"Electricity, electricity restored?"

"The mobile phone, the mobile phone also has a signal!"

"Hurry up, hurry up and contact this island..."

Looking down from the sky, the originally dark Hokkaido Island seems to be "lit" by the light of the golden Buddha, and the city center of Hakodate is densely lit with lights from near to far, restoring the past night under the curtain of light. Ambilight...

"The snow has stopped... this light... so, so warm..."

The irresistible but silent firelight pierced the dark clouds covering the night sky, melted the black snow covering the earth, and transpired the freezing cold of the air...

"Those ghosts blocking the door are gone... I, we are, saved?!"

Countless shadows wandering in the darkness, as the darkness fades, they return to the bright white morning light.

"I, why am I in a place like this... still wearing fine clothes..."

"Hi... my head hurts... Did you drink too much last night?"

"Darling, you finally woke up... You suddenly became so long, so big, and your expression was terrifying... People can only use tortoise shell binding, using ropes, handcuffs and gag to tie you up... Fei It took a lot of effort to make you lose the strength to toss."

Those "monsters" who wandered the streets and wandered around also lost their hideous appearances under the sun, and their eyes glowed with a light called "humanity".

Even the ubiquitous cold and musty smell due to the heavy snow has turned into a warm and fragrant "sun fragrance" after the quilt has been dried.

"Thank you Buddha for appearing... Bless the people..."

"In the heavens and the world, I am the only one who is honored, Namo Amitabha!"

"When I read the slogan of the beastly clan to my Buddha, will there really be no retribution?"

"You, you take care of me, in short, from today onwards, I will believe in this Buddha for the rest of my life!"

Whether you "believe" in your heart or not, being in the dark and looking to the light is an inescapable desire in human instinct.

"Wait, that Buddha is gone?!"

Just when everyone came back to their senses from this earth-shaking change, ran into the warm sunshine, moved towards the direction of the sky above Hakodate City, trembling and worshipped...

The golden giant Buddha of Buddha Light Purdue has long since disappeared into the light like a mirage...

Above the cloudless sky, where the Golden Buddha was originally located, there is only a rising sun that rises from below the horizon at an unknown time.

Its daybreak.


Goryokaku, inside the city.

"To be able to bring the Buddha's Dharma into the world... Who is this fellow Araki Sosuke?"

Weakly fell to the ground, Mochizuki squinted his eyes that were sour to tears, staring blankly at the newly born rising sun above his head.

"How do I know... If I insist, that guy should be the sun... Illuminating everything, the sun..."

Beside him, Fujiwara Takumi, who was also unable to move, pretended to rest his hands on the back of his head in a leisurely manner, closing his eyes and enjoying the sunshine that made him feel extremely friendly.

"The sun that illuminates everything..."

Muttering this word, Mochizuki Che thought deeply.

"Then, can he also dispel the darkness that shrouded Mochizuki's head... ugh!"

Before he finished speaking, a circular object plummeted from the sky and slammed into Mochiyueche's forehead.

"Huh? This is..."

Ignoring Mochizuki Che, whose eyes were white and his forehead was bulging, Fujiwara Takumi endured the stinging pain all over his body, and excitedly reached out his hand to pick up the "murder weapon" that fell from the sky...

"Yasaka Qiongquyu... That's great... If you lose it, Yuren, that crying boy, won't be able to ascend the throne in the future..."

This is impressively, a quaint gouyu in the shape of a "C" with rising heat.

"Yo, Mr. Kang John, Captain Mochizuki..."

Just when Fujiwara Takumi was putting the lost and found artifact into his crotch, a figure emerged from the void where the fire was bursting and appeared behind the two of them.

"I caught the straight ball from the two of you."


"what time is it now?"

On the rooftop of the Hakodate Municipal General Hospital, Yumayumi Kotori looked away from the rising sun in the sky and looked at the members of the disaster prevention mobile team who were kneeling on the ground beside him.

"Report, it is now 4:00 am Tokyo time... The concentration of grievances has returned to normal!"

A team member looked at the detector on his wrist and replied.

"So, the sunrise is actually an hour earlier? By the way..."

Slightly stunned, the girl cast her disappointed eyes to the city below...

"Boom boom boom boom!"

At the end of the street where pedestrians walked out one after another and gradually regained their vigor, a black locomotive as fast as lightning came from the direction of Goryokaku from far and near with the terrifying sound wave of "Break Up Everything".

On the back of the locomotive, like "A-san overloaded", three men were sitting tightly on top of each other...

The man at the front of the car seemed a little disgusted because of the crowded driving environment.

The two thin and strong men stacked behind him looked like they were exhausted and unable to move...

Although the words "Reluctance" were written on their pale faces, they could only be tied together by belts tightly naked and fastened to the back seat of the car, just like animals being slaughtered.

"Ms. Araki... You've worked hard, welcome back."

The girl's eyes narrowed with crescent crescents, and she bowed slightly towards the locomotive that was getting closer and closer.

"Oh, Mayumi, I'm back."

As the green knot on her ponytail flickered slightly, the man's extremely reassuring voice sounded in her mind.

Under the morning light, the brightly lit Hakodate city has returned to its vibrant appearance before the snowstorm.

There is only a messy city left, silently telling everything that has happened.


hours later.

"Everyone, please pack up your belongings as soon as possible~www.wuxiamtl.com~ We are about to end our school trip and take the first shinkansen in the afternoon to return to Tokyo..."

"When reporting to your family that you are safe, don't forget to tell them that after returning to Tokyo, you will receive a five-day fully enclosed 'post-disaster psychological counseling'."

In front of the Hakodate Municipal General Hospital, two rejuvenated female teachers are organizing high school students from three classes in three years to carry their luggage onto another bus.

"That's great, although it's a pity that I couldn't go to Sapporo and Otaru, but my life is still important..."

"So, we can't tell anyone what we've seen along the way, right?"

"Of course, haven't you heard? Not only do you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement when you go back, you also need to receive training and psychological counseling."

The high school students couldn't help but turn their heads while carrying their luggage, and glanced at the corner of the parking lot with complex eyes, the dilapidated white bus with a face dent on the door.

Perhaps, everything they have experienced on this bus will be a wonderful memory that they will never forget in their lifetime.

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