Chapter 81: The Holy Son of Daoyi has come to Zhongzhou? The war is getting intense, and the Dayu Divine Dynasty can't hold on?

At the same time, hundreds of miles away from Zhongzhou!

A strong wind blew, and an astonishing aura covered the world!

At this time,

Su Changqing was walking in the air, looking towards Zhongzhou.

"Is it coming soon?……"

He whispered softly, and could see that there was a large area in Zhongzhou, as if shrouded in shadows!

Behind him, followed hundreds of Daoyi Shengzong disciples in the realm of God King!

With their company, wherever they passed, the sky and the earth changed color, making everything daunting!

The aura of the people distorted the void!

Especially above the sky, there was a creepy aura of the immortal platform emanating!

And there, Su Changqing's protector also followed!

This time, even if Su Changqing did not arrange it, Daoyi Shengzong would make its own arrangements!

At this time, Su Changqing was like the leader of the crowd, and wherever he passed by, he caused an uproar!

There were also many cultivators who wanted to go to Zhongzhou nearby, but after feeling the terrifying aura and seeing the mighty disciples of Daoyi Shengzong, all the cultivators retreated to the side, not daring to breathe!

Until Su Changqing and the disciples of Daoyi Shengzong passed by, they dared to breathe!

But soon……

"Those people... those people are from Daoyi Shengzong! ?"

"This"Nine Zero Zero", the young man walking in front... could it be the Holy Son of Daoyi! ?"

"It seems to be true, the third on the current Tianjiao list, the one who has never lost a battle, Su Changqing!!!"

"Oh my god, I was wondering who made such a big scene, it turns out it was Su Changqing, that's all.……"

There were constant exclamations. Everyone was shocked when they saw Su Changqing and his group heading to Zhongzhou!

For them, this scene was too shocking!

At the same time, it also made them truly see what a true genius is!

The young man they just saw was actually Su Changqing, who was ranked third on the list of geniuses!!!

Even a few miles away, when people saw the battle behind Su Changqing that covered the sky and the sun, they ran away as fast as they could, not daring to stop for a moment!

Wherever they passed, everyone exclaimed in surprise!

Su Changqing didn't care too much, and didn't want to know what his reputation was like outside.

""How long will it take from here to Zhongzhou?" he asked calmly.

Then, a disciple replied respectfully,"Holy Son, at the current speed, we can reach Zhongzhou in less than three days!"

"Holy Son, do you need to hurry over as soon as possible?"

After he answered, he asked again respectfully.

Hearing this,

Su Changqing's eyes flashed and he shook his head.

"No need."

He answered simply, with a smile on his face.

Three days... not too bad, no need to rush.

And after three days, with his participation, this war will also come to an end!

And he is the key to ending this war! At the same time, by then, in addition to Su Youwei's trust in his diary, other diary holders will naturally do the same.

The most important thing is to make Dayu Divine Dynasty owe him a favor!

""Whether it's Su Youwei or the Dayu Emperor, the future will be under my control and I will use them for my own benefit!"

Su Changqing said in his heart, his eyes full of confidence!

This war was originally fabricated!

Now according to the fabricated date, the Undead Demon Clan has already started a war with the Dayu Dynasty!

Then... when I arrive, this war will also come to an end!

【Three more days, and we will reach Zhongzhou in three days!】

【The Undead Demon Clan should have already taken action, right? Youwei read my letter, I hope she can believe it.……】

【This time, no matter what the other forces in Zhongzhou do, but... I will represent Daoyi Holy Sect and help Dayu Divine Dynasty in a battle!】

【It won't be long before I can see Youwei. I didn't expect that we would meet in this way in this life. It's ahead of schedule again.……】

【Youwei, wait for me! 】

After Su Changqing made up a diary, he continued to step into the air and headed towards Zhongzhou!

No matter what, just let Su Youwei's trust value reach extreme trust!

After this little Loli is dealt with, it will be Xia Qingxuan!

He already has a general idea in his heart, but he has to settle the fabricated things first!


At the same time,

Dayu Divine Dynasty.

At this moment, the war between the Undead Demon Clan and Dayu Divine Dynasty has entered a white-hot stage!

No matter who it is, they are already blood-thirsty!

The three trump card imperial guards of Dayu Divine Dynasty have also suffered a lot!

But... facing the Dayu Divine Dynasty that has been preparing for war for a long time, the demon clan is not feeling well, and the casualties are also quite heavy!

This is no different from a formal declaration of war!

If there is a difference, it is that the Undead Demon Clan does not know where Dayu Divine Dynasty got the news from, and knew it in advance, and made defensive arrangements!

Otherwise, it would never be like this now!

Xiang Jun stared at Su Qingyun opposite him, and the void beside him was collapsing!

"Damn it!"

He almost gnashed his teeth and said these two words!

If Dayu Divine Dynasty had not known in advance and had made so many preparations, it would have been destroyed by the demon clan by now!

Why would it be like this now?

Just as Xiang Jun's supreme aura became stronger and stronger, and the pressure enveloped the entire battlefield……


A terrifying explosion suddenly resounded through the sky!

At this moment,

Su Qingyun also exuded the aura of the Supreme that could shake the heaven and earth, and he also wanted to take action!


"You take good care of the princess!"

He snorted coldly, and after leaving a word, his figure disappeared from the spot!

Seeing this,

Su Youwei's expression revealed worry, but she had no choice.


When she wanted to join the battlefield to kill the enemy, she saw the update of the diary copy. She hurriedly checked the contents.

But after reading it, she couldn't help feeling disappointed.

Su Changqing didn't come! It will take another three days to arrive! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

By then,

I don't know what the war will be like.

But there was no time to think about it now.

Su Youwei took a deep breath and had no doubts about the contents of Su Changqing's diary.

"In this case, I'll wait for you!"

She gritted her teeth, activated her cultivation, and the power of the Divine Phoenix in her body was stimulated!

In an instant, the temperature around her rose sharply!

In the surprised eyes of many demon cultivators, a huge Divine Phoenix that covered the sky and the sun appeared in the sky!

After a sharp cry, it immediately merged into Su Youwei's brow.

""The demon are looking for death!!!"

Her whole body was aglow with light fire, and there were also two balls of divine flames dancing in her eyes!

Even though she only had the cultivation of the sixth level of the God King, the aura on her body was enough to stun the demon race masters of the eighth level or even the ninth level of the God King!

Su Changqing will be here soon!

Even if the Dayu Divine Dynasty cannot resist completely, it should be able to hold on until Su Changqing arrives, right?

Since Su Changqing is sure to come, he must have a way to deal with the guys from the Undead Demon Race!

Without thinking too much,

Su Youwei now seems to have become a different person, her expression is no longer innocent, but has become extremely cold!


The demon cultivators who had no time to dodge were stained by the flames and were unable to put them out. After a heart-wrenching scream... only ashes were left!


On the other side, above the Great Yu Dynasty, there was an empty battlefield, with only the breath of the Supreme spreading!

The Supreme faced the Supreme, restraining each other and erupting!

The figures of Su Qingyun and Xiang Jun confronted each other, and the killing intent of both sides was boiling!

"The leader of the Undead Demon Clan... I want to learn from you what confidence you have to covet the Dayu Divine Dynasty!!"

"Dayu Emperor, even if you can hold me back, what can you do? Do you really think that Dayu Dynasty will win this battle?"

Xiang Jun heard this, narrowed his eyes, and spoke indifferently!

The reason why the demon clan would attack Dayu Dynasty was that they had already made preparations!

Even if it was a full-scale war!

And they were sure to destroy Dayu Dynasty and replace it!


Su Qingyun did not speak again, the aura of the supreme being completely burst out, and he jumped into the air, and the land within a radius of hundreds of miles was spread with shocking gullies!

"No matter what the demon race's intentions are, it is impossible for them to swallow up the Dayu Divine Dynasty!"

He shouted coldly and attacked suddenly!

Xiang Jun frowned, and a strong light flashed in his eyes......

"I'm afraid... you don't have the final say!"

He sneered, put his hands together, and the aura of the supreme burst out, and even more terrifying demonic energy rose to the sky!

In an instant, the two of them slapped out a palm!


Just a collision between the Supremes, the sky and the earth seemed to be torn apart!

The terrifying impact lifted up the ground and collapsed it completely!

At this moment , the shadows of the Supremes appeared behind the two of them!

It's not over yet...

At this moment, the sky and the earth don't seem so wide...

Instead, they seem a little small under the shadows of the Supremes!

Every collision and the impact are enough to kill a Xiantai Realm strongman!

At this time,

Su Qingyun's eyes seemed to penetrate the void and glanced in the direction of Dayu Divine Dynasty.

"This battle……"

Although he didn't show it on the surface, he was worried in his heart.

At the moment, he didn't know what other preparations the demon tribe had, but he had to contain the leader of the immortal demon tribe 3.4!

Otherwise, the Dayu Divine Dynasty would be defeated!


The war lasted for nearly ten days!

With the arrival of the tenth day, countless forces in Zhongzhou were paying attention to the shocking battle taking place in the Dayu Divine Dynasty!


The roar between heaven and earth lasted for ten days and never stopped!

The war between the Undead Demon Clan and the Dayu Divine Dynasty has not ended yet!

It was during this period of time that the Undead Demon Clan used the previously arranged teleportation array to bring the tribesmen far away in the Western Desert!

Out in full force!

Facing the demon clan that would not stop until Dayu Divine was destroyed, the Dayu Divine Dynasty gradually became somewhat powerless, and its overall combat power was not as good as before!

In the current Dayu Divine Dynasty, corpses were everywhere, and the buildings and roads were piled with corpses, stained red with blood!

The three ace imperial guards were also in a fierce battle and suffered heavy losses, but the demon clan paid a heavy price!

At this moment, the two sides are in a short truce period!

But no matter which side knows... the next time the war starts, the result should come out!

Between the Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan, one side will be destroyed!


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