Chapter 33: The arrival of the Demon Sect, the diary continues to fool people!

The palace is like a fairyland.

The fairy air is ethereal and the spiritual energy is rich. Every place looks majestic!

Now, the representatives of the major holy places have taken their seats.

As for those who came to participate in the ceremony and wanted to worship in the top holy places, they gathered on the huge fairy platform.

As everyone waited……

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The continuous roaring sound made everyone's expression change.

Then, in front of countless eyes,

Su Changqing rode on the unicorn thunder beast that left thunder with every step, and led a group of Daoyi Holy Sect disciples to arrive!

"Daoyi Shengzong Su Changqing, on behalf of the Holy Lord, came to attend the ceremony on behalf of Daoyi Shengzong!"He smiled heartily, jumped up from the back of the thunder beast, and slowly sat down in the Daoyi Shengzong's dojo!

Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath, their eyes full of shock.

"This is the Holy Son of Daoyi Holy Sect, Su Changqing?"

"He looks so young, but now he has reached the third level of Sainthood! ?"

"Such a strong aura!!!"

"I wish I could join the Daoyi Holy Sect.……"

They all exclaimed at the battle of Daoyi Holy Sect and Su Changqing, who was dressed in a white robe and looked like a gentleman.

Even a large part of the people who came to attend the ceremony wanted to be able to enter Daoyi Holy Sect!

Faced with many discussions, the disciples of Daoyi Holy Sect were all proud, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm when they looked at Su Changqing.

This is their Holy Son!

There is no need to even throw out an olive branch, and countless people are crazy about it and want to join Daoyi Holy Sect!

At this time, not far from Daoyi Holy Sect, it belongs to the location of Taixu Holy Land.

At this time, all the disciples of Taixu saw Su Changqing coming, and their eyes condensed!

"Unexpectedly, Su Changqing actually came. This scary guy……"

"Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, this person's aura is so strong that even just looking at him gives me the feeling of being faced with a formidable enemy!"

"Use your feelings? He single-handedly swept and suppressed the top five of the original Tianjiao list. How many people in the entire Jiuxuantian can do that?"

"This time, the grand ceremony will probably be held by Daoyi Shengzong.……"

They looked at Su Changqing, who seemed calm and composed at the moment, and all of them were talking about it.

Seeing the Holy Son of Daoyi Sect with their own eyes made them nervous!

It had nothing to do with anything else, but mainly because the other party's aura was too strong!

Taixu Holy Son, Ji Yifan listened to the discussions of many disciples and took a deep breath.

"Su Changqing……"

He thought to himself, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

Such a person is the real top genius!

Even if he represents Taixu Holy Land, if he is compared with Su Changqing, there is no comparison at all.

Shaking his head,

Ji Yifan retracted his gaze and said slowly:"Daoyi Holy Sect has Su Changqing, and it has ten thousand years of luck!"

"This person's achievements are definitely extraordinary. Even if he achieves the supreme or even quasi-emperor status, it may only be a matter of time for him.……"

He sighed, and couldn't help but feel that the gap between people was really too big.

Upon hearing this, all the disciples of Taixu Holy Land nodded.


Just half an hour later, almost all the holy places arrived.

Some holy places have already begun to observe the assessment of the monks from all parties who came to participate in the ceremony.

The selection of Daoyi Holy Sect on Su Changqing's side has also begun.

"I wonder if there is anyone who can be invested in?"

He didn't care about the situation on the field, nor did he pay too much attention to other holy places. He muttered in his heart.

If he could invest, it would naturally be a good thing for his future.

After all, he would not complain about having too many subordinates.

However, at this moment……

""Boom boom!"

A huge roar came from the sky above the temple!

Instantly, everyone looked up!

They saw... a huge warship that almost covered the sky, was completely black, and exuded a terrifying aura. It slowly stopped above their heads!

Seeing this warship full of lines and stained black by blood, the eyes of the holy places were fixed.

"The Dark Sea Demon Sect has arrived!"

"It was a huge ceremony. It seemed that the Demon Sect’s temper was still the same. However…didn’t the Demon Sect stop participating in the ceremony five hundred years ago? Why are they here now?! ?"

"I heard that the Demon Sect has a witch? Will the witch come to the ceremony as a representative this time?"

"Perhaps the Demon Lord wants us to see the amazing talent of their Demon Sect that far surpasses all the previous witches?"

Everyone present couldn't help but talk, staring at the amazing warship in the void.

Under the gaze of the people on the scene, one figure after another stepped out of the warship and slowly descended!

They were all filled with demonic energy!

Especially in front of these people, a cold and beautiful girl in a red dress and purple eyes exuded a monstrous demonic energy!

It was Murong Dieyi!

The amazing aura made many people look fearful and feel terrified!

Many people couldn't stop trembling when they saw Murong Dieyi leading the disciples of the Demon Sect to arrive.

"The Demon Sect, the Demon Sect's people are coming!!"

"Is that the new witch of the Demon Sect? Such a terrifying demonic aura……"

"The Demon Sect is a sect full of bloodshed, adhering to the law of the jungle. I would never accept to be a disciple of the Demon Sect.……"

"Haha, I am a weak person without the mentality of a strong person. I am different. I originally wanted to join other holy places, but since the Demon Sect is participating this time, I would like to strive for a chance to enter the Demon Sect!"


Amidst waves of exclamations and discussions,

Murong Dieyi slowly landed on the ground, restrained the evil spirit on his body, and ignored everyone else's eyes, but stared clearly at the location of Daoyi Holy Sect!

"That... is Su Changqing! ?"

Her eyes immediately locked onto Su Changqing, who was wearing a white robe and was also looking at her.

He looked so perfect.���

The reason why the Demon Sect came was that she took the initiative to ask the Demon Sect to come.

This trip was only for Su Changqing! Looking at the person she wanted to see across from her...

Murong Dieyi's heartbeat accelerated, and she became more nervous, with a fleeting shyness on her face.


She took a deep breath, adjusted her mentality, and walked over.


Everyone present was puzzled. What did the witch mean?

However, when Su Changqing saw Murong Dieyi coming, he blinked.

""Why is the witch here?"

He was surprised, because in the original text, the Demon Sect did not participate in this grand ceremony.

But now...

When he saw Murong Dieyi walking towards him,

Su Changqing knew that the other party was one of the diary holders. His eyes suddenly became deep, his expression revealed vicissitudes, and he began to make up the third diary!

【Witch? Why is she here!?】

【In the previous life... the Demon Sect did not participate in this ceremony. How could it be different from the previous life?】

【Could it be the butterfly effect after my rebirth?】


【This is also great. Dieyi, the person I want to see the most and miss the most, is now in front of me!】

【Dieyi, it's been a long time since we last met.……】

【But how should I face her? She is like my junior sister now, not her future self, and she doesn’t know what will happen to us in the future.】

【Forget it, I am already satisfied just to see Dieyi again at this moment!】

【Today, she is still a witch in people's eyes, still so proud, just like in my memory, so good】

【Dieyi, in this life, I will never let other factors separate us.……】

…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed! I beg for your data support for the new book!

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