Chapter 91: How can a saint be able to kill the immortal platform? The whole audience was shocked!

Between heaven and earth, the sword energy cut by the grass sword art was still raging.

Lei Hong's breath had long disappeared completely, but his screams were still echoing in the ears of countless people!

Whether it was the people on the battlefield or the people watching the battle, all of them looked at the position where Lei Hong was killed with dull eyes.

There, there was a gully cut by the invisible sword energy under Su Changqing's sword!

Just looking at it, the amazing sword energy emanating from it is enough to suffocate people!

As the sword intent on Su Changqing's body faded, all the sword cultivators breathed a sigh of relief, but their hearts had already set off an unprecedented storm!

"Su could he be so terrifying!!!"

"His cultivation is indeed that of a saint, but how come his methods are more terrifying than Xiantai? ?"

"Just now... Su Changqing used his finger as a sword, as if the peerless sword master had come in person. My sword seemed to be in fear and submission, and my soul was trembling under the sword intent. He is the only one in the Nine Profound Heavens who is at the Saint level!!"

"Daoyi Holy Sect has Su Changqing, the Holy Son. I am afraid that within a hundred years, he will become the greatest overlord in the world!!!"

The more they looked at him, the more frightened they were, and they felt inferior to him!

Most of the people who use swords are arrogant and cold!

But after seeing Su Changqing's amazing sword"Seven Seven Zero" before, no matter how proud and confident they were before, they dared not look directly at Su Changqing at this moment!

Because just now, their swords, themselves, were trembling and kneeling to Su Changqing! At the moment

, Su Changqing, in the eyes of any sword cultivator, is an unparalleled master of the sword!

On the battlefield, the disciples of Daoyi Holy Sect, after being shocked, their eyes were full of fanaticism!

""Holy Son, Holy Son, the most powerful Holy Son of our Daoyi Holy Sect!!!"

They all shouted excitedly, and were completely convinced!

The people of Dayu Divine Dynasty also felt their scalps tingling, and stared at Su Changqing who was now unharmed with dull eyes.

At the moment, it seemed that he was the only one in the world!

Even the battlefield above the sky was dimmed by the two supremes!


Su Changqing only had the cultivation of the Saint Realm, but he killed the Immortal Platform with one sword!!!

But... the most shocked and the most affected were the cultivators of the demon clan!

"How…how could this happen???!"

"The five demon stars, no matter the previous generation or the next generation, all fell into the hands of Su Changqing! ? ?"

"He is a saint? No... How could a saint kill Xiantai! ?"

Faced with Su Changqing's terrifying sword, they were all scared to death by the result of a saint killing Xiantai!

All this was like a dream!

But they never thought that

Su Changqing really did it!

What he said before was not arrogance!

But... he really has this ability!!!

So much so that under the previous sword that cut the sky, the terrifying sword energy caused a large number of demon cultivators to suffer, and their bodies and souls were destroyed!

After a long time, bursts of screams came from all directions, and countless people's scalps exploded!

No matter who they are, no matter how strong their cultivation is, at this moment, they only have Su Changqing in their eyes, and their hearts are also surging!

Before this, no one thought it would be such a result!


All the living people now have a blank mind!

The scene of Su Changqing using his finger as a sword is still echoing in their minds. Just thinking about it makes their bodies tremble uncontrollably!

Even the immortal masters and the supreme powers of various forces can't help but shrink their pupils!

Looking at Su Changqing, they don't know what to say!

Because a saint killed an immortal master. Even if such a thing happened in Jiuxuantian, it has not appeared for millions of years!

Now Jiuxuantian only has Su Changqing!!


At this moment, a hint of fear flashed across Zhan Yan's eyes as he looked at Su Changqing!


He took a breath of cold air, and was extremely confused.

The horror was so terrifying that it made people's scalps numb!

Especially the sword just now, even if the target was not himself, it made people feel scared when they thought about it!

After coming to his senses,

Zhan Yan laughed loudly, and the laughter spread throughout the battlefield!

"I ask the Nine Mysterious Heavens, is there anyone who can surpass my Saint Son?!"

His voice was like rolling thunder, resounding through the sky!

At this moment, his cultivation of the seventh level of the Immortal Platform completely exploded without reservation!

The next second... the world was in turmoil!

Luo Yu was still in shock about Lei Hong's death at the hands of Su Changqing, a Saint. Seeing that Zhan Yan no longer held back, his face changed drastically!


Before he could react, a terrifying force came from behind him, instantly destroying all the meridians in his body! He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his breath suddenly weakened!

What he saw before him was just the afterimage of Zhan Yan!

Because he was absent-minded, he failed to notice it in time!

But at this time, it was undoubtedly too late!

In the end...

Luo Yu did not look at Zhan Yan behind him, but looked at Su Changqing with difficulty, who had a calm face.

"If this not eliminated...the future of Jiuxuantian...will probably be...……"

Before he finished speaking, his expression was still filled with disbelief, and his vitality was completely extinguished!

Originally a fifth-level immortal, he could only barely hold back the protector Zhan Yan. Now that the other party saw Su Changqing really cross the border to kill Lei Hong, he no longer had to worry about the future.

Therefore, his fall was doomed when Lei Hong died!!

With the fall of Luo Yu, another immortal strongman of the demon clan, there were not many exclamations around, because at this time, everyone's eyes were still on Su Changqing and could not be moved away!

And the monstrous means that Su Changqing had shown before were still constantly emerging in their minds and lingering!

So far, the demon clan was in chaos!!

They were originally going to destroy the Dayu Divine Dynasty, but because of Su Changqing's arrival, the Undead Demon Clan has become extremely passive!

The fall of two immortal strongmen is undoubtedly a fatal blow to them!

In an instant, the disciples of Daoyi Shengzong on the battlefield laughed wildly and once again killed the demon monks who were in a state of chaos!

As for the people of Dayu Divine Dynasty, their morale was also high and had reached an unprecedented level!

""It's our turn to fight back!!!"

They also knew that this was a rare opportunity, so they looked at Su Changqing with gratitude and continued to devote themselves to killing the demons!

The war started again, but this time... the immortal demons were already demoralized and had no will to fight!

It was precisely because of this that their original advantage turned into a disadvantage at this moment, and they were constantly defeated!

On the battlefield,

Su Youwei was now looking at Su Changqing with a face full of shock, and she couldn't calm down at all!

"Use your finger as a sword, just now... That was what Su Changqing mentioned in his diary. It was one of the other ten evils besides the True Dragon Treasure. It was said that it could break through anything. It could cut through matter like a magic weapon cutting mud. If it could be cultivated to the peak, it could cut through the past and present and see the eternal grass sword technique? ?!"

She was still immersed in the terrifying sword just now. Her heartbeat accelerated and her chest rose and fell violently!

If she was not far away, she would probably have been injured by the terrifying sword energy, right?! (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

And Su Changqing was able to perform the grass sword technique described in the diary, exactly the same, and it was indeed able to cut through everything!!!

In addition, for so long, the things mentioned in Su Changqing's diary revealed things that had not happened yet. Without any surprises, everything happened!

Then, would she really be Su Changqing in the future? Qing's lover... one! ?

Originally, I thought I couldn't accept it, but the appearance of Su Changqing was able to reverse the war between the Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan, and even showed his invincibility in the same realm, and even killed the powerful Xiantai realm with a sword with the cultivation of a saint!

Such an excellent man, even as a princess of the Dayu Divine Dynasty, I couldn't help but feel inferior!

Such a man is not uncommon for women!

When Su Youwei thought of this, she unconsciously let go of the grudge in her heart. When she came to her senses, she looked at Su Changqing with a strong look in his eyes......

"Su Changqing...didn't lie!!!"

"What he said, what he revealed... is all true!!"

She no longer doubted Su Changqing's diary and chose to believe it!

Thinking that she would become the partner of such an excellent man in the future, Su Youwei was shocked and a hint of shyness appeared on her face.

"As expected of my man... Really amazing!"

She was not the queen who fully displayed the power of the Phoenix in her body, but she was a little woman!

However, this was the first time she and Su Changqing met, and they had never met before.

She didn't know what it would be like to get along with each other.

After thinking about it,

Su Youwei quickly put away her thoughts. The most important thing now was to take this opportunity to destroy all the guys from the demon clan first!


She no longer worried about anything.���, after taking a breath, he burst out his Divine King cultivation again!

With the power of the Divine Phoenix in his body, even the cultivators of the eighth and ninth heavens of the Divine King could fight against him and not lose!


When the war broke out again, the shouts of surprise continued to rise from all the major powers that were watching!

The people of Beiming Holy Land 3.2 were no exception!

From the Tianjiao disciples to the Xiantai strongmen, they all looked at Su Changqing with fear!

"So scary……"

They had been holding back for a long time, and could only describe Su Changqing, who was at the Saint level, in this way!

As for the Lord of Beiming, even though Xia Wenze had experienced many battles, fought his way out of the sea of blood and corpses, and founded the Beiming Holy Land, the Lord of Beiming, one of the top powerhouses in Jiuxuantian, he could no longer maintain the composure of being the Supreme.

"Su Changqing...did it!!!"

In addition to admiration, his eyes also revealed shock for the first time!

Originally, he only guessed that Su Changqing had terrifying means, or had something to save his life from Saint Daoyi, so he dared to face Lei Hong, who was in the Xiantai realm, alone.

He guessed right, and wrong.

What was right was that Su Changqing actually killed Xiantai with the cultivation of a saint in front of countless forces!

What was wrong was...he guessed the wrong direction!

Throughout the whole process, Su Changqing did not rely on external objects, but on himself!

From beginning to end, there was no help from external forces. He was not only able to fight with Xiantai, but also able to really kill it!!!


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