I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1602: Dare to give her a try

Nana also stretched her fingers toward her angrily: "Then you are something. This is the crew, not your spitting place. Mianmian is not a vixen, you are a vixen."

A woman in a pink dress is also a rich man.

It's the kind of Xiaotaimei in school.

Where can I allow Nana to scold her like this?

Her complexion suddenly changed, and her greasy expression of her hand was about to hit Nana's face.

He stretched out his hand and landed in midair, he was pinched.

Qiao Mianmian came out from behind Nana.

The woman in the pink skirt was squeezed on her wrist and her face was crumpled with pain, struggling to get her hands out.

"Ah, it hurts, bitch, you let go!"

She saw Qiao Mianmian, struggling even harder.

Qiao Mianmian sneered and waited for a while for her to struggle, seeing that she was crying in pain, before she slammed her hand away.

The woman staggered back two steps and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Shangguan Qing helped her.

After she stood firm, she looked at the pinched red wrist and gritted her teeth with angrily: "Qing Qing, this fox spirit is too arrogant, you must not let her go."

Shangguan Qing saw his girlfriends being bullied like this, where could he tolerate it.

She turned her head and glanced at Qiao Mianmian with a somber face: "It's just a small newcomer in the entertainment world. It's so arrogant. You believe me or not, you can be blocked."

"You think you hooked up a few men with a little bit of appearance, they will protect you, can you let you do whatever you want."

"Do you know who we are?"

Qiao Mianmian looked at her coldly: "I don't care who you are and why you are here to go crazy. Now, please leave immediately, or I'll call someone to blow you away."

"You said that we are going crazy?" Shangguan Qing did not know Qiao Mianmian's various backgrounds, only thinking that she was a small rookie who could bully casually.

Qiao Mianmian's attitude was arrogant to the extreme in her opinion.

For this kind of arrogance, but also trying to seduce her fox elder brother, she naturally came to a good lesson.

"You shameless woman, who gave you the courage to make you so arrogant?! Do you know who I am, how dare you talk to me like this."

Qiao Mianmian was expressionless: "Of course I know who you are."

Shangguan Qing froze for a while, then said coldly: "Since you know who I am, you kneel down and apologize to me and Baoer. If you have a good attitude, I may be able to forgive you this time."

"Otherwise, the consequences are not something you can bear!"

"It seems that the doors of the Fourth Hospital were not closed properly, so that you ran out from the inside. Nana, you quickly made a phone call and told the hospital that their patients ran to our crew and let them arrange people immediately. Take these two patients back."

Nana co-operated: "Okay, I'll call now."

It took a few seconds for Shangguanqing and her friend to realize that Qiao Mianmian said they were neuropathy.

The Fourth Hospital is a well-known psychiatric hospital in the area.

Qiao Mianmian is turning around and calling them crazy.

Realizing this, both of them looked particularly ugly.

"Bitch, you are dead!"

When Shangguan Qingqi stepped forward, he raised his hand and wanted to hit Qiao Mianmian.

"The person who is dying is you, you dare to give her a try." Bai Yusheng suddenly appeared, intercepting Shang Guanqing's hand.

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