I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 892: miss home plate

"Mosimoxi, Sister Hanyu..."

On the third floor of Hakodate Municipal General Hospital, Sousuke Araki leaned against the window of the smoking area, looked at the busy teachers and students below, and dialed a certain mobile number.

"Who are you? That voice sounds familiar, let me think about it..."

Hanyu Mai on the other end of the phone, in a magnetic voice of Yujie, pretended to be confused and asked, "Could it be that someone who was greedy for underage girls left me without saying a word, and only now is willing to make a phone call. The heartless man?"

"Hey, 'craving for underage girls', 'leaving you away without a word', and 'heartless man' are too serious charges! Let's not say that I escaped from prison with no money in my ass. Yes, the base stations in all of Hokkaido have just resumed operation..."

"Oh? Then I'll reluctantly accept your explanation and go straight to the topic... Have you and the Tori Yuzu took the opportunity to go straight to home plate in the name of body heat in the ice and snow?"

"Pfft...what, what...cough cough cough... oops, it's burning..."

Being attacked by "President Hanyu" without any warning, the cigarette from Sousuke Araki's mouth fell directly into the pocket of his chest jacket, igniting a large flame...

"Hee hee, listening to this reaction, it seems that there is no more?"

Hearing the response from the other end of the phone, Hanyu Mai seemed to be in a slightly better mood, and did not continue to struggle with this issue.

"What a pity, using the fixed scene of 'hero to save the beauty' to stimulate hormone secretion, coupled with the physiological arousal and misattribution caused by the suspension bridge effect, is the closest you will get to the home plate in your life! If only used for Confession or something, that's just too childish..."

"What, is there such a 'scientific routine', what did I miss..."

In a hurry to extinguish the "fire" in his chest, Araki Sousuke clenched his fists and coughed slightly, his tone solemn: "Cough cough, Sister Hanyu, let's not talk about this for now... I have something to tell you... But..."

"It just so happens that on our side, there are also some major breakthroughs in the 'case'...but..."

Hanyu Mai on the other end of the phone also became serious.

"On the phone..."

"...Not safe."

The two of them spoke in unison.

"What...could it be..."

"So, as slow as you, you actually noticed it?"

On the phone, there was a tacit silence for a while.

"Tsk, I thought that Hacker Lu Dou and I were the first to notice."

After a while, Hanyu Mai broke the silence first.

"Well, I only learned because I learned some important information on the Hokkaido side."

Araki Sousuke hesitated, tapping his fingers hurriedly on the window sill: "Anyway, Takukai and I will be able to rush back to Tokyo tonight... Until I come back to meet, you all stay in a safe place, nowhere else. do not go!"

"It seems that the situation is more severe than we expected."

Hearing the anxiety in Sosuke Araki's tone, Hanyu Mai instead comforted him: "Don't worry, sleeper, we will be ready to deal with everything before you come back..."

"Of course, equipment including 69 human body material collections and 235 comparison experiments will also be prepared..."

"Hey, I think I heard something incredible! 』

"Oh hehe, did you miss out... Don't worry, I will personally handle the whole process of collection, and I will never make you feel uncomfortable, and some items will even be very pleasant..."

"What, what a pleasure..."

"Teacher Araki..."

At the same time, at the corner of the corridor, Tori Yumayumi, who was wearing a high school girl's school uniform, cautiously stuck his head out: "Everyone has already packed up."

"Ah, alright, I'll come down soon...cough, sis Hanyu, there are still some important things to be busy with here, so let's do this first, hang up first!"

With a blushing face and inexplicably hung up the phone, Sosuke Araki walked with her to the lobby on the first floor.

In front of the hall door, the members of the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team, who were covered in bandages but still kept their firearms, stood there without changing their face.

"Araki-kun and Little Bird Witch are here..."

When they saw Sousuke Araki walking down the stairs, they all stood on both sides of the hall with serious expressions.

"Hey, who are you guys?"

Facing this row of solemn-looking soldiers, Sousuke Araki subconsciously lowered his center of gravity, shrank his core, and stood in front of Yuma Yumiya.

"Everyone has it, salute!!!!"

Then, these team members all put their feet together, held their heads high, and raised their hands to salute him: "Araki-kun, Little Bird Witch... We only represent the 45 surviving members of the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team, and we will pay tribute to the previous excessive means. Sorry..."

"At the same time, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for disregarding previous suspicions and helping you with righteousness!"

"This, this... I'm still not used to the change in your style of painting..."

After realizing that the other party was only expressing gratitude, Araki Sousuke touched the back of his head awkwardly: "Well, as a professional spirit remover, I just did what I was supposed to do."

"That's right, we're just doing our part..."

Behind him, Yumiya Xiaoniao also bowed seriously and bowed back: "Last night, I took in so many people in the hospital and kept them safe. You all have contributed greatly."

As the saying goes, "butt decides head", in the face of "supernatural disaster", people will eventually put aside disputes and grievances and sit back on the same bench.


Behind the door of the emergency room, Fujiwara Takumi, who was on crutches, walked out with a look of schadenfreude with the help of Qianye: "When I just came out, I was yelled at by these guys and almost lost my soul. "

From the foot of Mt. Yotei to Hakodate Hospital~www.wuxiamtl.com~ In just one night, only a few dozen people were left in this disaster prevention mobile team of more than 100 people.

At the moment, the only people who are on duty in the hospital lobby are the team members who are slightly injured but do not affect their ability to move.

Others were either lying on the hospital bed unable to move, or closing their eyes forever in that dark snowy night.

However, if it weren't for the help of Araki Sosuke and others, the only consequence of this hundred-person team would be the destruction of the group.

"You kid... Could it be that you pretended like this on purpose and wanted to take the opportunity to eat tofu..."

Seeing Takumi Fujiwara, who looked like a "severely injured patient" but was secretly having fun because his fiancée was supporting him, Sosuke Araki slapped the other person on the shoulder unceremoniously.

"It hurts, it hurts... What a nonsense to tell the truth, last night I was 'full power', and now I can't squeeze out a drop..."

Being beaten like this by him, Fujiwara Takumi felt a sour and stinging pain spread all over his body like an electric shock.

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