Chapter 126: No way, the Immortal Stage is also suppressed by the Holy Son?!

After a moment, countless disciples of Daoyi Holy Sect looked up and looked at the void above in surprise!

Because... at this moment,

Su Changqing and Zhan Yan were standing face to face in the void.

Because before this, every disciple in the Holy Land had heard the news that Su Changqing had asked Zhan Yan to be his sparring partner!

Asking Zhan Yan, who was in the seventh level of the Immortal Stage, to be his sparring partner...

This made the outer sect, the inner sect, and many elders all feel numb, and now they were all paying attention to Su Changqing and Zhan Yan in the void and exclaimed!

"The Holy Son asked Elder Zhan to practice with him? This... This is too crazy! ?"

"Although the Holy Son was able to kill the Immortal Platform with his Saintly Cultivation, his strength was impeccable, but... after all, the one he had killed before was only at the Fourth Heaven of the Immortal Platform, which was not as good as Elder Zhan. Could it work???"

"Elder Zhan is the protector of the"Sixty-Ninety" Saint, and he has long ceased to be an elder in the Holy Land. However, he is the number one person in the sect, except for several great elders who have been sleeping for a long time. The Saint... Oh my God!……"

"As expected of the Holy Son, he has great courage. If it were an ordinary person, how could he dare to do that?……"

"I'm afraid that the fight between the Holy Son and Master Zhan this time will be extremely exciting. Regardless of the result, the process will probably be amazing!"


All the disciples and elders were looking at the two figures in the sky, their mouths dry and they swallowed hard.

This was really a shock to them.

After all, they never expected that the Holy Son would not let others practice with him, but let Elder Zhan be his sparring partner!

A fight between the Saint Realm and the Immortal Realm!

In this kind of scene, apart from their own Holy Son, they really had never heard of anyone who could do such a thing!

Amidst the many exclamations, Ling Qianxue on the Holy Maiden Peak also noticed the commotion in the Holy Land and ended her practice early.


When she learned that Su Changqing wanted to let the highly respected Master Zhan in the sect practice with her, she couldn't help but be shocked!

Senior brother, senior brother actually...

After taking a breath,

Ling Qianxue stared at Su Changqing in the void with her beautiful eyes, breathing rapidly and said:"Could it be that senior brother already has the confidence to face the seventh level of the immortal platform! ?"

"Oh my god……"

There was a storm in her heart, and there was more shock in her eyes!

According to the character of the senior brother, he would never do something if he was not sure!

Since he could let Elder Zhan practice with him, there was only one reason, the senior brother might really have the strength to face the seventh level of the immortal platform!


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd,

Su Changqing looked at Zhan Yan opposite him, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Mr. Zhan, please help me."

"Then... Holy Son, be careful!"

Zhan Yan smiled and nodded, and then his body stopped hunching and stood straight. The aura of the seventh heaven of the Immortal Platform rushed into the sky at this moment!

Suddenly, the wind rolled and the clouds surged! Between heaven and earth, there was a roar from space!

The reason why he became serious was because he had seen the terrifying strength displayed by the Holy Son in the Dayu Divine Dynasty, and killed the Immortal Platform strongman of the demon clan with one sword!

Even if the opponent's cultivation is not as good as his, the strength of the Holy Son cannot be defined by the Saint Realm!

Especially when he saw the excitement in Su Changqing's eyes,

Zhan Yan was more certain of his guess that even if the Holy Son faced him, he would be sure to fight!

"Holy Son, I have offended you!"

He smiled kindly, but his hands condensed an aura that made the disciples of the Holy Land change color!

The next moment, he suddenly disappeared from the spot!

In the eyes of countless shocked people,

Zhan Yan had already come in front of Su Changqing and slapped him with one palm!

This palm was full of overwhelming force!

"Bang Bang Bang……"

Instantly, sonic booms sounded! Su Changqing was not surprised by this

, his expression became solemn, and he unreservedly released the power of cultivation in his body! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Come on!!!"

He shouted, and even urged the Primordial Supreme Bone in his body, and the Supreme Aura suddenly appeared!

Then, he did not choose to dodge, and also slapped out a palm!

In the unexpected and shocked eyes of countless people, the two palms collided![]


A roar that shook the heaven and earth was heard, and the entire holy land was shaken!

The next second,

Su Changqing retreated, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit!

""Master Zhan, come again!"

He felt the great power in his hand, and the blood in his body seemed to be stimulated and boiled, and the whole person became particularly excited!

Without any hesitation, he rushed out again!

Seeing that Su Changqing really caught his attack,

Zhan Yan was surprised, and also felt the breath of Su Changqing that moved him!

"That is, the aura of the Supreme! ?"

He had sensed it before in the Dayu Divine Dynasty, but it was not as terrifying as it is now!

When he was in doubt, a breath that moved him came to his face!

When he came to his senses, he saw Su Changqing had come to him, and his right hand was clenched into a fist.

""Master Zhan, it's not good to be distracted!"

He grinned, and his fists kept coming like a storm!

Seeing this,

Zhan Yan also smiled and stopped thinking too much

"Let me see it for myself!"

In addition to anticipation, there was also a hint of solemnity in his eyes!

In an instant, the two of them kept colliding!

"Boom boom boom……"

Every collision made the heaven and earth lose their color, and the roar continued!

The amazing fluctuations were more like sweeping across the nine heavens and ten earths, making everything return to silence!

In just a blink of an eye,

Su Changqing fought with Zhan Yan for dozens of rounds!


And in the holy land, everyone felt their scalps tingling and swallowed hard after seeing this scene!

"This, this, this… Oh my god, the Holy Son… The Holy Son could actually hold out for so long against Elder Zhan. No, it should be said that the Holy Son actually held out against Elder Zhan!!!"

"Is this really the strength that a Saint can display? And how come I sensed a soul-shaking aura from the Saint? That... that's the aura of the Supreme! ?"

"It’s only been 4.6 years, but the Saint’s strength has already reached such a terrifying level? This… Elder Zhan is a powerful person at the seventh level of the Immortal Stage!!!"

"Not only is he not at a disadvantage, but... he even feels like the Holy Son is taking the initiative???"


Every disciple and elder looked at the fight in the air with horror, their hearts were already shocked beyond words!

At the moment, they could no longer see the figures of Su Changqing and Zhan Yan, and the terrifying noise of the fight made people tremble uncontrollably!

Although they didn't know what the result would be, even if Elder Zhan would suppress Su Changqing in the end...

In their opinion, the Holy Son was unparalleled in the world of the current Jiuxuantian!!!


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