I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 197 Advance to the semi-finals, the forgotten boy (2nd update)





On the court.

Two figures ran back and forth.

After hitting the ball, move quickly toward the other side.


On the side of Shitenhoji Temple, looking at Chitose who was constantly resisting Akutsu's attack at the bottom line, Caimae said in confusion: Senior, he has not made any further announcements since just now.


Kenya was stunned for a moment and said in a deep voice: Can't that [Absolute Prediction] ability be used in Chitose's serve game?

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately aroused the recognition of the members of Tiantianbao Temple. In their opinion, this should be the reason why Chitose has not been able to break through and score for a long time.

is that so?

Bai Shi shook his head.

If Chitose can only make an absolute prediction when he is serving in his own game, it is because it requires a long enough analysis time. But for this shot, Akutsu gave him a long time to think about it.


Chitose still failed to make a prediction.


Suddenly, as if he thought of something, Bai Shi's expression changed: Is this possible?


And this time.

Akutsu suddenly exerted his strength and hit a powerful volley to score directly!



Seeing Akutsu score again, the Hyokui players cheered excitedly.


In response, Atobe couldn't help but smile and said: It seems that Chitose's prediction has failed?

Uh this.

The Ice Emperor team members were also stunned.

They also couldn't understand why Chitose's brilliant talent suddenly had no effect on Akutsu.


At this time, Feng asked curiously: You should know something, right?



Everyone's eyes were looking in the same direction. Even Shiraishi and others from Tiantianbao Temple cast their eyes over.

If the warning fails, there are only two possibilities.

Facing everyone's gaze, Ishikawa smiled and explained: Either the use of brilliance has some restrictions that we don't know about. Or there is another possibility. Chitose-senpai has indeed seen the future.

Did he see it?

Hiji, Feng and others all frowned.

For a moment, they did not understand what Ishikawa meant.

you mean

However, he endured it. He seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly opened: The future predicted by Chitose... did he lose?!


As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone's eyes widened suddenly.


And this time.

As if to confirm Ishikawa's statement, Akutsu's offense once again tore apart Chitose's defense and scored directly with a flat shot!



On the court.

Chitose's face was very ugly.

The second time

His predictions and analysis of the future were once again obscured by that black aura. He couldn't see clearly the possibilities of the future, and there was a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

It seems as if something terrible will happen in the coming future!





Hyotei Akutsu, 2-2!

In the blink of an eye, Akutsu tied the score.

It seems that both sides play like a turn-based game. Each one makes a move, and the results are settled at the end of the round.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

In a tennis match, the side with the right to serve often has a certain advantage. When the difference in strength is not too big, it is often the server himself who wins the game.




Bottom line.

Chitose patted the tennis ball gently.


Catching the tennis ball, the selfless light of radiant talent appeared all over him again. The air waves turned into energy, integrated into his brain, and activated it, running at high speed like a computer.

Uh-huh! Swish, swish, swish! ! !


Chitose's pupils constantly reflected various phenomena that might happen in the future.

Serve, return, volley.

It was normal in the early stage, but when his prediction entered the 50th ball, the screen began to tear. At the same time, the originally clear appearance of the opponent was obscured by an inexplicable black energy.

In an instant.

A feeling of extreme danger spread.



Everything Chitose predicted failed, and his consciousness returned to reality again.

Chitose player, Chitose player?


Chitose looked up in surprise and saw the referee looking at him and saying, Excuse me, are you feeling unwell?

I'll serve right away.

Chitose nodded.

He wiped his forehead subconsciously, only to find that there was a layer of sweat on it.


Take a deep breath.

Chitose's eyes brightened, and after taking a deep look at Akutsu's position, he decisively threw the tennis ball up.



He hit a tennis ball that spun at high speed.

After the tennis ball hit the ground, it mysteriously disappeared when it bounced up.


Seeing this, the team members of Tiantianbao Temple said excitedly: Thousand-year-old [Shenyin]!!!

“The disappearing serve?!”

Everyone in Ice Emperor couldn't help but be surprised.

They quickly thought of Seigaku Fuji's disappearing serve.


At this time, Renzu shook his head and said: The rotation of this ball is stronger than Fuji. If you don't have strong insight, you won't be able to see through this ball!



He just finished speaking.

Akutsu relied on his keen sense of smell to determine the trajectory of the tennis ball. Swing it out with one beat and blast it away.

Shenyin was cracked instantly?

The members of Tiantianbao Temple were shocked.

They originally thought that this move could at least score one game. But he didn't expect that he would be killed in just one encounter.



Chitose shot back again.

After the tennis ball flew out, it disappeared again.


The Hyokui team member subconsciously exclaimed: Isn't that move only effective for serving?



Akutsu once again saw through Kamigakure.

At this time, the gray-white cyclone around him was condensing. As the game continued, this momentum became more intense. Akutsu's speed and strength were almost visible to the naked eye.





The two sides fought fiercely.

Chitose was once again at a disadvantage.

But he did not give up, but released his selfless aura to the greatest extent.


The stronger he became, the stronger Akutsu's own aura became.

Two breaths.

One white and one gray collide with each other.

The two sides refused to give in to each other, and the speed of the ball was so fast that in the end, even Shido, Xianghi and others could no longer catch the trajectory of the tennis ball.

The duel between these two people has completely entered another realm.


But eventually.

The gray-white aura of the beast still overwhelmed the brilliance of selfless wisdom. The tennis ball flew out and hit Chitose's side hard.


Hyotei Akutsu, 3-2, exchange venues!

From this round onwards, Akutsu reversed the score. And out of control, Chitose was completely suppressed.



Hyotei Akutsu, 4-2!



Hyotei Akutsu, 5-2!

In a blink of an eye.

Akutsu once again won two games, while Chitose was forced into a desperate situation. And the top master of Tiantianbao Temple was not willing to lose like this.

The last game.

The more he fought, the more excited he became, his speed became faster and faster, and he gradually lost his skills and relied more on explosive power to fight Akutsu.


The last ball.

Chitose's momentum skyrocketed.

The aura of selflessness became more condensed through constant hammering during the duel with Akutsu. His strength also became stronger in the process!

Whoops! !


Chitose swung her racket as if stirring up an angry fire. Aim at the flying tennis ball and swipe it hard.


In an instant.

A flaming volley flew out.

This is Chitose's strongest hit. The power of the hit even exceeds the original [Invasion Like Fire] played by Sanada in the Kanto finals!

Well done!

Looking at the ferocious tennis balls coming, Akutsu cheered up, and his own gray-white aura surged again at this moment.



A black aura filled the air, blending into the beast mode. It made Akutsu's gray-white aura a little darker.


next moment.

Akutsu swung his racket violently, sending the tennis ball to the other side.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball blasted into the ground like a cannonball. Under Chitose's shocked eyes, it suddenly shot up and punched a big hole in the barbed wire fence behind him.

competition is over!

Seeing this, the referee also said loudly: Hyotei Academy Aku Tsujin wins, the score is 6-2!


On the court.

Chitose couldn't help but exhale, and looked at her opponent with a complicated expression.

He lost.

But this Kyushu duo, now the top master of Tiantianbao Temple, was convinced of the defeat.

Because he sees clearly.

Since the third game just now, no ball has hit the blind spot of the Ice Emperor's player in front of him in the right eye.

In this situation.

On the contrary, he took advantage of it.

Hyokuei. Are all guys like this?

Sighing softly in his heart, he raised his head and glanced at Akujin opposite, whose gray-white aura slowly faded away, and his body couldn't help but relax a little.

As the game ends.

The oppressive and dangerous aura on the other party's body also completely disappeared.

So... what I saw is just a glimpse of what may happen in the future?

In reality.

The terrifying black aura did not appear.

But Chitose is sure that if the other party is in desperate situation. The potential within this tennis beast will definitely burst out completely.

Think of this.

Chitose admired Ishikawa even more.

I really don't know how that person defeated this Akutsu!

This third round of competition ends here.

At this time.

After confirming the scores and conditions of both sides, the referee said loudly: Hyotei Academy has three wins and zero losses, advancing to the next round!



Everyone in the Ice Emperor who had qualified for the top four in the country couldn't help but cheer.

them at this time.

We are getting closer and closer to the highest position in the country.

ice King!

ice King!

ice King!

In excitement, everyone kept shouting the Ice Emperor's slogan.

These guys are so strong!

Shiraishi, the director of Shitenhoji Temple, sighed: Looking at it this way, they are indeed the team closest to that position this year!


Qianye nodded.

Only by playing against Ice King can you know how terrifying this team is.

after all.

Before the game starts.

No one thought that as the number one team in Kansai, they would lose three games in a row!

Let's go.

Osamu Watanabe stood up and said with a smile: You can check out of the hotel I booked. If you go now, you can save a lot of money.

Axiu, this guy!

Seeing this, Qian Ye quickly used his speed to stop in front: We have agreed to eat beef hot pot, and we must not cheat!

Huh? Who said beef hot pot? I obviously meant clear water. You must have heard wrong.

“No, it’s beef hot pot!”

It's clear water!

“Beef hotpot!”

Clear water!


Just as the two were arguing, a weak voice suddenly sounded.



Everyone's eyes turned away subconsciously.

Seeing the red-haired boy wearing a leopard-print vest, Toyama Kintaro pointed at himself and said a little embarrassedly: My game hasn't started yet, right?



Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

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