I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 145 The real person Longhu has arrived! Qitian is Li Hao?

Jiang Chen and Fangyuan were stunned. Unexpectedly, the situation took a turn for the worse. Li Hao turned defeat into victory and reversed the situation of the battle. Not only did he get out of trouble, but he also took the opportunity to directly eliminate a powerful enemy.

From three against one, it became two against one.

"Okay!" Fangyuan shouted, the worry on his face gradually turned into joy, and he kept glancing at Jiang Chen from the corner of his eye: "Brother Jiang, the situation is great now, you can't commit suicide anymore."

Jiang Chen was relieved at first, but after hearing Fangyuan's call, he couldn't help but become speechless.

The body of the red fox disappeared in Li Hao's hands. He stood in the sky, surrounded by golden flames.

The golden giant crocodile was horrified, and it didn't even react yet, but when it discovered that Li Hao's figure had disappeared, a sense of crisis arose in its heart.

It evades very quickly, and even though its body is huge, its speed is not slow.

However, he was still hit by Li Hao's fist. Even though the golden scales covering his body had very strong defensive power, they still exploded at this moment.

The huge body rolled out and swept through many caves here, dripping with blood.

Li Hao kept moving, and a thunder sword appeared in his hand.


There was lightning and thunder, and his speed was faster. He was entangled with the lightning. The thunder sword was inserted directly along the broken part of the giant crocodile's scales, rolling all the way, and cutting a big crack.

Golden blood spurted out and scattered all over the ground.

The giant golden crocodile howled, its dark beast eyes shrouded in bloodshot eyes.

In an instant, its body changed, and its golden scales were soaked in blood, like clusters of blood flowers blooming.

At this time, the golden giant crocodile's scales were spewing blood-colored arcs of electricity, which was obviously some kind of powerful magical power.

Just like the red scroll used by Red Fox just now, Red Fox thought that it could kill his soul with one blow, but he miscalculated.

However, the golden giant crocodile's bloodline magical power is obviously mainly to strengthen itself.


A dull sound erupted, and the thunder sword struck the scales of the golden crocodile. Red and blue intertwined, scattering the lightning, and causing a crack to appear on it.

"Why have you become stronger again!?" The golden giant crocodile noticed something was wrong from the brief confrontation. The two had also had a brief contact last time.

The opponent's strength is definitely not as strong as it is now, and it seems that it has stepped up again.

But how long has it been since they last fought?

Li Hao's eyes were cold, and he was a little surprised by the attack of these three demons.

These guys have obviously been waiting in the casual cultivator camp.

No... more accurately, he has been ambushing Jiang Chen and Fangyuan.

As long as any stranger comes into contact with the two of them, they will be mercilessly attacked and killed by the three demons.

This method is indeed effective, but the premise is that there must be someone in this large camp of casual cultivators who can cooperate with them internally and externally.

Otherwise...the other big casual cultivators are not just doing it for a living, so it's impossible that they wouldn't be able to discover these three guys.

The figure of Master Longhu appeared in his mind, and after thinking about it, he was the only one.

While thinking about it, he didn't stop moving his hand, and the collision with the golden giant crocodile continued to produce surging energy fluctuations.

A stream of light streaked through the void. It was very coquettish and strange. It was so fast that even Li Hao couldn't completely avoid it.

He was hit on the shoulder and staggered.

It was a twisted green long sword. It was not very big, but only three feet long. It had no hilt. It passed through the air just now, turned into a streak of light, and hit Li Hao.

"Snake sword!"

Li Hao stared at the colorful python, and the Taotie shadow that appeared in the surrounding area had been shattered by it.

Li Hao was no stranger to this. He had heard of this weapon. It was a unique snake demon in the Northern Wilderness, known as the Yunjian Snake.

This kind of snake has a sword gall when it is born, and the sword gall contains an innate magic sword.

As they grow, they will continue to cultivate this innate magic sword.

Most of one's strength lies in this innate magic sword. It is powerful, but it has advantages and disadvantages.

If the magic sword is destroyed, they themselves will be severely damaged, and if they fall, the magic sword will also destroy itself.

The reason why Li Hao knew about it was mainly because this kind of monster was very strange. When he was free, he read some books in the North and wrote it down.

It is so fast that it is like a stream of light that stuns the void. It is extremely powerful and has a terrifying impact speed. Coupled with the injection of spiritual power, it can directly kill the enemy and make it impossible to prevent it.

However, after stabbing Li Hao on the shoulder, it only caused him to stagger, but no bones or muscles were broken.

The dark green long sword sank only an inch before it lost its stamina. It was pulled out with a trembling sound, and the wounds around it glowed with green light.

He tried to spread it on Li Hao, but the golden flames around him burned out green mist, and the injury was repaired in the blink of an eye.

The snake sword quickly sank into the huge mouth of the colorful python. The snake hesitated, looking for the next opportunity to strike.

The blow was originally aimed at Li Hao's head, but the man reacted very quickly and only hit his shoulder.

However, this also created an opportunity for the golden giant crocodile to take advantage of Li Hao's body shaking and unsteady steps.

It swung around, its giant tail whipped like a whip, and the void exploded!


Li Hao let out a muffled groan, and his body was filled with blood. His hair was dancing wildly, and he had the potential to swallow mountains and rivers with anger.

He raised his hands and caught the giant tail that was smashed down. Bloody thunder poured down like a waterfall, washing his body.

Then he pulled out the mountains and rivers, dragged the golden crocodile's tail, and smashed it towards the colorful python.


At the critical moment, the colorful python opened its mouth again, activated the snake sword, and attacked and killed Li Hao when his front strength was exhausted and his rear strength was insufficient.

However, a sharp light flashed in Li Hao's eyes, and a bright little tower appeared in front of him.

The snake sword hit the small tower, and golden ripples surged out.


At the same time, Li Hao stretched out one hand to grasp the snake sword, and held the Leifeng Pagoda with the other hand, and smashed the snake sword hard.


There was only a clear sound of shattering, and the snake sword shattered into countless pieces, turning into flowing light and scattering to the earth.

Not far away, the colorful python seemed to have been struck by lightning. Its huge body was rampaging on the ground, convulsing non-stop, as if it had suffered a severe injury.

He threw out the small tower, which grew into the wind. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a giant tower of a hundred feet, and it suppressed the giant golden crocodile!


Dust was flying and spiritual waves were rolling, one wave after another, spreading in all directions.

A moment ago, the panic-looking casual cultivators around them had already withdrawn a long way away at the beginning of the battle.

Some who were too late to retreat were turned into meat in the aftermath of the battle.

But fortunately, this is the central area of ​​the casual cultivator camp, and there are some practitioners of the Four Symbols Realm or the Dragon Transformation Realm nearby.

The reaction speed was quite fast, and only a few people unfortunately died in the aftermath.

They were all confused. Some of them were exchanging their practice experiences with their friends, or taking stock of some gains.

Who would have thought that suddenly, a disaster would strike from the sky and wipe out the family!

"My four-leaf jade ginseng!" someone wailed. Because the incident happened so suddenly, some treasures didn't even have time to be put into the Qiankun bag.

Judging from the fluctuations of the battle in the field, I am afraid that he has turned into a fan at this moment.

"Who is it that suddenly made a move in the camp of casual cultivators?"

The battle fluctuations in the field were bright and overbearing, and even with the running spiritual pupils, they couldn't see clearly, and they were extremely blurry.

"It seems to be those monsters. They also appeared when Sun Yucheng died." Some practitioners with higher realms frowned and saw some scenes during the retreat.

"People from Shiling?" Someone next to him reacted and said angrily: "It's really too much to bully others. As soon as the Beiling seniors left, they came over and killed them. They didn't even take us in their eyes."

His words didn't cause much reaction. Why should Shiling put them in his eyes? They were nothing.

"Shiling aside, the person fighting them is probably even more surprising." True Lord Tianhuo looked at the battle group with stern eyes.

"The person who fought them?" Some casual cultivators were at a lower level and couldn't see clearly, and they suddenly showed an inquiring look.

"Although that man has changed his appearance, his tyrannical body and the thunder sword in his hand are still familiar." He spoke slowly.

An even greater uproar suddenly broke out among the surrounding casual cultivators. This description no longer required them to think too much, and they instantly locked onto a figure - Qitian!

"Is it that guy!?" Someone exclaimed: "He actually dared to show up, killed Sun Yucheng, kidnapped Moonlight Fairy, and provoked Daxia. This person is now the target of public criticism."

"Everyone is looking for him, but I didn't expect him to be hiding in the camp of casual cultivators, and he came to hide under the lamp. He is really bold."

This legendary figure who suddenly appeared near Jiuyin Mountain has stirred up unimaginable turmoil recently, and many casual cultivators are speculating on how long he can live.

After all, Daxia has countless methods. If you really want to find someone, it won't take too long.

Unexpectedly, he was hiding in the camp of casual cultivators.

"Tell me, how much reward is Daxia willing to pay if I catch this guy?" Someone suddenly said this, causing the originally noisy casual cultivators to fall silent.

There was a hint of greed in his eyes.

This person kidnapped Xing Mengdao, and Daxia must find him.

True Lord Tianhuo sneered: "Don't have any wild stories, everyone. The three demons in Shiling attacked and killed this person. I'm afraid there is no way for this person to survive."

"Do you want to steal food from their hands?"

Many of the returning cultivators looked at each other, and immediately sighed. The strength of the three demons in Shiling was obvious to all, and each of them was comparable to the peak of the Four Phases.

Although Qitian is good, he is still in the Four Symbol Realm after all, and it is impossible for him to withstand the attack and killing of three deities in the same realm.

Although most monsters are not very proficient in practicing magical powers, after all, the structure of each race is different, and the method of spiritual energy movement is not feasible. The gains of the monsters outweigh the losses of practicing secret techniques.

But in the same way, every monster is equivalent to a practitioner of the Body Refining Realm who is blessed by nature, and because of his bloodline.

Many monsters also have powerful bloodline magical powers, which are not complicated, but sometimes have the power to fix the world with one blow.

If many casual cultivators work together, it is not impossible to keep the three demons here, but the distribution of benefits is a problem, and the risks are even more of a problem.

No one wants to rush ahead, so this matter can only exist in fantasy.

"It's a pity that this person came out of nowhere and caused a lot of trouble, but in the end he was just a meteor, a flash in the pan."

"I don't know who his true identity is, whether he is from my northern territory." Everyone sighed, and some people sneered:

"The path of spiritual practice should be done step by step and steadily. This person acted recklessly, but the four aspects were mixed into the grievances and grievances of the Netherworld. Even if he does not die here, he will die somewhere else."

"Why bother lamenting it."

How much ability you have affects how much things you have. This is the consensus of the spiritual practice community.

If a low-level practitioner accidentally gets involved in a high-level grievance and is beaten to death with no one to support him, it is best to stay away from such a thing.

Unless the benefits are too great, it’s worth taking the plunge.

Many people echoed, with joy in their eyes, hoping to see Qi Tian die tragically, even though they had no enmity with the other party.

But he was very jealous in his heart, jealous of the other party's power.

But a figure who was far more powerful than them died in front of them, which would bring them a sense of pleasure.

At this moment, the roar stopped and the fighting seemed to have stopped.

Many casual cultivators looked at the center of the battlefield. From a long distance away, they used their spiritual pupils to see clearly without the interference of the battle.

There are also people who are ready to go, with Xiao Jiujiu and Qi Tian's strength in mind.

However, when they saw the scene clearly, it was like a bolt from the blue that hit their hearts.

Their faces were stiff, their pupils were dilated, their mouths were slightly open, and they were speechless, as if they had seen something impossible.

"Master, how is the situation? What happened?" A young man asked, with a look of eagerness on his face, wanting to know what happened.

The other cultivators, whose cultivation realm was relatively low and could not be seen in the field, also looked at them one after another. They felt itchy in their hearts, but they did not dare to urge them.

The young master slowly came back to his senses, with a complex look on his face, and the wonder in his eyes was still there.

"The colorful python's aura is weak, the golden crocodile has been suppressed, the red fox has disappeared, Qitian..."

He paused, and there was a tremor in his voice that he couldn't recognize: "There are no obvious wounds on his body."


These words were like thunder, exploding among the casual cultivators, causing uproar and jaw-dropping.

Three demons attacked and killed them all, but they were all killed in return! ?

This result was beyond their imagination. According to their estimation, it was a lose-lose situation at best.

And now that the battle is over so quickly, there is a high probability that one side will be completely defeated. They thought it was Qitian who was suppressed, but they did not expect that it was the three demons of Shiling.

But how could the gap in strength be so great?

They don't understand that even if Qi Tian has a trump card, the three demons of Shiling are not vegetarians.

It’s impossible to lose so quickly, right?

While everyone was shocked, True Lord Tianhuo frowned slightly. He looked at the small golden tower pressing on the golden giant crocodile and seemed to remember something.

At the moment when Red Fox died, outside the casual cultivator camp, a person looked confused, wearing a robe, and a trace of struggle flashed in his distracted eyes.

But the palm of his hand was raised unconsciously, and a touch of spiritual fire was lit, which fell on the khaki talisman paper in his hand and ignited with a faint fire.

At this point, his eyes suddenly cleared up, as if he had completely woken up. He looked around with some confusion and muttered: "Hey, why am I here."

He wondered, wasn't he in the casual cultivator camp just now?

There was a roar in the distance. When he looked up, he couldn't help but trembled: "Fuck, what's going on?"

There seemed to be a war going on in the casual cultivator camp, and the aftermath spread in front of him and turned into a sweeping violent wind.

Hiss - a sharp pain suddenly came from his hand. He subconsciously let go, and only a broken corner of the burning talisman fell to the ground.

What's going on?

He was confused, but began to retreat, wanting to leave here as soon as possible.


Deep in the Jiuyin Mountain, the formation in front of you gradually became unorganized.

Mr. Qiu and others stopped their hands and looked at the dark cave in front of them, with a hint of caution in their eyes.

"This is the cave of the virtual world. Once you step into it, the world and the world will change." Beiling Taoist said solemnly: "After entering, you must be careful. That old unicorn is really not a vegetarian."

Everyone agreed deeply and did not have any contempt for him. However, at this moment, Master Longhu's expression changed slightly and he glanced in the direction of the Rogue Cultivator camp calmly.

Due to the relatively far distance, nothing can be found here.

The three demons lit the Taoist talisman he gave to the other party, proving that the other party had discovered Li Hao's traces.

How could it be at this time...

He frowned slightly, glanced at a few people, and coughed dryly: "Brothers, I may not be able to go in."

"Huh?" Several people who were about to make a move stopped one after another and looked at Master Longhu with different eyes.

It’s just the last step. The entrance is right here. Why don’t you go in if you don’t want to?

"To be honest with you all, I suddenly remembered something important. You go in first and follow me after I finish handling it." He said with a wry smile: "I don't want to either, but..."

Everyone looked at Master Longhu, not knowing what he was planning.

Is the fisherman profiting?

Oriole behind?

Impossible, with his strength, it is impossible to do this.

Could it be that something really happened?

While everyone was thinking, Master Longhu did not hesitate, and took two steps back. The true form of Dragon and Tiger was lingering, and he escaped directly into the sky.

After exploring the Jiuyin Tomb, the little bit of Emperor's Liquid obtained in the end may not be as valuable as the secrets in Li Hao's body.

He acted decisively, which made everyone hesitate, but it was impossible to really stop him.

Mr. Qiu frowned, weighed it for a moment, and said, "Since Taoist Brother Longhu has something to do, let him deal with it first, and we will continue."

He secretly pinched out a few talismans and floated them far away with the wind, telling Yang Ting'an to pay attention to the abnormalities nearby. If Master Longhu really had evil intentions, he would take them down immediately.

Taoist Beiling looked at the direction Master Longhu left, his eyes flickering, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger.

He has been doing divination all year round, and his premonitions are far more accurate than others. He also recalled the abnormality revealed by Master Longhu before.

I'm afraid something really happened.

The Beiling Taoist thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "Dear Taoist brothers, I also suddenly remembered that there is an important thing that I have not done, and I have to do it. I hope you will accept it."

With that said, he also got involved in Gao Tian and headed in the direction where Master Longhu left.

Only people were left looking at each other.

Forget the people from Longhu Town left, the Taoist from Beiling who provided this passage also left. This had to make them murmur, is there something wrong with this passage?

For a moment, everyone was either retreating or advancing.

But they are also old monsters, and they know that there must be something fishy between Master Longhu and Taoist Beiling.

Elder Ao waved his hand, and the formations criss-crossed the cave again, making it disappear between heaven and earth. He said indifferently: "Let's wait until the affairs of these two Dao brothers are settled, and then we can explore together."

This sentence entered everyone's hearts, and no one objected. At the same time, they escaped into the sky, turned into streamers of light, and chased in the direction they left.

They were also curious about what was going on between the two.


"Why did this group of people leave suddenly?" Si Chen hid in the dark, carefully peeked, and was confused when he discovered this scene.

He was also prepared to wait for them to anger the purple jade unicorn and kill everyone, and then the fisherman would benefit.

As a result, these guys turned around and left?

His expression was uncertain. Ever since he came to Jiuyin Mountain, he had found that everything was not going well, and this incident had almost reached the limit of his patience.

He was silent for a moment, snorted coldly, and then stood up and said, "I want to see what happens this time."

In the tomb, the purple jade unicorn was lying on the ground, its half-open and half-closed beast eyes slightly opened, and it seemed a little surprised...

"Well, why didn't those guys come in? They are all practitioners of the Nether Realm. Some of them have very good qualifications..." It murmured secretly, with a somewhat anxious tone:

"The Flowing Light Realm has been opened. There is no turning back. If these people don't come in, they will be in trouble."

Above its head, a stream of jade mirror flickers uncertainly, with wisps of light floating down like a veil.

This is the reason why it is confident that it can accomplish all its goals even if its vitality and blood decline and it reaches the end of its life.

But it originally thought that those people would enter the tomb.

At that time, he would activate the streamer mirror to freeze everything, carefully select his body, and then activate the nine-turn reincarnation formation to sacrifice his body.

But now, something unexpected happened, and when things came to a close, those people actually left again.

"No..." it stood up, its voice hoarse: "Since they won't come in, I have no choice but to go out."


In the casual cultivator camp, Li Hao landed, and the golden crocodile was tortured to death under the Leifeng Pagoda. His breath was weak and he would die soon.

The colorful python also tried to give in. The snake sword was destroyed, causing it to suffer heavy damage. In front of Li Hao, it no longer had much power to resist.

"It's really surprising that you actually ambushed me in the camp of casual cultivators." Li Hao was indeed a little unexpected.

The demon Red Fox was quite decisive and attacked his soul when he came up. If it had been anyone else, he would have died on the spot.

Unfortunately, the soul is what he is least afraid of. He even said that he would like others to attack his soul.

After directly killing the red fox, his pressure was greatly reduced. With the holy weapon Leifeng Pagoda here, these two monsters could not cause any trouble.

But the only troublesome part is that using Leifeng Pagoda openly means that his identity will be exposed soon.

"Haha...haha..." The giant golden crocodile laughed ferociously. Even if death was imminent, he was not afraid. The beast's eyes stared coldly at Li Hao: "You should be very proud now."

"We three demons attacked and killed us, but you counterattacked us forcefully. If this matter spreads, your prestige in the north will definitely grow."

Its behavior was very strange, it was not afraid, and its voice was like thunder: "From the moment you killed the red fox, Changchong and I knew that we could not be your opponent."

"But do you know why we don't run away separately? With our strength, you can only catch up with one of them. There is always a way to survive."

Li Hao frowned. The blood on the golden crocodile's scales had faded and his body was covered in bruises.

"Because I want to drag you here!" It laughed: "The red fox is a smart guy. It didn't expect that your strength would be so terrifying, but it also took precautions."

"I thought that no matter how strong you were, we could fight for a while, but I didn't expect that you killed it directly, but, okay..."

"It's dead, and you can't run away!"

The next moment, Li Hao suddenly looked up, and everyone in the casual cultivator camp was shocked.

I saw dragons and tigers intertwined in the sky, their scales shining like stars, covering the sky and the earth.

At this time, Li Hao's heart trembled. He felt something was wrong. Out of an instinct, his body sensed danger. His whole body tensed up and he quickly retreated.

However, it was a little too late. Light beams appeared one after another in the void. Dragons and tigers intertwined and turned into a metal chain.

The metal chains were intertwined like a river of stars, densely packed and condensing in the air.

In an instant, it blocked all Li Hao's escape routes.

The chains formed a large web, like a spider web with many glowing sides, and the stars in the center shone brightly.

"Suo Tian Net!"

True Lord Tianhuo said in surprise: "Master Longhu has arrived!"

This is the holy weapon of Master Longhu. It is famous and known to many casual cultivators.

"Didn't Master Longhu go to explore the Jiuyin Tomb? Why did he come back again?" someone wondered.

A middle-aged man opened his mouth and shook his feather fan slightly: "Haha, why are the three demons of Shiling in the camp of casual cultivators? Haven't you figured it out yet?"

"Are you saying that Master Longhu and the Three Demons of Shiling are secretly colluding?" Some people were surprised and confused, causing a stir.

"It doesn't matter if we cooperate. Qitian killed his apprentice. In this case, in order to find his enemy, what if we cooperate with Shiling Sanyao?" Someone next to him understood Master Longhu and sighed:

"It's a pity. I thought that this big shot killed the three demons and escaped today. I didn't expect that he was still hiding this trick. Master Longhu took action with his holy soldiers. Even if this person is very capable, I'm afraid he will only die. One piece."

"Don't jump to conclusions so quickly. We thought Qi Tian was going to die just now." Some people held different opinions.

Someone immediately choked: "We were in the same realm just now. Master Longhu is a well-known casual cultivator in the north. He didn't even just break through the Nether Realm, let alone the Sky Locking Network to help."

Today's events were full of twists and turns, and many casual cultivators were shocked to see it. They each expressed their own opinions, and the sounds of quarrels were endless.

There were even more astute people who had already taken out the jade slips with the photo taken. Unfortunately, the distance was too far and nothing could be seen clearly, and no one dared to get too close.

"Qitian, if you kill my disciple, today will be your day of death!" Shocked shouts spread throughout the world, and the figure of Master Longhu appeared between heaven and earth, and the anger in his tone did not seem to be fake.

But the joy in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

Until this moment, he did not reveal Li Hao's true identity to avoid accidents. He just wanted to make a quick decision, take this person and leave immediately.

He knew that Taoist Beiling was following closely behind him and he didn't have much time.

"I know your true identity. No matter how many secrets you have, you can only fall into my hands today." He secretly transmitted the message without stopping. The Sky Locking Network kept gathering. If it wasn't enough, he took action himself. .

"Sit back and wait, Li Hao, the rabbit waiting for you is you!"


A piece of golden light flew out and overflowed from his body, like a galaxy falling, but it was dyed golden and flew towards Li Hao on the ground, shocking the earth and the earth.

The sound was astonishing, and the golden light condensed and turned into a heavenly dragon, squeezing the whole world.

With all his strength, he can kill everyone on the ground with just one thought.

On the ground, the surrounding area was ashen. They were near the battlefield. When the aftermath spreads, they might not be able to survive.

Even Jiang Chen was very frightened, not knowing whether the other guy in his body could withstand it.

After all, the strongest strength that guy showed was only the four images.

In the distance, Taoist Beiling's pupils shrank. Sure enough, Master Longhu was coming towards Qitian.

"Stop!" He shouted, his pupils emitted a faint light, and the black mist billowed, turning into several ferocious ghosts.

However, there is still a distance between the two, and this distance is enough for Master Longhu to suppress Li Hao.

"It's finally here, haha..." The giant golden crocodile stared at Li Hao, who was very close at hand, and felt happy in his heart. They tried their best to drag Li Hao into the water.

Everything seems to be too late!

However, at the next moment, something surprising happened to everyone. A violent aura rose from the ground to the sky, and then climbed higher and higher.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the roaring dragon was actually blown away, and its body flew backwards into the sky uncontrollably.

The joy in the Longhu master's bunker faded and turned into unbelievable shock and horror.

Jiang Chen and Fangyuan's expressions were dull. Looking at Li Hao's dazzling body, almost all his energy and blood turned into gold, and he had an unimaginable nobility and power.

At the same time, his appearance was slowly changing and returning to its original state.

He used [Ascension] on the Holy Body, greatly strengthening it, and its power suppressed the incomplete Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques, forcing his body to return to its original appearance.

The golden giant crocodile was speechless. The aura on Li Hao's body made it feel frightened and trembling, as if facing Qi Linjun, and at the same time it was even more frightened:

"How is this possible! How can you burst out with such strength!"

Li Hao just glanced at him and heard a bang. The golden crocodile's head exploded, leaving only half of its body.

Then, he grabbed the Leifeng Pagoda with one hand. Although it was a tower, he used it as a hammer and smashed it against the continuously gathering Sky Locking Net.

The sonorous and frustrated sounds continued to sound, and the Sky Locking Network twisted. Dazzling thunder burst out between the two, and the energy exploded. Finally, the Sky Locking Network was smashed and thrown into the sky!

Li Hao's figure stared at the real person Longhu in the sky, and said indifferently: "It is still unknown who the rabbit is."

Master Longhu's eyes changed, shock, surprise, doubt, and many emotions were mixed into a sharp shout: "Then let's try it!"


He stretched out his right hand and struck downwards, the action was too violent.

The hand was enlarging, coming at an extremely fast speed, swirling around the dragon and tiger, becoming even bigger than the mountain.

Li Hao picked up the Leifeng Pagoda and rushed forward. The top of the tower was facing upwards, golden light shot through the sky, and collided with his palm!


Blood light burst out and scattered across the sky. Master Longhu wailed, quickly retracted his big hand, and roared: "Li Hao, I want you to die!"

"Today, it's hard to say who will die." Li Hao sneered and rushed straight towards Master Longhu. The two were fighting together and could not see anything clearly.

However, Master Longhu's voice almost spread throughout the entire area. The casual cultivators were stunned and their throats trembled.

"What did Master Longhu say? Isn't he going to deal with Qi Tian? Why did he become Li Hao?" Some people have not yet reacted.


"Qi Tian is Li Hao, and Li Hao is Qi Tian!"

"The person who kidnapped Fairy Moonlight and Xing Mengdao, and beheaded Sun Yucheng, was this Chief Li too?"

"if not?"

The eyes of many casual cultivators trembled as they looked at the dazzling battle group in the sky.

"But how could he be so strong?" Everyone was puzzled. They could understand the existence of trump cards. Who among them, the casual cultivators, didn't have a trump card to fight for their lives?

Either using blood-burning secret techniques, squeezing potential, or at the expense of lifespan, you can temporarily burst out with methods that far exceed your own strength.

But at most it can only increase by a small amount, and sometimes it can only have the power of a single blow.

It's not that they have too little experience, but that the gap between the low realm and the high realm is like a chasm. Even if they burn all their remaining lifespan and potential, they can't cross this gap.

Even if you use external force, you still have to see if your body can hold it, otherwise it is very likely that you will not be able to hold it before you defeat the enemy.

But Chief Li's situation is obviously not among these, he is simply extremely strong.

True Lord Tianhuo had a complex expression. He guessed the truth one step ahead of everyone else. After all, there were not many holy soldiers in the north, and every appearance of a holy soldier would cause huge waves.

If there is any explanation for that thunder sword, then this small tower of holy soldiers almost points directly to Chief Li.

But even if he guessed it, he was still shocked by the scene before him.

At the same time, Mr. Qiu and others who were following Taoist Beiling were also stunned on the spot.

They had just noticed the fluctuations of the battle not far away.

But they didn't think much about it. It wasn't until they heard the name "Qitian" that they understood why Master Longhu returned in a hurry. It turned out to be for this evil man.

They could also understand that Qi Tian had killed his apprentice after all, but they didn't understand why he had to deal with this person secretly.

Even if the news is told to them, they will not stop it, but will provide a helping hand.

But the sound of "Li Hao" really shocked them.

As a result, no one spoke for a while, digesting this sudden information.

"Li Hao" is now fighting with Master Longhu, which makes their mood difficult to calm down.

"Qi Tian is Li Hao?" Mr. Qiu suddenly murmured, still a little unbelievable.

After all, if Qi Tian is Li Hao, there is no explanation at all for why he kidnapped Xing Mengdao.

"Okay, it turns out that it was you people from Daxia who kidnapped my disciple!" Feng Yang suddenly realized, and with a mixture of shock and anger, he shouted: "You came here to ask for news about Qi Tian under false pretenses!"

"I...this..." Mr. Qiu didn't know how to explain.

What the hell is Li Hao doing sneaking up to Jiuyin Mountain and using the alias Qitian?

He doesn't understand.

Elder Ao frowned slightly and said displeasedly: "For such a big matter, Mr. Qiu didn't even acknowledge me, and even pretended to investigate it together. Are you so happy for teasing me?"

Both Mr. Qiu and Li Hao were from Zhenbei King. He believed that Mr. Qiu must know the truth, but he just deliberately hid it and did not tell him.

It is even believed that Xing Mengdao was kidnapped as part of some kind of plan by these people.

"I..." Mr. Qiu hesitated, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Longhu said he is Li Hao, do you just believe it? How could Li Hao have the strength to fight him head-on?"

"Mr. Qiu, do you think I am blind? I have seen that small tower of holy soldiers with my own eyes." Elder Ao said expressionlessly.

"As for his current strength, it is indeed impossible to explain, but this person's identity does not allow you to defend him."

Mr. Qiu was unable to defend himself and said solemnly: "No matter what, let's stop the two of them first!"

He guessed that Li Hao might have used some kind of trump card to have his current strength, just like before.

But he also knows that this kind of trump card will not last long, and when the duration is up, he may be killed by Master Longhu.

Feng Yang's expression was ugly, and she really didn't want to take action, but this person had captured his apprentice, and she needed to know where her apprentice was now through this person, so she could only nod with a cold face.

Si Chen was also struck by lightning. He hid in the dark and explored why everyone left the Jiuyin Tomb, but he did not expect to learn such a shocking truth.

Qi Tian is Li Hao!

For a moment, his heart suddenly became enlightened, and everything was connected in series.

Why Qitian abducted Xing Mengdao inexplicably, and why he promoted the reconciliation between the casual cultivators and Daxia, he was still puzzled before.

But now, he understood everything.

Because Li Hao was aware of Yinsi's plan and knew that they wanted to use the resentful souls of endless life to promote the birth of the power of ten thousand souls.

That's why he didn't sit idly by, obstructing the situation, avoiding a war between the two sides, and completely preventing this incident from happening.

This is the only reason.

He thought he had found the truth, but another doubt emerged in his mind. How did Li Hao know?

This is the secret of their underworld, and only those at the level of ghosts know it.


No, he is only responsible for the Fengdu Great Seal and does not know how to refine the power of ten thousand souls.

Moreover, he has been arrested by King Zhenbei now, so it is impossible for him to know our current actions.

Moreover, the Jiuyin Tomb was an accident, an accident that we had not thought of before.

Could it be...a traitor?

If this is the case, there was a reason why Li Hao was able to discover the reincarnation of the underworld immortal god last time.

Someone was tipping him off secretly!

His expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to reject the idea.

Because all the senior officials of the Yin Division have placed heavy restrictions on Yuanshen, it is almost impossible for traitors to appear.

But for a while, there was no other possibility.

No, this matter must be thoroughly investigated, he made up his mind.

But the immediate matter still needs to be dealt with. Now that Li Hao appears here, the Fengdu Great Seal is extremely close to him.

This is an opportunity.

But looking at the battle group in the sky, he hesitated. Li Hao didn't know what means he used to pull himself up to the point where he could fight with the real dragon and tiger.

This also means that he cannot suppress Li Hao in a short time.

"What kind of method is so defiant that it can make people jump to a big realm to fight?" He thought secretly, puzzled.

Please give me a monthly ticket, hehe...

Well, if you want to scold me, you'd better do it in this chapter. I promise it won't be deleted.

Swearing outside will be deleted due to various reasons. Hehe, compare your feelings.

Forget it, let’s talk about the various reasons. Because I work part-time and I encounter all kinds of troublesome things when I go to work. Sometimes I feel very miserable after get off work.

When I opened the comment area and saw the people scolding me, my mentality suddenly collapsed. I know this is wrong, but sometimes it really does suck.

So you'd better criticize me in this chapter.

Love you.

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