Chapter 82: Did the Dayu Dynasty lose? No, Su Changqing is here!

Above the void,

Su Qingyun looked at the various imperial guards and generals of the Dynasty who were already exhausted and had suffered heavy casualties!

"Damn it, is it... Dayu Divine Dynasty destined to lose to the Undead Demon Clan! ?"

He felt angry in his heart, but he had no choice.

He had fought with the Supreme, the patriarch of the Undead Demon Clan, until now, and the other party did not want to continue to collide with him head-on.

Instead, he was circling around!

The purpose was to contain him so that the other members of the Undead Demon Clan could defeat Dayu Divine Dynasty!

Today's Undead Demon Clan is still in the formation they have arranged, and there are a steady stream of demon cultivators coming!

Compared with Dayu Divine Dynasty, the other party's foundation is gradually revealed!

In this regard, he had to admit that Dayu Divine Dynasty could not compare with the Undead Demon Clan!

The other party is an ancient clan that has stood for nearly a million years!

Hidden in the world for hundreds of thousands of years, although few people know what happened to the Undead Demon Clan, but the foundation is still there!

It was at this moment that

Xiang Jun saw that he was gradually gaining the upper hand and began to suppress the clansmen of Dayu Divine Dynasty in an all-round way, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth

"In this battle, the defeat of Dayu Divine Dynasty is inevitable!"

"Next... Follow the way and live, go against it and die, even if you are the Supreme, you can't avoid it!"

He snorted coldly, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

As long as they are destroyed, even if they are not destroyed, the Undead Demon Clan only needs to win this battle to announce the arrival of the Undead Demon Clan and their foothold in Zhongzhou!

This is also the fastest!


"Boom! Boom!!!"

Su Qingyun and Xiang Jun fought again in the void!05 Facing Su Qingyun's attack again,

Xiang Jun sneered, with a startling chill in his eyes!

"Next, you will watch the complete fall of the Dayu Divine Dynasty, and the Dayu Divine Dynasty will also be the first battle of the Undead Demon Clan after they end their seclusion, and establish themselves in Zhongzhou!"

He spoke slowly, and his moves became more fierce!

The battlefield below...

The morale of the Undead Demon Clan soared, and they launched the final offensive!

On the contrary, several of the Great Yu Divine Dynasty's imperial guards and generals were already exhausted.

In the crowd,

Su Youwei's face turned pale after she ended the life of a demon clan god king cultivator.

"The Dayu Dynasty is really going to be defeated……"

She looked at the current situation, her heartbeat accelerated!

Su Changqing's diary revealed that in his previous life, he had experienced a battle with the Dayu Dynasty, and lost!

And his father would take him away from Zhongzhou!

The Dayu Dynasty was completely defeated and destroyed by the Undead Demon Clan! Su Youwei couldn't accept such an ending

, and there was a strong anger in her eyes!


She then saw the phantom of the Divine Phoenix appear in the void, completely killing a demon who was about to attack!

The whole process was clean and neat, and the other party didn't even have time to react!

But... there were too many demons!

It seemed that they could never be killed!

In the teleportation array set up by the other party, a new batch of demons would arrive every once in a while!

For the Dayu Divine Dynasty, this was simply impossible to deal with!

After continuing to kill for a while,

Su Youwei's breathing became rapid, and there was an urgent look in her eyes.

"Now that so much time has passed, Su Changqing... hasn't he come yet?!"

"Where is he? If you don’t come, you will never see me again!"This was the first time she had ever experienced such a big battle. It would be a lie to say she wasn’t nervous.

She thought she would be able to see Su Changqing soon, but now ten days have passed and Su Changqing has not shown up!

This liar!!


A hundred miles away from Dayu Divine Dynasty, surrounded by hundreds of people... a young man in the crowd was staring at the direction of Dayu Divine Dynasty! Wherever this person passed, everyone exclaimed!

Because... his identity was Wang Ye, the Taoist son of Zixiao Dao Palace, who was the number one on the Tianjiao list!

At this moment, he was walking in the air.

Surrounding him were saints from Zixiao Dao Palace and even powerful immortals!

There were also many onlookers who were excited when they saw Wang Ye!

"That's... someone from Zixiao Dao Palace! ?"

"Number one on the Tianjiao list, this is the Daoist son of Zixiao Daoist Palace, Wang Ye? ? ? Why did he come to Zhongzhou? Was he also attracted by the war between the Undead Demon Clan and the Dayu Divine Dynasty! ?"

"Zhongzhou is really not peaceful. In recent days, forces from all over Jiuxuantian have arrived. I wonder what their purpose is, or are they just joining in the fun?"

"Number one on the Tianqiao Ranking? It is said that this Taoist from Zixiao Taoist Palace is quite mysterious. He was always sleeping in the past, but now he has left the Taoist Palace and come to Zhongzhou!"

"I really don't know who will win if he fights with Su Changqing? After all, although Su Changqing, the son of Daoyi, is only ranked third, I heard that he didn't use all his strength when he killed Xiang Yuan. A fight between the two of them will definitely be exciting!!"


Many discussions were heard one after another around him.

Amidst the exclamations and discussions,

Wang Ye ignored them and slowly approached the direction of the Dayu Divine Dynasty.

"In this battle, I am afraid that the Dayu Divine Dynasty will end up losing."

He was dressed in a gray Taoist robe, standing with his hands behind his back, and spoke lightly.

All the disciples and elders of Zixiao Taoist Palace nodded in agreement.

In fact, they arrived early and observed for several days.

Today, the Dayu Divine Dynasty is obviously a little powerless! On the other hand, the Undead Demon Clan still has some strength to spare!

But suddenly,

Wang Ye's expression changed, and his eyes hurriedly looked at the not far away

"What is that?"

With surprise in his eyes, he stared closely at the huge battle that appeared!

Everyone in Zixiao Dao Palace also looked over.

They saw... not far away there was a dark mass of people heading towards the direction of Dayu Divine Dynasty!


Wherever this group of people passed, the sky and the earth roared.

It caused more exclamations!

Especially among those people, the young man in the lead was dignified and wore a white gown that showed his high spirits.

It was also from this person that

Wang Ye smelled an unusual aura.

""Where are they from? Who is that person?"

He asked behind him, and pointed at the young man who was the leader of the other party.

Upon hearing this, (for reading violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) an inner sect elder of Zixiao Taoist Palace had a flash of surprise in his eyes, and immediately replied:"Daozi, those... are from Daoyi Holy Sect!"

"The young man in the lead must be the Holy Son of Daoyi, Su Changqing!"

"Daoyi Holy Sect? Su Changqing? Is it Su Changqing who rose directly from sixth to third on the Tianjiao list?"

After Wang Ye got the answer, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

That person is Su Changqing?

No wonder... otherwise other people would not be enough to attract his attention.

This time he went out, one, he heard that the Undead Demon Clan and the Dayu Divine Dynasty had gone to war, and the other was that he had been sleeping for so many years and wanted to move around.

But he didn't expect that Su Changqing, who had attracted his attention before and was the third on the Tianjiao list as the son of Daoyi, was also here!

With a smile on his lips,

Wang Ye stared at Su Changqing and chuckled,"What is he going to do here?"

"If we fight him, it must be quite interesting, right?"

His eyes were full of curiosity, and a hint of expectation flashed in the depths.

Everyone in Zixiao Dao Palace looked at each other in surprise when they heard this.


Their hearts trembled, and they couldn't believe they would hear this.

I actually want to fight Su Changqing?

Oh my God!

The only person who can make Daozi say such a thing is Su Changqing!


At this time, countless forces around the Dayu Divine Dynasty were watching the battle that was coming to an end!

Everyone could see that the Dayu Divine Dynasty had gradually fallen into a disadvantage, and now the war had begun again.……

"As expected, they are the immortal demon clan that dominated the Jiuxuantian hundreds of thousands of years ago. Even after hundreds of thousands of years, their strength is not comparable to any of the top forces in the Jiuxuantian today. The Dayu Divine Dynasty... is likely to be defeated!"

"The war has lasted for so long, and today... there will be a result!"

"Judging from the current situation, it is only a matter of time before the Dayu Divine Dynasty is defeated!"

"I really didn't expect... that the demon clan would choose Zhongzhou as their migration destination, and Dayu Divine Dynasty 103 as their settlement target!"

"The Dayu Dynasty is about to be defeated……"

Even though the war has not ended, all parties can already see the result and think that the outcome is set!

Among the many forces, the people of Beiming Holy Land are also watching all this closely.

Beiming Holy Lord Xia Wen Ze also looks hesitant:"If this continues, Dayu Divine Dynasty will definitely lose!"

"Even if the Human Emperor Su Qingyun used his last trump card, it would be of no avail!"

"But...Qingxuan, didn't you say that Su Changqing would come?"

He sighed and looked at the side to ask.

Hearing this,

Xia Qingxuan's expression was a little complicated, and she felt lost in her heart.

"���Maybe...he won't come.……"

She spoke quietly, feeling even more disappointed. She had originally thought that she could see Su Changqing again, and that he would indeed change the outcome of this battle as described in the diary.

But after waiting for so many days, she did not see Su Changqing's arrival.

Xia Wenze's eyes flashed, and he said helplessly:"If that's the case, then... Bei Ming should not get involved in this muddy water, just...……"

"No, Su Changqing...he's here!!"

Suddenly, Xia Qingxuan sensed a familiar breath and turned her head quickly. Then her eyes flickered and her tone was even more excited!

At this moment, she was staring at the void several miles behind her. The dense figures fell on the young man in white in the front!

Even with just one glance, she recognized him!


Upon hearing this, Xia Wen Ze couldn't help but turn his head. When he saw Su Changqing followed by the mighty Daoyi Holy Sect, his heart trembled.

It was indeed someone from the Daoyi Holy Sect!

And in the void above, there was an aura belonging to a powerful immortal!

Because of Su Changqing, Daoyi Holy Sect really wanted to intervene in the war between the Undead Demon Clan and the Dayu Divine Dynasty!?


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