I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1603: I must learn today

Shangguan Qing was so painful that his eyes turned red. He raised his head and opened his mouth to scold. When he saw Bai Yusheng, he was stunned and his eyes widened in surprise.

She called Bai Yusheng: "Brother Yusheng."

Bai Yusheng heard this title, frowned, and said with a cold face: "Who are you, shouting at random."

"Brother Yusheng, this is Qingqing. My name is Shangguanqing, do you remember, we had dinner together."

Shangguan Qing?

Bai Yusheng had no impression of her.

However, I am impressed by the surname Shangguan.

He stared at Shangguan Qing for a few seconds and slowly released his hand.

Shangguan Qing was free, and immediately pointed at Qiao Mianmian's nose and scolded: "Brother Yusheng, is this shameless woman an actress in your crew. You let her leave the crew immediately and stop using her."

Miyazawa Li lowered her face: "Shangguan Qing, put your mouth clean. This is my crew, no one is allowed to make trouble."

"Brother Yusheng, are you confused by her and even help her talk. Do you know how shameless this woman is, she seduce you not to say, but also want to seduce Zeli brother. Zeli brother is my man , Where can she tolerate such a shameless slut. If such a **** doesn’t teach her well, she doesn’t know that the sky is thick.”

"I don't want to make trouble in your crew, but this bitch, I must learn today."

When Shangguan finished talking angrily, he felt something was wrong. As soon as he looked up, he saw Bai Yusheng staring at her with extremely cold eyes.

It was so cold that she couldn't help shivering.

"Qiao Mianmian is my sister. You say her in my face, don't you think of Bai Jia in your eyes?"

Shangguan Qing's face suddenly changed: "Brother Yusheng, she, isn't she surnamed Joe. How could it be..."

"I don't care what your relationship with Miyazawa is, my Bai Yusheng's sister is not interested in him. If you dare to defame Mianmian and say that her sentence is not good, I will let you cry and leave here. Also, don't call again My brother Yusheng, I don’t have a wild sister like you, Bai Yusheng, don’t mess with my relatives.”

"I have a sister, she is ten thousand times better than you."

Shangguan Qing's face was extremely ugly.

She turned her head slowly and looked at Qiao Mianmian with a bluish face: "The sister you said is her? Bai Yusheng, do you know her..."

"To shut up."

Bai Yusheng's eyes showed a sharp look: "If you say that she is not good, I will tear your mouth."

Shangguan Qing's eyes widened in shock and panic.

Although Bai Yusheng is not a gentle, close person.

But in front of a woman, she is also very gentlemanly.

Shangguan Qing couldn't believe it, he would say something like this.

After Bai Yusheng finished speaking, he turned his head and instructed his assistant: "Go and call the security guard and drive them out."

What he said was rush.

Therefore, Shang Guanqing did not give them any face.

Shangguan Qing's face was originally green, listening to Bai Yusheng said, his face turned from green to white.

Soon, the assistant called a few security guards.

Shangguan Qingqing shouted angrily: "Bai Yusheng, for the sake of such a woman, to the daughter of the Shangguan family, I will definitely tell my dad this matter and let him go to the Bai family to find your parents and ask clearly."

"You wait."

Bai Yusheng only returned two words coldly: "Please, please."

Then the security guard took her and another woman away.

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