Chapter 124: The Tower of All Heavens also has its benefits, remind the heroine to participate!

The current Dayu Divine Dynasty is also in turmoil!

Since the announcement of the Tower of All Heavens, everyone has been discussing what will happen after the Tower of All Heavens is opened!

At the same time, countless people are also speculating whether it is the Little Immortal Platform that is secretly manipulating all this!

In addition to being shocked, everyone is also terrified about the Little Immortal Platform.

If it is really because of the Little Immortal Platform, then...

Jiuxuantian is in danger of being destroyed at any time, which makes many cultivators feel a sense of crisis!

At this time in the palace, Su Youwei was still hesitating, thinking about seeing Su Changqing again all day and night.

"Brother Changqing, I have asked daddy to issue a wanted notice again. If I meet Lin Fan, I can bring his head to you without you having to do anything!"

She was now speaking angrily about the contents of the diary that was updated earlier!

Damn it, Lin Fan!

Damn it, Ji Feng!

These two guys are a real scourge! I wonder if brother Changqing will participate in this Tower of All Heavens ? Thinking of this, Su Youwei looked a little worried. She rubbed her little face and muttered,"Is Jiuxuantian really going to face the outside world of all heavens?


"Or will the battle of collapse come earlier after Brother Changqing is reborn?"

"After that, 897, it's the battle of the heavens.……"

She was feeling annoyed at the moment. Her cultivation was not good enough and she had not reached the level of a saint!

If she went to the Tower of All Heavens, wouldn't she be eliminated early?

In fact, her father had said before that the Tower of All Heavens would be very dangerous.

But she also wanted to become stronger through this experience so that she would not be left too far behind by Brother Changqing!

Just as Su Youwei was struggling, the diary copy was updated again.

"What? That villain Ji Feng is so strong?!"

She looked at Su Changqing’s description of Ji Feng’s background in the diary, her face full of surprise.

And when she saw the latter part, she was even more nervous.

It seems that those who enter the Tower of All Heavens are not weak!

If I go in, if something happens, will I hold Brother Changqing back?

While thinking, she read on.

After reading the contents of this diary...

Su Youwei’s eyes were full of spirit, and she couldn’t help clapping her hands:"Brother Changqing is going to enter the Tower of All Heavens, that Ji Feng is definitely not Brother Changqing’s opponent!"

"If Brother Changqing had participated in the Zhutian Tower in his previous life, there would be no Lin Fan and Ji Feng, and he would definitely be the first!"

Excitement appeared on her little face, and she hummed and said, looking quite cute.

I also want to go, but (badj) can I go with my own cultivation?

Headache, headache!


At this moment,

Su Changqing saw that the trust value of the four diary holders had increased again, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Everything is going well.……"

He muttered, and now he had already thought about what he was going to make up next.

No matter what, he had to change the direction of the plot in the original text to what he wanted!

Without thinking too much,

Su Changqing also knew that the next fabrication would affect several diary copy holders, as well as what happened in the Zhutian Tower, and it was also related to future developments!

【I have decided and am ready for the Tower of Heavens in this life!】

【Even though he is facing the geniuses of the universe and may make many enemies in the future, since he has lived this life again, it is difficult to accomplish anything if he hesitates!】

【In this life, I will not only change the things that I failed to prevent in the previous life, but I will also settle accounts with those who have brought harm to me and the people around me!】

【I don't know... Will Qianxue, Qingxuan, Dieyi, and Youwei all enter the Tower of the Heavens?】

【Although it is dangerous, there are also many benefits. Not only can you get to know in advance who may become your enemy, but it is also the most suitable opportunity for training!】

【In the previous life's Tower of All Heavens, many geniuses of Jiuxuantian did die, but it was also because of this that some people thoroughly tempered themselves, such as the Taoist son of Taoist Zixiao and Long San, the son of the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan. They also shined in the Tower of All Heavens and became the top combat forces in the subsequent Battle of Collapse and the Battle of All Heavens!】

【As long as you are not too careless, or encounter a genius who is far superior to you, it is not that easy to fall. There is a rule in the Tower of All Heavens that as long as you are not dead before being eliminated, you will be teleported out of the tower, or you can be teleported out if you say you give up.……】

【In my last life, the people around me passed away one by one before me. In this life, without the hidden danger of Lin Fan, it would be extremely beneficial for Qianxue, Youwei, Qingxuan, and Dieyi if they all participated in the competition with the geniuses of all heavens in the Tower of All Heavens!】

【I need to inform them……】

After Su Changqing fabricated this paragraph, he immediately started writing letters.

After all, he couldn't let go of this opportunity! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

If the strength of the four diary holders can rise in advance, it will be a great help to his future development!

Therefore, he must seize these opportunities!


In the imperial palace of Dayu Dynasty


Su Youwei looked at the updated diary contents, her beautiful eyes sparkling.

"Brother Changqing is really going to enter the Tower of All Heavens. He seems to be more attractive after regaining his fighting spirit.……"

She can now clearly see that her future man has undergone a drastic change in his state of mind!

If it were before, he might have ignored her and had no interest.

But... since he planned to intervene in the war between the Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan, Brother Changqing has become more charming whether in person or in his diary!

That confidence and determination are revealed between the lines of the diary!

After reading the diary thoroughly,

Su Youwei's eyes were bright and she no longer hesitated!

"Since Brother Changqing said so, I want to enter the Tower of All Heavens too!"

She took a deep breath and immediately stood up and left the room!

Now she was going to find her father, the Emperor of Man, and tell him that she wanted to enter the Tower of All Heavens for training!

Not long after she left the house,

Su Youwei saw Su Qingyun, who seemed to be worried, and hurriedly trotted up to him.


"Good daughter."

Su Qingyun smiled when he saw Su Youwei.


Su Youwei went straight to the point and said without hesitation:"Dad, I want to go after the Tower of All Heavens is opened!"

"What? Why are you going to join in the fun?"

Su Qingyun's smile froze on his face, and he frowned immediately.

Since the Tower of All Heavens is a showdown between the geniuses of all heavens, there are naturally many dangers and uncertainties.

Moreover, before this, he and the other supreme beings in Zhongzhou had also made certain guesses! No one above the level of Saint can enter the Tower of All Heavens!

How could he let his daughter take the risk.


Su Youwei didn't care, and snorted:"Everyone else in Jiuxuantian can go, why can't I go?"

"Besides, Brother Changqing will also go, and he will definitely not ignore me when he is around!"

As she said the latter part, an excited smile appeared on her face.

Su Changqing?

Su Changqing again!?

Su Qingyun felt a headache when he saw his daughter's appearance!

"Su Changqing is number one on the Tianjiao list, isn't it normal for him to go? Why are you joining in the fun?"

He took a deep breath and said helplessly.


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