I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 146 A sudden turn of events. The mission reward is the Furnace to Raise Hundred Scriptures a

Chapter 146 A sudden turn of events. Mission reward - Furnace to raise hundreds of scriptures, Ten Thousand Dharma Holy Body!

And these people were not the only ones affected by this turmoil. Yang Ting'an stood in the sky with a cold light in his eyes.

"So it's you..." He murmured in a low voice, with a strange arc at the corner of his mouth.

He received a secret message from Mr. Qiu, asking him to keep an eye on Master Longhu, and he thought something had happened.

Although he has a lot of Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, under normal circumstances, he still has to listen to the orders he should obey.

So he allocated some energy and paid attention to this place. Unexpectedly, he suddenly got this news.

Although I don't know why Li Hao came here, I don't know how he exploded with such tyrannical fighting power.

However, after the surprise, he couldn't help but feel a little excited in his heart.

This is his chance.

He thought he had no chance to take action against Li Hao, but unexpectedly, this man actually walked to the door himself.

"You are seeking death on your own..." He silently clenched his fists and began to mobilize the amazing energy and blood that was pressing heavily on him.

It is indeed very surprising that Li Hao can burst into such strength and confront Master Longhu.

However, under the energy and blood of millions of soldiers, there is no resistance, there is only death!

In the field, Li Hao's eyes were cold, his energy and blood surged all over his body, and he held the Leifeng Pagoda and collided with the real person Longhu.

Master Longhu is not a body-refining practitioner, but his application of the Sky Locking Net is perfect.

This thing covered his body and turned into a suit of armor, shining with the color of stars, resisting his attacks.

To a certain extent, he was suppressing the real Longhu, but it was impossible to kill him in a short time.

The eyes of Master Longhu were full of anger. Li Hao fought with him in close quarters, and the attacks continued, making him completely unable to use his magical powers.

The spiritual energy in the right palm surged, slashing towards Li Hao's head, while the left hand was making seals, forming a dragon shape between the palms and fingers, whistling, the dragon's roar moved the nine heavens, and blasted towards Li Hao.

Li Hao's eyes were cold and unafraid, and he held the Leifeng Pagoda and poked it left and right.

One benefit brought about by the substantial strengthening of the holy body is that the many magical powers smelted in the body have also been enhanced to varying degrees.

The two collided, creating various spectacles such as sword light, thunder, and light mist.


Li Hao's eyes were dazzling, and destructive power suddenly erupted. The two were close at hand, directly hitting the eyes of the dragon and tiger, penetrating through the front and back.

"You...you, this is my disciple's innate magical power!" Master Longhu screamed, being caught off guard, his eyes became blood holes, and he was filled with shock and anger.

"Ha, your eyes can shoot beams of light? Can it be considered your apprentice's magical power?" Li Hao sneered. This is a hidden little trump card, and it is very effective.

Master Longhu is a casual cultivator, and it has become a habit to look at three steps after taking one step.

At this moment, I have already decided to give up, and I don’t want to be entangled any longer, otherwise when Mr. Qiu and others arrive, they will definitely be stopped.

But Li Hao ignored him and continued to fight him. As one went and the other went, the disadvantage of the dragon and tiger became even more obvious.

"Stop!" A voice of cold scolding came from the distant sky, but Taoist Beiling, Mr. Qiu and others arrived. The moment of delay was enough for them to approach the battlefield.

It was Elder Ao who spoke. His face was as gloomy as water. He felt that he had been greatly deceived and wanted to stop the battle before questioning Li Hao properly.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows lightly, his hands kept moving, and the two were entangled.

Master Longhu's eyes were entangled with flesh and blood, and he was repairing himself. "Your identity has been exposed. You kidnapped Xing Mengdao and Fengyang's apprentices. You must give an explanation."

Although he was suppressed and beaten by Li Hao, his mood had calmed down by this time.

Although he didn't catch the other party, Li Hao's identity has been exposed. He was secretive and even hid it from Da Xia. He must have a plan when he came here under a new disguise.

Now that his identity is exposed, the other party's plan may come to nothing.

Moreover, the troubles caused by Li Hao were not over. Just the matter of kidnapping Xing Mengdao made the people in Daxia have to have a good discussion with him.

Elder Ao's face darkened, and he became even more dissatisfied when he saw that Li Hao ignored him. However, before he could speak, he heard a cold shout from the sky -

"Master Longhu, don't stop yet!"

The sky and the earth trembled in the distance, which was a bit scary. Qi and blood covered the sky. Drums were beating, and there was a faint sound of shouting for death in the ears.

I saw energy and blood gathering together, covering the sky. When it rolled, a blood knife was slashed out, almost cutting through the void, heading towards this place!

"Yang Ting'an!"

Mr. Qiu's expression changed drastically, and he locked onto the person who made the move.

Elder Ao's expression was also ugly. Almost instantly, he was sure of Yang Ting'an's idea of ​​​​taking action - to kill Li Hao!

But in front of everyone, this is undoubtedly a stupid decision.

Moreover, Li Hao was considered "one of his own" after all, and Prince Ming'an had not yet reached the point of killing him.

Yang Ting'an completely made his own decision!

For a moment, everyone was shocked at what kind of power this was.

At this moment, all the creatures present felt their hearts throbbing and could not help but tremble all over.

Even Elder Ao and others felt numb and frightened.

It was like the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering. Wherever the bloody knife passed, the void was twisted and unbearable.

Master Longhu was startled when he heard the sharp shout. When he saw the bloody knife, his liver and gallbladder were split.

This bloody knife was too powerful. He had no ability to resist at all. His heart was filled with despair, and he couldn't help but lament in his heart.

This is the sad thing about not having a backstage. Li Hao has the support of King Zhenbei. Even in this case, the people of Daxia will be the first to deal with him.

But then, he realized something was wrong, because the attack covered a wide range, and it didn't distinguish between you and me.

But Li Hao is still fighting with him now. Even if it is to deal with himself, doesn't he care about Li Hao's life and death?

His pupils shrank and he suddenly realized, no... this attack was not coming towards him at all, the target was Li Hao!

Otherwise, you can wait until the two of them pull away before taking action against him.

"How many enemies do you have!" Long Huzhen gritted his teeth angrily. The other party clearly used him as a pretext, but the real target was actually Li Hao.

"Yang Ting'an..." Li Hao's eyebrows stung, and there was almost no way to survive under the bloody knife.

Yang Ting'an was so decisive that he took action the moment he found him, gathering the energy and blood of Daxia's army and bursting out with unimaginable power.

The only option was to try [Speech Spirit]. Li Hao was not sure, so he just let the attack disappear. It was obviously impossible, so he could only start from the smallest point.

In a flash, he had an idea. The reason why Yang Ting'an had such a powerful force was because Daxia's military formation method connected the blood of all the soldiers.

The formation is like a precision-operated machine. If there is an accident, it will cause a chain reaction and cause varying degrees of damage.

Only by using the method of military formation to disperse the energy and blood in his body can he have a way to survive.

His eyes flashed, and just when he was about to take action, a "ding" sound suddenly sounded in the world, and then an invisible wave spread, sweeping the world in the blink of an eye.

A mottled and primitive mirror appeared above Jiuyin Mountain. The surface was smooth and the back was bronze, and it was engraved with dense patterns. The diffused light enveloped the entire area.

The world seemed to be still, everyone stopped moving, and even the bloody sword that was about to split everything was frozen in the air, unable to move.

However, everyone's eyes were horrified.

Obviously, they just can't move physically, but they can still think.

Everyone could not understand the strange scene in front of them, and they tried their best to break free, but they were unable to do anything.

Then, a strange beast with a powerful aura walked out of Jiuyin Mountain, it was the purple jade unicorn.

It came out, exuding a noble and mysterious aura, and its beast eyes scanned the world.

Who is the most eye-catching person in the world right now?

It was not Li Hao who was fighting with Long Hu, but Yang Ting'an who had gathered the energy and blood of millions of soldiers.

But the only person in the field who could barely move was staring coldly at the purple jade unicorn.

"Nice physical body, amazing energy and blood." Purple Jade Qilin looked very satisfied, looking at Yang Ting'an as if he were looking at a treasure.

It didn't seem to know much about military formations, and it didn't know that most of the energy and blood in Yang Ting'an's body came from the soldiers below.

Yang Ting'an's eyes were stern, and he tried his best to move, but it was like a huge ancient mountain was pressing down on his body, and he could barely move.

"It's just that it's a bit old, but it doesn't matter. With the creation power of Emperor Liujian, it can be reversed a little." It has an elegant posture. It is the only one that can move in the entire world, and only its voice echoes.

"I believe that Master will be satisfied with this body."

Yang Ting'an's eyes trembled, what does it mean to be satisfied with this body?

What does this unicorn want to do?

The purple jade unicorn stretched out its palm and slowly printed it on Yang Ting'an. Purple light shone around, forming a chain that tightly wrapped Yang Ting'an. Then the aura on his body quickly declined until it disappeared.

Then, the world seemed to undergo subtle changes. The mirror suspended above Jiuyin Mountain suddenly collapsed and turned into countless streams of light, which seemed unable to last.

Time moved again, and everyone staggered.

Light rose from the Jiuyin Mountain, forming a barrier to isolate everyone.


Master Longhu retreated for dozens of miles, watching helplessly as the terrifying blood knife disintegrated into endless blood in front of his eyes.

Yang Ting'an was captured, and there was no one to control the attack. It was originally formed by the gathering of the soldiers' energy and blood, but now it collapsed naturally.

Not only that, the faces of the soldiers below turned red, their blood surged, and some even spit out large mouthfuls of blood.

Yang Ting'an was forcibly taken away, which caused the military formation to go awry and caused a strong backlash.

"What good luck..." Master Longhu breathed a sigh of relief. After the disaster, his heart was full of panic: "Fortunately, this purple jade unicorn suddenly jumped out to disrupt the situation."

"It turns out that this purple jade unicorn is actually choosing a body for King Yulin." Beiling Taoist murmured in a low voice, and then he understood.

"Fortunately I didn't go in, otherwise..."

However, he then thought about it. The last time he sneaked in, he was discovered by the purple jade unicorn and did not leave him behind. This meant that this unicorn looked down upon his physical body.

He didn't know whether he should be grateful or scold the unicorn.

"It's your own fault..." Mr. Qiu sneered. Yang Ting'an was so evil that he just wanted to take the opportunity to kill Li Hao.

Unexpectedly, by some strange combination of circumstances, he was actually noticed by the Purple Jade Qilin. This was good, but instead he pulled out a nail for the King of Zhenbei.

Elder Ao's mood was not so beautiful. Even if Yang Ting'an made his own decisions, he was the first person that Prince Ming'an trained since he came to Zhenbei City.

Being kidnapped in such an unknown manner is not a good thing for Prince Ming'an.

But this purple jade unicorn actually has such a trump card, and the mirror doesn't know what level of weapon it is.

It actually immobilized everyone present, even Yang Ting'an, who was in charge of millions of soldiers, was unable to resist.

Everyone looked at the purple jade unicorn as if in a dream.

But Li Hao frowned. He just heard clearly that this purple jade unicorn actually planned to use the emperor's liquid on Yang Ting'an, and then build an excellent body for King Yulin.

Wouldn't this be a big loss for him? He was originally here for Emperor Liujian.

"No..." Li Hao pondered. If he had other purposes, he really wouldn't have any ideas.

But this matter seems to involve seizing a body or something.

...It is well known that he likes to have his body taken away from him the most.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if the purple jade unicorn could turn its attention to him and then take the initiative to cultivate him with imperial liquid?

"Wait!" He said, but the purple jade unicorn did not make any movement. The purple barrier covering that area seemed to block everything.

Upon discovering this, he quickly took out the [Word Spirit] and whispered: "For the sake of King Yulin's perfect body, the purple jade unicorn should be more cautious."

The light in his hand dispersed.

Immediately, without any strange sights or wonders, the purple jade unicorn that was returning with Yang Ting'an suddenly stopped in mid-air. This caused everyone to be horrified and looked at it warily.

The purple jade unicorn looked down, then looked at the dark soldiers in the distance, and suddenly felt a little strange, because a large amount of energy and blood was gathering again.

has a problem…

No, the master's physical body cannot have any surprises.

It unlocked the blockade on Yang Ting'an, but this time the opponent no longer had that terrifying energy and blood.

"Huh? What's going on?" Purple Jade Qilin was a little confused. Da Zhou did not have the method of military formation. The method of military formation was studied by Da Xia and was also the trump card weapon to overthrow Da Zhou.

Therefore, when Ziyu Qilin discovered that Yang Ting'an had turned into an ordinary practitioner of the Tongyou Realm, he was immediately confused.

Looking at it this way, Yang Ting'an is too ordinary. He is in the first level of Tongyou, nothing special, and he is quite old.

It seems that some kind of method of forcibly breaking through the situation has been used. The potential has been exhausted, and the garbage can no longer be garbage.

If you give such a body to the owner, he will be very disappointed.

"You lied to me!" The purple jade unicorn was furious and raised its palm, intending to beat this guy to death on the spot.

"That man, perfect body!" Yang Ting'an shouted. When he was about to die, his mind was spinning very fast. He already understood the purpose of the purple jade unicorn and immediately pointed at Li Hao.

The purple jade unicorn paused and looked in his direction.

There was no reaction at first, but suddenly, his beast eyes widened!

"This physique, this energy and blood, this age..." The light in its eyes flickered. At first, his attention was all on Yang Ting'an, the strongest person, and he didn't notice anyone else at all. Now he looked at this person carefully. .

Suddenly I felt like my whole body was shaking.

It's so perfect. How can he have such a perfect body? It seems to be prepared just for his master.

The next moment, the aura on Li Hao's body began to fade, and the duration of [Ascension] ended.

But even like this, the purple jade unicorn's eyes still didn't change at all.

So what about the Four Symbols Realm? Even the Four Symbols Realm is enough to prove that this person is defiant and that his physique has unlimited potential.

If it is poured with Imperial Liquid Slurry, it will definitely usher in a qualitative leap.

Yang Ting'an was kicked away by him, and he didn't care about this person anymore. Its figure flickered and appeared in front of Li Hao.

Mr. Qiu's joy turned into shock, and he couldn't help but said angrily: "Yang Ting'an really deserves to die!"

Elder Ao looked strange,...why has the situation changed again?

Li Hao was captured by the Purple Jade Qilin, which seemed to be a good outcome for Prince Ming'an.

After all, it was an outsider who did it, so it has nothing to do with them.

Although it was Yang Ting'an who pointed it out, in that situation, life and death were at stake, so it was hard to blame.

We can't say that if Li Hao can't die, Yang Ting'an can die.

It's just a pity for this genius...

Li Hao's face showed "fear" and shouted: "What do you want to do!"

"Follow me." The purple jade unicorn took action and wrapped Li Hao, but Li Hao's resistance was like scratching an itch, and he was carried by the purple jade unicorn and flew towards Jiuyin Mountain.

"Brother Hao..." Below, Fang Yuan shouted, his face full of anxiety.

Jiang Chen clenched his fists and looked gloomy.

Many casual cultivators no longer know what words to use to describe their current mood.

What happened today was so dreamy.

First, the three demons attacked and killed Qi Tian, ​​and then they were killed by Qi Tian.

As a result, Master Longhu fell from the sky again. As a result, Qitian broke out again and even held down Master Longhu and beat him violently.

Later, Qitian's true identity was revealed, and he turned out to be Li Hao.

Before it was over, the purple jade unicorn descended from the sky and abducted the strong men of Daxia. However, in a twist of events, it took away Li Hao again?

"This guy, his luck is too bad..." someone said hesitantly.

To be fair, what Li Hao did today was enough to defy the heavens. Whether it was killing three demons or defeating the real person Longhu, if word spread, it would definitely cause a stir.

But the appearance of the purple jade unicorn really surprised everyone.

Yang Ting'an got up from the ground, looked up at Li Hao who was wrapped in the purple jade unicorn, and slowly opened his mouth.

Haha... I didn't expect that I would die in this way in the end.

You must have been very excited just now, watching me go to death, but unfortunately you must not have expected the final result.

How does it feel to think about heaven and hell?

Li Hao also looked down at him, his eyes a little strange,

I don’t know if this guy is suffering from some kind of madness. He is grinning with his mouth wide open. He doesn’t know what he is laughing at.

Master Longhu breathed a sigh of relief. He did not expect that such a change would happen in the end.

But the end result is good.

"Although it didn't fall into my hands, it was enough to be killed by the purple jade unicorn..." He was a little horrified by Li Hao's performance.

This person's cultivation speed is too fast. If he beats a snake, he will not die, but he will be harmed instead.

There might be opportunities for revenge in the future, and it couldn't be better to be captured by the purple jade unicorn now.

"Yang Ting'an!" Mr. Qiu rushed down and said angrily, "You are looking for death!"

"You were just waiting for an opportunity to take action against Li Hao. At this time, you actually betrayed him in exchange for your own survival."

Yang Ting'an didn't care and sneered: "Why did Mr. Qiu say that? I just took action because I saw Master Longhu chasing Li Sishou. I was afraid of something happening, so I wanted to help Li Sishou."

"As for just now, it was indeed my fault, but in that kind of life-and-death crisis, Mr. Qiu probably couldn't guarantee what he would say."

Although he acted decisively, he used the excuse of the real person Longhu, and in the end it was not proven that his attack was directed at Li Hao. As for what happened next, some of it was just rhetoric.

Elder Ao was also very dissatisfied with Yang Ting'an's character, but due to his position, he had to speak to this person: "He is right, Mr. Qiu, it is better not to express your anger."

Mr. Qiu stared at the two of them coldly and said in a deep voice: "Prepare the army, I want to enter Jiuyin Mountain!"

"Absurd!" Elder Ao raised his eyebrows and said tit for tat: "It's not like you haven't seen the strength of the purple jade unicorn. No matter how many people enter, they will die!"

"You will never be allowed to drag so many of us to be buried together just for the sake of one Li Hao!"

"Besides, why did Chief Li take Chief Criminal abducted? This is also an unknown reason. Maybe he had evil intentions." Yang Ting'an added insult to injury. Anyway, Li Hao has been taken away now. He can say whatever he wants.

Mr. Qiu was so angry that his face turned red. He pointed at the two of them, speechless, and left angrily.

This matter had twists and turns, but it finally came to an end, and everyone who witnessed it had mixed emotions.

"Master, can you save him?" Jiang Chen lowered his head and asked.

"Alas..." Beiling Taoist sighed: "The purple jade unicorn is hidden too deep, no one knows what other trump cards it has."

"Where is the person in my body?" Jiang Chen's face was tense.

Taoist Beiling's eyes flickered, he shook his head and said: "His current strength is far from enough."

"How to enhance it?"

"Swallow the corpse energy..." Taoist Beiling responded.

"I understand." Jiang Chen turned and left.


In the Jiuyin Mountain Tomb, Li Hao's whole body was soaked in the emperor's liquid. This was an indescribable feeling.

Just like a hungry man seeing a house full of delicious food, a lustful thief walks into a group of beauties and lets them do whatever they want.

The place where he is has become a whirlpool, continuously swallowing the imperial slurry around him, and his whole body is wrapped in a lavender shield.

This was actually far beyond the limit that his body could bear, and the reason why it could be digested without any barriers was all due to the purple jade unicorn.

It crawled on the ground and used its tyrannical power to assist Li Hao's body in refining the Emperor's Liquid.

His strength is too powerful. Even if he has entered the end of his life, he is still far more powerful than Li Hao.

The holy body is getting stronger every moment, the bones crackle, lightning and thunder rumble all over the body, and the emperor's liquid oozes into the depths of the flesh and blood.

"Who!" The purple jade unicorn beast's eyes suddenly glanced to one side. Lord Sakibayashi stepped out of the shadows and looked at Li Hao with an inexplicable meaning in his empty black eyes.

"You have really good eyesight. This person does have an extraordinary body." Sakibayashi-kun praised.

"Do you know him?" Purple Jade Qilin's voice was quiet.

"Know something..." Mr. Sakibayashi withdrew his gaze, and did not discuss this matter too much, but said: "Since you have chosen your physical body, shouldn't it be time for us to share this imperial fluid..."

Are you here to divide the Emperor's blood? Li Hao raised his eyebrows slightly...

"Where are your things?" Purple Jade Qilin stared at this person closely.

"Right here..." Mr. Sakibayashi reached out and took out a bright golden hair: "This is a hair of the Great Sage. It is not controlled by the soul, and it is enough to deal with the matter in front of you."

"People from Shiling..." Li Hao was also paying attention to the conversation between the two. He had never met Qi Linjun and didn't know where this person came from, but he understood it at this point.

With her hair fluttering, she came to the purple jade unicorn and sneered: "It is nourished by essence and blood. It looks like a hair. I'm afraid a lot of essence has been invested in it."

"However, it is indeed not bad." The purple jade unicorn felt the power contained in the hair. For those guys outside, this hair was enough to handle.

It raised its hand, and the golden lake separated. Lord Qi Lin smiled, took out a gourd and began to swallow Nadi's liquid.

"Fuck, why did you give out so many at once?" Li Hao was a little unhappy.

Although there seems to be a lot of imperial liquid here, it is not too deep.

But now he obviously has no right to speak and can only watch.

When Lord Sakibayashi was entrusting the gourd, he asked casually: "I wonder how you dealt with this person's Qiankun bag. He has some gadgets that I am quite interested in. I wonder if you can part with them."

His purpose is to seize the Yuan Bead that contains the fragments of Sun Yucheng's Yuan Ling in Li Hao's hand.

However, if he had asked directly from the beginning, he might have aroused the Qilin's vigilance. He opened his mouth at this moment, acting casually, to minimize the Qilin's suspicion.

Purple Jade Qilin said impatiently: "He doesn't have anything on him, that's how it was when I caught him."

Sakibayashi-kun paused for a moment, then continued to swallow Emperor Na's slurry, and said with a faint smile: "That's it..."

He quickly took away the Imperial Liquid Serum that Purple Jade Qilin had promised them.

Just as he was about to leave, Li Hao's body suddenly erupted with a powerful aura, and his whole body seemed to have exceeded a certain critical point.

His hair and pupils turned golden, and his body erupted with astonishing power, as if it could penetrate everything.

Of course, this was just Li Hao's illusion, because he was still pinned down by the purple jade unicorn, unable to move.

He felt that he was not far away from the strength of the Holy Body increased by [Ascension], which was to the extent that he could beat Master Longhu violently.

And he absorbed about two-thirds of the imperial liquid that was left behind in a long time.

Mr. Qi Lin took a deep look at Li Hao and left the place.

When we meet again, this person is King Yulin. Unfortunately...

Purple Jade Qilin also stopped supporting Li Hao at this time.

"The physical body is comparable to Tongyou. It's enough. No matter how strong it is... the master may not be able to control it." The purple jade unicorn had already planned. A jade bottle flew out of the body and swallowed up the remaining imperial liquid: "Wait for the master If you successfully seize the body, it’s not too late to absorb it.”

The physical body is the first barrier to the soul, although before entering the Nether Realm, one does not cultivate the soul.

But the improvement of the realm is also feeding back the soul. If Li Hao is too strong, the new Yulin King may not be able to successfully seize the body.

Li Hao was still secretly thinking that it was a pity, thinking that this purple jade unicorn would allow him to swallow up all the imperial fluids.

However, there was sudden movement in Wan Jie Zhi, and it slowly unfolded before his eyes.

The font on the back page disappears, now evolving.

[The rescue mission is completed--Evaluation: up or down

Stopping a conflict is not easy. You found a new way to avoid a massacre, but you didn't do it perfectly. Many people still died. 】

[The reward is evolving...]

[Obtain reward - Furnace Hundred Scriptures: Smelting the physical body, merging magical powers into one, making it more powerful]

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. Tsk... I am worthy of my busy schedule.

Obviously, this is the reward that evolved from Wanjie Zhi and is now the most suitable for him.

The purple jade unicorn shook itself up, and now it was about to take the final step.

However, with a loud roar, Li Hao's whole body changed again, and a huge cauldron appeared, with three legs, two ears and a big belly, directly covering Li Hao in it.

The purple jade unicorn was startled and couldn't help but step forward, fearing that something might happen to this perfect body.

But after it carefully sensed it, it was stunned and staggered a few steps. Tears shone in the beast's eyes: "Master, God has favored you. How can you have such a heaven-defying physique, and you are actually in the process of self-transformation!"

It felt that Li Hao was not in danger in the cauldron. Instead, he was like a piece of fine iron, being burned and roasted. The heat wave surged and he became purer!

It has never seen such a situation before. Can this physique still evolve on its own?

It doesn't even require external energy and energy, which is unheard of. If word spread, I'm afraid it would shock a large group of people.

"However, no matter how amazing it is, it is my Lord who achieves the ultimate success." After the purple jade unicorn was surprised, what was left was only endless excitement.

When the master wakes up and sees this body, he will definitely be very satisfied. This will lay a solid foundation for him and become his capital to fight for hegemony in the world.

Li Hao, who was in the cauldron, felt a vigorous life force, filling his limbs and bones. His entire body seemed to be smelted together and being reshaped.

All kinds of messy magical powers, even the holy body, were included, recast, and mixed with other magical powers and bodies.

At this time, the blood in his body was boiling, and with the roar of his heart, the blood spurted out, constantly agitating, washing away the blood vessel walls, and spreading to all parts of his body.

Li Hao felt a powerful force, surging, and his whole body shone with a thought.

This raised an expectation in his heart. The Holy Body needed to be opened. There were advantages and disadvantages.

Only when the holy body is turned on can one see the terrifying nature of his physique and catch the enemy by surprise.

But similarly, the holy body is separated from itself and requires two resources to strengthen each.

But now [The Furnace Yang Bai Jing] seems to be integrating everything together. It seems to be stronger than before, and an invisible realm emanates, covering the surroundings.

The body itself is hazy, and as soon as the mind moves, endless magical powers burst out, which seems to be a variant of Wanfa martial arts.

However, in the past, it would only be triggered when others attacked his body.

But now this situation has greatly increased his scope of influence, and his power is greatly increased when fighting.

And this is not over yet, various magical powers are roaring in the five internal organs and stirring in the bones.

All kinds of strange phenomena appeared around the cauldron, thunder turned into dragons, sword light turned into big trees, and flames turned into clouds.

The waves are rolling, the waves are rolling, and the waves are as cold as ice.

"No...I have to let this purple jade unicorn spit out the last bit of imperial fluid." Although he was transforming, Li Hao also felt something different, because his overall strength was weakening.

Since the Holy Body is only a magical power and does not represent its own fighting power, its growth needs are not as great as imagined.

His strongest combat power, that is, when the Holy Body is turned on, there is a continuous limit.

But now [Lu Yang Bai Jing] integrates all the magical powers, and his body evolves in a strange direction. It is a complete evolution and not a certain magical power.

In this way, the power of the holy body is divided, beaten, melted, and balanced to the overall strength.

This purple jade unicorn always thought that it was building a body for the Yu Lin King, so it spared no effort.

It was extremely rare to have such a strong person smelting energy for him, so Li Hao didn't want to give up this opportunity.

Otherwise, if it were him, it would take a long time just to absorb those imperial fluids.

The purple jade unicorn beast's eyes stared closely at the cauldron in the void, not daring to look away at all, anticipating what kind of monster would be born from it.

But suddenly, its eyes narrowed slightly, and it noticed that the cauldron in the void was trembling, and Li Hao's breath began to fluctuate up and down.

"What's going on?" It was startled and suddenly came to the furnace and began to inspect it carefully. At the same time, it asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Li Hao did not answer. After all, he was kidnapped and his body was taken away. If he took the initiative to speak or said some other things, it would easily arouse the suspicion of Ziyu Qilin.

But he had his own way of deliberately disrupting his own energy and blood. The slightest movement at this critical moment of transformation would cause very terrible consequences.

An ordinary person would not dare to commit suicide like this, but [Lu Yang Bai Jing] would naturally protect him and ensure that he would not die because of this.

But as his aura faded, Purple Jade Qilin suddenly realized: "It turns out that this kind of transformation does not consume any energy. It is just that this person uses his own energy and blood to provide support, so he created this illusion that he doesn't need anything."

As for the reason for this behavior, it is also very easy to understand.

It's just that this person doesn't want to be someone else's body, so he finds a way to make his own decision.

"Ha..." Purple Jade Qilin's eyes were cold: "You want to die, is it not that simple?"

A jade bottle appeared on its body, and strands of golden substance were pulled out from it, which was the emperor's liquid.

The purple jade unicorn is smelted by hand, and the essence and energy are tempered and sent to the furnace.

With the integration of the emperor's slurry, the atmosphere in the furnace finally stabilized. The purple jade unicorn breathed a sigh of relief and said in a calm voice:

"Boy inside, this is also your honor. Although your soul dies, your body will live on forever, and my master will use it to control the world."

"Delusion!" The sound of gnashing teeth came from the furnace, as if it was squeezed out of the throat. The purple jade unicorn didn't take it to heart, but breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after, a powerful aura suddenly surged out from the furnace, and the purple jade unicorn looked slightly condensed: "Four Elephant High Realm..."

In the cauldron, Li Hao looked calm and made another breakthrough in his realm, but this was only his realm, not his actual combat power.

The transformation brought about by [The Furnace Yang Hundred Classics] is coming to an end, and his entire body has become completely different and rejuvenated.

The holy body disappeared, and all magical powers disappeared, integrated into his body like a martial arts performance.

But at a deeper level, it's like innate supernatural powers.

His eyes were covered with a layer of red fire, and so were the fiery golden eyes, which were completely melted into his body.

Zhou Shen exudes an invisible realm, and the coverage area is not too far. However, within this range, as soon as his mind moves, various magical powers will be triggered in all directions, making it impossible to guard against it.

In terms of his current physical strength, he feels that his strength is almost the same as when he was lifted up using [Ascension].

That is to say, the strength of an arm-wrestling with Master Longhu, but because of the special characteristics of his current physique, it can now last for an extraordinary period of time, which is completely different from before.

It can be said that an unimaginable transformation has been completed.

Collect the remaining imperial liquid into the Sumeru space.

He felt that his current physique was very strange. It was not a holy body, but a variant, like a super upgraded version of Wanfa Yanwu.

The main enhancement method is still to incorporate various magical powers, but it no longer has level restrictions like before.

Even magical powers such as flaming eyes and golden eyes can be smelted.

After carefully comprehending it, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional, that this immortal god was reincarnated. The time when he traveled around was really good for him.

After thinking for a moment, he defined his physique as - the holy body of all dharma, nourishing all dharma!

And as his mind settled, the furnace cauldron covering him gradually disappeared into the void, and the purple jade unicorn stepped on its hoofs, once again suppressing Li Hao who had completed his transformation.

Still effortless.

Li Hao: "..."

Okay, okay, you are so powerful, it’s okay if I don’t resist.

Anyway, in the end, that Yulin King also brought food to Coffin Sutra.

Although he thought so in his heart, he still looked unwilling on the surface.

Purple Jade Qilin glanced at him, and this time he was finally going to take the last step.

Master, you are finally recovering.


At the same time, Si Chen looked at the Jiuyin Mountain in the distance. The central area had been shrouded in purple light, cutting off everything.

"Sir, now that the matter has come to this, are we still going to stay here?" The ghost behind him asked with a probing tone.

"Is this the end of the matter?" Si Chen said with joy in his words: "No... the matter has just begun."

"This..." Many ghosts looked at each other, because of Li Hao's magical operation, Daxia and the casual cultivators did not fight.

Now that Purple Jade Qilin has taken action and kidnapped Li Hao, the matter has basically been settled and there is no more fighting. What do you mean it has just begun?

"I'm going to save Li Hao." Si Chen's words were shocking and his eyes were incomprehensible.

"What?" The ghosts behind him were shocked.

What the hell are you thinking about saving Li Hao?

"Do you want to find the Fengdu seal on him?" A smarter ghost said tentatively.

"This is one of the things. Rogue cultivators and Daxia really can't fight each other."

"However, in Daxia, there is a common point of conflict between the casual cultivators and the Purple Jade Qilin."

"You mean, Li Hao?" Someone guessed: "You want both parties to rescue Li Hao together?"

"Is this possible?" Someone looked hesitant. Li Hao was not a great saint, so how could he attract so many people to save him.

"That unicorn is not a vegetarian either."

"Ha..." Si Chen chuckled indifferently.

It seems impossible now, but what if he explained clearly to everyone what Li Hao had done.

Li Hao tried his best to calm down the conflict between Da Xia and the casual cultivators and avoid killing evil people.

Then he told some secrets he knew, such as the purple jade unicorn that would sacrifice itself in the end, causing its strength to be greatly reduced.

Combining the two, this game is complete.

Si Chen's eyes were dark: "You want to stop the killing and prevent me from smelting the power of ten thousand souls, but it's a pity..."

Plans cannot keep up with changes.

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