Chapter 84: Now that we are here, let’s trick the Emperor. We will be comrades in the future!

As Su Changqing made his move, the demon cultivators on the battlefield below felt the shadow covering the sky and the sun. They were all shocked and looked up at Su Changqing in the void.

"Who is that!?"

"What happened? The Dayu Dynasty also found helpers? ? ?"

"These people... are all above the Divine King Realm, and each of them is at least in the middle or late stage. What kind of force are they! ?"

When they saw Su Changqing and others, they took a breath of cold air!

Even as the main force of the demon clan, they felt the amazing momentum and their scalps tingled!

This is undoubtedly another person from the top force of Jiuxuantian!

But he suddenly attacked them, clearly coming to help the Dayu Divine Dynasty!

The three ace imperial guards of the Dayu Divine Dynasty and the other soldiers were even more confused after seeing Su Changqing.

"Where did these people come from? Why would they attack the Undead Demon Clan?"

"Could it be that His Majesty the Human Emperor is looking for help? But why haven't we heard any news?"

"Good face���They are not from Zhongzhou forces!"

Everyone was confused. The few soldiers who were rescued before looked at each other with gratitude, and they couldn't help but look at each other.

Because they didn't know these people!

With the arrival of Su Changqing, the entire battlefield, the struggle between the Undead Demon Clan and the Dayu Divine Dynasty, also stopped at the same time!

People on both sides were looking at Su Changqing in the void and the mighty disciples of Daoyi Saint Sect!

In the eyes, beside Su Changqing, a core disciple looked indifferent and said loudly:"The battle for the great world has begun. The Son of Daoyi must comprehend all things in the world and enter the world today!"

"We, along with the Holy Son, will intervene in this battle and……"

090"The Immortal Demon Race!!!"

His voice was like a bell, and every word echoed between heaven and earth, falling into the ears of countless people!

In an instant, all the forces watching from all directions exclaimed and discussed!

The Immortal Demon Race was also dumbfounded when they heard these words.


"He...he is the Holy Son of Daoyi Saint Sect, Su Changqing! ?"

"The one who killed our young clan leader, Su Changqing? It turned out to be him.……"

"They actually want to intervene in this war, and also... want to kill us?"

After the demon cultivators came to their senses, all of them had cold expressions and murderous intent in their eyes!

But in their hearts, they shuddered. Is Daoyi

Shengzong going to take this opportunity to deal with the Undead Demon Clan?

But... although the people from the other side have strong cultivation, they are not followed by the Supreme!

Of course, many powerful demons also noticed that the nothingness around Su Changqing also had the breath of a powerful Xiantai Realm!

That must be the protector of Daoyi Shengzi!

But relying on these people, they want to reverse the situation! It's a fool's dream!

The most confused are the people of Dayu Shenchao!

After hearing what the other party said, they trembled all over.

"The Holy Son of Daoyi Sect wants to intervene in our battle with the Undead Demon Clan? He wants to kill the guys from the Undead Demon Clan! ?"

"Why should they help us???"

"Su Changqing entered the world and joined this war. Isn't it obvious that he wants to help us?"

The more they thought about it, the more confused they felt. They couldn't figure out why.

But, among the crowd.

Su Youwei finally saw what Su Changqing looked like after hearing what the disciples of Daoyi Saint Sect said!

"He is Su Changqing?!"

Her fatigue from so many days of being alone suddenly disappeared, and her big eyes brightened!

The handsome young man in front of the disciples of Daoyi Shengzong was the Su Changqing she had imagined countless times!?

This bad guy is finally here!!

I thought he would not come, and I thought that Dayu Shenchao would be destroyed by the demon clan as Su Changqing said in his diary...

But at the critical moment,

Su Changqing came, and brought people from Daoyi Shengzong!

This guy is not ugly, but he made her a little dazed when she saw him for the first time.

After coming to her senses,

Su Youwei's heartbeat accelerated, and her beautiful eyes sparkled.


Although her body was very tired now, she felt happy in her heart after humming.

This man was not joking! He really came!

Others didn't know why, but she knew very well that Su Changqing came for her and for the Dayu Divine Dynasty!

Maybe others would think it was inexplicable, but Su Youwei, as the holder of the diary copy, knew clearly that it was all because of Su Changqing's previous life!

"The Dayu Divine Dynasty has not been defeated yet!"

"But... Didn't the Holy Lord of Daoyi Sect come? Can Su Changqing and others change the course of events?"

She didn't sense the aura of the Supreme Power, and she couldn't help but get nervous.

If there were only these people, it seemed... that it wouldn't be of much use!


In the battlefield in the void, Su Qingyun and Xiang Jun were stunned when they heard Su Changqing's words, and then they saw Su Changqing coming with the disciples of Daoyi Saint Sect! They were so powerful that they killed the demon monks wherever they went! Seeing this, Su Qingyun swallowed the words that were just about to come out of his mouth and stared at Su Changqing who looked calm.

"This guy is Su Changqing? Why did he come here! ?"

He was full of doubts in his heart, and there was more surprise in his eyes.

If it was for the trial of entering the world, he naturally didn't believe it!

After all...

How could the Holy Son of Daoyi Saint Sect, the third on the Tianjiao List, do such a thing!?

But soon,

Su Qingyun looked at the figure of Su Youwei on the battlefield below.


He took a deep breath. This was the only reason he could think of!

Otherwise, how could someone of Su Changqing's status come all the way here?

And now that he has arrived, he must have set out when the news was passed on!

But he did not notice the existence of the Supreme in Daoyi Saint Sect.

Could it be that Daoyi Saint Lord asked Su Changqing to come?

It doesn't look like that...

Just when Su Qingyun was confused,

Xiang Jun heard Su Changqing's name and murderous intent burst out in his eyes! (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Su Changqing!?"

He breathed quickly, and suddenly looked at Su Changqing in front of the Daoyi Saint Sect disciple!

It was this kid who killed his own son!

Even Daoyi Saint Sect was willing to go to war with the Undead Demon Clan for Su Changqing!

But unexpectedly...

Now that Daoyi Saint Sect is not here, Su Changqing came here by himself!

Not only that, he also threatened to intervene in the war and kill the Undead Demon Clan?

In the spotlight,

Su Changqing also noticed Xiang Jun's murderous gaze, but he ignored it. Instead, he showed a look of vicissitudes and reminiscence, and immediately began to make up a diary!

【Su Qingyun, the Dayu Human Emperor...a rare Human Emperor among the many divine dynasties in Jiuxuantian!】

【I vaguely remember that in the previous life, Emperor Dayu did not attack Daoyi Holy Sect like other forces did in the Battle of Collapse!】

【In the War of the Heavens, the Daoyi Holy Sect faced pursuit and blockade from many forces. When others were hesitant, it was the Dayu Human Emperor who ignored all objections and resolutely led the Dayu Divine Dynasty to rescue, which saved the Daoyi Holy Sect from destruction!】

【Until the War of the Heavens turned into a chaotic fight, the surviving forces of Jiuxuantian began to unite, and I... was also during that period that I got to know this powerful Human Emperor who was a flesh-and-blood, emotional and righteous person!】

【We once fought side by side. Even though Emperor Dayu was older than me, at that time... we could talk about anything!】

【But... until the dark turmoil descended upon the heavens, the Great Yu Emperor fought to the death in order to preserve the flame of the Great Yu Dynasty and to buy more time, but he still stood. He did not take the last step and did not choose to give up his dignity in exchange for a chance to survive.……】

【In my last life, I didn’t know You Wei yet, nor did I know the Dayu Emperor Su Qingyun. But in this life… the Immortal Demon Clan wants to destroy the Dayu Dynasty, and I can’t just sit back and watch!】

【In this life, you have to ask me if I agree or not! 】

As he was making up his diary, his expression of nostalgia and vicissitudes became more and more intense.

It was at this time that

Su Qingyun noticed the nostalgia in Su Changqing's eyes and frowned.


He was confused for a moment, and couldn't figure out why Daoyi Saint Son looked at him like that.

That look was wrong!


Although Su Changqing didn't say anything, he could still tell from his expression that he seemed to know the other person?

But, wasn't this the first time they met? ? ?

Now Su Qingyun, even as the Supreme, was still confused.

"This kid...what's going on?"

He was extremely confused and couldn't figure out why.

Suddenly, a violent aura emerged not far away!

Su Qingyun immediately came to his senses and looked at Xiang Jun, who was full of murderous intent, with a stern expression.

"Your opponent is me!"

He could see the murderous intention of the leader of the Undead Demon Clan towards Su Changqing.

Although he didn't know why Su Changqing looked at him like that, he knew very well that he had to restrain the strongest man of the Undead Demon Clan!

Otherwise, no one could stop him!

Without thinking too much,

Su Qingyun took a deep breath, and divine light surged on his body!

"Didn't you ask me how to choose?"

"Fight again!"

He shouted, and his cultivation exploded without reservation!

The entire battlefield in the void was completely shaken, and there were signs of collapse!

Seeing this,

Xiang Jun could only temporarily give up the idea of killing Su Changqing, who had killed his son, and fight him again!

In the void,

Su Qingyun and Xiang Jun, the two supreme beings, fought again.

After the Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan came to their senses, they fought again!

On the battlefield,

Su Youwei was looking at the updated diary copy at this time, with a look of astonishment.

"Daddy...will we still be comrades-in-arms with Su Changqing in the future?"

"In other words, Su Changqing came not only for me, but also for Daddy?"

After she finished reading the diary, she looked at Su Changqing not far away with a shocked look.

This guy will have such a comrade-in-arms relationship with Daddy in the future!

No wonder he couldn't let go and rushed from the South Region to Zhongzhou, just to leave no regrets in this life?


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