I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 144 Reaction Three Demons Attack and Kill

It can be said that Taoist Beiling's proposal has nothing to do with Mr. Qiu's purpose when he came. It can be said that it has nothing to do with it.

But now he had to think carefully, what Beiling Taoist said was indeed very reasonable.

The two of them gathered here. Under the surface calm, there were many undercurrents hidden, not for Qitian, but for the Jiuyin Tomb.

Now that both sides are spending so much energy to track down Qitian, they are putting the cart before the horse.

Although he kidnapped Xing Mengdao, but now that there are no other clues, he might as well let him go. It's not that he gave up on Xing Mengdao, but that he focused on reality.

Taoist Beiling has made it clear that he discovered the main tomb passage, which represents the goodwill of the casual cultivators to them.

He could refuse, but he couldn't stop the casual cultivators from exploring unless a war started.

Elder Ao's expression flickered and he looked at Mr. Qiu who was silent. The two seemed to be exchanging opinions secretly.

It was not until a moment later that Mr. Qiu spoke: "This incident is a bit unexpected, but what Brother Beiling said makes sense. The Jiuyin Tomb is right in front of us, so we cannot ignore it."

Exploring the Jiuyin Tomb with the casual cultivators was not the best situation they expected, but it was not the worst either.

It is the bottom line of Zhenbei King to ensure that the emperor's liquid is not obtained by people from Shiling. It is not unacceptable for him to be given some benefits by casual cultivators, at least they are both from the human race.

Shiling's figure is looming in this battlefield. It would be a good choice to pull the casual cultivators onto the chariot now.

He and Elder Ao discussed it for a while and then decided to agree.

"This is the best choice, and it can also avoid killing." Taoist Beiling smiled.

Master Longhu stared at Taoist Beiling coldly. He finally understood that the other party was trying to relieve Li Hao from a higher level.

Everyone set their sights on the tomb of Lord Jiuyin, so naturally no one paid attention to Qi Tian anymore.

He had to admit that this was a conspiracy. Even he couldn't really give up the Jiuyin Tomb.

However, I'm afraid he doesn't know that I have reached a cooperation with Shiling.

Unless Li Hao stops contacting Jiang Chen and others until the matter here comes to an end, the people in Shiling will definitely find out.

He sneered secretly, thinking that he had understood the situation before him. If Li Hao wanted to be safe, he had to ask him if he would answer.

Master Longhu thought he had seen through the other party's plan, but remained silent. Shiling was working for him, and he himself could participate in the Jiuyin Tomb and benefit from both ends.

Only Feng Yang frowned, wasn't he looking for Qitian? Why did he suddenly turn into exploring the tomb?

But seeing that the overall situation had been decided, even if she spoke, it would be difficult to change anything, so she could only glance at Taoist Beiling coldly.

The other people had different expressions. After all, the Beiling Taoist priest had not been angry with them at all beforehand.

However, they did not refute verbally, because after careful consideration, they found that Beiling's proposal was not harmful to them.

After all, it would be difficult for them to win the Emperor's Liquid alone. By cooperating with Daxia, they still have a lot of guarantees, and at the same time, they lose a major enemy.

Even if something unexpected happens, they can switch sides temporarily.

And Daxia still cares a little about his reputation and will not turn against him just because of some interests.

Daxia's people left, and the two sides discussed some details. Beiling Taoist wanted to appease the casual cultivators and tell them not to do bad things.

The arrival of Daxia also made many casual cultivators very confused.

"Did Daxia come here to apologize? Knowing that we are all furious, we want them to give an explanation?" This was arrogant and a little naive.

This statement immediately evoked a burst of contempt: "If Daxia can apologize to us, the sun will rise from the other side tomorrow."

"Perhaps they are here to give us an ultimatum, telling us not to approach Jiuyin Mountain again, marking a restricted area and expelling us."

This sentence really resonated, and it was very consistent with Daxia's aloof attitude. The crowd was immediately excited, and he took advantage of the strength of the crowd to embolden himself.

"Never allowed!"

"It is not easy for us to practice cultivation. How can a giant like Daxia compete with us for a chance!"

Some people were excited and made speeches. Although they were only Cave Heaven Realm monks, they were talking about powerful people in the Dragon Transformation Realm. Their blood was rising and they wished they could roll up their sleeves and start a war with Daxia.

However, not long after, news came from several big bosses——

They have discussed with Daxia that many casual cultivators can enter Jiuyin Mountain at will, and there will no longer be any casual killings by Daxia generals.

At the same time, all casual cultivators are required to stay away from the central area of ​​Jiuyin Mountain, otherwise they will be responsible for the consequences of anything that happens.

I also hope that when the casual cultivators are exploring, they will not draw swords at each other at will, only to increase the number of killings.

This news quickly spread throughout the entire casual cultivator camp, causing a moment of consternation.

Actually reached an agreement?

The entire casual cultivator camp was full of groups discussing this matter, and their faces were filled with excitement.

Although they were clamoring for Daxia to give an explanation, they also knew in their hearts that Daxia was still Daxia, and they were just insignificant ants under the gaze of Huanghuang Tianlong.

If there really was a war with Daxia, those cheerful guys who were shouting just now might be the first to escape.

But to their surprise, Daxia actually gave in, allowed them to enter Jiuyin Mountain, and would not send anyone to kill them again.

Some smart people also pointed out that this deprived them of the qualification to compete for the Emperor's Liquid.

But most people sneered at it. Things like Emperor's Liquid were completely beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators like them.

"Tsk... Master Longhu is worthy of being a senior cultivator. He established a large camp for casual cultivators and gathered the power of our fellow cultivators, so that we have the qualifications to talk to Daxia on an equal footing." Some people sighed and regarded Master Longhu as a role model for casual cultivators. , and even said:

"Sun Yucheng, Master Longhu's Qilin disciple, was killed by the evil man Qitian. If he doesn't mind, I am willing to serve as his disciple."

"Haha..." A burst of laughter suddenly came from the side: "You don't look at yourself in the mirror. You are almost a hundred years old and still stuck in the Dragon Transformation Realm. What a waste of qualifications."

For a time, the entire casual cultivator camp was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

However, not long after, another piece of gossip began to spread quietly.

"Have you heard? The reason why Daxia came is because Qi Tian kidnapped Xing Mengdao, so he forced Daxia to come and discuss with those seniors to jointly capture the evil man Qi Tian."

One after another, the sneaky guys said something sinister when they saw someone, and soon caused a stir.

"The evil man who killed the casual cultivator was kidnapped by Qi Tian?" Many casual cultivators were stunned and looked at each other. They didn't expect that there was such a hidden secret.

"More than that..." Someone said mysteriously: "I heard that Senior Beiling was selfless and took out the entrance to the main tomb that he had discovered and invited people from Daxia to explore together. This resolved the conflict and avoided a war."

"No, where did you hear this news? It sounds like you were in that camp at that time." Someone looked sideways, with a look of disbelief.

Some people doubted it, and of course some people believed it. For a while, the reputation of Beiling Taoist priests began to reverse.

"Although this senior's hobbies are a little different, he still has the ambition and courage of a big casual cultivator." Many people sighed.

Some people also have a good impression of Qi Tian. After all, the name Xing Mengdao is like a sharp sword hanging over their heads these days, which can be chopped off at any time.

Now that Qi Tian has been uprooted, some people will naturally be grateful.

Although this person killed the disciples of Master Longhu, what does he have to do with them?

All in all, the haze of the casual cultivator camp was gone and it was extremely exciting.

In the Beiling Taoist's cave, his rickety body reached Jiang Chen's shoulders. He shook his head and said, "What's the use of these false names? I won't benefit from it."

Jiang Chen listened and was speechless for a while: "Master, you are not afraid, but I am."

"How old I am, I am at the age where I can wield swords in the world and rejoice in my grudges. I also want to win a round of applause and admiration after telling you your name."

"Instead of getting a burst of disdain."

Obviously he was the one who spread the gossip. A large number of casual cultivators in the north gathered here, which was a great opportunity to spread the name.

Hearing this, Taoist Beiling looked a little embarrassed and changed the subject: "Don't say you are my disciple outside. Don't care about contempt and applause. The most important thing is to be careful about attracting enemies."

Jiang Chen's face darkened, and his mood suddenly waned, "Forget it, forget it, that guy Li Hao doesn't know what he thinks. He actually wants to resolve the conflict between the cultivators and Daxia."

"What's even more amazing is that he actually succeeded."

"Yes..." Taoist Beiling frowned: "However, the price paid is not small. Once Qitian's identity is exposed, there must be an explanation for his kidnapping of Xing Mengdao."

"Otherwise, it is very likely that there will be a quarrel with King Zhenbei, and the gain will outweigh the loss."

"But Moonlight Fairy doesn't have to worry about it. As long as he returns safely, Fengyang won't do anything to him."

Jiang Chen's expression flickered, and he suddenly said: "Tell me, is that guy Li Hao really changing his gender and becoming a saint?"

"Do you believe this?" Taoist Beiling said expressionlessly.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You can say whatever you want."

"No living creature will do anything harmful to itself unless it can gain benefits that far outweigh the harm, or even more..." Taoist Beiling murmured, and then shook his head:

"Hey, how could such a monster appear in the North? But as long as he gives me what he promised, I can't control the rest."

Taoist Beiling took out a piece of gold paper from his sleeve, which was what Li Hao left behind when he left.

And if he helps Li Hao complete the entire plan, he will get more Imperial Flow Serum.

Of course, for the time being, it was just a verbal promise to give him a piece of bread.

Judging from the current situation, Daxia and the casual cultivators cooperated and there was no longer any dispute. With their concerted efforts, it would be difficult for Li Hao to participate in the fight to enter the Emperor's Liquid Nether.

On the contrary, he might obtain the Imperial Liquid Serum.

But this time Beiling Taoist didn't pay any extra price. Instead, he received a wave of praise and fame, so he didn't mind.

"It's just that boy Longhu, seems to have noticed something..." He frowned.

Any plan could go awry, and he'd lived long enough to see it happen many times.

"Hopefully, there won't be any accidents."


"That's all?" Si Chen stood on the top of the mountain with a cold expression.

He looked at the billowing black mist in front of him, spreading from the central area of ​​Jiuyin Mountain, becoming thinner and thinner as the distance spread.

"And..." The person reporting the report hesitated and said, "The soul fires of the two ghost angels, Split and Ling, have definitely been extinguished."

A cold light flashed in Si Chen's eyes, and the black fog in front of him suddenly surged like a wild wave, but fell silent again after a moment.

There are too many powerful people here, and if they leak their aura, others might discover it, so he can only suppress it.

"Quitian suddenly appeared and disrupted all our plans. Daxia and the Loose Cultivators actually cooperated."

Si Chen's tone was calm, but the ghosts who were familiar with him knew that this adult was already angry to a certain extent.

"If they don't fight, where will the corpses come from, where will the soul come from, and what will happen to the power of ten thousand souls!?"

At the end of his speech, his voice became louder and louder, causing the ghosts around him to roar in their ears.

With them secretly adding fuel to the flames, there is no room for Daxia and the casual cultivators to relax, and Xing Mengdao is even more of a helper.

There were many casual cultivators. In fact, it was not Xing Mengdao who killed them, but their people were acting secretly. Therefore, in a short period of time, the casual cultivators went from fear to mass anger.

But he never expected that Qitian would suddenly appear and unreasonably kidnap Xing Mengdao, and also kidnap the Moonlight Fairy at the same time.

It inexplicably disrupted their steps and created a common enemy for both parties, giving them a basis for cooperation.

Taoist Beiling stepped in again and pushed, which actually led the two sides who were at war with each other to cooperate.

The direction of the situation was so bizarre that Si Chen was a little overwhelmed.

"What's going on with Qitian!" He couldn't understand: "Since he attacked those reincarnated immortals like Shiling, why did he kidnap Xing Mengdao inexplicably? He is not a reincarnated immortal."

"I heard that it might be a personal vendetta." The reporting ghost whispered.

"Private vendetta?" Si Chen laughed angrily: "He kidnapped Xing Mengdao and Moonlight Fairy at the front and back. Don't you find it strange?"

"What do you mean?" the ghost behind asked.

Si Chen originally wanted to say that if the current results were reversed, there was a high probability that Qi Tian did this to promote reconciliation or even cooperation between the two parties.

But this conclusion is too bizarre. Qi Tian has made it clear that he is not a good person. Even if the two sides fight to death, no matter how many people there are, it has nothing to do with him.

Even in that situation, no one cared about what he did secretly.

And as a result, he became the target of public criticism.

Could it be that he is really such a good person that he can't bear to see all living beings in ruins?

"Nothing..." He shook his head, but after all, he still didn't express his point of view.

He was afraid that after hearing this speculation, his subordinates would think that he was crazy because of Qi Tiantian.

He calmed down and spoke after a long time: "There is still room for remedying the situation. If not enough people die, the Nine Revolutions of Reincarnation Formation cannot be activated. It is not only us who are anxious, but also the old Qilin."

"Let's wait until it kills everyone. But by then, it will be difficult to act secretly."

It is easy to fish in muddy water. Once the water becomes clear, there are several undercurrents under the water, which can be seen clearly.

Thinking of this, he became even more angry at what Qi Tian did.

In an unknown land, Mr. Sakibayashi stood here. Behind him, there was a sparkling golden lake, viscous and crystal clear, like nectar.

In front of him, there was a creature the size of a house prostrate, resembling a deer, an ox tail, and a horse's hooves. Its body was covered with purple scales, each one the size of a palm, like crystal-moist jade, and its two beast pupils were half open and half closed. .

"The Great Sage is also looking forward to your birth." His attitude was very respectful. Strictly speaking, both of them can be collectively called demons.

But in fact, the indifference in Purple Jade Qilin's eyes was almost impossible to hide.

Monster is just a name used by weak creatures to huddle together for warmth, but in fact, the difference between humans and rats is the same as that of the disgusting black bird in front of them. They are not the same race.

"Great Sage?" Purple Jade Qilin said indifferently, "What race is it, what is its bloodline, pure blood or mixed blood."

It is a routine interrogation between monsters and beasts.

Lord Sakibayashi hesitated, shook his head and said, "I don't know where the Great Sage came from. Maybe you will know after you meet him."

Purple Jade Qilin was noncommittal, with a look of contempt in his eyes, and said: "Thank you for the news. I already know it. After the matter is over, I will give you some Emperor's Liquid."

The intention of expelling guests from Ziyu Qilin's words was very obvious. Lord Sakibayashi's expression remained unchanged, he bowed respectfully and slowly left the place.

There was an inexplicable curve at the corner of his mouth.

After he left, the Purple Jade Qilin stood up and walked to the golden lake. He did not see any movement. The calm golden lake suddenly had ripples.

Then, a coffin made of white jade floated up. The body of the coffin was almost transparent. Lying inside was a young man with red lips and white teeth. At least he looked like a young man.

"There are changes in the outside world, and those people actually stopped fighting." Purple Jade Qilin whispered softly: "But don't worry, although Xiao Zi is old, he can still forcefully activate the Nine-turn Reincarnation Formation with his energy. arrive."

"It's a pity that your physical body may not be chosen by you yourself."

"However, I will choose the most powerful body for you. Emperor Liujian has the power of creation, and I will make his body young again..."

It whispered in a low voice, and the person in the coffin did not respond, but for countless years, it has become accustomed to talking alone.

"The world has indeed undergone drastic changes as recorded in the demon book. Those ancient immortal gods seem to be returning. This is a good era, but it is a pity that you were born too early..."

"The group of people who call themselves the Yin Division seemed to want to use my hand to complete some plans, but unfortunately I saw through it. I thought they could trigger a war, but it turned out that I overestimated them. I will not be like them. willing…"

"And this Shiling seems to be a bit interesting. The title of Great Sage is not something that ordinary demons can bear. There are only a few records in the demon book, but this person hides his face, which is disgusting..."

"They promised to help at the critical moment, but the price was Emperor Liujian. I promised them because at the last critical moment, I may not be able to continue to protect you..."


"Soon, soon you will be able to open your eyes again..."

A trace of sadness flashed across the eyes of the purple jade unicorn, and it rubbed the jade coffin before placing it back at the bottom of the lake. The beast's eyes became indifferent again, and it crouched by the lake, as if waiting for something.


Soon, everything was ready, and in the casual cultivator camp, people came and went from time to time. Although their breath was sluggish, their faces were full of excitement, and it was obvious that they had gained a lot.

At another place, looking down from a high altitude, soldiers wearing armors of various colors stretched as far as the eye could see. They stood on the ground, their expressions were resolute, their blood was boiling, and they were tearing the sky apart.

Yang Ting'an was sitting high in the sky, with more than a dozen generals wearing armor beside him.

Although the Chilin Army was also there, they did not see General Lin. It is not known whether something happened and he was transferred to another place by the King of Zhenbei.

You can vaguely see wisps of energy and blood flowing out of the soldiers and connecting to their generals.

Then, these generals were used as links to bless more than a dozen Four Symbol Realms in the sky, and then poured into Yang Ting'an all at once.

The expressions on everyone's faces were very calm. Without starting a fight, the energy and blood would not put much pressure on them.

But once they start fighting, this energy and blood will become a heavy burden on them, but at the same time, it will also give them tyrannical strength that far exceeds their own.

This is the basis for Daxia to sweep the world. High-level monks are difficult to train, but low-level soldiers are not always available.

Some casual cultivators dare not approach this place. The energy and blood that has almost condensed into substance will bring great oppression just by looking at it.

Daxia's army moved away from the station and moved closer to Jiuyin Mountain to provide support.

In Jiuyin Mountain, Mr. Qiu, Elder Ao, Master Longhu, Taoist Beiling and others gathered together.

The purple jade unicorn in the tomb is at least an immortal fire. According to Taoist Beiling, the other party has a short lifespan and weak energy and blood.

But if you can't get to Tongyou, you can just go up and deliver food.

Tongyou Realm can only barely protect itself. If it is lured out to the vicinity of the Daxia army and faced with the military formation method, there is still a slight chance of victory.

"This formation is not ordinary. It does not seem to be the current formation. The style depicted in this formation has some traces of Mr. Xumi, but the turning point also has the habits of the Panshan layman..." Elder Ao looked at the complicated formations that appeared in front of him. :

"Both of these two are famous formation craftsmen who were born when our country was founded in Great Xia. How come there are signs of the fusion of these two gusts in the tombs buried during the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Taoist Beiling glanced at Elder Ao with some surprise, as if he remembered something, and asked tentatively: "Ao Wudao, one of the nine branches of Daxia's Formation Path - the pioneer of Formation Calculation, is you?"

"He is the ancestor of the family..." Elder Ao said with a hint of pride on his slightly aged cheeks: "He is also one of the organizers of the Great Xia Qin Tianjian, and one of the writers of the Formation Book."

"Disrespect, disrespect..." Beiling Taoist said solemnly: "Ao Wudao's formation calculation skills are my guide on the road to practice. In the past, innate calculations were all at the cost of damaging one's own lifespan and vitality."

"The formation calculation method saves the already rare innate calculation method. Using the formation as the derivation and the energy of foreign objects as the source, it is not only more accurate, but also reduces the burden."

"It is said that the nine-chapter divination method is even more horrifying. It can predict the past and present, and it knows everything."

"It's all exaggerated by the world, and there are limits to the Nine Chapters of Heavenly Calculation." Elder Ao showed a rare smile. It was obvious that he was in a good mood, but he did not lose his composure in the praise and tell any secrets.

"You two, let's get down to business." Mr. Qiu looked at the two of them talking with a smile on their faces.

Taoist Beiling nodded and added: "Actually, this formation also has the formation style of the ghost formation master - Li Tian. He is good at the forbidden formation, based on the reversal of the heavenly stems and earthly branches..."

Elder Ao's originally somewhat arrogant expression calmed down, and the look in his eyes towards Taoist Beiling also changed slightly.

Although he has contempt for the North, it does not mean that he is arrogant.

With just this sentence, he could conclude that this person's formation attainments were as good as his, or even better.

"What you are saying is that this formation was not set up during the burial at all, but someone arranged it later."

Master Longhu only has a rough understanding of formations and knows some small formations. When he reaches a more advanced level, he can't understand anything, he simply concluded.

"That's right..." Elder Ao nodded, and everyone couldn't help but look at Taoist Beiling. After all, he said he discovered this place.

"Everyone, you all understand how many people Jiuyin Mountain has attracted. It doesn't matter who arranged it. It only needs to lead to the main tomb. Don't worry so much." Taoist Beiling didn't care:

"If we join forces, who else can seize the opportunity?"

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nod secretly, and Mr. Qiu said: "Then you two should hurry up and break the formation."

"This formation is relatively complicated, and I have never seen this formation before. If you want to solve it, I'm afraid it will take months." Elder Ao shook his head, and Taoist Beiling added: "However, there is a simpler one. The solution is to break through hard."

"We have so many Netherworld realms, it's very simple to forcefully break this formation."

Everyone was about to speak, but they resisted the urge to yell. After saying so much, are you just showing off your knowledge of formations?


At the same time, in the casual cultivator camp, Jiang Chen and Fangyuan were a little bored, and their master went to explore the main tomb.

The two of them were not strong enough and were too lazy to look for those small tombs, so they simply stayed in the casual cultivator camp.

"Brother Fang, I heard from my master that you have a gluttonous stomach, which is why your cultivation progresses so quickly." Jiang Chen asked with a little curiosity.

The two of them were in the cave of the "Stomach Pouch" of the Gluttonous Old Demon. This cave was strange. There was a large stove. Throwing raw animal meat and spiritual plants into it would give you delicious food.

While talking, Fangyuan was tearing the golden thigh in his hand, and his hands were full of grease.

"Hmm..." Fang Yuan nodded, not hiding anything: "My master said that my stomach can quickly digest the essence of food and integrate it into my body. Eating is my best practice."

"Oh... I'm so envious..." Jiang Chen's throat twitched, not because of greed, but because of jealousy.

"It sounds good, but in fact there are limitations..." Fangyuan slurred and trailed off. Apparently there were some secrets that he still couldn't tell, so he said instead: "Instead of envying me, it's better to envy Brother Hao."

"Ha..." Jiang Chen became even more miserable when he heard this: "I'm not just envious, I'm so jealous that I almost broke my teeth."

"You don't know, when I saw him at the burial ground, he was just a soul-building monk."

"I watched helplessly as he rushed forward. If my psychological endurance hadn't been relatively high, I would have gone crazy by now."

Speaking of the sore point, Jiang Chen kept talking: "Do you know the Little North King? He is the son of the Zhenbei King. In the past, he was still quite famous in the north. He was quite domineering, but he was actually pretending."

"As a result, since Li Hao went to find him, I haven't seen him come out of the practice room. The saddest thing is that his mother sneaked away like this because she disliked the slow pace of practice."

"In Zhenbeicheng, there is probably only one person who can't be affected by him. That guy's name is Lin Fei. This guy is so smart. It's a pity... he can no longer practice..."

Having said this, Jiang Chen also shook his head with regret. There are many different paths, but in the end, only strength speaks for itself, not cultivation, and no matter how smart you are, it is useless.

Listening to what he said, Fangyuan also stopped eating.

Jiang Chen muttered a lot, and when he got excited, he even took out his wine glass and drank together.

Not long after, his expression moved slightly, and he took out a purple jade pendant from his body, and it kept flickering.

"Oh, Li Hao is here..." Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and laughed twice, "The Great Sage is here."

Not long after, the ground squirmed, and a spiritual mirror rose up. There was a person standing outside the cave, who looked relatively unfamiliar.

But both of them knew that this person was Li Hao.

Fangyuan put down his legs and opened the door of the cave. Li Hao walked straight in and complained: "Why is this cave like this? It's even weirder than the tomb of Senior Beiling."

"Different preferences, each practitioner has special preferences." Jiang Chen explained casually, and said strangely: "Now your wish has been fulfilled. Daxia and casual cultivators have cooperated, and my master and the others have gone It’s Jiuyin Mountain.”

"I know." Li Hao nodded. He only dared to come in after seeing several big guys leaving and scanning the camp with piercing eyes.

The biggest problem of the [Salvation] mission has been solved, but death will definitely not be avoided next. After all, the hearts of those casual cultivators are not something he can control.

But that's all he can do, and it's impossible to stop them one by one.

"What are you going to do? If Daxia and the casual cultivators don't fight, how can you grab this emperor's liquid? When they divide it up peacefully, you still have a share." Jiang Chen asked.

He wasn't quite sure what Li Hao's purpose was in coming here, but it had something to do with Emperor Liujian.

"Don't worry, the Purple Jade Kirin hasn't been solved yet, and it's not time to divide the emperor's blood yet." Li Hao shook his head, with a calm mind. He knew that there were still Shiling and Yinsi secretly, and things would not end so easily.

In the cave of Master Longhu, the spiritual mirror stands, and it is the cave of Taotie Old Demon that is manifested. The three figures look at it, and it is the three demons of Shiling who have transformed into human form.

"A strange casual cultivator just came in, is he Li Hao?" The golden giant crocodile secretly transmitted the message.

"I don't know. His method of transformation is quite profound and we can't see through it. But according to Master Longhu, this person is most likely Li Hao." Red Fox responded.

"Then let's quickly notify Master Longhu." The golden giant crocodile said excitedly: "Get him quickly!"

"No..." Red Fox shook his head: "Now that we have found him, there is no need to notify Master Longhu."

The golden giant crocodile was stunned, "You want to betray him?"

"No?" Red Fox asked.

The golden giant crocodile laughed: "That's exactly what I meant. Now that the casual cultivator camp is empty, it's the best time to take action."

"Let's fight quickly. When Master Longhu comes back, we can only stare at him, haha."

However, the colorful python, which had been silent all this time, suddenly asked a fatal question: "What if we can't defeat him?"

There was silence for a while, and the golden giant crocodile said angrily: "Changchong, can you be more confident? If we three demons work together, can't we do anything to him?"

"If he could beat us, he wouldn't have run away last time. He would have rushed in and killed us quickly."

Red Fox frowned slightly. The old crocodile was right. If Li Hao could defeat them, there would be no need to escape last time.

However, this person was unexpected many times, and the Great Sage's attitude towards him was also very strange, which made him worried.

Several people left the cave of Master Longhu. A faint light flashed in Red Fox's eyes. A casual cultivator walking by suddenly froze. Red Fox stretched out his hand and handed him a yellow talisman.

The man put away the talisman with a dazed look on his face and his pupils were dilated, and walked straight out of the camp, not knowing what he was doing.

"If we fight with him for too long, this person will light the Taoist talisman and lead Master Longhu to return."

Even if Li Hao had some trump cards and could fight them, it would be impossible to end the battle in a short time.

They will definitely be able to hold on until the real person Longhu arrives.

Taking precautions, the red fox showed its strong white teeth: "Now, you can fight in!"

The golden giant crocodile waited for the order. When he heard the words, the clothes on his body suddenly tore apart and his body swelled.

A behemoth appeared in the casual cultivator camp, with thick scales and a terrifying aura spreading out.

It let out a thundering roar, its teeth were razor-sharp, its limbs were swinging, and its giant tail swept across, heading towards the cave of the Gluttonous Demon.

In the cave, Li Hao, who was still talking and laughing, suddenly changed his expression. He lifted one person into the sky with each hand.

The next moment, the surrounding walls suddenly collapsed. The defense of this movable cave was not very high, and it was directly breached!

"Roar!" Golden light beams spewed out from the bloody mouth, swirling with dazzling thunder.

Li Hao's figure flickered, dodged the attack, and threw the two people in his hands.

Immediately, red light filled the air, and the red fox was suspended in the high sky. A tail behind its back floated slowly, vaguely forming a picture scroll, covering the high sky.

Red light pours down, covering the sky. It is a strange picture. There seems to be only red light in the picture, but if you look closely, you can see that it has turned into beautiful girls with enchanting postures.

"Good guy, the red fox is angry when it comes up. The secret blood technique of the Meihu clan is said to have the blood of the nine-tailed sky fox. It directly attacks the soul. Under the Nether Realm, one has no ability to resist and will become a slave of Meihu forever. .”

The golden giant crocodile laughed and looked at Li Hao, who was enveloped in the scroll.

This powerful bloodline secret technique is derived from the ancient blood flowing in their bodies. The cost of activating it is extremely high, but the power is terrifyingly powerful.

It did not choose to activate the bloodline secret technique as soon as it came up, but the red fox did so, which shows that it is cautious about Li Hao and does not want to give him any chance.

"not good!"

"Brother Hao, something is going to happen!"

The faces of the two people who fell to the ground changed drastically. They were not targets and no one paid attention to them. At this moment, they looked anxiously at Li Hao, who was shrouded in the scroll.

The body seemed to be stiff, unable to move, and was pulled towards the red fox.

Without hesitation, Fangyuan took out a bone talisman from somewhere and crushed it directly!

In an instant, the black mist filled the air, and out came a terrifying creature, shaped like a sheep with a human face, its eyes under the armpits, tiger teeth and human claws, and its roar sounded like a baby crying.

"Taotie!?" The giant golden crocodile roared, but then he reacted and sneered: "It has only its form."

Taotie leaped into the sky and headed straight for the red fox. Halfway there, a huge thing flew up, it was the colorful python, and it bit Taotie and forcefully pulled it down.


The two beasts swept across the ground and plowed a deep ravine. The casual cultivators around were still a little confused and didn't know what happened. Some of them had no time to dodge and turned into flesh and blood.

"Brother Jiang, think of a way!" Fang Yuan was impatient and couldn't help but look at Jiang Chen. Then his expression changed drastically and he shouted: "What are you going to do!"

I saw Jiang Chen holding a long sword in his hand, which was already placed on his neck, and he would cut it off in the next moment, as if he was committing suicide.

No, if you can't save Brother Hao, you won't commit suicide on the spot.

Fangyuan subconsciously took action, his fleshy arms turned into bronze, and he swept Jiang Chen away.

"Why are you stopping me?" Jiang Chen gritted his teeth. He was about to transform. Time waits for no one.

Fangyuan was about to speak, but there was a click, and the two of them couldn't help but turn their heads to look at the sky at the same time.

The red fox felt proud in his heart, with excitement in his eyes. He was retreating, but he was about to be defeated by it.

So what if Mr. Sakibayashi keeps secret about him? It believes that this person may have many trump cards.

Therefore, it will not underestimate this person. It will go straight to the soul and seek to kill with one strike without delay. Even if it pays a huge price to activate the bloodline secret technique, it will not hesitate.

Even if you don't reach the Nether Realm, you haven't touched the soul yet. Even if you have a trump card, it only works on the physical body, making it difficult to protect the soul.

However, the next moment, as if the paper was torn, the red scroll suddenly appeared with dense and complicated cracks without any warning, and then it disintegrated directly into the void.

And Li Hao moved and rushed directly towards Red Fox.

The golden giant crocodile had already opened its mouth, thinking that victory was in sight and all its previous mistakes would be erased, but now it froze.

The red fox was even more horrified and mentally shaken. How could this happen? It had never seen its secret blood technique collapse in this way.

Even if the other party has the power to resist, it is just entanglement and collision. How could it be like this? It is directly wiped out as if there is no resistance.

However, it no longer cared to think more, because the distance between the two was too close.

It originally wanted to wrap up Li Hao's body and search for the Yuan Pearl.

As a result, the other party ducked in front of him, with golden flames burning all over his body. A virtual image was like an afterimage. It slowed down a step and gradually merged into his body, bringing about an extremely powerful burst of energy and blood.

Li Hao took action and directly grabbed the red fox that was close at hand. It was not as huge as the golden crocodile or the colorful python.

The weakness caused by the secret technique of stimulating blood vessels made it almost powerless to resist.

"If you don't attack my soul, you may still have hope of resisting, but it's a pity..."

There was only indifference in Li Hao's eyes, no... there were also bright flames!

Red Fox's eyes widened, looking at the flames burning in Li Hao's eyes, feeling an inexplicable sense of sight.

I remembered what Qi Linjun once said, this is clearly Sun Yucheng's innate magical power!

The panic and horror in his heart made him unable to help but said in horror: "You...you, you actually fused..."


Before he finished speaking, Li Hao's pupils were dazzling, and flame-like golden lines filled his eyes. Finally, two bright beams of light burst out, directly blasting into the head of the red fox that was close at hand, exploding it.

It burned all his soul, leaving only a corpse!

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