I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1601: Is she Qiao Mianmian?

Therefore, female celebrities seldom show their own state.

But Qiao Mianmian's unsalted photos gave her points.

They are all women, and Shangguan Qing can naturally see whether Qiao Mianfa's real makeup photos or pseudo makeup.

She squeezed her phone tightly and looked at the still beautiful woman who was photographed by the original camera in the picture. She clenched her lips and her face was somber.

She always thought that Miyazawa said he had a woman she liked, and that woman was Shen Rou.

It turned out to be a small newcomer in the entertainment industry.

Just like what her girlfriends said, this little newcomer was a fox girl at first sight.

Growing up like this, isn't it just to seduce men everywhere?

She can seduce anyone.

But if you dare to seduce Brother Zeli, don’t blame her for being rude.


After dealing with the hot search, Qiao Mianmian continued to film in the crew.

During the break, she saw a staff member approaching her.

The staff came to her and stopped: "Miss Qiao, someone is looking for it."

Qiao Mianmian was watching the plot behind the script, and Wen Yan raised his head: "Someone looking for me?"


"Have you asked who it is?"

"The two young ladies, they said they were Miss Qiao's friends."

"my friend?"

Qiao Mianmian frowned, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

She closed the script.

As soon as I closed the script, I saw two women walking towards us.

They are two young women who look like they are rich and rich, and they are followed by a crew member.

"Is the two young ladies you just mentioned, are they?"

Seeing the two girls approaching her, Qiao Mianmian asked the staff.


The staff's answer made Qiao Mianmian wonder more.

Because of those two girls, she did not know.

Soon, the two girls approached her.

One of the girls was wearing a pink skirt and carrying the latest luxury brand platinum bag of the season, with an arrogant look on her face, standing in front of Qiao Mianmian and looking at her with condescension: "She is Qiao Mianmian" ?"

The girl's tone was very frantic, and when she looked at Qiao Mianmian, her eyes were very contemptuous.

The staff who brought them froze for a moment, and just about to introduce, they heard Qiao Mianmian say: "I am Qiao Mianmian. Do you have anything to do with me?"

As soon as the words fell, the woman in the pink dress raised her hand.

Qiao Mianmian had experience, and when she saw her raise her hand, she immediately got up and flashed aside.

The girl's hand fell and hit the air with one hand.

She looked at Qiao Mianmian angrily: "Your shameless fox spirit, dare to avoid it."

After confirming that the other party was in trouble, Qiao Mianmian sank his face instantly.

Nana also froze, and immediately walked up to Qiao Mianmian, glaring at them and said, "Who are you, sure you are not the wrong person? This is not a place where you can spit freely. In this case, I will call the security guard Now."

"You let it go and let Qiao Mianmian's coquette stand up to speak." The pink skirt girl is a friend of Shangguanqing. The crew who came with Shangguanqing said to help her friend teach Qiao Mianmian the "fox vibe".

Her slap was hollow and her face was a bit ugly.

Faced with Nana's questioning, she was very arrogant, and she pointed to Nana's nose and said, "You are something, and protect that coquette. There is nothing about you here, you must leave now, otherwise you will not treat you for a while. polite."

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