I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 199: Sleeping with Tennis in His Arms, Ishikawa’s Alternative Preview (1st Update)

In rumors.

Ancient martial arts has a very special realm [heavy weight is as light as light]. It is able to easily neutralize the power of the opponent's attack. The most perfect level is to be able to transfer the power away without any contact.

This also explains why Ishikawa can easily counterattack the tennis ball even when it is difficult to exert force in his swing.

Isn't the deputy minister too strong?

Hiji was shocked.

The admiration for Ishikawa has reached an unprecedented level.

Before this, he never thought that he would have such admiration for a first-year freshman!

What a quick shot!

Direction to Shitenbao Temple.

Shiraishi, Chitose and others were shocked.

too fast!

Ishikawa's batting does not include any fancy moves. Just like bending a bow and setting an arrow, the power it can create is far beyond everyone's imagination.


Looking at the distant mountains on the court, when I saw the slightly cracked ground where the tennis ball landed, my eyes couldn't help but sink.

He has a simple personality, but that doesn't mean he's stupid.

The boy in front of him was definitely more powerful than Shiraishi and Chitose.


Surprisingly, this super newcomer from Shitenhoji Temple jumped up excitedly after feeling the pressure from Ishikawa: This feeling... is so exciting!

The boy was jumping up and down, and he didn't look like he was encountering a powerful enemy at all.


Seeing Yuanshan's reaction, other contestants from Tiantianbao Temple had smiles flashing in their eyes.

For their newcomer, no matter how difficult it is, they will fight back with stronger strength.

This always optimistic attitude is one of the reasons why the other party is strong!



Kintaro hit another ball.

A powerful serve, dragging a long wake. It hit the position in front of Ishikawa like a cannonball.

This guy didn't listen to other people's opinions at all.

Ishikawa shook his head secretly.

But he wasn't surprised. After all, in the original work, Yuan Shan was famous for his stubbornness and stubbornness. After being defeated by Yukimura, he challenged the opponent a hundred times and stopped challenging after winning one.

If he hadn't known Yukimura's character, he would have even suspected that the other party was too tired of being challenged and let the person in front of him win.


Ishikawa did not intend to spoil the other party.


Looking at the ejected tennis ball, he once again performed martial arts movements. Just like before, he bent a bow and nocked an arrow, and when the tennis ball bounced off, he quickly swung the racket out.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball shot out like an arrow from the string.

Seeing this, the faces of the surrounding audience changed. Especially for the members of the Tentenhoji Temple, Ishikawa's style of play was obviously just a simple counterattack.

But the effect is no less than a top-notch trick.

Is this the strength of the Ice Emperor Demon King?

Qianye's eyes trembled slightly.

Even with his speed, if he didn't remove the weight, he might not be able to catch up with the ball, right?

Tap! !


A figure like a cheetah suddenly appeared near the bottom line, which was the distant mountain.


Catching up with the tennis ball, the young man had an excited smile on his face. He immediately swung his racket and hit the tennis ball.



The moment the ball and racket collide.

Yuanshan's pupils quietly shrank.

tsk tsk


The pure force impact on the racket actually gave him the illusion that he couldn't hold the racket.


It's not an illusion!

Yuan Shan's expression suddenly changed.


Under the astonished gazes of everyone in Tiantianbao Temple, they quickly put their left hand up and held the racket tightly. Using both arms hard, he was able to knock the ball out.


Cai Qian and others were stunned.

They didn't expect that their super newcomer, who was dubbed the Weird Boy, would be suppressed by his opponent in terms of strength?

That's not pure power!

At this time, Shiraishi on the side looked solemn and said: Every return shot by Ishikawa perfectly condenses the power and spin. It seems to be just an ordinary ball, but it has super destructive power!

That's right.

Chitose also nodded heavily and said, His tennis skills are beyond the level of a junior high school student!

Heart! Skill! Body!

Coach Watanabe Osamu couldn't help but sigh: It's hard to imagine that someone at this age can develop their abilities to such an extent!

At this moment.

In their eyes, Ishikawa's strength has exceeded the age limit. They treat them like third-year players like Shiraishi and Chitose.


Even so, the strength and realm that Ishikawa has reached are extremely exaggerated!



The tennis ball landed like a cannonball.


As before.

Ishikawa simply swung the racket, but when the tennis ball hit the ground, the ground made an unbearable cracking sound.



The other side.

The distant mountains kept breathing in and out.

Although the game lasted less than 2 minutes, Ishikawa faced a powerful hit. Every time, he concentrated on hitting the tennis ball back with all his strength.

Therefore, the physical energy consumption is far beyond ordinary times. For a while, I even felt a little overwhelmed.

This person is so strong!

Yuan Shan raised his head and his eyes became solemn.

This is a duel, and losing points continuously means that he will lose soon.


Raising his head, he looked at his opponent with sharp eyes: We must win the score!



Toyama blasted the tennis ball out again.

This kid is really a monster!

Shido and Hiyoshi looked at Toyama with surprise. If it were anyone else, if Ishikawa was being beaten and losing points continuously, he would probably switch from offense to defense.

And the person in front of me not only didn't do this, but actually strengthened the power of the serve and strengthened the attack?


Ishikawa swings.

Today, he has completely mastered the racket. With his thoughts turning, he swung out the racket, and with a bang, the tennis ball was knocked out by him.


Seeing that sharp arc, the members of Tiantianbao Temple felt their hearts sinking.

too strong!

It was so easy to break through the distant mountain's powerful serve. This person simply seems to have no weaknesses!




The two fought continuously.

Tennis balls flew back and forth across the court.

The strong wind of the ball caused the blocking net to sway from side to side.

Yuan Shan moved quickly but disorganized. Full of wildness and irregularity, others might not be able to predict the direction of his attack, and therefore fall into a passive situation.

Coupled with his powerful and heavy hitting, I am afraid that the defense will be torn apart in a few rounds.

But Ishikawa is different.

His insight has reached such a level that he can decipher the direction of his opponent's attack the moment he swings his racket.

Seeing the slightest hint of something, seeing the fire with insight!

Although he did not use the ability of chess truth, its passive effect was enough, allowing him to observe every detail change on the court.


Another precise and heavy shot landed.

Yuan Shan quickly ran over and stretched out his racket, but it was still a moment too late. He could only watch as the tennis ball bounced out in front of him.

Hoo ho ho

Yuan Shan bent over and gasped for air.

The continuous forceful attacks and the force with which he withstood his opponent's attacks quickly depleted his physical energy.

This made everyone in Tiantianbao Temple stunned.

Who would have thought that the young man who seemed to have infinite physical strength in their eyes would be in such a miserable state at this moment.

It's not on the same level at all.

Osamu Watanabe shook his head.

Although Yuan Shan's talent has exceeded 99.9% of the players in the world. But unfortunately, the boy from the Ice Emperor in front of him is the remaining 0.1%!

Xiao Jin.

Shiraishi looked at Toyama who was throwing the ball and hitting the ball again, and sighed softly.

Before this duel began, he felt deeply guilty towards the other party. But now it seems that it may be a better choice not to let the other party shoulder the responsibility for the promotion of Tiantianbao Temple.




Lose points continuously.

Yuanshan, who had been forced into a desperate situation, continued to attack. Perhaps because of impatience, his fighting style became more and more fierce, and he was vaguely in the state of Akutsu's rage.

This guy is interesting.

Ice King's side.

Akutsu looked at the red-haired boy in surprise.

In the other person's body, he vaguely saw his own shadow. Perhaps because he also has the kind of tit for tooth, eye for eye character, he has a good impression of Yuanshan.




Facing Ishikawa, whose defense was airtight and water was impenetrable, Toyama's offense was in trouble.

Kintaro is too innocent.

Looking at Toyama, who was attacking fiercely but with little effect, Chitose couldn't help but sigh: Just like that person said, too simple brute force will not have any effect.

Toyama's power is indeed very strong. Even people like Chitose and Shiraishi don't dare to underestimate it.


That's all.

It's not enough to deal with players like Ishikawa who are beyond the junior high school level.

Without understanding this, it will never be possible for Yuanshan to get points!

This guy is too strong!

Yuan Shan, with sweat dripping from his forehead, looked at his opponent solemnly: It's impossible to break his defense. Moreover, as long as a slight flaw is exposed, he will take advantage of it!

As time went by, he felt more and more terrifying about his opponent!

Although Ishikawa did not counterattack, Yuanshan had the thought that the mountain in front of him might fall at any time and crush him to pieces.


This thought became more and more intense.

No, we can't continue like this.

The young man with a simple personality gradually changed his mentality under strong pressure.

He wants to score, not just play for the sake of playing!

This idea is getting stronger!



Yuan Shan's eyes flashed.

He continued to attack hard, and after catching up with the tennis ball again, he raised the racket high again and made a violent swing.

This kid is too stubborn.

Seeing Kintaro's playing style, Shido couldn't help but shake his head: He obviously has such an outstanding talent, but he doesn't know how to use it.

As a bystander, he even felt sympathy for this person from a foreign school.

If it were Shishido himself, he would have such a great talent. Even if he is playing fast break, he will not be like this guy, who only knows how to attack fiercely.

This is probably some kind of logical paradox.

Renzu shook his head and said: With top-notch talent, you don't need to think about anything else. Even if you don't work hard, you can reach heights that are difficult for others to reach. If it were you, you wouldn't care, right?


Shido was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a wry smile.


Next to them, Akutsu, who had been paying attention to the game and never expressed an opinion, raised his eyebrows slightly.

He finally knew why he felt that this first grader from Tiantianbao Temple was very similar to him.

The same top talent.

Also disdainful of using other abilities.

But now, he is also suppressed by Ishikawa, and it is extremely difficult to get even one point!


Thinking of this, Akutsu looked up at the red-haired boy on the court: You should be more than this, right?


at this time.

Yuan Shan's racket suddenly slowed down. The swing turned into a chip, although the action was very awkward and the technique was very rough.


Under the influence of his innate sense of the ball, this shot was much better than ordinary people.

Short ball?

Really or not, Kintaro?

Have you finally figured out how to adapt?

The members of the Shitenhoji Temple, including Shiraishi and Chitose, all had surprise and relief in their eyes.

Tap! !

And this time.

Ishikawa quickly surfs the Internet.

Before the tennis ball hit the ground again, he hit it into the air.

It's now!!!


The distant mountains jumped with excitement.

Then, the whole figure was like a windmill spinning, spinning continuously in mid-air, forming an unimaginably strong storm.

What, what is this?!

The Ice King players and the spectators outside the stadium were all startled by this sudden change.

coming soon!

Looking back at Tiantianbao Temple, everyone's faces showed excitement.

Xiao Jin!

Shiraishi, Chitose and others also secretly clenched their fists.

Normally, they would never want to see their opponent perform this terrifying smash trick.

But now.

Facing the invincible Ishikawa.

If there is anything that can break the opponent's defense, I'm afraid this is the only trick!

next moment.

The distant mountain at the center of the storm stopped spinning, he raised his racket and pointed it at the tennis ball flying in front of him, and smashed it down: Super invincible, absolutely delicious, big wheel mountain storm!!!

Hey hey!!

Hearing this, Xiangri couldn't help complaining on the Ice Emperor's side: What kind of weird name is this for a special move?!


But the next moment.

A sound like an air explosion suddenly sounded.

Along with the terrifying ball pressure, an extremely ferocious storm struck downwards. The first to bear the brunt is Ishikawa on the court.

Is this really a unique skill that a person can pull off?

The expressions of Ice Emperor's team members all changed.

Everyone seemed to be looking at a monster, looking at the grinning red-haired boy above the court.

That is?

And this time.

Hiyoshi, who was standing next to the main selection, seemed to have seen something, and his eyes were fixed on Ishikawa. After seeing the opponent's posture, his pupils suddenly shrank: Four Gods Performing Martial Arts. White Tiger?!



Ishikawa swings the racket.

Facing Yuanshan's shockingly destructive smash, he put the racket on his back with a calm expression. From the shoulders to the wrists and finally to the continuous force of the racket, the skills of ancient martial arts are unleashed!


next moment.

A streak of fire shot out as fast as a bullet, neatly cutting the smoke and dust that filled the stadium into two parts under the disbelieving gazes of everyone in Tiantianbao Temple.

The gap exposed in the middle allowed everyone to clearly see that the target of this shot was the distant mountain opposite!


Feeling the sudden danger, the young man's pupils suddenly shrank. But at the same time, under the horrified gazes of everyone in Tiantianbao Temple, he swung his racket towards the tennis ball.


No, Kintaro!

Get out of the way!!!

The crowd shouted.

But Yuanshan's gaze never wavered. He raised his racket and pressed it against the tennis ball without hesitation.

Boom! ! !


Where the rackets collided, a terrifying air pressure suddenly exploded towards the surroundings. The violent shock wave swept up all the dust on the ground.

The side of the stadium where the distant mountains are located was instantly covered in smoke and dust, making it difficult to see clearly.

Kintaro (Kin Taro)!!!

See this.

The Shitenbaoji players exclaimed and ran towards the court.

When they arrived, the smoke and dust dispersed partially, allowing them to vaguely see a figure.



Shiraishi, Chitose and others were stunned.

I saw Yuanshan holding the racket tightly in his hand, lying on the ground with a smile on his face, and had lost consciousness.

At the same time, a tennis ball, which was slightly charred due to the violent collision, happened to fall into his arms.

I'm afraid the situation is dire.

Shiraishi, do you want to be sent to the hospital?

Well, you can't be careless, you have to, uh...?


Just when everyone was anxious and worried about Yuan Shan's physical condition, the boy's rhythmic snoring suddenly came.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

It was at this time.

Suddenly water droplets flew from the sky.

This is?

Seeing this, the members of Tiantianbao Temple subconsciously looked up.

But all I saw was raindrops falling from the sky like threads.

Is it raining?!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they seemed to have thought of something, and their eyes turned to the other side of the stadium, where the young man turned away with a smile on his face.


Kenya, Caiqian and others couldn't help but swallowed. Cai Qian said with a trembling voice: Non, could it be that this is what he wanted to say just now?

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