I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 893: interim palace guard

"Do you think that everyone is the same monster as you?"

Looking at Sousuke Araki, who seemed to be nothing in front of him, Takumi Fujiwara couldn't help but pursed his lips.

Yesterday, Fujiwara Takukai first fought Mochizuki Che at the foot of Mt. Yotei, identified Sangoro in a death fight, blocked the volcanic eruption, and then went back to Goryokaku Castle and fought a high-intensity "protracted battle" with the ghost and **** Hijikata Toshizo. In the end, he exhausted all his divine power, and activated Yasaka Qiongquyu "in one shot"...

Although the divine power was "sponsored by Lu Ren for free", his delicate and delicate body was used as a "passage" to endure the stout divine power that should not have been endured at this age and exceeded the limit several times...

It was as if a thousand needles were stabbing at his overworked body at the same time, at any time and place, and it was extremely painful.

Right now, let alone performing magical techniques, even accidentally shaking off a "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" can make him grin for a long time.

However, in terms of physical endurance, someone who has emptied the entire Hokkaido island for 150 years of grievances, and finally turned into a "sun" and a "Vairocana" who illuminated the earth with sunshine, seems to have experienced a multi-person event. Just as easy as sports.


Walking out of the ranks of the members of the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team was Senros who was in a wheelchair and looked seriously injured.

Last night, he and a group of team members had their fingers cut off because they returned to the hospital in time, and they have now been successfully recovered...

But without more than a year of rehabilitation training, I'm afraid I won't be able to pull the trigger freely for the time being.

Moreover, the frostbite and resentment erosion left by the fierce battle at the Goryokaku gate cannot be recovered in a day or two.


Facing the man who stared at him with complex eyes that implied gratitude, guilt, unwillingness, and resentment, Sousuke Araki raised his brows slightly: "...Who is that?"

"What did you say... I am..."

When asked by the other party, Sen Luosi couldn't help but gag old blood in his throat.

"Cough, cough... that's all..."

Rubbing his chest, he calmed down, Mori Ross sighed slightly.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

After careful reflection, he realized that since Sosuke Araki escaped from prison in Tokyo, he seemed to have been "hunting" the other party in his own wishful thinking.

The only two short encounters, once when I was in the co-pilot, took a punch from the other side, and the meal was knocked out overnight...

Another time, on the snowfield by Lake Toya, I was hit by the "Big Taiyaki Jet-Accelerated Big Taiyaki" that fell from the sky, and now I still have a dull pain when I'm "standing" normally.

It turns out that some beings who have always been regarded as "strong enemies" have never looked at them directly.

After all, the other party is qualified to compete with the powerful spirit remover of ghosts and gods!

"What on earth are you doing, Your Excellency, do you still plan to take me, a 'fugitive', back to Tokyo?"

Hearing Sousuke Araki asking these words without hesitation, the members of the Disaster Prevention Mobile Squad in the hall all looked away subconsciously.

At this moment, the crisis in Hokkaido has been resolved, and the two sides who fought side by side last night will inevitably return to their original positions.

"Ahem, Araki-kun, these are all instructions from above, and we can't do anything about it."

"Up to now, we naturally believe that the murderer who killed President Ben is definitely not you... It is precisely because of this that you must be investigated in an upright manner..."

Sen Luosi subconsciously pressed the brim of his hat and persuaded earnestly: "Look, the matter here has been resolved, and the teachers and students on the bus have been found safely... Now come back with us to assist in the investigation with credit, Maybe it's the right time..."

He stretched out his finger and pointed to the emergency ward behind Araki Zongsuke: "Not to mention that Your Excellency is carrying the 'suspect' that has not yet been cleared, it's just that the two 'Shouchen Ding' are unconscious, and they also need to be given to Yin Yang Liao. reasonable explanation."

On the two beds in the innermost row, lay two black-robed priests with weak breathing and unconsciousness.

At the foot of Mt. Yotei, after the nameless vine was shattered by Sosuke Araki and had an abnormality, neither Fujiwara Takumi's "light" nor the doctor's first aid could wake these two "vegetative people".

"Even if you are a spirit slayer, you can't be a fugitive all your life, right? You don't plan for yourself, but for your girlfriend, right? Besides, your escape from prison might just happen to be the real murderer's plan."

"I understand what Your Excellency means... But, I have a reason why I can't go back to Harajuku Prison for the time being... Although there are many entertainment facilities there, good food and beverages, and free handmade soap, the inmates are also very kind... …”

Listening to Mori Rose's earnest and enticing persuasion, Sousuke Araki couldn't help but drift to Yuma Yuma, the bird beside him.

"Mr. Araki, you don't have to think about me..."

Just at this moment, Yuma Yuma, the little bird who was sneaking over, saw her face turn red instantly like a boiled crab.

"Anyway, I'll go wherever you go!"

Even so, she still lowered her head, carefully and firmly grabbed the other's cuff with her fingertips.

"Hmph, I will explain to Fujiwara about these two 'Shou Chending', so you don't have to worry."

Takumi Fujiwara, who was beside him, suddenly snorted coldly.

"It's fine if Priest Fujiwara is willing to come forward, but the wanted thing..."

After he said this, everyone remembered that the person in front of him was the eldest young master of the Fujiwara Tree Yin Yang family.

"Well, you don't have to worry about the wanted thing..."

Chiba, who supported Fujiwara Takumi, walked in front of the crowd, and said with a blushing face: "From now on, I announce that in the name of the emergency regulations of the "Royal Model" ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Sousuke Araki will be recruited as a temporary Palace Guard..."

"Until the safety of the relevant royal family members is guaranteed, he has the highest level of temporary pardon power!"

"What?! "Royal Model"?! Emergency regulations?! Temporary palace guard?!"

As soon as she said these words, there was an uproar in the hall, and even the teachers and students outside the door looked over.

"Royal Model", at the beginning of its formulation, was of the nature of royal family law. Its content mainly includes a series of relevant regulations applicable to members of the royal family, such as royal succession, regency, royal status, funeral and royal meetings.

During the Meiji period, based on the idea of ​​"royal self-discipline", the "Royal Model" once became an existence at the same level as the constitution.

Even in 1945, Japan revised the "Imperial Household Model" into the constitution, and its content is not less binding than ordinary laws.

Although the current Japanese royal family has limited administrative power, the members of the royal family do not have too special rights in addition to living a good life and having greater political influence. They are more like a kind of "national mascot".

In the case of threats to life, in order to ensure the safety of the royal family as the representative of the national image, "Royal Family Model" does grant certain privileges to the royal family under special circumstances.



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