I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 158 The oppression of Shiling

"We... aren't... this..." The young man in fine clothes stammered and was speechless.

If there were simply too many people, that would be fine, but those young-looking teenagers all had a good aura about them.

There are many realms of metamorphosis, and there are also many realms of cave heaven. It must be impressive to be able to cultivate them to this kind of cultivation realm at this age.

Even though he was fully cultivated by his family, he is now only in the Dragon Transformation Realm. This is the result of his awakening of his innate magical powers and his significant jump in strength.

The looks of those women are even more beautiful, each has its own charm, and all of them show their extraordinary origins from the side.

And more importantly, he couldn't even feel any aura from the people in the center, just like an ordinary person, but this was obviously impossible.

It’s over, this is the big boss leading a group to travel...

His mind was full of thoughts, and no one knew what the temperament of this group of strangers was.

Brother Wang just opened the door suddenly and came in, obviously very disrespectful. If they get angry because of this, they will be in trouble.

"What do you call them?" Yuan He asked with a probing look on his face, which made the three of them relax slightly.

"Wang...Wang Biao..."

"Chen Yan..."

"Zhang Yuxin..." She glanced around with her peripheral vision, and her eyes finally settled on the center.

The young man was surrounded by fire, and she vaguely felt that he looked familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.

However, the flickering firelight interfered with her identification, and she did not dare to stare at this person all the time. She moved away in a hurry, but she was thinking about it in her heart.

"Brother Wang, Brother Chen, Miss Zhang..." Yuan He bowed his hands in greeting, but the others did not dare to restrain themselves and responded hurriedly.

"We are destined to meet each other. This place is rundown. If you don't mind, how about we sit on the ground together?" Yuan He reached out and made a gesture of invitation.

"No, no need..." Chen Yan waved his hands hurriedly: "I suddenly remembered that we still have urgent things to do, and we have to rush in the rain, right...Brother Wang..."

Wang Biao already regretted at this moment, how could there be so many people staying here in this wilderness.

These people seem to have extraordinary magnanimity, how could they not have something like a cave with them.

Hearing Chen Yan speak at this moment, he nodded hurriedly and continued: "That's right, that's right, we still have urgent things to do, let's go, let's go quickly..."

The three of them turned around and were about to leave, but they heard another clear voice: "Why do you have to brave the pouring cold rain? You guys should wait..."

It seemed to be the voice that had just let them in.

After the words fell, several boys and girls by the door had moved their steps and stood in front of them, their eyes were silent and strange...

Zhang Yuxin thought, it was like a lifeless corpse, but...it didn't quite fit.

She had never seen such a look on someone her age.

At their age, they should be full of vitality, and their cultivation level is not low, so they should be at an age where they can enjoy grudges and grudges.

The three of them froze in place and tensed up, and finally turned around slowly.

Due to the angle, the golden flames in front of Li Hao's eyes were swaying, making it difficult to figure out and see clearly.

"It just so happens that I also have something to ask you three." Li Hao looked at the three of them and his eyes paused on Wang Biao.

Chen Yan took a deep breath and said he was lying if he said he wasn't nervous, but the situation was not at its worst yet.

At least, the boys and girls nearby don't have much blood evil energy, which means they don't often kill creatures.

"Senior, if you need our help, please just ask." He said. The three of them sat on the ground, their bodies tense. For the current plan, they could only take one step at a time.

"Where is this place?" Li Hao asked.

This question stunned the three of them. They looked at each other. Chen Yan hesitated and said, "What do you mean?"

Li Hao shook his head and said: "Literally, where is this place? How far is it from Zhenbei City?"

"Uh..." Chen Yan thought thoughtfully: "This place no longer belongs to Daxia. It is extremely far away from Zhenbeicheng. If we go at the speed of the three of us, it will take at least more than two months to reach Zhenbeicheng."

"Oh..." Li Hao nodded thoughtfully, and Huaiyuan spoke in a cold tone: "Tell me more clearly, where is the northern city closest to here."

The white-haired boy had a scary look in his eyes, and his clothes were stained with blood and in tatters. Chen Yan did not dare to hesitate and said immediately:

"The closest Zhenbei City to here should be Langhuan City, which is located in the southeast of here, about 28,000 miles away."

"Langhuan City..." Huaiyuan nodded, and then looked at Li Hao: "I already know where we are now..."

Huaiyuan has practiced in the north for many years and figured out the location of this place in just a few words.

Chen Yan felt strange. After all, these questions were too strange.

How could this group of people lose their place? The practitioners are not ordinary people. They can't just fall from the sky.

Although he felt strange, he did not dare to say anything. He just asked cautiously, "I don't know if there is anything else you want to ask, senior. If not, we will go on our way first."

"Are you also from Daxia?" Li Hao asked again.

Chen Yan hesitated to speak, as if he didn't know whether he should answer or not. After hesitating for a while, he still responded: "Yes, the two of us are from Langhuan City."

"You two?"

"Well..." Chen Yan pointed at Wang Biao: "I met this brother Wang halfway and traveled together."

Li Hao nodded slowly, "Where are you going?"

Why is this senior asking so clearly?

"We want to get rid of the demons." Wang Biao said directly: "Ghosts have frequently attacked the people in the north recently. We followed the orders of our ancestors to hunt down a ghost and come all the way."

"Is the northern border already in such chaos?" Li Hao was a little surprised.

"It's only been like this in recent days. For some reason, more and more ghosts are appearing..." Chen Yan shook his head and couldn't help but say a few more words: "I heard that the prince was seriously injured. I don't know if those ghosts are real or not. People pretending to be.”

Li Hao remembered what Prince Ming'an said about the strange changes at the Gate of Hell, and he didn't know if it had anything to do with the recent spate of ghosts.

"Do you still have any questions?" Chen Yan couldn't help but ask when he saw Li Hao fell silent.

"No, you two can leave." Li Hao came to his senses and smiled.

Chen Yan didn't react at first, but he was stunned when he got up. Two people?

"What do you mean?" Wang Biao was furious, stood up suddenly, pointed at Li Hao and shouted: "Why don't you let me leave?"

"Did I say it was you?" Li Hao asked.

Wang Biao's anger suddenly froze, and then he frowned and said, "If it's not me... then it's Miss Zhang?"

Unexpectedly, Li Hao shook his head again: "Just because I didn't say it doesn't mean it's not you."

"What on earth do you mean!" Wang Biao reacted and realized that he was being tricked, and his face turned extremely ugly.

"Don't think that just because you are good at cultivation, I am afraid of you!"

Chen Yan's face was tangled. This person was obviously willing to let the two of them go, but he didn't know why he kept Wang Biao.

His wise choice now is to leave immediately. He and Wang Biao just met by chance. It's just that this man has a warm heart and is willing to eliminate demons and defend the way, so he came together all the way.

But then, the confusion in his eyes turned into determination, and he said in a deep voice: "I wonder if there is any misunderstanding. Brother Wang has followed us all the way, and there should be no conflict with you."

"I can guarantee Brother Wang and resolve conflicts."

"What qualifications do you have to guarantee him?" Yuanhe raised his eyelids with a strange look.

"My father, Chen Huping, is the Lord of Langhuan City, and I am the sixty-fifth one on the Northern Territory Prodigy List..." He spoke with a bit of pride, "Is this okay?"

Yuan He seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and everyone around him couldn't help but laugh, whispering something in a low voice.

"It turns out he is the son of Hutou Bangzi..." Huaiyuan sneered: "No wonder he is as stupid as him."

"Tiger-headed clapper?" Chen Yan was confused, but then he realized that the other person was probably describing his father.

Before the anger arose, he was shrouded in suspicion. The other party's tone seemed to be an old acquaintance with his father, and he commented in a condescending manner.

"This ghoul has been hiding all the way without any clues. Let's go home and cultivate for a few more years."

"What kind of corpse?" Chen Yan was even more confused. Before he could react, he saw Wang Biao's face change drastically and said in a voiceless voice: "How did you see it?"

"Only a blind person can't see..." Huaiyuan fired the map cannon and was in a bad mood.

"Hmph, so what if you see it, even if you die, I have to take a few of them with me."

Wang Biao scolded sternly, his whole body was surrounded by black mist, exuding a fishy smell, and then he suddenly attacked Chen Yan who was closest.

"Brother Wang!" Chen Yan yelled, but he heard thunder ringing in his ears, and a figure rushed from the side, it was Yuan He.

He clenched his fists tightly, and his whole body was filled with thunder. With just one punch, Wang Biao was directly thrown away, and the lightning left on his body crackled and flickered.

Then his body twitched, and at the same time some changes occurred. His skin turned blue and black, and was covered with festering rotten flesh. His hair was sparse, and almost only dry bones remained on his cheeks.

With just one blow, it was severely injured and unable to move.

"Brother Wang is actually a corpse?" Chen Yan was stunned, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. After all, they had been together all the way and had been getting along for more than ten days, and they were very harmonious.

"It's not that simple to kill me." Wang Biao let out a brutal roar, and then the ground in the memorial hall began to tremble, a gap opened on the ground, and a black shadow flew out of it.

The man closed his eyes tightly and looked pale, while Wang Biao rushed towards the man, and then the two merged into one.

Then the man suddenly opened his eyes, and a powerful aura burst out of his body, approaching the four elephants.

Chen Yan's face was shocked, he didn't expect that things would take such a turn.


A golden thunderbolt fell and struck this man. As soon as he opened his eyes, before he could say his first words, his body collapsed into powder and floated away.


Chen Yan's eyes bulged. He thought that this person had this kind of method, and he could be ruthless for a while, or even escape, but he didn't expect that he would be chopped into pieces so easily.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yan also understood that he had met an unimaginable strong man, and he immediately said respectfully: "Thank you all for saving my life."

"Yin and Yang twin corpses..." An old voice came from Yuan Feng's body: "I haven't seen this evil method for a long time. His body should be the person hiding underground, and the corpse ghost is just refined by him."

"I'm afraid he used this method to trick practitioners into coming here, and then attacked and killed them, devouring their essence and blood for use in practice."

Hearing this, Chen Yan took a breath of cold air and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

If the group of people in front of him hadn't intervened, he and Zhang Yuxin would probably have become the prey of this beast.

He said sadly: "No wonder this person insisted on taking this road. He also said that he had a special tracking method to find the ghost."

The King of Zhenbei was seriously injured, and ghosts were rampant. There were countless evil cultivators pretending to be ghosts on the land of the north.

Chen Yan found that this incident did not seem to have any impact on everyone present, and their expressions were all indifferent, except for a few core people in the center.

But the other boys and girls had similar expressions, with almost no emotion, as if they were used to big scenes.

But he was a little restless. The origins of this group of people were mysterious. He didn't know how to talk to them and wanted to leave here.

But just being rescued by the other party, leaving like this seems ungrateful, and there seems to be an old acquaintance of his father in the team.

"You have nothing to do anymore, so you can leave." Li Hao saw his uneasiness and said.

From the moment he walked in here, he knew that there was a person hiding underground, but he didn't care. Maybe some people have such a hobby and like to bury themselves underground.

He doesn't understand, but respects it.

Chen Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and felt even more grateful in his heart. He cupped his hands and said, "Seniors, if you have the opportunity to go to Langhuan City, you must inform me and do your best to be a landlord."

After saying that, he slowly retreated without turning around, but Zhang Yuxin stood there, motionless.

Chen Yan couldn't help but tugged on his friend's sleeve, only to find that the other party was motionless.

Uneasiness arose in his heart, fearing that something would happen, so he hurried over again, only to find that Zhang Yuxin, who had been dazed since the beginning, now had his eyes wide open, as if he was extremely shocked.

"You...you are...Li Hao...Director Li?" Zhang Yuxin's voice trembled, and she finally remembered where she had seen Li Hao.

On the photo.

"Director Li?" Chen Yan's breathing stopped. Just now, in order to show respect, he had not dared to look directly at the people in the center.

At this moment, I couldn't help but look up. In the flickering firelight, the young man with a calm expression did look familiar.

"It's really... Li Sishou..." Chen Yan's head buzzed. He didn't expect to see Li Sishou, who was famous in the north, here.

He became excited. After all, Commander Li's achievements were known to everyone.

He also admired her very much and regarded her as a guiding light, and couldn't help but want to chat with her.

Li Hao glanced at him, Yuan He understood it, and immediately stepped forward and said gently: "You two, the rain seems to have stopped, it's time to go..."

The two of them were lost in thought and hesitated to speak, but under the guidance of Yuan He, they left the sacrificial hall.

"Hey... came out? Only one missing?" Cang Nan glanced at it and teased.

But he was defeated in Yuanhe's eyes and curled his lips.

"That's really Chief Li..." Chen Yan murmured, remembering how he had just announced his family status and what he said about how to rank in the Northern Territory's Talent List, he felt his cheeks burning up and feeling ashamed.

"How can it be fake?" Zhang Yuxin came back to her senses and said in a quick voice, "I've watched it many times every night."

Then, he said regretfully: "However, Chief Li seems too lazy to pay attention to us."

Chen Yan smiled bitterly: "We are just small characters..."

Suddenly, he looked at Zhang Yuxin suspiciously: "What do you mean watching it many times every night?"

"Ah...this..." Zhang Yuxin's face turned red, reaching the roots of her ears, her eyes evaded, and she said calmly: "It's nothing, it's nothing..."

Zhenbeicheng, in the palace

The sonorous and thumping sounds came from far to near. The general wearing thick scale armor knelt on the ground and reported in a deep voice:

"My lord, we have found out that they are Yu Dapeng, Shen Chengjin, Yuan Xindong, Wei Wanji and others. The controlled array masters have all had contact with these people to some extent."

"They are all from Huaiyuan's old department. They were all promoted by him. They are now distributed in various positions in the city."

King Zhenbei's eyes were cold, "Huaiyuan, he is so popular. There are actually so many people willing to campaign for him."

"According to our investigation, the person who initiated it, Yu Dapeng, has evidence of the crimes of the other people. They are all doing things for personal gain and bending the law, so we are forced to follow his orders." The general below reported.

"Evidence of crime..." A sneer appeared on King Zhenbei's lips: "It is impossible for them alone to control the formation master."

"Yes, according to their testimony, Yu Dapeng seems to have secretly contacted some very powerful people, but they don't know who they are."

The general hesitated for a moment: "As for Yu Dapeng, he is very smart and left Zhenbeicheng very early. He only has an old mother who is already buried in the earth."

A cold light flashed in King Zhenbei's eyes, and his tone was indifferent: "Kill them all, as a warning to others."

"Yes..." The general took the order and retreated, and King Zhenbei breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Prince Ming'an, who had been silent, said: "Uncle Wang is decisive."

The two seemed to be discussing something, but were interrupted by a sudden report.

King Zhenbei didn't even look back: "It's not related to the Yinsi, they are looking for death themselves."

Prince Ming'an was quite unfamiliar with this organization and didn't even understand what they were doing.

It was the first time he came into contact with this organization in the north, and King Zhenbei had been unwilling to talk to him after he detained Huaiyuan.

"What does this underworld want to do?" he asked tentatively.

He originally thought that King Zhenbei was as unwilling to talk to him as before, but this time he said more: "The Gate of Hell..."

"Are they also after the gate of hell?" Prince Ming'an was stunned.

"Hmm..." King Zhenbei nodded: "After I captured Huaiyuan, I ordered people to secretly investigate this organization. Their activities are very wide, not just in the north."

"They once made some waves, but they quickly disappeared. They were extremely purposeful and rarely did anything outside of their goals."

"...Why are all the monsters and monsters popping up..." Ming'an frowned: "Now Shiling is suddenly interested in Guimen Pass. They made Guimen Pass appear before, but then ignored it. I thought they had given up long ago."

"They were unwilling to have a head-on conflict with us at that time, but it is different now. The Great Sage has shown his strength. As long as we are not absolutely sure, we will not dare to attack him." King Zhenbei was also very agitated.

Since he was defeated by the six-eared macaque last time, new news came from Shiling not long ago, and he also wanted to get involved in the matter of the ghost gate.

Soon people will be sent to Guimen Pass to prepare the people in Daxia.

Their attitude became much stronger. Prince Ming'an wanted to refuse, but he had no choice.

Even if Daxia sends another Immortal Fire Mirror, it will not help.

As for the Immortal Fire, it's not that it's impossible, but it's about being absolutely sure of victory. The Great Sage can run away if he can't defeat him alone, but Daxia can't run away.

Although he and King Zhenbei were discussing this matter.

But both of them knew that there was actually only one outcome to this matter, and that was to agree to Shiling.

"When the Central Territory is settled, I will notify the ghost gate and let them prepare. Alas..." Prince Ming'an sighed repeatedly, feeling his head swollen.

The news of He Qing's life and death has spread back to the Central Territory, causing an uproar. Some people want to attack the Great Sage and regain their face.

Others advised that we should be cautious and stay put for the time being.

Shiling has no tendency to attack Daxia further, which means that they do not want to fall out with Daxia. They were just forced to defend themselves before.

The discussion has not yet reached a conclusion, but the matter in the north will not stop because of the hesitation of Daxia's top officials, and is still in full swing.

"I hope we can find Chief Li as soon as possible, get ahead of them, and find out what happened..." Prince Ming'an couldn't help but say.

This sentence made King Zhenbei couldn't help but glance at him: "When did Your Highness trust him so much?"

I don't want to trust him that much either.

But I gave all those sect disciples to him, and now no one in Daxia’s hands can enter the gate of hell.

He didn't want to rely on Li Hao, but now that he had invested it, the sunk cost was too great for him to withdraw.

He didn't really care about Li Hao, if those people could really kill Li Hao.

He didn't mind sitting back and enjoying the results, but the crux of the problem was that he didn't think that group of people could successfully kill Li Hao.

Now, Li Hao and those sect disciples disappeared without a trace, which would delay their exploration of the ghost gate, so he was very unhappy.

He even regrets now why he led Li Hao into the trap, otherwise he would not be in this situation now.


A few days later, under the magnificent bronze gate, there were camps all over the mountains and fields, and they were surrounded tightly.

From time to time, some formation patterns appeared in the void, wrapping the place so tightly that it seemed like there was nothing at all from a distance.

In the center, a luxurious palace is suspended in mid-air.

In the palace, many people had gathered at this moment. Princess Zhanqing was sitting at the top, wearing splendid clothes, with an expressionless face on her beautiful face.

The faces of the people sitting on both sides were not very good-looking, and their voices were noisy, as if they were discussing something in a low voice.

"How could this be possible?" An angry shout spread throughout the entire venue, and even the noisy voices were silenced.

The speaker was Master Xuanyang, with anger gushing from his eyes, "My master was just killed by people from Shiling, and now he has to cooperate with them. What do you think of us?"

"Now Daxia can even tolerate this kind of humiliation. Does your Majesty know about this?"

The rest of the people also looked at Princess Zhanqing, precisely because they received an order from Zhenbeicheng, telling them that people from Shiling would come soon to cooperate with them in exploring the Gate of Hell together.

One stone stirred up a thousand ripples, and this order aroused dissatisfaction among the people guarding Guimen Pass.

After all, the people from Shiling had just killed He Qing, which was equivalent to a slap in the face, and now they were greeted with smiles, which would definitely make them angry.

"This is an order from Zhongyu..." Zhan Qing's face was expressionless, and he did not feel angry because of it, and responded indifferently.

"Da Xia has actually fallen to this level, and wants to make peace with the demons." Xuanyang said loudly, and couldn't help but feel chilled. His master had only died a few days ago.

After hearing this, the expression on Zhan Qing's face finally changed, and he said coldly: "Master Xuanyang, do you have any better ideas? If the people from Shiling come to kill, who can stop it? It's you. still me?"

"Then do nothing?" He glared angrily.

"It's not that I won't do it, the time has not yet come..." Zhan Qing shook his head.

Xuanyang sneered and was about to speak when he heard a voice coming from the side: "Dear donors, I have an idea."

The speaker was the great monk Kasyapa, followed by Jin Chan.

The two of them were originally in Li Hao's mansion, but Li Hao went to Jiuyin Mountain some time ago, so it was naturally impossible for them to work for Daxia.

After much thought, they still had to focus on the original mission. After much hard work, they finally got Prince Ming'an to agree to let them come to Guimen Pass to observe. They were just observing and no other ideas were allowed.

But after seeing that Shiling was about to intervene, he finally couldn't help it anymore.

"The Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau is willing to lend a helping hand." He said with a smile.

"Master, please sit down." Princess Zhanqing looked over quietly. It was not enough to cause trouble in Shiling, but also to add the Plateau of Ten Thousand Buddhas?

It's a good idea...

"Your Highness Princess..." General Lin spoke up, but mentioned something completely unrelated to this matter: "I wonder if there is any trace of Li Hao."

"Li Hao?" Zhan Qing's expression paused slightly. Xuanyang, who had been ignored, finally had a chance to speak, and said in a deep voice: "We are discussing the matter of Shiling now. What does it have to do with Li Hao?"

"Not yet." Princess Zhanqing shook her head.

Hearing this, General Lin's tone was a little anxious: "Even if the teleportation array is destroyed, he should have landed in the area between Zhenbeicheng and Guimen Pass. After searching for so many days, is there no clue at all?"

Xuanyang refuted coldly: "If General Lin doesn't believe it, then go find it yourself. We don't have time to waste on him. The gates of hell are shaking and the Yin Qi is leaking. We have killed thousands of ghosts during this time."

"There is no time to find him."

He had a bad impression of Li Hao, and everyone knew about the conflicts between the two sides. General Lin glanced at him coldly.

"Report..." The messenger came to report: "Your Highness, there is a group of people outside the town who claim to be from Shiling and ask to see you."

"Come so fast?" Everyone couldn't help being surprised.

"I'm afraid they have been near Guimen Pass. As long as Daxia confirms cooperation with them, they will come directly." Someone speculated.

"Let them come in..." Princess Zhanqing's eyes moved slightly and her voice was cold.


A gap opened in the formation in front of them, and two rows of fully armed soldiers came out. The leading general stared at the strange group of guys in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Princess agrees to see you."

"If she wants to disagree, she has to dare..." There was a sharp voice, coming from a guy with a lizard head. Nobuko exuded a frightening aura as he spoke.

"Bold!" the general shouted, angrily.

"Okay, okay, stop pretending, don't be bold." This figure was tall and tall, with two dark horns on its head piercing the sky, shiny and clean.

He also took something and polished it to make it more shiny.

The group of monsters in front of them did not take the form of humans, but just acted in their usual way.

They despised Daxia very much. They believed in the law of the jungle. Their boss killed Daxia's Fairy Fire Realm and forced Daxia to cooperate with them.

They should have the upper hand, and yet these guys are still showing off.

"Go in." Mr. Sakibayashi's voice was indifferent. His words were very authoritative, and many demons who were still whispering suddenly shut their mouths.

They followed Daxia soldiers into the formation obediently, and then led all the way to the floating palace in the center. Many soldiers patrolling along the way cast cold looks at them.

These monsters like this kind of gaze very much, they hate it... but they can't get rid of it, so they can only endure it.

Entering the hall, many eyes were focused on them.

"Shiling - Mr. Qi Lin, I have met you all..." Mr. Qi Lin looked around, with an ugly smile on his thin and dry cheeks, and said hello.

No one responded.

Everyone looked at these monsters coldly.

"Everyone seems to be very unwelcome to us." Mr. Sakibayashi stopped smiling and his face became a little cold.

"Are you looking for death?" A demon spoke up from behind him, sneering: "I don't know why you are so arrogant. Even the Immortal Fire Realm was killed by the Great Sage, but you are showing off your pride."

"If you are really capable, come and take revenge. I will stand here and see who dares to attack us."

Xuanyang was furious, two balls of flame ignited in his eyes, and he seemed to be about to take action immediately.

"I advise you all to think about whether everyone here can withstand the great sage's blow when you want to take action. It will be fine if we die. Who will bear the subsequent costs?" Mr. Sakibayashi said indifferently.

He is a rare wise man among demons, and the attitude of this group of people also makes him very dissatisfied.

In the previous confrontation, Daxia lost. If Daxia loses, he should have a losing attitude instead of trying to show off his dignity here.

"All demons, please don't resist. If Daxia dares to kill any of us, we will pay them back a million times, tens of millions times."

"Xuanyang!" Zhan Qing scolded, Xuanyang's face was ashen, looking at the group of monsters in front of him, his anger boiled, almost burning out his reason.

But eventually he calmed down.

"Very good..." Mr. Sakibayashi grinned with an ugly smile.

I have to say that he feels very happy now, seeing that these people dare not speak out in anger.

In previous confrontations, most of Shiling did not dare to compete head-on with Daxia, but now it was different.

"Everyone, since we want to cooperate, I would like to know how you brought Guimen Pass back to the world?" Zhan Qing asked directly, hoping to find something beneficial to himself in this situation and extract information from Shiling.

"Her Highness the Princess finally knows that we are cooperating. Since it is normal to say this, after all, we have to share information, but I have a small request." Qi Linjun's green pupils were fixed on Xuan Yang.

"This Taoist brother wants to give us a blow as soon as he comes up, which is really unpleasant, so I want him to apologize to us for this, how about it?"

Xuanyang's pupils shrank, and an unimaginable flame burned in his heart.

He didn't believe that the leader of Shiling didn't know that his master was He Qing, he must know.

Just to break his spine, or in other words, trample on Daxia's dignity.

This is the Great Sage's revenge. The revenge for ambushing him is not shown in the form of blood and fire, but in this heart-wrenching way.

The expressions on the other people's faces were also extremely ugly. Xuanyang's master had just been killed.

If he were forced to apologize to Shiling now, he didn't know what kind of obstacles would arise in his heart, and it might even be possible that he would betray Daxia because of it.

Zhan Qingmei frowned and her voice was cold: "Impossible, you are going too far."

"In this case, the cooperation can only be ended because of this. When the Great Sage came, he said that if he doesn't get what he wants, then let the entire Northern Territory be buried with him first." Lord Sakibayashi shook his head helplessly, and said in his words But there is an overwhelming blood evil spirit.

Everyone's expression changed. If it had been before, everyone would have thought that Shiling was delusional.

But now, the strength of the Great Sage is hard to figure out. This statement may not be a threat, it may become a reality.

Xuanyang was trembling all over, holding his breath, exuding a frightening aura, as if it would explode at any time.

"Then let's fight..." General Lin suddenly said, his eyes calm: "Let the Great Sage come, we have fought with you many times, I don't believe that in the face of the Prince's ambush, the Great Sage chose not to take revenge and come back because of his kindness. "

Qi Linjun narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "General Lin, General Lin, we are old acquaintances..."

"Feng Xiaofeng..." The lizard behind him suddenly made a sharp sound.

In an instant, General Lin's pupils were filled with bloodshot eyes, and the next moment he disappeared on the spot and rushed forward.

But then he flew out again and hit the palace wall, making a big crater. There was blood from the corner of his mouth and his eyes were cold.

The lizard laughed sharply: "When that woman died, I tore her into more than a dozen pieces and howled miserably. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise you would have nailed her to death."

"I didn't expect that you and I would meet in this way today, haha... From now on, we will work closely together."

None of the people present were from Zhenbei City. They didn't know what this name meant to General Lin, but they could probably guess it.

Zhenbeicheng and Shiling have been fighting each other for many years, and countless relatives have died at the hands of each other.

The atmosphere in the hall was gloomy. Xuanyang slowly raised his head, his eyes sharp and firm, as if he had decided something.

He could no longer bear this humiliation, couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to throw everything behind, Yishu was filled with anger.


Just as everyone clenched their fists, a thunder suddenly appeared out of thin air, and the golden thunder struck the lizard instantly.

He let out a wailing sound, and the aroma of meat wafted out in an instant.

"Sakibayashi-kun...save...save me..." he screamed miserably. He was seriously injured with just one blow and transformed into his original form. He was an earth-yellow lizard about ten feet long, and his body was scorched black.

"Who!?" Mr. Qi Lin looked ugly. He actually dared to kill someone. He was really not afraid of the power of the Great Sage! !

Xuanyang was stunned, I haven't done anything yet?

"It's me..." A figure walked from the palace door, attracting everyone's attention.

Then, their hearts were shocked and they couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Li Hao?"

This person was plotted and was thrown somewhere in the process of being teleported from Zhenbeicheng to Guimen Pass.

It also caused a commotion. I couldn't find it before, but I didn't expect it to suddenly appear here.

However, now is not the time to think about why Li Hao is here, the current situation is the key.

Li Hao was from Zhenbeicheng, so he naturally hated Shiling, and he happened to see General Lin being bullied, so he took action in anger.

This is normal.

But under the current circumstances, a strong attack would not cause Shiling to counterattack.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but concentrate on being alert to the demons present and ready to take action at any time.

Maybe they were close to Prince Ming'an and had rifts with Li Hao, but in the face of this kind of thing, they naturally stood together.

Xuanyang was stunned for a moment, not thinking too much, and fixed his eyes on Qi Linjun.

If this person makes any move, he will take action forcefully.

We share the same hatred and hatred.

"You are looking for death!" The other demons yelled angrily, with violent eyes: "You dare to hurt people. If there is no explanation, the Great Sage will kill you in an instant and turn this place into nothing."

"Let him come, I'll wait for him." Li Hao looked at the group of demons and his eyes fell on the leader Qi Linjun: "Go and notify him."

"It's so arrogant..."

"act recklessly…"

The demons became even more angry, waiting for Sakibayashi-kun's reaction to let this man know what reality is.

Mr. Sakibayashi's face changed. He looked at Li Hao in front of him with various emotions mixed together. Finally...he squeezed out an ugly smile and said, "No...no need."

The many demons behind him couldn't help but froze in place when they heard these words, looking at Sakibayashi-kun's back in disbelief.

What do you mean no more?


Princess Zhanqing's eyes flickered, and her eyes fell on Li Hao, who was wearing a snake dragon jade robe.

Everyone was shocked and confused, what happened to Sakibayashi-kun?

Didn’t you just show contempt for the whole audience? Was it just a bluff?

Li Hao raised his hand, took his bright silver spear from General Lin's hand, and then swung it out suddenly, almost invisible to the naked eye, and pierced the body of the black lizard in the next moment.

The tail of the gun trembled and was nailed to the palace floor tiles.

"Ah!" The khaki lizard wailed, making a cruel sound, and then it exploded, and pieces of flesh and blood were scattered all over the ground.

The people around him blocked him with auras of aura, and they couldn't help but feel a jump in their hearts. They were so fierce, and they would kill at will.

But then, a feeling of joy arose in his heart. After all, the demon was so arrogant just now and stepped on their faces.

Then I couldn't help but worry. After all, this was a conflict of life and death. The demon was already vicious, and now I might not be able to bear it anymore.

Sure enough, upon seeing this, the demons behind Sakibayashi-kun immediately exploded, with angry scoldings and curses, and some demons were even ready to take action immediately.

"Shut up!" Mr. Sakibayashi scolded the demons, and then, in the eyes of everyone with disbelief, he forced a smile again and said reluctantly: "Have you calmed down?"

How humble is this?

The beautiful blue cheeks moved. Since this monster was sent by Shiling, he must not be a bluff. How could he be so flattering?

Master Xuanyang exhaled a breath, the gloom in his eyes dissipated, and then complex emotions changed.

I knew that this guy was very talented... Li Hao looked at Mr. Qi Lin and smiled in his heart.

When King Zhenbei told him about the ambush of the Great Sage, he mentioned that Lord Qi Lin was also watching and witnessed how he was showing off in front of the six-eared macaque.

Therefore, he believed that Mr. Sakibayashi's attitude towards him would be very good.

Sure enough, just as he expected.

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