Chapter 14: The Princess and the Saint, feeling sorry for Gu Changqing!

Dayu Dynasty, in the room.

Since Su Youwei took the Nirvana Pill according to the information revealed by Su Changqing, her health has improved significantly, and the mark on her forehead has become more vivid.

"Sure enough, what Su Changqing revealed... is true!"

She muttered in her heart, and at the same time, she wanted to know more about what would happen in the future!

Could it be that I would really fall in love with Su Changqing?

When she thought of this, a blush appeared on her face involuntarily.


I am still young now. According to what is written in the diary, I will fall in love with Su Changqing in ten years?

Just as Su Youwei was daydreaming...……

【Once again, he broke through to the Saint Realm, but this time, his heart was extremely calm.……】

【But in the face of the future chaos, what are saints? Just ants!】


In front of her, a copy of the diary appeared, and she saw the content updated by Su Changqing.

As she read down line by line, her big eyes were full of shock!

The Saint Realm is still weak ? Before the future turmoil, it is just an ant?

Oh my God!


In this regard,

Su Youwei took a deep breath, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

"Saints are just ants? How terrifying will it be then!?"

She thought about the contents of the diary she had seen before, and her heartbeat accelerated.

Under such great terror, even if Su Changqing and some of the powerful people in the world persisted to the end, they would have to fail.

【I have been striving to move forward all my life. Not to mention the saints, even the supreme and the emperor... I still failed.……】

【Never mind. Never mind.……】

【This life is like this, be indifferent, I am tired, really tired……】

When looking at the contents later in the diary copy,

Su Youwei felt a deep sense of powerlessness. She couldn't help but put herself in the story and also felt the physical fatigue!

"Su Changqing……"

She didn't know why, but she felt a little distressed!

As the son of Daoyi Saint Sect, Su Changqing had a promising future and would definitely achieve great success in the future. Even in the Ten Thousand Worlds, there were few people who could match him.

To make such a person so powerless and indifferent to everything...

After a moment,

Su Youwei's eyes gradually turned red, and her little face was full of reluctance.

"Since I will fall in love with Su Changqing, then... then I can't help?"

She wanted to know about the future, and also wanted to know why she couldn't be with Su Changqing until the end.

Since she was awakening the power of the Phoenix in her body and practicing hard, could she change what would happen in the future?

When she came to her senses...

Su Youwei's face turned red like a ripe apple, burning hot.


She felt ashamed and started to shy away. She was just a child!

Besides, it would still be quite some time before the dark turmoil arrived, right?


Daoyi Holy Sect,

Holy Maiden Peak.

Ling Qianxue couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Breakthrough after breakthrough, entering the Saint Realm in one fell swoop……"

She murmured, and the figure of Su Changqing kept appearing in her mind.

This man... is her future husband!

But, why is it so hard for her to accept it? She was even a little overwhelmed!

She had just broken through the seventh level of the Divine King, but the other party was already a saint...

Such a gap was too big!


Suddenly, the diary copy appeared!

Seeing this,

Ling Qianxue quickly put away her thoughts and stared at the diary copy that opened automatically.


When she saw the first line of text, she was stunned for a moment.

Breaking through to the Saint level, so calm?

This guy...

But as she continued to read on,

Ling Qianxue understood why Su Changqing was so calm, and at the same time she was also shocked!

"When the dark turmoil comes, the saints are just ants? Even the immortals, the supremes, and the emperors are like this! ?"

"Su Changqing, he...he……"

She was breathing rapidly, and her mind was blank!

If she had felt horrified when she saw Su Changqing's revelation of the future before, now she had a clearer understanding of how horrible it was!

All the vicissitudes of life are ants...

What did Su Changqing experience in the future? How could he be reborn to say such a thing?!

After reading the contents of the diary,

Ling Qianxue had a complicated expression, and her eyebrows revealed heartache.

"Su Changqing, you...are very tired?"

"Yes... Fighting hard until the last moment but still failing, it must be very tiring, right?"

She really didn't expect that even at the Saint level, she couldn't make Su Changqing happy, but instead extremely calm!

She didn't even want to struggle anymore, she just wanted a peaceful life.

But... since Su Changqing would be her man in the future, how could he be so depraved?

Gritting her teeth,

Ling Qianxue couldn't accept Su Changqing just lying down like what he said in his diary!

"Su Changqing, cheer up!"

"Didn't you say that you would become my Taoist partner in the future? I...I will fight alongside you!"

She thought about it and blushed.

But this time, her eyes were extremely determined!

Although she didn't know why she couldn't accompany Su Changqing to the end, since she knew it in advance, she would definitely practice hard and strive to be able to participate in the war to quell the dark turmoil! Without any hesitation,

Ling Qianxue got up and left the room, ready to go out!

The maid stepped forward and asked,"Saint, what are you doing?"

"Go to Shengzi Peak!"

Ling Qianxue blurted out, and then flew away!

At the scene,


Several maids were stunned, their minds were blank.

What did they hear?

The Saint was going to the Saint Son Peak?

This... didn't the two of them have little contact before?

Oh my God!

The Saint has changed so much in the past few days!!


On the other hand, after Su Changqing wrote down his diary, he just wanted to go out for a walk to get familiar with the sect.

""In my diary, will the story develop as I expect?"

He muttered in his heart, and just as he went out, he saw a disciple waiting at the door.

Seeing Su Changqing coming out, the disciple hurried forward and said respectfully:"Disciple Chu Ming, I pay my respects to the Holy Son!"

"Chu Ming?"

Su Changqing was stunned when he heard the other party's words.


This... isn't this a minor villain in the book?

That is, his own follower!

In the original text, although the kid in front of him was written as very brainless by the author, his strength is the best among many followers.

At this time,

Chu Ming saw that Su Changqing did not speak, and continued:"Holy Son, I... I want to leave the sect for a while!"

"I received a letter from home. My father is dying. I want to go home and see him!"

After he finished speaking, he bowed heavily.

Hearing this,

Su Changqing showed a puzzled look on his face. He had never seen this plot in the original text before.

But before he could think about it, the voice of the system suddenly rang in his mind.……

…… ps:

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