Chapter 90: The princess' eyes were amazed. Is this Su Changqing's future? Amazing!

At this moment, amid the many exclamations,

Lei Hong came back to his senses from the shock and looked at Su Changqing with fear in his eyes!

"Just now... was that the aura of the Supreme! ? -"

He still couldn't believe that a kid in the Saint realm actually had the aura of the Supreme in his body!

Not only that, but his previous attack could also trigger a thunder tribulation!

Such a guy still made him feel scared when he thought about it now.

If he let that terrifying destructive force flow into his body, the consequences would be disastrous!

Perhaps now, he has become like the five demon stars before!


"Lei Hong, I'm afraid that was his strongest method before, he will never be able to activate it a second time, kill him quickly!!!"

The man surnamed Luo who was fighting with Zhan Yan roared, and now he was retreating step by step!

If Su Changqing is not killed, then no one among them can make a move again!

After all, their attack on Su Changqing made it difficult for several immortals of the demon clan to fight against the more numerous immortals of the Dayu Divine Dynasty on the battlefield!

Hearing the voice,

Lei Hong came back to his senses, and then his expression became cold again!

"That's right, he must not use the method just now again!"

His expression was stern, and the murderous aura was boiling again!

Su Changqing was only a saintly cultivator, so how could such a terrifying method that could injure the immortal platform and make people afraid of it be used a second time?

Without any hesitation...

Lei Hong also knew that he couldn't let Su Changqing affect the overall situation of the war!

"This time, you have no means to save your life, right? ?"

He looked at Su Changqing, who was calm in the distance, with cold eyes and a sinister smile!

Then, an astonishing aura gathered in his hand, and it was filled with an extremely strong demonic aura!

Seeing this scene, no matter who it was or which force it was, their hearts were in their throats!

"Su Changqing... How should he deal with it this time! ?"

They were shocked, knowing that Lei Hong was going to kill Su Changqing!

Would Su Changqing be able to deal with the terrifying murderous intent from the Xiantai realm again?

Seeing that Lei Hong was approaching in an instant, everyone was watching this scene!

They were all waiting to see how Su Changqing would deal with it!

Or... to see what the result would be!

In the eyes of countless people,

Su Changqing also felt the terrifying aura emanating from Lei Hong and the Xiantai realm pressure that enveloped him, and smelled a hint of danger!

"The Eight Desolate Silent Annihilation Finger was unable to cause serious damage to him. It seems... the gap between a saint and an immortal is indeed huge!"


He seemed to be talking to himself, his eyes gradually became sharper as he looked at Lei Hong, whose aura was becoming more and more powerful!

It was also at this moment that he slowly closed his eyes!

But when he opened them again...……


At this moment, Su Changqing's eyes had already become sharp and cold!

On him, there was a force that could cut through the sky!

Under the rumbling of the sky, a monstrous sword intent burst out from his body!!!

In an instant, the terrifying aura spread out in all directions with Su Changqing as the center, raging!

Regardless of whether it was on the battlefield or the various forces watching the battle around, all the sword cultivators or people holding swords had their faces changed drastically!

"what happened!!!?"

"My sword……"

They felt the overwhelming sword intent erupting from Su Changqing, and were stunned. The swords in their hands were trembling constantly, as if they were afraid!

Especially the sword cultivators, they looked at Su Changqing on the battlefield with dazed eyes! At this moment, they seemed to see a supreme master of swordsmanship!!!

And seeing the swords in the hands of the sword holders trembling constantly, even the famous swords of Jiuxuantian were no exception!

This made countless people's scalps numb, and they looked at Su Changqing in horror!

"He...he still has a trump card! ?"

"What kind of monster is Su Changqing? He is a sword cultivator? But he doesn't even have a sword, how can he emit such a terrifying sword intent! ?"

"My god, is Su Changqing really just a saint? Why do I feel that his methods are...even more terrifying than Xiantai! ?"

"What on earth is going on? Are those swords... afraid? Those sword cultivators, it seems, are instinctively afraid of Su Changqing?!"

After seeing the overwhelming sword intent emanating from Su Changqing causing the swords to tremble and the abnormal behavior of many sword cultivators, countless people were dumbfounded.

Amidst the many discussions, the people in the Beiming Holy Land were also like this!

Saint Lord Xia Wen Ze couldn't help but reveal a hint of shock in his eyes when he saw Su Changqing, who seemed to be arrogant and whose sword intent was becoming more and more terrifying.

"This... this sword intent……"

His pupils shrank slightly, and he took a deep breath.

In his eyes, Su Changqing is now the one who has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship!

But how could a kid in the Saint Realm...

At this moment, Xia Wenze looked dazed for a moment, then looked at Xia Qingxuan on the side and said,"It seems... Su Changqing's fight with the fairy of the demon clan is about to end!"

"Su Changqing, too strong!!!"

"His next move, that Immortal Platform, can't stop it!"

After he finished speaking, his eyes fell on Su Changqing again!

This kid is too scary!

If he grows up in the future, what a terrifying existence he will be!?

When he really reaches the day of the Supreme, I'm afraid that no one among the old Supremes of Jiuxuantian will be his opponent!

Hearing what Xia Wen Ze said, everyone in the Beiming Holy Land widened their eyes. Among them, several Immortal Platform powerhouses also felt a strong threat from the sword intent of Su Changqing!

At this time,

Xia Qingxuan looked at Xia Wen Ze, who was solemn beside him, and when she looked at Su Changqing again, her delicate body trembled slightly!

"Sword... The sword-related items in Su Changqing's diary are undoubtedly the Witch's Demonic Sword, and……"

She recalled the time when the witch lived in Daoyi Holy Sect, and the content mentioned in Su Changqing's diary, and her heart trembled:"Nine-leaf grass, one of the ten evils!!!"

After thinking about it, she looked at Su Changqing in doubt, her heartbeat accelerated!

Now... is this guy going to be serious?!

And what Dad said was not wrong, this time, Su Changqing was going to end the battle with the demon clan Xiantai strongman!!!


Under the gazes of countless people,

Lei Hong, whose murderous intent had become stronger again, suddenly had his pupils shrink when he saw Su Changqing and heard the unusual exclamations from those around him!

"???!"(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He could feel the aura of Su Changqing soaring like a broken bamboo, and there was even more monstrous sword intent bursting out!

Not only that, he also saw the abnormality of the sword holders on the battlefield. They all looked terrified, and the swords in their hands were shaking uncontrollably!

What's going on? ? ?

How could Su Changqing still have a trump card! ?

And this time, it's even more shocking than before!!!!

After suffering a loss last time,

Lei Hong didn't dare to be careless anymore. He stopped immediately. He could see that Su Changqing was not bluffing!

"Damn it, isn't he just a saint? Why does he feel more difficult to deal with than the front desk!!!"

His scalp was numb and he was extremely crazy!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd,

Su Changqing's sword intent had reached a critical point, as if it was about to break through the sky!

"Today, I will... Execute the Immortal Platform!!"

He spoke slowly, his tone was cold, and the sword intent in his eyes became more and more intense!

Before, countless people might think that Su Changqing was talking nonsense and extremely conceited!

But now, with Su Changqing's words, the world roared, and all forces were dead silent!

They were dry-mouthed and focused on the battlefield between Su Changqing and Lei Hong.

Even the Dayu Divine Dynasty, Daoyi Holy Sect, and the Undead Demon Clan, who were still fighting, focused most of their attention on Su Changqing.

At this moment, for some reason, they felt the throbbing of their souls!


Su Changqing slowly raised his right hand, tightened the other four fingers, and only one index finger pointed directly to the sky!


A crisp sound of buzzing was heard, and it turned out that he was going to use his finger as a sword!

This was also one of the ten evils he obtained through the system, the grass sword technique in the nine-leaf grass!

It is said that nothing can be broken, and cutting matter is like a magic weapon cutting mud!

This is also one of the reasons why he did not go out again except making up a diary when he brought Murong Dieyi back to Shengzi Peak!

During that period, when he set out to Zhongzhou, he also completely realized the sword intent that a grass can cut the sun, moon and stars!

As Su Changqing pointed his index finger to the sky, a terrifying sword energy suddenly burst out from his finger, and his sword intent also completely reached the peak!


Suddenly, whether on the battlefield or among the people watching the battle, all the sword practitioners and sword holders were shaking violently!


They looked at Su Changqing now, as if they saw great terror, with their eyes filled with���With a strong look of fear, they knelt down involuntarily and uncontrollably!

As if... they were kneeling down to worship the master of swordsmanship!!!

With the tremors in all directions,

Su Changqing used his fingers as swords, emitting brilliant sword light, and one of his fingers seemed extremely sharp, with a terrifying momentum that seemed to be able to cut through the sky!!!

"This sword, you...can't catch it!"

He spoke slowly, and the heaven and earth resonated!

Just calm words, but they exploded in the ears of countless people!

People with insufficient cultivation suddenly vomited blood!

And this sentence was said to Lei Hong!

It was as if... the identities between the two were exchanged, and Su Changqing, who only had the cultivation of a saint, was more like a fairy!

As for Lei Hong, he couldn't speak at the moment, and his body was shaking violently!

"How is this possible? How is this possible? ?!"

His body and mind trembled, and a strong sense of life and death crisis surged into his heart, rushing straight to the top of his head!

Now his mind was blank, and his body could no longer move, as if he was imprisoned by all the sword intent in the world!

Under the threat of death, he tried his best to struggle, but it was of no avail!

At this time,

Su Changqing's hand slowly fell, and a terrifying giant sword phantom appeared across the sky!

"Snap! Snap!……"

Under this sword, the void trembled and the earth cracked!

The overwhelming sword energy could destroy everything. The sword energy that cut through the past and the present made the heaven and earth fear it!

When this sword fell completely……


The sky and the earth exploded. Lei Hong seemed to be fine, but he let out a shrill scream!

The next second... his scream stopped abruptly, his body and soul suddenly annihilated!

Everything about him completely disappeared from the world!

And Su Changqing also truly achieved the goal of beheading the immortal platform with one sword!!!


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