully.

"We don't know either..." Xuanyang looked solemn. He suspected that it was related to Li Hao, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence.

However, he has no evidence, not to mention that even if he is related to Li Hao, what can he do?

Li Hao was shocked and doubtful, and the Fengdu Seal in his hand began to feel hot. He had tried every method in the past, but it was difficult to make this thing react at all, but now it was different.

"It's over!" Huaiyuan's expression changed drastically, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"What do you mean? What do you know?" Kasyapa asked.

"The door to hell is about to open." His throat trembled.

"What!?" Everyone was shocked.

Is the gate of hell about to open?

How could this happen, without any warning.

"What will happen after opening it?" Li Hao looked over, and the Fengdu seal in his hand disappeared instantly, but the changes in the gate of hell did not stop.

"I don't know, I just heard Si Chen say that the endless ghosts are trapped inside, who knows what will brew." Huaiyuan's eyes trembled, and he did not expect that the gate of hell would suddenly open.

But suddenly, he looked at Li Hao and saw the Fengdu Great Seal. It turned out to be the Fengdu Great Seal.

He thought that as soon as Li Hao came, the door of hell would be opened, and the only thing that was related was the Fengdu seal.

At this moment, the wind started blowing near the dead ghost gate, the sky was filled with mist, and the gray-black whirlwind made a whining sound, which was particularly scary.

In the heavy fog, there is a palpitating atmosphere, and the gap between the gates of hell continues to expand.

It feels like something is about to come out, and it gives people a very bad feeling once it is born.

It seems that heaven and earth will be destroyed.

Heavy fog covers the sky!

The Yin Qi in the Gate of Hell gradually became turbulent and began to stir, then roared rapidly and surged into the sky!

There was a faint sound of iron chains, as if something strange with shackles was moving and approaching.

"Something is coming out." Xuanyang's face changed, and he gritted his teeth suddenly and said: "We must not let the things inside come out, everyone...block the door!"

Then he rushed forward first, turned into clear light, and with invincible power, he hit the door of hell.


The door was shaking, accompanied by the sound of iron chains, and the sound of banging on the door was deafening, making people feel a chill in their bones and making their hair stand on end.

Covered in fog, there seemed to be eyes peeking out from the gaps between the ghost gates.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. This kind of terrifying pressure was far more shocking than when they faced He Qing. If the things inside were allowed to come out.

Everyone has to finish playing.

"Block!" Kasyapa was the first to make a move, transforming into the Buddha's Dharma form, becoming a giant reaching the sky and the earth. He put his palms together and stood in front of the gate of hell, trying to forcefully close the gate.

Then, other people rushed forward one after another, showing off their magical powers, trying to block and prevent the ghost door from opening.


Sand and rocks were flying, strong winds were blowing, there were many ghosts and shadows in the dark wind, and the sound of chains was getting closer and closer.

"The breath of living things..." There was a gloomy voice that resounded in everyone's spirits.

Are there really conscious things in the hell gate?

Everyone's hearts trembled, and a kind of despair arose. This was not their own emotions, but the passive influence of the creatures in the ghost gate.

"Get away!"


In an instant, outside the gate of hell, the sky and the earth were filled with crimson, like sunset glow, or like blood staining the sky.

It was the smell of blood, followed by a hoarse roar that resounded throughout the world.

It was as if there was an extremely vague sound coming from the room.

It makes people panic, and then it hurts like tearing apart.


This is a simple language, but everyone can understand it because it resonates in the soul.

It's extremely weird near the gate of hell, the bloody sky is scary, the fog is expanding, and the sound of iron chains hitting the door is constant.

Suddenly, a cold chill appeared, like a steel needle piercing the bones.


Then, everyone who was blocking the closed door of hell flew back as if they were hit hard, fell to the ground, and twitched all over.

But there are no scratches on the surface.

"My soul was torn apart..." Xuanyang gritted his teeth and staggered to his feet.

Kassapa's face turned pale and he recited scriptures in a low voice. The Buddha's Dharma body was shattered and he stood unsteadily.

"Is it a soul attack?" Li Hao originally frowned, but now he relaxed.

"None of us are opponents." Xuanyang lamented. If his master was still there, there might be a way, but now he can only watch.

"The human world..." The gap in the ghost gate is getting wider and wider, and a thicker mist is surging, as if something is about to break free.

"Let's go..." Someone said in a deep voice, with an ugly face: "We can't be opponents. We are just waiting to die here."

"What's going on?" Sakibayashi-kun arrived late and looked around without knowing why.

No one paid any attention to him, and it was too late to explain at this moment.

"What is that?" No one needs to explain, Sakibayashi-kun has already seen the gap in the ghost gate and the terrifying aura surging in it.

He seemed to be stared at by something indescribable, and he felt like someone was looking down at him.

"Is it your fault?" Xuanyang suddenly cast a cold gaze.

I almost forgot that there are demons from Shiling nearby. Compared to Li Hao, the demons are more suspected.

Sakibayashi-kun looked confused, what did we do? What did we do?

"Li Sishou, what are you going to do?" Kasyapa suddenly shouted, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Looking along the sound, I saw Li Hao walking firmly towards the gate of hell.

Xuanyang's face changed greatly and he shouted: "Now is not the time to show off as a hero. The things in the ghost gate are stronger than imagined and are designed to kill the soul!"

After all, Tongyou Realm has begun to cultivate Yuanshen, and has some resistance.

Although Li Hao's physical body is comparable to Tongyou, his soul still stays in the Four Symbols Realm. Facing the attack of the thing in the ghost gate, he may not be able to resist.

Huaiyuan's eyes flickered and he began to pace back slowly. Now was a great opportunity to escape.

Although Li Hao spared his life, he didn't think he could sit back and relax in the future.

However, Li Hao's weapon was too scary. Under normal circumstances, he would not dare to escape.

But now Li Hao is going to deal with the ghost gate. Looking at this situation, no matter how confident he is, he will probably have to spend some effort. This is the perfect opportunity.

Xuanyang looked solemn and tried to move forward, trying to pull Li Hao back, but he felt a splitting headache as soon as he moved.

The trauma suffered by the soul is not comparable to the injuries suffered by the physical body.

He was anxious and didn't want to see Li Hao die.

Mr. Sakibayashi didn't know why. He was the most confused. Didn't the Great Sage say that behind this hell gate there was just ruins?

But looking at it now, it's not the case at all.

He was ready to run away at any time. Although the Great Sage was very afraid of Li Hao, to be more precise, he was afraid of his identity in ancient times.

In this situation, no one can guarantee what will happen next.

Li Hao stopped immediately and stood in front of the Ghost Gate. He looked up at the extremely majestic Ghost Gate. His body was covered with a layer of gold, competing with the surrounding mist. Then, he slowly opened his hands.

"What is he doing?" This scene made everyone doubtful.

Huaiyuan retreated for a moment, his tone full of surprise and uncertainty, "He seems to be preparing to... close the door to hell?"

Close the door to hell?

Everyone was stunned for a moment. There were so many of them just now, but there was no sign of the gate of hell being closed.

No matter how tyrannical Li Hao is, he can't do it by himself.

"Get away!"

Perhaps he sensed the breath of life again, and the thing inside the ghost gate roared!

It can be felt that his consciousness is chaotic, even worse than that of ordinary ghosts.

In an instant, Li Hao could clearly feel a biting coldness flowing into his soul along the invisible medium.

"Close it!" Li Hao shouted!

Then, in the next moment, everyone present widened their eyes, almost unable to believe what was happening in front of them.


I saw that the huge ghost figure in the gap of the ghost gate exploded without any warning, almost annihilating both body and soul, and the gloomy mist surged and then spread.

The gate of hell was trembling, the rain was pouring, and there were lightning and thunder, making a whimpering sound.

died! !

Everyone was horrified, how powerful the thing in the gate of hell was. He and they had just experienced it. He was hardly an enemy in one. His soul was torn apart, and he was still in pain.

However, now it has fallen without any warning.

Was it Li Hao who took action?

Such a question appeared in their minds, but just now the other party showed no sign of taking action.

There must be signs to kill such a powerful creature.

But there was no warning of death.

Could it be that some kind of taboo rule was violated and was obliterated by other forces?

They didn't understand, and they didn't have time to think about it. The scene that happened in front of them occupied all their minds.


"The door is really closed."

Everyone was shocked like a frenzy.

As Li Hao closed his hands, the gate of hell that had opened a large gap actually began to close.

Li Hao felt the resistance, which was not very strong, and realized that the reason why it couldn't be closed just now was because of the powerful guy blocking it.

The door of hell has not yet been opened, but it is not willing to open it, so it can be closed.

At this moment, Li Hao suddenly discovered a gray-black object floating near the inside of the Ghost Gate, but he couldn't tell what it was exactly.

What was left by that ghost just now?

Li Hao couldn't help but be surprised, and then tried to pull him.

Maybe it's because the gate of hell is wide open at this moment, or maybe it's because it's not that far away from him.

That thing was actually pulled by Li Hao and hung in front of him.

He can't make a move now, and the gap in the gate of hell is getting smaller and smaller, and finally it has become an imperceptible gap.

At this time, Li Hao felt that no matter how hard it was to push the gate of hell, he could only do this and could not completely close the gate of hell.

He stretched out his hand, picked up the gray-black fragments in front of him, and then threw them directly into the Sumeru space——

[Fragments of Reincarnation: Fragments of Six Paths of Reincarnation]

Li Hao's eyes widened slightly.

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