Chapter 46: The trick is in place, and the female protagonists burst into murderous intent!

At this time,

Xiang Yuan came to his senses and his eyes turned cold.


Just as he was about to attack, he was suddenly stunned.

Because... he could clearly feel that two strong murderous intentions suddenly appeared at the scene!

Looking at the scene in doubt,

Xiang Yuan took a deep breath, his eyes full of surprise.


He was even more confused. What was going on?!

If I was not mistaken, the woman in the red dress sitting next to Su Changqing was the witch of the Demon Sect!

The other woman who was looking at him coldly was the saint of the Beiming Holy Land!

What did he mean?!

He came here for Su Changqing this time, but why would these two women want to kill him?! They didn't even have any experience with each other, let alone provoke anyone.

Could it be... because of Su Changqing??

This guy was so important that he could make two daughters of Tianjiao have an opinion about him!?

After thinking for a while,

Xiang Yuan snorted in his heart and didn't bother about it anymore.���

"Today, my second battle since entering the world, Su Changqing……"

He muttered in his heart and sneered.

This time he came uninvited just to use Su Changqing's head to announce his entry into the world!

At the same time, it also announced that the Undead Demon Clan would reappear and participate in the great world struggle!

As for Dad...

Xiang Yuan only felt that he had lived longer and had more things to fear.

"Although the Immortal Demon Clan has not participated in various disputes for many years, its foundation is still there. I fought Su Changqing head-on. Could it be that Daoyi Saint Sect can still go to war with the demon clan! ?"

He sneered in his heart again, and at this moment he took a step forward.


The void collapsed, and the equally powerful aura of a saint swept the entire venue!

Amid the roar, in countless eyes...

Xiang Yuan was seen emitting an astonishing aura of decay, and the demonic aura was soaring into the sky! The boundless demonic aura enveloped the world, and everyone present was shocked.

Xiang Yuan stepped on the void, his eyes were weird, like the lord of all demons, and said:"Su Changqing... fight with me!"

He slowly raised his hand and pointed at Su Changqing, who was already full of murderous intent at this moment!

In the endless roar,

Su Changqing's eyes were extremely cold, and the surrounding void could no longer bear it!

【Xiang Yuan... a traitor to the Jiuxuan Realm!】

【He colluded with Lin Fan in the Battle of Collapse and took the opportunity to massacre the people from the major holy places. His crime is unforgivable and anyone can kill him!】

【In the middle of the War of the Heavens, you betrayed Daoyi Holy Sect and Beiming Holy Land's battle plan, which led to the foreign races easily breaking through the defenses set up by the two holy lands. You deserve to be killed for this!】

【When Jiuxuantian was on the verge of crumbling, you chose to rebel and led the immortal demon clan to join forces with the enemies outside the heavens, causing the already defeated Jiuxuantian to be dragged into the abyss. You deserve to be killed!】

【Everything you do in the future is not worth dying for, even if I kill you a thousand times... it's still not enough!!】

【I failed to kill you in my last life, and in this life... today is the day you die! 】

The murderous intent in his eyes could no longer be restrained, and it completely exploded!

In an instant, the monstrous murderous aura seemed to destroy the world! In the blink of an eye,

Su Changqing flashed, set off a series of sonic booms, and rushed straight to Xiang Yuan in the void!

"Jiuxuantian's rebellion!"

After he approached, he suddenly slapped out a palm!

The void exploded, and the breath was violent!

Just one palm, countless people at the scene trembled wildly, and their minds went blank!

At this moment, Su Changqing was like a completely furious killing god!

The monstrous murderous aura poured out from him, and the sky above was eclipsed by it!

Seeing Su Changqing appear in front of him in the blink of an eye, and his offensive was overwhelming,

Xiang Yuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and he did not dare to confront him head-on!

"Rebellion? Me? ?"

He frowned when he heard what Su Changqing said.

What does that mean?


Before Xiang Yuan could think about it,

Su Changqing's eyes were burning with anger, and the murderous aura in his body seemed to have turned into substance!

"You are carrying the souls of too many people from the Nine Mysterious Heavens.……"

His tone was so cold that the temperature around him dropped suddenly!

Without giving the other party a chance to breathe, he instantly appeared behind him, transformed his palm into a fist, and punched out with a destructive aura!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!……"

At this terrifying speed, the earth and the sky were shaking!

The entire palace was on the verge of collapse!

Seeing Su Changqing disappearing before his eyes,

Xiang Yuan felt a chill down his spine, and a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart!

""Ten Thousand Demon Seal!"

His eyes were solemn at this moment, no longer as leisurely as before, he quickly made a seal with both hands, turned around and slapped with both palms!

In an instant, a strong dim light bloomed! The phantoms of huge monsters continued to appear behind him, emitting bursts of eardrum-tearing roars!

Everyone at the scene covered their ears with a look of pain!

Soon... the two collided for the first time!


The scene shook violently, and violent aura raged in all directions!

Above the sky, there was a constant roar!

Even the barrier in the Divine Palace, which was set up by several supreme beings tens of thousands of years ago, was shaking!

In the dojo below, cracks appeared one after another that kept spreading!

Seeing this scene... everyone present turned pale and took a breath of cold air!

"The battle between the fourth and sixth place in the Tianjiao list was so terrifying. Whether it was Su Changqing or Xiang Yuan, they were undoubtedly the representatives of the younger generation of the current Jiuxuantian!!!"

"Who will win this battle?"

They looked at Su Changqing and Xiang Yuan, who were fighting again without a clear winner, with terrified expressions!

Because even if they were just watching, they felt a strong sense of crisis! So much so that most of the people who were close to them hurriedly distanced themselves, but were shocked to find that it was useless!

The violent atmosphere filled the entire ceremony site all the time!


At the same time,

Murong Dieyi finished reading the diary content that had just been updated and looked shocked.

"He...he was really angry!!!"

"I didn't expect that damn Xiang Yuan was so evil, he really deserves to be killed!!!"

After she learned from her diary what Xiang Yuan would do in the future, her anger reached its peak!

Such a person, indeed, everyone should kill him!

No wonder, no wonder Su Changqing could no longer remain calm after hearing the other party's name!

If it were me, I would also wish to kill the dead man immediately!!!

Looking at Su Changqing's back,

Murong Dieyi took a deep breath, and her eyes revealed a look of spirit.

"It are not exactly like what is written in the diary!"

"When faced with such a person, you will also be angry and have murderous thoughts!"

"I guess you're still holding your breath.……"

She murmured in her heart, lost in thought.

…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed! I beg for your data support for the new book!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, and comments are all OK, give the author a little support, please everyone!!

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