Chapter 48: Holy Lord, no one can threaten Daoyi Holy Sect!

At the scene, everyone looked at Xiang Yuan's protector and took a deep breath.

"The Supreme Realm!!!"

"This is Xiang Yuan's protector? Geng Mohan from the Undead Demon Clan, the strongest of the previous Demon Clan! ?"

"Oh my God, with his intervention, Su Changqing might not be able to attack Xiang Yuan again!"


They looked at the black-robed old man and exclaimed.

Some people even recognized the old man's identity, causing a great uproar!

Amid the exclamations,

Murong Dieyi frowned and stared at the old man.

"Cheating! ?"

"That guy wanted to kill Su Changqing but was suppressed instead, and he showed up at this time! ?"

She clenched her fists, looking at Xiang Yuan who had fainted due to his serious injuries, and couldn't help wanting to kill him!

However, doing so would inevitably provoke a war between the Undead Demon Clan and the Demon Sect!


Murong Dieyi's body trembled, and her heartbeat accelerated

"How could I... have such an impulse! ?"

She took a deep breath and looked at Su Changqing.

Although she also wanted to kill Xiang Yuan, who would do many evil things in the future, she was afraid that she would be helpless when the other party's protector appeared.

However, at this moment, when everyone thought that this battle with Su Changqing's complete crushing was about to end...

Su Changqing frowned, stared at Geng Mohan indifferently and said:"Are you... threatening? Are you threatening Daoyi Shengzong?"

"Yes and no, anyway, you can’t kill the young patriarch of my demon clan!"

Geng Mohan’s eyes were calm as he quietly looked at Su Changqing opposite him.

At the same time, he glanced at Xiang Yuan who was seriously injured and unconscious beside him, and was also shocked.

Su Changqing, the son of Daoyi Saint Sect and the sixth on the Tianjiao list, was able to crush him throughout the whole process. If he didn’t take action, I’m afraid the young patriarch would die!

Hearing this,

Su Changqing smiled and said lightly:"Oh."

Seeing this,

Geng Mohan’s eyes flashed with doubt, but suddenly……

"Can't kill him?"

A loud voice like thunder rang out at the scene!

The next thing, the whole palace shook, and there were lightning and thunder in the sky, and the clouds rolled back!

Then, there was a terrifying pressure that made the heaven and earth tremble, and countless people's faces changed drastically!!!

In an instant, everyone present was trembling, and they were horrified to find that they could not move!

Even Geng Mohan, who was at the fifth level of the Supreme Realm, had his pupils shrink suddenly!


His heartbeat quickened, and he stared at the void rippling behind Su Changqing!

In the midst of countless gazes, the void behind Su Changqing was torn apart, and then an even more terrifying pressure descended!

A supreme phantom with brilliant divine light appeared!

No one could see its face clearly, but everyone knew that this was a peerless power!!!

Even, far beyond the supreme realm!

At the same time as the phantom appeared, the oppression from Geng Mohan on Su Changqing disappeared in the blink of an eye!

When seeing the phantom that was not the real body but made the earth tremble, the disciples of Daoyi Shengzong were excited and boiling!

"Holy Lord!!!"

"Holy Lord, you must help the Holy Son to vent his anger!"

They saluted the phantom with great respect, and then they all stood up for justice!

Originally, it was a duel between the Holy Son and Xiang Yuan, but they didn't expect that the other party's protector would intervene, and his words were threatening!

Now that the Holy Lord is here, they don't have to worry about the safety of the Holy Son!

The guys from the demon clan are in trouble!!

In the major holy places, the protectors of various forces were all terrified!

"Holy Lord Daoyi!? He... he is well-known for being protective of his son. I'm afraid Geng Mohan is going to be in trouble!"

"How could this happen? ? ? It actually caused the shadow of the Daoyi Saint Lord to descend. Even if it was not the real body, it was not something that a Supreme Realm could resist!"

"It seems that Su Changqing's importance is far beyond our expectations."

"Yes, I was not sure before, but now I am sure that Su Changqing is definitely capable of competing for the first place on the Tianjiao list. Such a peerless Tianjiao will be of great importance in any sect.……"

They all gasped at the phantom of the Daoyi Saint Lord, who was so fearful!

At this moment, everyone didn't even dare to breathe!

In the eyes of the people around him,

Su Changqing was not surprised, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Because in the original text, he was regarded as a treasure by the Daoyi Saint Lord in the early stage, and he received a lot of attention.

It's just that in the author's writing, the things that he, the Saint Son, did became more and more outrageous, which led to the disappointment of the Saint Lord in the later stage and the rise of the male protagonist.

But now, he is not the villain Saint Son in the original text!

At this time, the phantom of the Daoyi Saint Lord slowly raised his hand and pressed in the direction of Geng Mohan!


The terrifying pressure was unstoppable, shaking the void and instantly shattering the dojo!

It was at this moment that

Geng Mohan's expression changed drastically, and his body trembled!


He suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and veins on his forehead were exposed!

Feeling the terrifying invisible force on his body, he couldn't help but sweat coldly, and a strong sense of life and death crisis rose in his heart!

Daoyi Saint Lord, want to kill me! ?

Damn it!!!

As the hand of the Saint Lord's phantom pressed down again,

Geng Mohan spat out a mouthful of blood again, his face pale!

""Sage Daoyi, what…what do you mean by this!"

He panicked and asked hurriedly!

The people at the ceremony were even more shocked!

Suppressing the Supreme with one hand!!!

They usually had no chance to see such a supreme being.

But they didn’t expect to see such an amazing scene now!

And at this time…

Sage Daoyi suppressed again, causing Geng Mohan to bend down tremblingly!

"I want to ask you, what do you mean?"

His tone was calm, but it was like thunder, making the entire temple seem to be about to collapse!

���When Han heard this, his face turned even paler.


His mind was trembling wildly. He had never expected that the Holy Lord Daoyi would come! He had only wanted to scare Su Changqing and take the young patriarch away...

But just as he was about to explain...

The Holy Lord Daoyi spoke again:"Changqing, kill, I have approved it!"

"Kill in front of everyone!"

"Even if that old guy from the Undead Demon Clan comes, I’d like to see if he can stop you!"

"In this Jiuxuantian, no one can threaten Daoyi Shengzong!"

His words echoed in the Divine Palace, domineering and unparalleled!

The scene was dead silent!

No matter who it was, their hearts were trembling violently, and they were terrified!

"This... is worthy of being the Saint Lord Daoyi, he... he really wants Su Changqing to kill that person!!!"

"Oh my god, if he is really killed, won’t Daoyi Holy Sect go to war with the Undead Demon Clan! ?"

"Is it true that troubled times...are really coming! ?"

"Will Su Changqing kill him? He...should have concerns, right?"

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked and couldn't stop exclaiming and talking!

…… ps:

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