Chapter 16: Ling Qianxue's encouragement, is this a confession?

At this moment,

Su Changqing looked at Ling Qianxue, who looked unnatural, and showed a gentle smile that was rare on him.

"Junior Sister."

He acted quite naturally, his eyes were constantly observing her.

But it was also because of this that

Ling Qianxue was at a loss for what to do with Su Changqing's warm smile.

"He He……"

""Senior brother, do you regard me as your future self?"

For some reason, her heart ached even more.

This was the first time she saw her senior brother smile like this, especially the vicissitudes in his eyes. What on earth had he experienced?

Even... she could see a flash of joy in his eyes.

Could it be that the person he wanted to see mentioned in the diary before was herself?

Thinking of this,

Ling Qianxue's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, her eyes evaded a little, and she said softly:"Senior brother, congratulations on breaking through the saint realm and solidifying the title of the strongest saint son of Daoyi Saint Sect.……"

"The strongest son? Just a name.……"

Su Changqing laughed at himself when he heard this.

Seeing this,

Ling Xue hesitated to speak. It seems that... Senior Brother has really given up?


"Junior sister, to outsiders, being a saint is indeed out of reach, but... there is no end to the road of cultivation. What about being a saint or the strongest son of the saint? In fact, it is just a passing cloud. Senior brother, I just want to live this life simply."

Su Changqing shook his head and chuckled. Ling Qianxue was shocked by this. Senior brother didn't know that he had known the future, so... did he give up?!

"Senior Brother!"

Based on the diary, she recalled the scene of Su Changqing resisting until the last moment, and said seriously,"Do you remember? The Holy Lord...our Master has always said since childhood that only by becoming stronger can you get what you want!"

"I may not know what senior brother wants, but... I know that his mood has changed!"

"Is it just a name? Is it just a passing cloud? It's easy to say that you can just live this life simply, but you... you are the son of Daoyi Saint Sect. If you can't be a saint, then you can be a fairy, a supreme, or a quasi-emperor.……"

"With your aptitude, there is no end to the road of cultivation, so just walk to the end!"

After saying these words in one breath, her eyes became more determined.

No matter what, she must not let her senior brother degenerate!

This is what she doesn't want to see!

Su Changqing looked surprised and took a deep breath:"Junior……"

"Brother, I have always been wishful thinking, chasing after your footsteps, wanting to surpass you, but now I understand that you are giving in to me!"

"There is no end to the path of cultivation, brother. If you don’t try it once, how will you know that there is no end?"

"From now on… from now on, you will walk in front, and I will always be behind you!"

Ling Qianxue's heartbeat became faster and faster as she spoke, until her whole body felt hot.

For some reason, after saying these words, she felt much more relaxed.

But at this time, the disciples of the Holy Land who had already known that the Saint was going to the Holy Son Peak were completely dumbfounded!

"This...the Holy Son...the Holy Daughter...they???"

"Oh my god!!!"

"Always behind you...hiss, the she confessing her love to the Son? No way?!!"

""Ah!!! I...what did I hear!?"

They all widened their eyes, feeling shocked!

The Saintess, who was not familiar with the Saint Son in the past and did not have much interaction with him, actually said so many jaw-dropping words!

What happened?

What is going on???

Suddenly, exclamations came from all directions!

Everyone's face was dazed and they took a breath of cold air!

In their opinion, the Saint Son and the Saintess were two different types of people, and there was no possibility of any interaction.

But now... the Saintess, who was like an iceberg for thousands of years, actually said such shocking words!

This not only made them feel puzzled, but also dizzy, as if they were dreaming!

Listening to the exclamations around them, and seeing more and more disciples watching...

Ling Qianxue seemed a little uneasy, and her usually cold face became even redder.

At this time,

Su Changqing looked at Ling Qianxue, who was uncomfortable all over, and was happy in his heart.

"Is that so? Okay!"

He nodded and agreed, then chuckled and said,"Junior sister, I see that your aura is unstable. You have just broken through, so you should rest more."

Others don't know, but he knows it very well.

After all, the saint in front of him is the holder of the diary copy!

Seeing Su Changqing agree, and hearing the sudden concern...

Ling Qianxue nodded shyly, but at this time she saw the update of the diary copy.

【The person I want to see most, my junior sister, who is also my wife, is here to see me.……】

【In the future, we fought side by side, and even walked out of Jiuxuantian and went to the heavens to resist the dark turmoil, but... in order to save me, you burned your soul and died together with those damn guys, leaving me alone!】

【In the years that followed, I struggled and hated myself. Why couldn't I protect you? Why wasn't I the one who died, but the one who was alive... It was the most painful!】

【I once said that I would avenge you even if I had to shatter the nine heavens and ten earths and destroy all illusions. Even if I survived to the end... I would still fail!】


【Ten thousand years have passed, and now I am reborn. My junior sister is still alive, still the same as I remember her, still so young, it's great……】

【All these years of longing came to my mind at this moment. My junior sister is right in front of me, and I... really want to hug you, hold your hand, and say,"I miss you!"】

【But... my junior sister now doesn't know our future!】

【How can I explain to her and express my longing for her?】

【Forget it, it’s fine like this, but in this life, I want to get to know my junior sister earlier, get to know her, and fall in love with her!】

【If you still can't change the ending, I hope you can be happy in this life until destruction comes. 】

Looking at the updated diary content,

Ling Qianxue was shocked and her breathing became rapid.

"Did I die to save my brother?"

After she learned about the cause of her future death, she felt a little sad, but also a little happy.

Because at least she could accompany her brother for a while and fight side by side.……

【The one who is the most miserable……】

Seeing this,

Ling Qianxue's heart ached suddenly, and her eyes were a little dazed.


She read the contents of the diary, and her emotions were extremely complicated.

After her future self died, would her senior brother live in such pain?

Until... the last moment!

This pain, this longing...

After reading the diary,

Ling Qianxue's face had already turned red, and she dared not look directly into Su Changqing's eyes.


Her heartbeat quickened, and she almost had the urge to hug her future husband.

Tell him that she knew it!

But she still couldn't muster up the courage, as she was worried that she would lose control of her emotions!

Ling Qianxue blushed and said hurriedly,"Brother... I... I'll go back first."

Her heart was pounding, and she said goodbye quickly.

…… ps:

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