Chapter 32: The witch comes to see Su Changqing, and the ceremony begins!

Half an hour later, outside the holy land, hundreds of Daoyi Saint Sect disciples stepped into the void, and Su Changqing was in front of everyone, standing on the back of a unicorn beast with thunder under its feet.

Below, all the disciples looked excited, their eyes filled with excitement.

"There will be no problem if senior brother takes action, and he will definitely add fresh blood to the Daoyi Holy Sect!"

"This time, senior brother’s reputation will definitely be even greater!"

"Isn't that right? Yesterday, Senior Brother suppressed the top five of the original Tianjiao list with one hand!"

The disciples' eyes were burning and they were talking excitedly.

Just as Su Changqing was about to lead people to the destination, a figure flew over from the Holy Maiden Peak. Ling Qianxue looked at Su Changqing and took a deep breath.

"Junior sister, it turns out you are here to see senior brother off!"

"In this grand event, Senior Brother will surely be able to show the power of Daoyi Saint Sect!"

She had thought about this for a long time before, but now she couldn't say it out loud.

There were so many people at the scene, and she didn't have the confidence in her heart.

After she finished speaking, her face was hot.

The disciples and elders present saw Ling Qianxue coming and heard those words.……


They looked at Su Changqing, then at Ling Qianxue.

The Saint Son and the Saint Daughter, are they so close? ? ?

Su Changqing smiled gently at Ling Qianxue and nodded, then turned around, his eyes became fierce:"Let's go!"

As his voice fell, the unicorn stepped into the void, and every step was surrounded by thunder!

The world seemed to be affected, with lightning and thunder!

The rest of the disciples stepped on the flying swords one by one, with great momentum, roaring far away!


At the same time, in a dense forest in the northern part of the Southern Region,

Lin Fan's injuries had almost recovered, and he also learned that the once-in-a-century grand ceremony in the Southern Region was about to be held!

"As long as I can stand out in the ceremony, I can be accepted into other holy places!"

He gritted his teeth and looked into the distance.

As for the news that Su Changqing would represent Daoyi Holy Sect to attend the ceremony, he naturally knew it.

But... when he thought of Su Changqing,

Lin Fan's eyes revealed deep envy and shock, and his heartbeat accelerated.

"One person swept the top five of the original Tianjiao list!"

"This guy is willing to be sixth on the Tianjiao list, and not compete for the top spot! ?"

He got the news yesterday and was shocked.

Originally, he knew that the challenge was made by the top five, and he thought that the other party would definitely fall off the Tianjiao list.

But he didn't expect...

Su Changqing not only suppressed the top five on the Tianjiao list with one move, but even up to now, his ranking has remained at sixth place.

Lin Fan's eyes were filled with envy and jealousy, and he gritted his teeth and said,"Damn it, damn it!"

"If I had this kind of ability, I would have already challenged for a higher ranking!"

" day I will be on the list of geniuses!!"

"No matter what, when I enter the Holy Land this time, I will make Su Changqing my background and make that damn Saint Daoyi regret it!!!"

When he said this, his eyes revealed a strong confidence!

His words were full of arrogance!

However, at this time... in the ring,

Yu Lao listened to Lin Fan's words and felt extremely helpless.

"Please, can you be more low-key? Don't do something stupid!"

He was also worried. This time, only the top holy places in the southern region could participate in the event!

If this guy did something stupid, he would be afraid that he would not be able to save him even if he wanted to!


On the other side, in the dark sea, there is the Demon Sect.

At this moment, a huge, pitch-black warship is suspended in the air and starts slowly!

The black color of the hull is not from any pigment or material, but from countless dried blood!

There are dense evil lines on both sides!

On the ship, there is a rune flag belonging to the Demon Sect flying!

At this time, a large number of disciples of the Demon Sect are standing on the ship, ready to go!

Everyone has evil on their faces and cold eyes!

In front of everyone,

Murong Dieyi is wearing a red dress, looking into the distance, with expectation in her purple eyes.

""Su Changqing, here I come!"

She murmured in her heart, and she couldn't help but get nervous when she thought about the two of them meeting.

What should she say after she sees Su Changqing?

Or... what will Su Changqing say to her?

She had thought there was nothing to worry about before, but now it seems...

Murong Dieyi's hands hidden in her sleeves couldn't help but clench and unclench because of nervousness.

"I... why do I have such emotions?"

She was a little confused and couldn't control herself.

She didn't expect that Su Changqing could make her feel inexplicably nervous.

At this time, the personal maid next to her saw that Murong Dieyi was unnatural, and asked cautiously:"Witch, you... what's wrong with you?"

Upon hearing this, the disciples of the Demon Sect looked at Murong Dieyi, but they quickly looked away in fear.

If this makes the Saint unhappy, they are afraid that they will sink into the dark sea as soon as they leave the sect.

Murong Dieyi glanced at the maid next to her and shook her head.

"It's okay."

Although she was a little nervous, she didn't show it and answered coldly.

After taking a deep breath, she was also thinking about what Su Changqing looked like?

How good would the man who had a relationship with her in the future be?

After all, yesterday...

I heard that Su Changqing completely suppressed the top five on the original Tianjiao list with just one move!


A few days later, on a plain in the middle of the Southern Region.

At this time, the sky and the earth lost their color, and there was a constant roar!

The whole land was shaking, and there were dense gullies all around!

And in the void, an extremely amazing crack revealed a shocking breath!

At this moment, with the momentum reaching the top, a huge palace with a magnificent scale that soared into the sky slowly emerged from the crack!

It was magnificent and the divine light was dazzling!

Above the sky, there was endless divine light falling!

After a moment……


An even more astonishing roar shook the entire world!

The gate of the Divine Palace slowly opened at this moment!

The representatives of the several major holy places who arrived first walked into the palace with their disciples!

And around... there were already crowds of people, and countless people looked at the huge palace that looked like a heavenly palace with fiery eyes!

"The Nine Profound Event of the Southern Region is finally about to begin!!!"

"This is a great opportunity for us. It would be a great thing if we could enter one of the holy places!!"

"It is the Holy Land that chooses us, not us who choose the Holy Land, unless we can become a monster like Su Changqing.……"

"Yes, Su Changqing, the Holy Son of Daoyi Saint Sect, was able to suppress the top five of the previous Tianjiao List by himself. How terrifying is his strength! ?"


Countless young talents from all over the world came here to try their luck or to make a name for themselves.

Amid the exclamations, many people were shocked by what Su Changqing had done! Even though several days had passed, the shock was still there!


Sorry, I will pay attention to the typos later. I always make mistakes when typing. I have written down the problems mentioned by everyone in the book review area and will not make the same mistakes again.

I also hope that everyone can vote for it with a little data support!

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