Chapter 49: Kill Xiang Yuan directly, and let the protector die too!

Amidst the exclamations,

Xiang Yuan, who had fainted, woke up, but suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.


He wanted to move, but he felt as if there were a hundred thousand mountains pressing down on him!

He raised his head with difficulty and saw his protector, Geng Lao, being suppressed.

Looking not far away, he also saw Su Changqing staring at him with a smile!

He slowly raised his head.……


When Xiang Yuan saw Su Changqing's figure in the mist, his soul trembled!

Who is that!?

After hearing the discussions around him, his body trembled involuntarily!

The Holy Lord of Daoyi Holy Sect?!

However, at this time, after Su Changqing heard the words of the Holy Lord, he grinned and just removed the stumbling block on the road to the future!


Under the gaze of everyone, he took a step forward without hesitation.

When he appeared, he was already in front of Xiang Yuan!

Seeing this scene, the scene was suddenly in an uproar!

"Su Changqing...he wants to kill! ?"

���Oh my god, are they really not worried about the wrath of the demons?!"

"No way, no way? Is this the beginning of a war?"

"I think there is nothing wrong with Su Changqing wanting to kill Xiang Yuan. After all, Xiang Yuan had intended to kill Su Changqing before. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with Su Changqing doing this now.……"

Everyone was extremely nervous, staring at Su Changqing intently.

Murong Dieyi and Xia Qingxuan were also nervous when they saw Su Changqing.

In their opinion, Xiang Yuan deserved to be killed for what he did in the future!!

At this time,

Su Changqing did not hesitate too much and slowly raised his hand.

Seeing this,

Xiang Yuan trembled and said hurriedly:"You...what are you going to do!?"

"Kill the rebels!"

In order to match the fabricated diary, Su Changqing spoke coldly and pointed at Xiang Yuan who was unable to move.

On his fingertips, all the cultivation of the third level of the saint was condensed!

Xiang Yuan felt the increasing crisis of life and death, and gasped heavily!

"no no……"

He couldn't move his body, couldn't resist, and kept shaking his head.

At this moment, he seemed to no longer be the young patriarch of the Undead Demon Clan, but just an ordinary person who was afraid of death!

Su Changqing ignored Xiang Yuan's pleading eyes, and his fingers continued to fall!

Not far away,

Geng Mohan saw this scene, his eyes were about to burst!

"How dare you!!!"

Even though his cultivation was suppressed, he was completely anxious, and his cultivation of the fifth level of the Supreme Realm broke out!

Young clan leader, you can't die!

With a roar, he was about to break free and go to stop it!


Daoyi Saint Lord snorted coldly at this moment, and the entire temple exploded continuously, and even more terrifying pressure descended!

Geng Mohan, who was about to break free, turned even paler, and was suppressed tightly. He bent his legs and knelt completely on the messy dojo!


Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, his eyes were about to burst, and he shouted at Daoyi Saint Lord at the top of his lungs:" Daoyi Saint Sect, are you really going to declare war on the Undead Demon Clan?"

"Once the war begins, the consequences……"


Daoyi Saint Lord seemed impatient. Without waiting for Geng Mohan to finish, he said in a cold tone:"Declare war? Ridiculous!……"

"Do you think that the Undead Demon Clan is qualified to do this?" As soon as the voice fell, the scene suddenly became like a pool of stagnant water!

Geng Mohan's pupils shrank and his breathing became rapid.

"This... Daoyi Shengzong……"

He was filled with turmoil. The other party, the other party didn't care at all?

At this moment,

Su Changqing's finger also landed on Xiang Yuan's brow.


His finger contained the power of the third level of the saint's cultivation. Not to mention the injured Xiang Yuan, even the Supreme would be seriously injured without any defense! The huge impact force raged immediately, setting off gusts of wind!

The fear of death on Xiang Yuan's face suddenly solidified after Su Changqing's finger fell!

At this moment, his vitality was completely strangled by Su Changqing's terrifying spiritual power, and even his soul disappeared!

Even though he still raised his head, his eyes quickly lost their spirit and became empty!

The fourth on the Tianjiao list, completely fallen!!

When seeing Xiang Yuan's death,

Geng Mohan, as a protector, kept trembling, staring at Su Changqing, and roared angrily:"Why, why do you want to kill him! ?"

""Chief, Chief, I will not let you go, I will not let you go!!!"

His eyes were red with endless hatred!

Xiang Yuan, it can be said that he was the one who brought him up!

But now he watched him die in front of his eyes!

Anger and despair filled his heart!

As a supreme being, Geng Mohan felt a deep sense of powerlessness at this moment!

No one expected that the Holy Lord Daoyi would always pay attention to Su Changqing and split a wisp of his soul to follow and protect him! He even went to war with the Undead Demon Clan and killed the young chief!!!

Su Changqing heard Geng Mohan’s roar and turned around to look at him.

But before he could speak,


Geng Mohan exploded into a ball of blood mist without any warning!

Along with him... were the group of immortal demons who had already lost their minds due to fear!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!……"

Their bodies exploded one after another, turning into blood mist!

In an instant, the whole scene was filled with the smell of blood!

At this moment, all the undead demons who came here were destroyed!


The shadow of Saint Daoyi uttered two words slowly, and there was no fluctuation in his tone.

Su Changqing blinked and looked at the shadow of the Saint with some surprise.

Then, he pretended to have a deep look, as if recalling the past, and said softly:"Old man, be gentle, his blood splattered on me, I think it's dirty.……"

"That is the blood of the traitor.……"

He smelled the blood in the air and murmured softly.

And he was not polite to the Holy Lord.

Because in the original text, he and Ling Qianxue were brought up by the Holy Lord since they were young, and he always treated them as his own children.

It can be said that the other party is also a father without blood relationship, and also the master who enlightened him on the path of cultivation.

The shadow of the Holy Lord Daoyi heard Su Changqing's words,


He just responded with one word.

But... it was also from the conversation between the two that everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.


No matter who they were, they were all staring in amazement at the broken dojo, the shadow of Daoyi Saint Lord and Su Changqing who were in the mist!

This... killed the young patriarch of the Undead Demon Clan, and wiped out a Supreme Being and the people of the Undead Demon Clan who came this time, and they could still communicate so calmly! ?

Looking at the two of them, it seemed that they didn't care about it at all.

As if... it was just an ordinary little thing!

…… ps:

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