Chapter 92: The Grass Sword Technique is exactly the same as the diary of the future week. It is indeed true!

Among the shocked people in Beiming Holy Land,

Xia Qingxuan was more shocked than anyone else. She looked blankly at Su Changqing, who was feared by countless demon monks on the battlefield.

"Sure is the Grass Sword Technique!!!"

"The terrifying swordsmanship he revealed in his diary can really be displayed, and from the looks of it... this guy should have realized the sword intent of being able to chop down the sun, moon and stars with a blade of grass! ?"

"Now Su Changqing is only a saint, but he can kill the immortal platform with this sword technique. Once he becomes a supreme or even higher realm, how terrifying will it be!! ?"

She was breathing rapidly and felt dry mouth.

From beginning to end, it was the first time she saw such a monstrous guy!

The entire Jiuxuantian... or it was really as the protector Zhan Yan said, and just as Su Changqing said before at the Southern Region Ceremony, no one in the same realm can surpass him!

I used to think this was arrogant and conceited!

But now it seems...

Su Changqing is modest!

Let's not talk about whether he is invincible in the same realm, but the fact that he can kill the immortal platform with a saint is enough to prove the horror of his strength!

In shock,

Xia Qingxuan dispelled her doubts about Su Changqing's diary.

"The contents of Su Changqing’s diary…are all true, without a single falsehood mixed in!!!"

"This means that he did not know that anyone had a copy of his diary or could see it.……"

She analyzed it secretly in her heart and became more and more certain.

Otherwise, why did everything Su Changqing said in Diary 05 match up?

The reason why she kept her doubts was entirely because of the opening of the Supreme Secret Realm.

In her opinion, Su Changqing revealed in his diary how to obtain the innate Supreme Essence through the secret realm, just like he was telling her.

But Su Changqing's performance during this period was not what she thought!

Xia Qingxuan was more and more shocked, and her eyes showed a gleam in her eyes as she looked at Su Changqing.

"Su Changqing... my future comrade-in-arms... we can trust each other with our backs without reservation.……"

She murmured in her heart, and her eyes were more radiant.

Since what Su Changqing said was true, and now he showed the extremely terrifying grass sword technique in the diary!

This... is enough to prove that the content of Su Changqing's diary is true!


Xia Qingxuan couldn't help but imagine:"Su Changqing……"

She murmured subconsciously, her beautiful eyes staring straight at Su Changqing.

Could it be that this time, Su Changqing can really save the Dayu Divine Dynasty?

In the diary, the demon clan won this war, but now...

With Su Changqing unable to let go and determined to change all the regrets, will the outcome of this war be completely changed! ?

Thinking of this,

Xia Qingxuan looked at the empty battlefield and said to her father Xia Wenzhe:"Dad, aren't we going to take action yet?"

"As long as they can help and gain the favor of Daoyi Holy Sect and Dayu Divine Dynasty at the same time, it will undoubtedly be a good opportunity for Beiming Holy Land!"

"Didn't you say that the troubled times have arrived? It would be nice to have two more allies in troubled times, right?"

She said this, but in fact she wanted to fight side by side with Su Changqing.

Even though the demon race was at a disadvantage now, no one knew what would happen next.

In order to avoid too many accidents, she had the urge to rush into the battlefield and intervene in the war!

Hearing this, the other people in the Beiming Holy Land looked at each other, but they agreed in their hearts.

However, everything depends on the decision of the Holy Lord.

Xia Wen Ze also suppressed the shock of Su Changqing in his heart and took a look at the situation on the scene.

"The Undead Demon Clan seems to be losing ground, but... we are still not sure what the variables are. If Bei Ming intervenes, what if the demon clan has a backup plan? It will be disadvantageous to us Bei Ming!"

"Su Changqing is indeed very strong. Among the younger generation of Jiuxuantian today, he is likely to be the first on the Tianjiao list if he wants it, but……"

"The supreme leader of Daoyi Holy Sect, the Holy Lord, is not here!"

"This is the biggest change. It is true that Su Changqing can deal with Xiantai. I did not expect that he has such a terrifying swordsmanship, but what if the supreme of the Undead Demon Clan attacks him?"

He was not too anxious, but expressed his own point of view.

Su Changqing single-handedly destroyed the five demon stars of the Undead Demon Clan, and personally killed a powerful Xiantai. Another Xiantai was also killed by Changqing's protector!

I am afraid that the patriarch of the Undead Demon Clan can no longer sit still.

After all, for Xiang Jun, Su Changqing had a grudge against him for killing his son. Even if he was the supreme, he could not restrain his anger when he saw that Su Changqing's intervention caused heavy losses to the demon clan!

Upon hearing this,

Xia Qingxuan's face changed, and he hurriedly said:"Then...then we should help even more!"

"Su Changqing has done Bei Ming a favor. For me, if it weren't for his envelope, I wouldn't be able to obtain the innate supreme essence in the supreme secret realm.……"

"Wait a little longer. If Su Changqing is in danger and has no trump card, I will take action!"

Xia Wenze saw his anxious daughter and understood what was going on. He stared at the empty battlefield and responded calmly.

After getting the answer,

Xia Qingxuan was relieved. Her father had agreed, so she didn't have to worry anymore.

However, she still wanted to help Su Changqing in her heart.


At the same time, on the other side, the people from Zixiao Dao Palace who came to Zhongzhou on this trip were also unable to recover for a long time!

"Su Changqing... What kind of terrifying existence is he? His previous methods were not those of a saint. Even if you say he is a fairy, I would believe it!"

"I really didn't expect that among the younger generation of Jiuxuantian, there is such a monster, who is as good as Daozi!"

"Daoyi Shengzong cultivated���What kind of monster is this! ?"

They have been in seclusion for many years, and now they have ended their seclusion. They originally thought that Daozi was invincible among the time geniuses, but now Su Changqing is also invincible!

Such attainments and talents...

Not only the Supreme, I am afraid it is only a matter of time before he can become a Quasi-Earth or even a Great Emperor!

Several immortals from the Purple Sky Taoist Palace were unable to recover from their previous shock.

In front of everyone,

Daozi Wang Ye's expression was no longer calm, and his heart was even more stirred by the strength displayed by Su Changqing! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Use your finger as a sword and kill Xiantai with one sword with the cultivation of a saint……"

In his mind now, the terrifying sword that Su Changqing had used before emerged!

Under the terrifying sword intent and sword energy of that sword, even if the target was not himself... he could feel the pain in his soul under the ravages of that sword energy, as if it was forcibly accumulated on his soul!

Thinking back now, he still felt daunted!

Even though Su Xing had confidence that no one else could match before, he was already shaken by Su Changqing's sword!

And Wang Ye's heart of Tao could no longer be calm because of that sword, and his pupils shrank!

"Su Changqing, how many cards do you have left? Is that sword your strongest killer move?"

He suppressed his inner shock and his expression became solemn.

Since his appearance, Su Changqing was the first one who made him feel threatened!

Even if he was asked to take the sword that killed the powerful demon clan immortal, it would not be easy and he would suffer heavy damage!


Wang Ye saw a hint of fighting spirit in Su Changqing's deep eyes!

"If there is a chance, I look forward to a fight between us!"

He seemed to be muttering to himself, as if he was talking to Su Changqing.

When the other people in Zixiao Dao Palace heard this, their expressions changed!


They could feel that Daozi's state of mind had changed because of Su Changqing!


At this moment, most of the people came back to their senses from the previous terrifying sword and burst into exclamations!

"Unbelievable, this is Su Changqing? This is the third on the Tianjiao list! ?"

"If there is a Xiantai ranking, not looking at cultivation but only at strength, would Su Changqing also be able to make the list! ?"


Countless people gasped, looking at Su Changqing with fear in their eyes!

Thinking about that sword just now, they still feel scared!

If Su Changqing's target was them, perhaps most of them would have died under that sword!

Even though many forces have their own 270 geniuses, or even famous geniuses among geniuses, they are now completely frightened by Su Changqing's terrifying strength!

Especially the geniuses who wanted to challenge Su Changqing before, they were secretly thankful.

Fortunately, they didn't take action at the beginning, but just wait and see!

Now it seems that their decision at that time completely saved their lives!

Amid countless terrified and fearful eyes,

Su Changqing just glanced at the current battlefield, and was extremely satisfied.

"As expected of the Grass Sword Technique, one of the Ten Evil Treasures, it can cut down even the Immortal Platform.……"

He murmured, and estimated his current combat power more accurately!

Then, after the Supreme used the Grass Sword Technique, could he also kill the Quasi-Emperor! ?

But soon,

Su Changqing did not dwell on this, but looked at the demon cultivators on the battlefield, and first planned to make up a diary.

【Long-lost feeling……】

【Everything... is happening just like in the previous life!】

【But in this life, since I have been reborn, everything is still in time. Maybe... it is for me to make up for the regrets of my previous life!】

【The most urgent task is to help Dayu Divine Dynasty solve the problem of the demon clan.……】

【Youwei is still the same as before, but she has awakened the power of the Phoenix in her body in advance. She is really like an empress. That's good. Anyway, the future Dayu Divine Dynasty will be taken over by her.】

【I failed to stop it last time, which led to the near destruction of the Dayu Divine Dynasty. This time... I'm here!】

【I will change this war!】

【The Undead Demon Clan, this traitor to the future of the Nine Profound Heavens, must be executed! 】

After he made up the diary, he also noticed the change in Su Youwei's expression.

Without dwelling on it too much, he wandered around the battlefield like a ghost!

Wherever he passed, the demon cultivators screamed continuously, and fell to the ground one after another, even their souls could not escape!


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