Chapter 125: Prepare for the Zhutian Tower, Su Changqing's preparation, sparring!

Listening to the words of the Human Emperor father,

Su Youwei gritted her teeth and said stubbornly:"Dad, who said I can't go?"

"Besides, the Tower of All Heavens doesn't restrict the entry of the geniuses of the Divine King Realm. If I go in, I might be able to gain some experience and benefit from it!"

She said this, but in her heart she was thinking about the experience of being able to go through the Tower of All Heavens with Su Changqing.

Seeing that her daughter was still so stubborn,

Su Qingyun sighed helplessly, and then her expression became solemn.

"My dear daughter, please be obedient, okay?"

"Even if you can go in as you said, Su Changqing will not ignore you, but... have you thought about it?"

"This time, you are no longer going to face other geniuses from Jiuxuantian, but geniuses from the myriad worlds outside Jiuxuantian. Although Su Changqing is very strong, who can say for sure that no genius from the myriad worlds can be his opponent?"

"Even if he can take care of you, what about himself?"

"It's not that Dad doesn't want you to go, but your current cultivation level is not enough to have much self-protection ability in the Tower of All Heavens. Even if you have life-saving items given by Dad, there will be a time when they will run out, right? What about after that?"

"Dad has already analyzed this with other supreme beings. This so-called Tower of All Heavens is most likely the trial ground for the saints and geniuses among all the heavens and worlds!"

"You are currently only at the God King realm. Even if you are lucky and can get through a period of time with the help of Su Changqing, things will definitely not be that simple in the future!"

"So, no matter what you say, Dad won’t allow you to go!"

"Let's take a step back. Do you want Su Changqing to be distracted to take care of you when facing danger, and put him in danger?"

He said a lot before, but the girl was still unmoved.

In the end, he still brought up Su Changqing.

After all, the person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it!

This girl has been completely fascinated by the Holy Son of Daoyi Saint Sect. If she grows up, I'm afraid she won't be able to stay...

After listening to Su Qingyun's words,

Su Youwei also realized it, and then hurriedly shook her head.

"I don’t want Brother Changqing to be in danger!"

She muttered, looking a little unhappy, and finally continued:"If you don’t want to go, then don’t go!"

"But Daddy, I won't enter the Tower of All Heavens. When it opens, you have to take me there. I want to cheer for Brother Changqing!"

Su Qingyun finally persuaded his daughter and said helplessly,"Okay, okay, okay."……"


Su Youwei pouted and looked up at the sky.

The Tower of the Heavens was about to open. Brother Changqing would surely become famous again by then, and let all the heavens and the world know him, right?

Just thinking about it made people look forward to it!


At this time, in Daoyi Saint Sect,

Holy Maiden Peak,

Ling Qianxue finished reading the diary, with strong expectations in her eyes!

"This time, without Lin Fan, Senior Brother will also enter the Tower of All Heavens, then... his name will be known to all heavens!"

Her eyes were full of brilliance, and she had absolute confidence in Su Changqing in her heart! At the same time, she secretly made up her mind!

This time when she entered the Tower of All Heavens, she had to prove herself well! And those Tianjiao from the heavens are the ones she said she would defeat!

After coming back, maybe she can impact the Tianjiao list!

Xia Qingxuan from Beiming Holy Land ranked fifth. Even if she can't surpass it, she can't fall behind too much!

And the witch of the Demon Sect may also impact the Tianjiao list after the matter of the Tower of All Heavens is over!

And the princess of Dayu Divine Dynasty will surely not be weak in the future!

Otherwise, how could Senior Brother remember the other party's affairs so clearly?

After making a decision,

Ling Qianxue retracted her gaze and forgot to glance in the direction of Shengzi Peak.

"It seems that I have to prepare for the Tower of All Heavens……"

She took a deep breath and planned to retreat.

The Tower of All Heavens was just around the corner, and she wanted to welcome that day in the best condition!

When she got to the Tower of All Heavens, she couldn't drag down her senior brother!


Shengzifeng, after finally making up the story he was going to tell,

Su Changqing breathed a sigh of relief and stretched his body.

"The fabrication work is completed, then……"

His eyes became deep, and it was time to make preparations.

After all, the Tower of All Heavens was about to open, and the one ahead was the All Heavens.

In the original novel, there were several amazing talents among the All Heavens prodigies who participated in the Tower of All Heavens! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

And these people also shined in the subsequent Battle of All Heavens!

Even if you are confident in your own strength, you still have to prepare.

Without thinking too much,

Su Changqing checked the storage space and counted the things he had obtained during this time.

"Hongmeng Taichu Pill, can't be used"[]

"Lingshi, can't be used either"


After flipping through it, he showed a satisfied smile on his face.

It had been piled up for a long time without being counted. Now that he had sorted it out, his storage space could be said to have become a real treasure house.

0 Asking for flowers

If it were released, it might cause unrest in Jiuxuantian.

And now, whether it is the Ancient Scripture of the Gods or the Immortal Scripture, he has comprehended more than half of it.

I believe that after some time, I will be able to fully master it!

And these two exercises will be a great help to me in the future!

It was at this time that

Su Changqing took out the God-Slaying Stone from the storage space and played with it in his hand.

"If this little thing had intelligence, it would be fun, right?"

He turned it over and over, and the more he looked at it, the more he wanted to try it. He wondered what it would be like if it was hit.


Su Changqing smiled even more and looked outside.

""Master Zhan, come in and talk."

He spoke lightly, noticing someone coming.

Then, an old man's laugh came from outside the room.


Zhan Yan, Su Changqing's protector, slowly appeared from the void and stepped into the room.

"I greet the Saint Son."

He bowed slightly and then expressed his reason for coming here:"The Tower of All Heavens will be opened soon, I wonder if the Saint Son is ready?"

"This time in the Tower of All Heavens, I will not be able to accompany the Holy Son. I am afraid that the things in the tower can only be faced by the Holy Son alone!"

After saying these words,

Zhan Yan's tone revealed a solemnity, with worry on his face.

In Jiuxuantian, after what happened in Dayu Divine Dynasty last time, he naturally did not worry that the Holy Son would encounter any accidents.

But in the Tower of All Heavens, the Holy Son will face the geniuses from all heavens, and there may be no shortage of monsters like the Holy Son among them!

Hearing this,

Su Changqing was not surprised. In addition to being his passport holder, the other party could also be said to be a grandfather-like existence.

"Mr. Zhan, don't worry, we have prepared everything."


After he pondered for a while, he said with a sly smile on his face:"I don't know enough about myself at present, why don't you ask Master Zhan to be my sparring partner?"

He was not afraid of the Saint Realm.

As for the Immortal Realm, he wanted to see how big the gap between the two was.

Hearing this,

Zhan Yan was stunned for a moment, looking stunned.

But soon, he smiled and nodded.


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