I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 198 The challenge of the strange boy, the realm of ancient martial arts (3rd update)

Xiao Jin.

Looking at the young man in front of them, the members of Tiantianbao Temple fell silent.

Especially Minister Shiraishi.

Facing the innocent boy, a trace of intolerance and guilt flashed in his eyes. If you hadn't lost singles 3, the opponent might have played in singles 1.

Although in the end, the opponent may not be able to defeat Ishikawa.

But in this case, the boy's trip to the national competition was not in vain.

But now.

Tiantianbao Temple has lost.

According to the rules, Yuan Shan has no chance to play.

Feel sorry.

Baishi said helplessly: Xiao Jin, we have lost, so...

I won't listen!

Yuan Shan held his head and shook his head like a rattle.

Seeing this, Osamu Watanabe couldn't help but said in a deep voice: Kintaro, be obedient.

“I won’t listen, I won’t listen!!”

The top of the distant mountain shook even more violently.

See this.

The other members of the Tiantianbao Temple felt even more guilty. They knew the boy's character and was not the kind of person who would make trouble unreasonably.

The reaction at this time was simply because there was no game to play.


The reality is so cruel.

Shitenhoji lost the game, and this year's season is over. We can only make a comeback next year.


Coach Watanabe's tone was a little more serious.

He knew very well that now was not the time to argue about this. Hyotei's next opponent is the defending champion Tatekai Dai.

At this time, if Kintaro's actions affect the next game, they will never be able to shoulder this responsibility!

Immediately, Watanabe said in a deep voice: We have already lost and cannot affect other people's subsequent games.

Um, Coach Watanabe, right?


at this time.

A gentle voice sounded.


The members of the Tentenboji Temple turned their heads and looked over, and saw Ishikawa looking this way and saying with a smile: Actually, I also want to fight Toyama-kun.


The team members of Tiantianbao Temple were stunned.


Kintaro, on the other hand, jumped up excitedly as if he had won a grand prize.


However, Watanabe did not agree immediately. He shook his head and said: You should know that the competition is not a child's play. Tomorrow is your match against Tachibana, and I don't want your condition to be affected by the match against Kintaro!

This is what he means.

But in response, Ishikawa just smiled and said: It's okay, this will have no impact on my game tomorrow.

His tone was gentle and his expression was calm.

Coupled with his height of 1.7 meters, he forms a sharp contrast with Yuan Shan, who has a lively personality.

Watanabe sighed in his heart, a little envious of Hyotei's coach. Immediately, he looked across at the man in a suit sitting on the bench: Although you have no objection, but...


At this time, Sakaki Taro also spoke. He nodded with a smile and said, As long as Ishikawa agrees, I have no objection.

As soon as these words came out.

Watanabe, Shiraishi, Inoue and others outside the stadium all showed surprised expressions.

They knew that Ishikawa's status in Hyokui was not low. But he didn't expect that Coach Ice Emperor would attach such importance to him.

This completely gives Ishikawa the greatest degree of autonomy!

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!!”

Being able to compete allows Yuanshan to instantly resurrect with full health.


But at this time, Ishikawa raised his head and glanced at the cloudless sky, and suddenly said in a deep voice: Since it's not a formal game, let's just have a game to win. How about that?

A round?

Yuan Shan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: No problem, as long as I can play a game with you, I can score one goal!

Okay, let's get started.

Ishikawa smiled and nodded, picked up the racket and walked into the court.


On the side of Tianbao Temple, Qianye said in confusion: He seems to have felt something, but the weather is very good now.

Hear the words.

Others looked up and saw that the sky was clear and cloudless.

Well, maybe it's because the weather is so nice.

Zaizen squinted his eyes and said: In such a hot weather, if we play against Kintaro, it will probably be dragged out into a protracted match. Doesn't he understand data tennis? He may be worried about this.

He is the genius of Shitenhoji Temple, he claims to be among the smart people, and he has seen through Ishikawa's intentions.

Isn't that right?


Shiraishi frowned slightly.

He had a very good impression of Ishikawa. He shouldn't be the kind of person who proposes a competition and then changes the rules midway.

He looks both upright and upright, completely incompatible with the image of the Ice Emperor Demon King.

He must have discovered something.

At this time, Chitose said: If nothing else happens, something will definitely happen when he competes with Kintaro.

Among the Shitenhoji team members present, no one understood Ishikawa's horror better than Chitose.

He had personally experienced the other party's terrifying strength.

at the same time.

I also witnessed the opponent's process of crushing Sanada and helping Hyotei win the first place in Kanto.

Before that, Chitose had always been certain that Kintaro was the strongest newcomer. But he has since changed his mind.


In Chitose's view, the opponent is no longer strong or not, but how strong he is. Instead, he has jumped out of the frame of a junior high school student and gone beyond the so-called ceiling level!


Although Ishikawa is so powerful, Chitose is not worried about Kintaro. On the contrary, in his opinion, this game will allow their strongest newcomer in Tianbao Temple to evolve in advance and touch the realm he guessed!


In front of the net.

The red-haired boy said excitedly: I heard from Chitose that you defeated that gorilla from Sanada. If you look at it this way, you are the strongest Hyokui, right?

As soon as these words came out.

Many people's hearts moved, and their eyes subconsciously looked in the direction of the Ice Emperor.


Atobe and Akutsu didn't react at all.

The same goes for others, as if what Yuanshan said was reality.

let's start.

Ishikawa smiled and said: You serve, I also want to see how you beat Hiyoshi-senpai.

Hiyoshi, is that the guy with weird moves?

After hearing this, Yuan Shan looked at the mushroom-headed boy with a bandage on his right hand outside the stadium.


Riji's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but complain in his heart: This kid, the one with strange movements, is obviously you, right?


Complaints are complaints.

Looking at the two people retreating to the bottom line, Hiji's eyes became serious. He really wanted to know how Ishikawa would deal with this scary boy!

Then. I'll start!

Court side.

Toyama, who was holding the tennis ball, threw the ball up with a smile. Then, under everyone's surprised eyes, he jumped up high and hit a fierce smash with an exaggerated posture.


There was a loud bang.

The serve blasted out like a cannonball.

What kind of serve is this?!

When the Ice Emperor team members saw this, they all showed shocked expressions.

On the other hand, at Shitenhoji Temple, Zaizen, Koharu, Yuji and others clenched their fists one after another.

This is Kintaro's signature serve.

Jin Koharu, who wears glasses and is responsible for the intelligence work of Shitenbao Temple, said with a smile: For ordinary players, if the racket touches, I'm afraid it will fly out in an instant.

That's right.

Caiqian also smiled and said: Even a strong player will suffer if he is not prepared in advance.

while speaking.

His eyes flashed, and he was ready to see this Ice King player's joke.


At this time.

Yuanshan's serve landed with a dull sound. Just hearing the sound of landing was a bit exaggerated.

Tap! !

And this time.

Ishikawa appeared near the landing point, looked down at the trajectory of the tennis ball, and swung out with a calm expression.

Caught up?

What a quick response!

Wait a minute, is this guy planning to fight back with one hand?

Seeing Ishikawa appear instantly, all the members of Shitenboji Temple were shocked. But then, when they saw him swinging the racket with one hand, Caizen and others showed playful smiles on their faces.

This guy is going to be in trouble.



Just as this thought came to mind, Ishikawa swung his racket and easily hit Toyama's powerful serve.


The landing point of this ball was aimed very close to the edge. For Yuanshan who had not yet landed, it was equivalent to announcing the death of this ball.


Unexpectedly, after the opponent landed, he kicked the ground violently. With the help of this force, he hugged his knees with both hands, formed a ball, and quickly moved towards the position where Ishikawa returned the ball.


Everyone in Ice Emperor was dumbfounded.

No one expected that this first grader from Tiantianbao Temple would make such a weird move.


Seeing Toyama's posture, Riji's eyes narrowed: It's this messy style of play, but he can always catch up with the tennis ball before it hits the ground. This guy's speed and explosive power are extremely exaggerated!


At this time.

Yuan Shan caught up with the tennis ball and spread out his body again. After standing firm, he swung his racket towards the tennis ball and hit it hard.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball flew over towards Ishikawa.

The response has been good.

After seeing Toyama's actions, Ishikawa nodded slightly.

If anyone among the junior high school students, other than Akutsu, could play tennis purely based on physical talent, it would be this red-haired boy.

Kintaro Toyama.

It also belongs to the type where God rewards you with food.

His own endurance and explosive power are very terrifying, and his short and thin body contains terrifying strange power.

Coupled with his innate keen sense of smell, he can capture all abnormal changes anytime and anywhere.

Without systematic training and simply relying on his own feelings to play, he already has top national level strength.


Ishikawa swings.

Block the opponent's attack horizontally in front of you.

Tsk! !

The tennis ball kept crushing the racket surface, like a ferocious beast trying to tear the racket into pieces.


Ishikawa's racket was like a solid cage, trapping him tightly.



Ishikawa swung the racket hard and hit the tennis ball towards Kintaro's backhand.


Seeing Ishikawa fighting back with one hand again, Caizen and others' expressions suddenly changed.

Liar, liar, right?

Zaizen looked at Ishikawa in disbelief.

I can't imagine that the opponent's backhand was blocked in front of him. What terrible force must be endured on his wrist?


During the entire process from catching the ball to returning the ball, the opponent's wrist didn't even move at all? !

This is simply too exaggerated!


At this time.

Kintaro attacks again.

His game is very similar to Akutsu's early game, both of which rely solely on explosiveness and brute force to play.

The power is indeed strong.

But for Ishikawa, who has considerable strength and has skills that are beyond the level of a junior high school student, it is like a child's wheel axe. It looks dangerous but actually has no power.


Ishikawa did not intend to use his skills to defeat the opponent.

He put on a martial arts stance and constantly used the ball returned from left and right to mobilize his opponents.

The first few rounds.

The distant mountains are running like the wind, and the speed is astonishing.

But as time went by, Ishikawa still shot left and right, but his opponent's speed slowed down significantly.


Seeing the change in Toyama's state, Ishikawa couldn't help but smile and said: If you just rely on brute force to play without using your brain, you will be too far behind.


Hearing his opponent's words, the red-haired boy couldn't help but snorted.

He has a naive and optimistic personality, but at the same time he is also a person who cannot stand anger. A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye is his motto in life.

Hearing what Ishikawa said about him, Toyama couldn't help but speed up.

Tap! !

He gallops like a cheetah.

After catching up with the tennis ball, he used all his strength again, swung the racket and blasted past.


The ball was very fast and very powerful. It looked like it was rubbing against the air too fast, causing a lot of heat to be generated, like a fireball.


See this.

The Ice Emperor team member's eyes trembled.

Especially Hiyoshi, he only looks at it based on his own judgment. The opponent didn't use any skills to hit this ball, and its power is no less powerful than Sanada's [Invasion Like Fire]!



Hiyoshi turned his head and looked towards Ishikawa. I want to know how the other party will respond.


Unexpectedly, Ishikawa was still performing martial arts movements. Hold the racket with your right hand and pull it back, making a lunge-like movement with your body.


The other person's face was calm, but his eyes were extremely bright. This reminded Riji of the concepts of [mind, skill, and body] in ancient martial arts.

Ishikawa's standard movements are as if he has practiced the skills of ancient martial arts to an extremely proficient level. And those eyes showed his calm and consistent attitude.

As for the final body.

In Hiyoshi's eyes, there is no doubt that Ishikawa has perfectly integrated this [heart] and [skill] with his own body. The three have reached an extremely high and balanced state.



Ishikawa swings.

There is no movement of the ball, just a straight shot.


But the next moment.

The light yellow tennis ball hit the other side of the distant mountain like a stone bullet.


There was obviously a crack on the ground where it landed.

And the tennis ball that was ejected was so fast that no one from afar could catch up with it.


When the tennis ball hit the barbed wire fence, the force seemed to be completely dispersed without causing any damage. Then, it rolled gently to the ground.

This, is this...

As if he thought of something, Riji's pupils instinctively shrank: One of the legendary realms of ancient martial arts. Lifting weight with ease?

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