Chapter 31: Su Changqing's fame spreads across the Nine Mysteries, the Holy Lord's decree!

At this time, in the Demon Sect,

Murong Dieyi's current cultivation level has reached the Great Perfection of the Divine King after absorbing the Demon Yuan Fruit!

"Only one step away from the Saint Realm……"

The purple light in her eyes flickered slightly, and a smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.

It was at this moment that she thought of Su Changqing again.

This guy, she will be able to meet him soon.

Because the Xiaoxiantai Tianjiao list has appeared, many places on the list have changed hands, leading to the arrival of a major battle!

Sects, divine dynasties, holy places and other forces representing the top combat power of the entire Jiuxuantian will go to participate!

And I also received news yesterday that I will represent the Youhai Demon Sect to participate tomorrow!

It was at this time that the diary copy appeared.

Murong Dieyi put away his thoughts and stared at the updated content with curiosity.

【When I looked back, I realized that there was no one around me.……】

She was originally curious about what Su Changqing would reveal, but she didn't expect that after the peak of the chaotic world, the war of the heavens would begin! ?

In addition to being shocked, she felt more distressed.

Because from Su Changqing's diary, she felt the indescribable vicissitudes of life. How much did he go through to make the words carry loneliness?

Just trying to imagine it in her mind,

Murong Dieyi's body was shaking slightly involuntarily, and her chest was rising and falling.

"The War of the Heavens? Loneliness……"

She murmured, then took a deep breath:"Su Changqing……"

"Wait for me, tomorrow... I will come to find you!"

Through the news from the Demon Lord, I learned that after the discussion of several great saints, the emperor and others, the representatives of various forces have been decided.

Su Changqing will represent Daoyi Shengzong to attend this Jiuxuan event!

I will be able to see him tomorrow!


In less than half a day, the news that Su Changqing had suppressed the top five of the original Tianjiao list with a little effort completely swept the entire Southern Region, and even caused an uproar outside the Southern Region!

When they heard the news, no one believed it!

But when they really understood the whole thing, countless people were dumbfounded and their scalps exploded!

One against five? He had not even shown up, but he had suppressed all the top five Tianjiaos, making them not qualified to resist? ? ?

This time...

Jiuxuantian was furious!

"Su Changqing challenged the top five of the Tianjiao list alone, and completely crushed them! ?"

"He he he...isn't he ranked sixth???"

"No way? If so, wouldn't he be more than qualified to compete for first place! ?"

"What's going on? As far as I know, whether it's Sima Chen, Wang Teng or Jiuyou, they are all strong and are the best of the younger generation in their respective forces. In the end, the five of them are still no match for Su Changqing!! ?"

"With Su Changqing's strength, he shouldn't be in sixth place. What on earth is he going to do?"

"I originally thought that Su Changqing ranked sixth because he was famous, but his strength was lower than the previous few people, but I didn't expect that he was not only famous, but also so powerful? ?!"


More and more people were shocked to know that Su Changqing had fought against five people alone and defeated Sima Chen and others in a completely overwhelming manner!

In their opinion, this kind of thing was just like a dream!

But unexpectedly, the matter was not exaggerated at all, and the situation on the scene was even more shocking than what they heard!!


In the forbidden area of Tiansha,

Yu Li, a demon, had just finished his training. His dark eyes flickered slightly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.


"Is this the favor of heaven?"

He felt the cultivation and spiritual power in his body, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He was not satisfied with the third place.

The second and the first... Yu Li was very interested in these two people, but he didn't have much confidence.

"Maybe some time later……"

He murmured, looking up at the list of geniuses on the sky!

Long San, Wang Ye.

These two names were ranked ahead of him, and he would definitely step on them in the future!

As if remembering something,

Yu Li's eyes flashed with surprise, staring at the sixth place, touching his chin and slowly speaking:"Su Changqing……"

"The top five were suppressed by him who was ranked sixth. His strength is quite good."

Thinking about the news he heard yesterday, he was a little surprised.

With such strength, how could he be ranked sixth?

This is hard to understand.


Yu Li didn't bother about this matter at all, and looked arrogant!

"Whether it is the first and second ones mentioned above, or this mysterious Su Changqing……"

"From now on, you will all be defeated by me!"

"And I... am the protagonist of this great struggle, the only one, and the chosen one!"

The smile on his face became more and more, and he glanced at the soul that was emitting an astonishing murderous aura and floating aimlessly not far away, and laughed even more wantonly!


The next day, after Su Changqing got up, he originally wanted to make up a third diary.


Suddenly, his expression changed.

Then... the whole sky roared, and the brilliant divine light fell on the Holy Son Peak.

In addition, there was a great terrifying pressure!

Seeing the change,

Su Changqing blinked, and then seemed to remember something.

"The Lord's Decree... The Nine Mysterious Event……"

He recalled the original text he had read before and muttered.

But the Saint Lord is too pretentious.

It's just a decree, what's the big deal?

At this moment, everyone in the holy land looked towards the Holy Son Peak.

In the sky,

"Changqing, this grand ceremony, the Jiuxuan Grand Meeting will be attended by representatives of Daoyi Shengzong"

"We will set off today, you... go ahead."

A voice like thunderous thunder came out!

As soon as these words came out,

Su Changqing looked at the decree flashing with misty light in front of him, stretched out his hand to take it.

"Sure enough, the plot is the same as the original……"

He looked at the decree in his hand and blinked.

Such a grand ceremony only happens once every hundred years!

At the same time, it is jointly organized by several top holy places in the southern region of Jiuxuantian, to conduct exchanges and discussions in various aspects.

At the same time, they will also represent the holy places to recruit talents from all over the world who can shine.

It is precisely because of the emergence of the Tianjiao List that the major holy places have a sense of crisis!

So much so that they have to hold this grand ceremony in advance to attract talents and prepare for the subsequent major battles!

After thinking about it,

Su Changqing smiled and muttered,"Recruiting people? Isn't that simple?" If he remembered correctly, the original son of Daoyi Shengzong was himself.

He participated in this grand ceremony, and in the end, all he recruited were some little people.

If he goes this time, maybe he can make some investments?

Just thinking about it makes him happy

…… ps:

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