Beidou can indeed bring back a lot of electrical crystals, but her fleet takes a month or two to go back and forth at sea, which cannot meet the needs of Liyue Port's huge population.

Let Liyue Port temporarily use no electric lights?

That's impossible.

This idea was rejected by Han Xiao as soon as it came up.

Now that many Liyue people have experienced the benefits of the new lighting tools, asking them to use oil lamps will definitely cause dissatisfaction.

After thinking carefully, Han Xiao made a decision:

Buy it from Xumi and Mond first. Buy as much as you can. You and Ningguang Tong can help each other.

The price of electrical crystal will definitely get higher and higher.

I'll figure out the rest.

After talking about business with Xingqiu, Han Xiao came to the alchemy workshop and found Abedo with a full heart.

Chapter 132 Inhuman Power Generation Device

Alchemy Workshop

So there's not enough electric crystal in stock?

After listening to what Han Xiao told him, Abedo put down the tools in his hands and frowned as well.

Obviously this news didn't sound good to him either.

The installation of electric lights in Guili City has been completed, but there is still Liyue Port waiting eagerly behind.

Not to mention that electric cars haven’t even been put on the shelves for sale yet.

Now that the two most important energy materials are in trouble, how long will it take before Mond wants to use electric lights and electric vehicles.

Yeah, so I came to you to ask how the research on the power generation device went?

Currently, the only thing suitable for Liyue is hydropower.

When Han Xiao asked about the research progress of the power generation device, Abedo told him the results he had obtained so far.

Thermal power generation requires fuel. No oil has been found in Teyvat yet, and the coal mine has been closed due to the abyss. The output has reached an all-time low, so thermal power generation is not suitable for Liyue for the time being.

Neither does wind power.

The sea breeze in Liyue does not maintain the same intensity for a long time and is not stable enough at all.

On the contrary, Mondstadt can use wind power to generate electricity.

After excluding these two, Abedo thought about it and only hydroelectric power could be tried.

Hydroelectricity... you have to build a dam. Water from afar cannot quench the thirst of nearby people.

Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh. Hydropower was fine, but the current inventory of electrical crystals was already tight.

There is not enough time to build the dam now.

Wait a minute, I have another way.

Seeing that Han Xiao was not satisfied with the idea of ​​hydropower generation, Abedo thought for a moment and then walked to the material room aside to rummage around. Then he came back with a large device and placed it in front of Han Xiao.

This is a device with a stone base, and a large diamond-shaped electric crystal is inlaid on top.

Isn't this a discharge stone?

Seeing the device placed in front of her by Abedo, Han Xiao was stunned for a moment and then came to her senses.

You're going to use this as a power generation device.

Yes, this power generation device is simpler than a purely mechanical one.

Albedo pulled the whiteboard standing aside and quickly sketched a simple structural diagram on it with a charcoal pen.

This kind of discharge stone is produced by Inazuma. It can absorb the thunder element in the air and then discharge electric current to objects in the state where the thunder element is attached.

As long as we trap some reslimes around it, and then collect the released current through a collection device, we will get a simple power generation device.

This is good, this is it!

Han Xiao clapped her hands excitedly, then pointed her index finger at the whiteboard and shouted.

That's all he needs.


After confirming the design of the power generation device, Han Xiao immediately informed Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, and the three of them quickly tinkered with the first generation power generation device in the alchemy workshop.

The whole device is quite simple. It connects several discharge stones with mechanisms to form a square box.

There is an opening on one side of the box for feeding slime inside, and there are two metal pillars on the other side of the box as outlets for electricity.

I always feel that this is the most inhumane mechanism I have ever created.

Looking at Han Xiao and Abedo who were putting slime into the box, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his eyes.

She really didn't expect that one day her agency would use such a 'terrible' device.

The last time a device felt so scary was the Qiuqiu Man perpetual motion mechanism proposed by Ms. Alice.

Master Liuyun, help me connect the line!


Hearing Han Xiao's request, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun grabbed the wire and wrapped it around the metal pillar of the box.

The previous 'compassionate' look was completely gone.


As the wire is connected, the light bulb connected to the wire at the other end lights up instantly.

It seems it was successful.

After closing the side door containing the reslime, Albedo looked at the light bulb that lit up with satisfaction.

With this power generation device, we can save a lot of charging crystals.

Like Abedo, Han Xiao also had a smile on her face.

Discharge stones are different from electric crystals in that they can be recycled. Liyue currently has a lot of discharge stones stored in it.

As long as they are transformed into a new generation of power generation devices, the charging crystals can all be used in electric vehicles.


The problem of urgent electrical crystal inventory was quickly solved through the efforts of Han Xiao and others, and they manufactured one power generation device after another.

Compared with charging crystals, the new power generation device only needs to consume some reslime to continuously discharge current.

In a sense, this is a more important invention than the charging crystal.

Today, the lighting in Guilicheng uses electric energy, and the water source is spring water from the mountain through pipelines.

Compared with the former Liyue Port, the advanced level of Guili City has gradually caught up with Fengdan.


Just when Han Xiao was planning to take a good vacation for herself.

The blond girl from Mondstadt, who had been wandering on land for two months, was sitting on a stone by the beach, holding a simple fishing rod made of tree branches in her hand, staring blankly at the sea.

Suddenly, the blonde girl who was fishing noticed a vibration from the fishing rod in her hand. She quickly came to her senses and clenched the fishing rod with both hands.

After sliding back and forth for a few times, the blonde girl suddenly lifted the fishing rod and the fishing line stretched into a straight line.

Come out, my supper!

With the blond girl's scream, the originally calm sea surface suddenly surged with water, and then she saw that she had caught a strange white creature.

This is...

Looking at the unconscious white creature lying on the ground, the blond girl's eyes were full of weirdness.

The small head and limbs look like a human, but the size difference between them and humans is probably too big.

And what about the crown on her head and the starry sky behind her?

Should I save her?

Rubbing the white creature's cheek with her hand and feeling the soft touch from her fingertips, the blonde girl thought for a moment and decided to save the creature first.

Wait until she wakes up to ask what kind of creature it is.

Thinking of doing it, the girl put her hand on the white creature's swollen belly, and then pressed down hard.


A stream of water spurted out from the mouth of the white creature, like a small fountain.

Ahem, cough!

As the coughing sound came, the white creature slowly opened its eyes, and then saw the blond girl's inquiring eyes.

Feeling that the other party seemed to want to study him carefully, the white creature that had just recovered a little strength quickly flew up:

Hello, I'm Paimon, thank you for saving me!

You...can talk? Can you fly?

Volume 4: Dramatic changes in Teyvat


Chapter 133 Electric Vehicles on Sale

In this way, a strange god took away my brother. I was also sealed by the god and lost my original power. We who have traveled across many worlds are trapped here.

On the beach, a blond girl took a branch and drew a picture of the Guardian of Heaven and the Double Star with squares and flowing hair on the beach.

How many years ago did that happen?

I don't know...but I'll try to find out.

Looking at the scene she had drawn in her memory, she couldn't help but sigh:

I have been wandering since I woke up until I met you.

Well, thanks to Ying, otherwise I would have drowned!

Paimon, who was flying in the air, nodded his little head vigorously, then made fists with both hands to make a cheering gesture:

So I will try my best to be a good guide!

No more words, let's go!

With that said, Paimon turned around in the air and flew forward, waving his little hand to signal Ying to follow quickly.


After throwing away the branch and clapping her hands, Ying stood up and walked towards the direction where Paimon flew out.


Return to the city.

After the first-generation power generation device was manufactured, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun volunteered to give it the name Thunder Element Reaction Cycle Discharge Machine.

However, this name was unanimously opposed by Han Xiao and Abedo, who believed that it was too difficult to pronounce and not as practical as a generator.

After confirming the name of the power generation device, Han Xiao found Xingqiu.

Xingqiu, this is the power generation device we just developed. You will find someone to install it later.

Is this the solution you thought of to solve the shortage of electrical crystal inventory?

Xingqiu, who was called, looked at the sealed box in front of him with confusion at first, but after hearing Han Xiao's explanation, he also showed an expression of relief on his face.

It turns out that the generator can cycle charge and discharge itself. This is really great!

With the generator, the irreplaceability of charging crystals is greatly reduced, and the power generation needs of Liyue Port can also be met.

You and Ningguang go discuss the laying of the line in Liyue Port. Of course, don't forget to tell her how to maintain the generator, and be sure to feed the Rei Slime inside.

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