Chapter 15: Those vicissitudes of life eyes, what has he experienced!


【The system is testing... Testing completed……】

【Name: Chu Ming!】

【Identity: Disciple of Daoyi Holy Sect (Host follower)!】

【Experience: His father was seriously injured by his enemies and would die in half a month if nothing unexpected happened. His mother was heartbroken and followed his father, causing Chu Ming to turn evil!】

【Note: This person has good roots, the host can invest in him! 】

Listening to the voice in his mind,

Su Changqing was stunned for a moment, then blinked.


He remembered that the system also had an investment function, and after success, he could get a critical hit return!

In this way, wouldn't he be able to get a capable assistant?

After all, in the original text, the ability of the little villain in front of him was the best among many followers, but he was written too brainless by the author and became a stepping stone for the male protagonist.

Isn't this an investment?

Seeing that Su Changqing hadn't spoken yet,

Chu Ming looked anxious, but he still tried his best to conceal it, and forced a smile and said:"If it doesn't work���Holy Son...I...I'll take my leave first!"

"Here are ten nourishing spirit pills, take them."

Su Changqing waved his hand, and an exquisite jade bottle floated out.

Hearing this,

Chu Ming, who was about to turn around, was shocked. He stared at the jade bottle in front of him in amazement, and then looked at Su Changqing, who looked indifferent.

"This... the Son……"

His heartbeat quickened, and his mind went blank.

What was going on?


The Holy Son actually gave him elixirs, and they were extremely precious nourishing spirit elixirs, ten of them!!!

If it were an ordinary outer sect disciple, he would probably have to collect spirit stones for several years to be able to exchange for one!

Even for inner sect disciples, it is not easy to obtain one!

This elixir can not only greatly help with cultivation, but also can bring the injured back to life, which is extremely useful!

Seeing this,

Su Changqing said lightly:"Go with peace of mind."

After that, he turned around and said no more.

Looking at the back in front of him,

Chu Ming breathed quickly, and his body trembled with excitement!

"Chu Ming... Thank you, Holy Son!!!"

He took the pill, tears flashed in his eyes, and he immediately knelt down and kowtowed!

His father is saved!

He didn't say much, and he knew that his current strength was too weak.

But from now on, he must follow him to the death!

After getting up,

Chu Ming didn't say anything more and left in a hurry!

However, at this time,


【Congratulations to the host for his successful investment and gaining Chu Ming’s 100% loyalty!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the critical hit return - Purple Gold Marrow Refining Pill!】

【Note: Purple Gold Refining Marrow Pill has a very strong consolidation effect. For all realms, it is very beneficial to take it, and the effect is remarkable! 】

The system's voice sounded again.

Purple Gold Refining Marrow Pill? Su Changqing smiled slightly at the returned pill

, and then took the pill with strange light flowing in front of him like candy.


As soon as the pill entered his mouth, he could feel it transform into a warm current flowing into his throat.

Then, his body trembled slightly.

The spiritual energy in his body instantly surged!

After a while...

Su Changqing's aura was much stronger than before, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"In just a short while, the foundation for becoming a saint has been completely consolidated?"

His eyes were full of surprise, but he was also quite satisfied with it.

If you can invest more, this is undoubtedly a means of improvement.

Not only that, you can also gain powerful followers!

Why not make such an investment?

Not far away,

Ling Qianxue saw the whole process, her eyes full of doubts.

"Su Changqing... what is he doing?"

Is a little disciple worthy of Su Changqing's personal reception and even the gift of elixirs?!

She thought she had seen it wrong before.

Could it be that after recovering his memory, his temperament has changed to this extent?

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel distressed.

But after the disciple left,

Ling Qianxue also felt that Su Changqing, who had his back to her, had a stronger aura!


She took a deep breath, her heart was shaken.

Even if it was all the time, this guy's cultivation was improving?!

So strong!!!

This made her even more determined not to let Su Changqing fall!

Before Ling Qianxue could go over……

【Go back, go back and see your father at home……】

【In the future... everything will be destroyed. In my previous life, maybe I wouldn't care, but now, it doesn't matter.】

【If we don't let him go back this time, we may never see each other again in this life. Let's not have any regrets!】

【If he can grow up, I hope he can resist the dark turmoil when it comes... Oh, I was overthinking it. The dark turmoil in the future is so terrifying that it is impossible to resist.……】

【As for me... there's someone I want to meet too.……】

The diary copy appeared, revealing the updated content.

Ling Qianxue looked at the content with a look of heartache in her eyes.

"So that's how it is……"

She sighed, knowing that Su Changqing's temperament had changed drastically.

And this culprit, everything was caused by the dark turmoil in the future!

In addition to feeling distressed, she didn't know what to do.

Faintly, her nose was sore.

After sorting out her thoughts,

Ling Qianxue mustered up the courage and walked over.


She was nervous and her heart was beating fast.

Hearing footsteps behind her,

Su Changqing slowly turned around and saw Ling Qianxue who looked like a fairy.

"Hmm… Junior Sister Qianxue?"

He looked at the beautiful figure that looked like a fairy, which could not be concealed by a long green dress, and spoke softly.

Now he could be sure that this was the Saint of Daoyi Saint Sect!

Because in the original text, there was a clear description of her.

Especially the other party's cold temperament and aura, which was not difficult to recognize.

Noticing Su Changqing's gaze,

Ling Qianxue's body trembled slightly, and her breathing quickened a little.

"What Su Changqing said... should be true, he is really reborn!!"

She noticed the endless vicissitudes of life revealed in Su Changqing's deep eyes, and believed it more and more!

But what should she say? She originally thought that she just needed to muster up her courage, but standing in front of Su Changqing, she didn't know how to start.

The two just looked at each other without saying a word.


Ling Qianxue took a deep breath and said unnaturally:"Senior Brother……"

This was the first time she called Su Changqing like this!

In fact, the person in front of her was indeed her senior brother!

It was just that in the past, she and the Saint Su Changqing were not familiar with each other.

In fact, she always wanted to compete with Su Changqing!

Now think about it, the Saint always let her.

In addition, after getting the future, now Ling Qianxue looked at Su Changqing... her face was also a little flushed, even more unnatural!

…… ps:

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