Chapter 47: Is this the sixth? Completely crushing the fourth Xiang Yuan!

On the other side,

Xia Qingxuan looked stunned, not daring to look at Su Changqing and Xiang Yuan, who were shaking the earth and fighting each other, shattering the void!

"His sixth place... is not the sixth place at all because of his strength!"

She was shocked. What she saw was too shocking!

Especially every time Su Changqing made a move, the surrounding space seemed to collapse!

Facing Xiang Yuan, who was ranked fourth on the Tianjiao list, he was vaguely... in the upper hand!!

Beside her,

Xia Yilin's scalp was numb and his eyes widened.

"Su Changqing... is so strong! ?"

His mouth was dry and he was terrified!

The attack fluctuations caused by the two of them alone were almost unbearable!

In other words, if Su Changqing wanted to, he would have had enough opportunities to wipe him out before...


As he watched,

Xia Yilin's face was full of confusion, and he couldn't help but ask in surprise:"Sister, is there something wrong with Su Changqing?"

"He... Why does he always say something that people can't understand?"

He thought of the inexplicable words Su Changqing said before, and was confused.

This guy is strong, but sometimes he says things that are too hard to understand.

Hearing this,

Xia Qingxuan shook his head, his eyes never leaving Su Changqing.

"I'll tell you later, you'll understand……"

She was a little shaken and answered in shock.

From the beginning to the end, Su Changqing didn't seem to be pretending!

Before, she was able to know her brother's moves clearly, and even remembered his nickname.

When Xiang Yuan appeared, she could clearly record in her diary what the other party would do in the future and what would happen in the future... For some reason, she was no longer as skeptical as before, but began to believe it!


And under countless gazes, every move of Su Changqing was extremely ruthless!

"I won't let the same thing happen again in this life...……"

He pretended to be firm and muttered.

He slapped his palm in an instant, and the void trembled in an instant, and everything around him was eclipsed!

The murderous intent enveloped the ceremony, causing countless people's scalps to explode!

The one who was too confused recently was Xiang Yuan, who now looked a little embarrassed!

"Damn it, what are you talking about!?"

He was puzzled by the fact that Su Changqing showed no mercy and said something incomprehensible in the process.

From the beginning to now, the other party seemed to be talking to himself, and he couldn't understand it at all!

That's fine, the strength displayed by Su Changqing in front of him made people's scalp tingle!

How could the guy ranked sixth be so strong!?

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more wrong,

Xiang Yuan's pupils under the mask showed a hint of anxiety, and he felt even more aggrieved!

"Soul Devouring Curse, Release!!!"

He roared, and his demonic power surged!

In an instant, all the demons rushed, the sky was dim, and lightning and thunder roared!

At this time, Xiang Yuan muttered something, which was particularly obscure.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!……"

Amid the explosion in the void, huge phantoms of giant monsters flashed behind him!

Then, all of these phantoms sank into Xiang Yuan's body!

The earth and the sky trembled, and countless people's pupils shrank!

I saw...

Xiang Yuan's body was constantly expanding at this moment, and his aura was rising straight up!

"This battle... you will lose!!!"

He panted heavily, staring at Su Changqing and speaking in a hoarse voice!

Especially his eyes under the mask, blooming with a more intense and creepy light!

Obviously, he needed to end this fight!

Amidst the horrified gazes,

Su Changqing watched his body continue to expand, tearing his black robe, and turning into Xiang Yuan, who looked neither human nor ghost.

"Eight Desolate Desolation Finger!"

A trace of excitement flashed in his eyes. Although the guy in front of him was not a villain in the original text, what he did was no different from a villain!

In this case, it would be reasonable for him to kill him, right?

Besides, there was really nothing wrong with the identity he fabricated for him.

At this moment,

Su Changqing did not think too much, his eyes were deep.

"It's time to end……"

His tone was full of vicissitudes, and he slowly raised his hand. The aura of the Saint of the Third Heaven burst out without reservation at this moment!

The entire dojo collapsed, and even the barrier had cracks!

After a moment, he pointed to the front.


Deafening, terrifying roars continued to be heard!

Behind Su Changqing... a finger exuding a desolate and vicissitudes of life appeared out of thin air and fell towards the abyss!

The appearance of the finger... caused a series of gasps to be heard at the ceremony!

Everyone's face turned pale and their bodies couldn't stop shaking!

At this moment, above Su Changqing's condensed attack, they felt the breath of death!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!……"

The void exploded, making people shudder with fear!

Xiang Yuan, who had originally used the forbidden technique of the demon race, gained confidence and wanted to kill Su Changqing as soon as possible, but now his pupils suddenly contracted!


He looked at the giant finger that appeared and carried the aura of destruction, and his mind went blank!

What is this? ?!

Su Changqing had been holding back before, but now it was his killing move! ?

When the giant finger fell,

Xiang Yuan's body trembled, and the space around him seemed to be directly imprisoned!

"How... How is it possible!? You... your cultivation level……"

Under the mask, his expression changed drastically, and his face turned pale!

Now Su Changqing really showed his killer move and suppressed him again!

A strong sense of crisis surged in his heart.

Although Xiang Yuan used the strongest secret technique of the demon clan, it was of no use at all!

"He...he wants to kill me!!!"

He looked at the indifference in Su Changqing's eyes, and his mind was shocked!

Until this moment, he reacted!

It turned out that... everything was his wishful thinking!

Su Changqing's strength was not weaker than his, and even...far superior to his!!!

Under the finger of extinction,

Xiang Yuan's scalp exploded, and he trembled violently under the huge finger that exuded a terrifying aura!

At this moment, he couldn't move!!!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The void exploded inch by inch!

As the finger of annihilation approached,


Xiang Yuan's huge body trembled, and his right arm exploded into a bloody mist! The mask on his face also began to shatter!

His pale, terrified, half-human, half-demon face was exposed!

Seeing Xiang Yuan spitting blood and his breath weak...

Among the people of the Undead Demon Clan,

"That’s it, my friend!"

"If anything happens to the young patriarch of my demon clan, I am afraid that Daoyi Holy Sect will not be able to withstand the wrath of the demon clan!"

"I don't mind leaving you here!"

An old voice came out, and a figure flashed and appeared in front of Xiang Yuan who was completely suppressed.

And he exuded an aura that was far more terrifying than Su Changqing!

Supreme Realm!!!

This person was Xiang Yuan's protector!

The old man appeared, just raised his hand and waved


His Silence Finger, which was filled with destructive aura, dissipated, and the offensive was completely wiped out!

…… ps:

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