Chapter 83: Daoyi Holy Sect, Holy Son Su Changqing, intervenes in the battlefield!

At this time,

Xia Wenze couldn't help but feel surprised, because he didn't feel that the Supreme was following him.

"The Seventh Heaven of the Immortal Platform following in the void must be Su Changqing's protector, right?"

"But do they have to intervene?"

He pondered for a moment, only to find it quite strange.

Even though Su Changqing was ranked third on the Tianjiao list and had a guardian of the seventh level of the Xiantai Heaven following him, this seemed insufficient to reverse the situation of the imminent defeat of the Dayu Divine Dynasty.

With a glance at the side,

Xia Wenzhe became even more confused. It seemed that his daughter's full attention was on Su Changqing.

"This girl……"

He muttered in his heart, and could see the look in his precious daughter's eyes.

If it was to other men, she would never show this.

At the same time, he was even more curious, why did Su Changqing come, did he get instructions from the Daoyi Saint?

But it didn't look like that...

Next to him,

Xia Qingxuan's eyes were full of Su Changqing, and her heartbeat accelerated.

"He really came……"

Her previous disappointment was swept away, and her eyes revealed expectation!

According to Su Changqing's memory in the previous life, the Dayu Divine Dynasty will lose this battle, and even have to escape from Zhongzhou!


Su Changqing has already said in his diary that he can't let go of every bit of his experience last time.

So will this war really change because of his arrival! ?

These questions lingered in Xia Qingxuan's mind, but now she still looked at Xia Wenze next to her.

"Dad, if Su Changqing helps, can we...?"

If Beiming Holy Land can also help, that should be enough!

Hearing this,

Xia Wenzhe pondered for a while, and finally nodded.

"Since I have accepted the favor and you said this, what kind of person would I be if I don’t agree?"

"As long as Daoyi Holy Sect helps Dayu Divine Dynasty, then Beiming will not sit idly by!"

He spoke lightly, and then showed a smile.

Although he was not very willing, Su Changqing helped a lot in the battle between Beiming Holy Land and Wuyouhai, and his daughter also got the innate supreme essence with the help of Su Changqing!

Anyway, the troubled times have already begun. If the Undead Demon Clan destroyed Dayu Divine Dynasty, then... facing this strange force joining Zhongzhou, it is naturally unknown whether it is good or bad.

But if Dayu Divine Dynasty can be saved, then... the two sides are equivalent to an alliance relationship. Even if the Undead Demon Clan cannot be destroyed, the other party will never be the opponent of Daoyi Holy Sect, Beiming Holy Land, and Dayu Divine Dynasty!

If there are allies in troubled times, even if it is a cooperative relationship, it is undoubtedly a good choice!

After getting a positive answer,

Xia Qingxuan's hanging heart was also put down. After retracting her gaze, she felt a little uneasy.

"In this life, can it be considered that I have fought side by side with Su Changqing in advance?"

She murmured, and now she no longer doubted the contents of Su Changqing's diary.

Just thinking about it, she couldn't help but look forward to it.


At the same time,

Su Changqing arrived in the territory of Dayu Divine Dynasty and saw the onlookers from all sides.

"It's so lively……"

He was very satisfied with the world he created this time.

The war has not ended yet.

It has attracted the attention of all forces in Zhongzhou!

This time,

Su Changqing knew very well that he would play a key role and was the only choice to stop this war.

"I... will be the only Su Changqing in the future Jiuxuantian!"

He grinned, and the development of all aspects was within expectations.

Next, he only needed to help and rewrite the ending of the fabricated event!

Let the defeated Dayu Divine Dynasty in the fabrication become the defeat and destruction of the Undead Demon Clan!

Then... the purpose of this time will be achieved!

By then, he will gain Su Youwei's trust, and the other diary holders will definitely believe the contents of the diary more and more, or... themselves!

At the same time, he can make Dayu Divine Dynasty owe him a favor and become a great help to him in the future! He can also take the opportunity to eradicate the Undead Demon Clan!


Su Changqing also noticed that among the many forces, Xia Qingxuan, who was standing next to the Saint Lord of Beiming and looking at him here

【Xia Qingxuan, the Saintess of Beiming Holy Land - Trust Value: 110! 】

This time, a smile appeared on his face, and he nodded to Xia Qingxuan.

Without stopping,

Su Changqing still walked in the direction of the battlefield, and every step he took made the space roar!

Behind him, thousands of Daoyi Saint Sect's core disciples, all of whom were in the God King Realm, followed closely behind!

As they gradually approached the battlefield, their aura also spread, and a monstrous momentum slowly condensed!

The void roared, and there were signs of collapse!

Noticing this scene...

The other major forces also noticed Su Changqing and others, and they all paid attention to it!

"Those people... huh? Daoyi Shengzong???"

"What!? Those...are they from Daoyi Saint Sect? Judging from their direction, they are heading towards the battlefield between Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan. What are they going to do? ? ?"

"No way? Is Daoyi Holy Sect going to participate? But... neither Dayu Divine Dynasty nor the Undead Demon Clan seem to have any dealings with them, right?"

"Could the person in the front be the Holy Son of Daoyi Holy Sect, Su Changqing?"

"It was him. I had participated in the Nine Profound Ceremony held once every hundred years in the Southern Region before. It was him who killed the young leader of the Undead Demon Clan. This time he came... Could it be that they want to help the Dayu Divine Dynasty! ?"

"If that were the case, it seemed possible. Su Changqing had killed the young leader of the Undead Demon Clan. Daoyi Shengzong and the Undead Demon Clan had almost gone to war before. So this time, Su Changqing came here to represent Daoyi Shengzong to intervene in this war, or to take this opportunity to join forces with Dayu Shenchao to destroy the Undead Demon Clan?!"

"……"(To read the most exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Seeing the terrifying momentum of Su Changqing and others, there were bursts of exclamations around!

And many casual cultivators recognized Su Changqing at once!

After confirming Su Changqing's identity, countless people were speculating about the arrival of Daoyi Shengzong!

It was also in the shocked eyes that everyone could see...

Su Changqing led a group of disciples of Daoyi Shengzong, and the goal was very clear!

It was the battlefield where Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan were fighting a deadly battle!!!


It was also in the midst of the commotion on all sides that the battle between the Undead Demon Clan and the Dayu Divine Dynasty... continued!

However, the Dayu Divine Dynasty has gradually shown signs of defeat!

Facing the undead demon clan that came out in full force, the three ace armies were always recalled in advance for defense, and now they seemed a little powerless!

The reason why the Undead Demon Clan is called the Undead Demon Clan is that every demon cultivator, in addition to being physically strong, will practice a method to strengthen the soul, and their vitality is extremely tenacious!

As long as the soul is not completely destroyed, they can still continue to fight, and can even detonate the soul and die together with the soldiers of the Dayu Divine Dynasty!

Especially the Undead Demon Clan had laid a teleportation array before, and a group died and another group was teleported!

It was as if they could never be killed!

Even if the physical body was destroyed, the soul could continue to fight, which was equivalent to having two lives!

This is the main reason why the originally evenly matched Dayu Divine Dynasty gradually lost in the end!

"'Boom! Boom! Boom!……"

As the fight was going on below, the battlefields of the two supreme masters above were also constantly exploding!

Every sound shook the heaven and earth!

The eardrums of those who heard it hurt!

At this time, after Xiang Jun forced Su Qingyun to retreat, he glanced at the demons below who had already taken the initiative, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Su Qingyun, accept your fate!"

"The chaotic world will be ushered in by the Undead Demon Clan. You will definitely lose this battle!"

"If you want to escape, I can't stop you, but... the Dayu Divine Dynasty will be destroyed!"

"The choice is up to you!"

He sneered even more, his eyes full of ambition.

As long as they can gain a foothold in Zhongzhou, the Undead Demon Clan will have a pretty good place to live in the troubled times ahead!

By then, they can do even more!

If they can annex the rest of the forces in Zhongzhou, it is not impossible for the Undead Demon Clan to regain its glory!

By then...

Daoyi Shengzong and Su Changqing will all die!!!

Hearing this,

Su Qingyun also noticed the collapsing Dayu Divine Dynasty, and was extremely anxious, but it was of no avail!

""The Immortal Demon Clan!!!"

He stared at Xiang Jun opposite him. Even though he was the Supreme, he couldn't control his anger at the moment!

And what the other party said was indeed true. The current Dayu Divine Dynasty could almost be said to be at the end of its strength. Even if it still had the strength to fight again, it would soon be completely defeated!

If he wanted to leave, he could take his daughter with him and leave.

The top fighting force of the Divine Dynasty might also be able to withdraw.

But what about the entire Divine Dynasty?

What about those injured soldiers and people?

Leave or live and die with the Dayu Divine Dynasty with dignity?

At this moment,

Su Qingyun was silent. Since becoming the Supreme, he felt for the first time that there was such a difficult choice in the world!

Looking at Su Youwei, who was still fighting hard and looking tired, his eyes were full of heartache.

But after a moment,

Su Qingyun's eyes emerged with determination!

"In this case……"

He took a deep breath and now made a heavy decision! He would not leave!

Even if he died, he would die in the Dayu Dynasty!

He could not abandon so many soldiers and people!

Before Su Qingyun could speak……

"Leave? Why leave! ?"

A faint voice came from a distance, but it sounded like thunder in everyone's ears!

At this moment,

Su Changqing also officially arrived at this battlefield with everyone from Daoyi Shengzong!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!……"

He looked calm as he stepped into the void. Seeing several demon cultivators about to kill the soldiers of the Dayu Divine Dynasty, he just raised his hand and waved it.

Before the demon cultivators at the Divine King level could even react, their bodies exploded, and even their souls were not spared!


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