One more thing, you ask Ningguang to inform Beidou that he will bring back as many discharge stones and relay stones as possible next time he goes to Daozhime.

Okay, I get it.

Xingqiu took a quill pen and wrote down Han Xiao's instructions one by one in his notebook.

By the way, Xingqiu finally listened to his own words and used Mond's quill as a writing tool.

Chongyun also commented that Xingqiu's words written with a quill pen were much prettier than those written with a brush, at least he could understand them.

Just when Xingqiu was about to leave, Han Xiao suddenly thought of something and stopped him quickly:

By the way, have all the charging crystals been recovered?

“A lot has been recycled.”

You will send all the charging crystals to Mingyun Town later. It is time to increase the production of electric vehicles.


Xingqiu has a strong execution ability. As soon as he returned to Kuixing Tower, he sent people to install several sets of generators according to the drawings given by Han Xiao, and then replaced the giant charging crystals that provided power to the whole city.

Then he pulled out the team of electricians trained during this period to install transformers designed by Abedo at various gateways in the city.

This series of big moves made the merchants in Guili City smell the situation, and they sent their men out to inquire about the news.

Soon, they learned that the production of electric vehicles was being increased and they were ready for sale.

The entire Guili City was in an uproar, and many people were excited about it.

I have to say that during this period of time, Zhongli was the most handsome boy in the entire Guili City. Every time he drove to get off work in his car, he would always receive envious looks from countless people.

Now they finally have the news that the electric car is ready for sale.

Within a few days, they learned from officials that the first batch of electric vehicles was officially on the shelves.

For a time, the temporarily opened sales window in Guilicheng was crowded with businessmen who came to buy cars.

I want to buy a car!

Hello sir, have you passed your driving license test?

Huh? You still need a driver's license?

After learning from the salesperson that a driver's license is required to purchase an electric vehicle, many businessmen had disappointed looks on their faces.

But there are also many people who have already passed the driving license test and are ecstatic.

This is the driver's license I just passed, please bring me one!

Wait a moment sir, I will register you right now.

Hey, why don't you have Mr. Zhongli's one?

After seeing that the models in the illustrations provided by the sales staff were basically white, red and black, many buyers raised their own questions.

Although the white, red and black one is also pretty good-looking, Zhongli’s one is obviously more majestic.

It is this nobility that many big businessmen value.

I'm very sorry, that is a specially customized model made by Master Han Xiao to reward Mr. Zhongli for his contribution to Guili City. It is not currently on the sales list.

Many people seemed a little regretful about the sales staff's reply. After all, compared with the relatively common three-color models, the Zhongli model is naturally more unique and elegant.

But they had no choice. The car was specially customized by Guili City officials to reward Mr. Zhongli for his contribution. They didn't have the ability, so they couldn't go directly to Han Xiao.

That's Liyue Qixing, how can they have the face to invite each other!

In the end, these businessmen who purchased vehicles chose one among white, red and black.

The first batch of vehicles on the shelves were sold out in less than an hour.

In the few days after buying a car and getting the license plate, you can see many novice drivers driving electric cars carefully on the streets of Guili City.


Kuixing Tower.

A total of two billion molas of electric vehicles were sold this time.

Xingqiu found Han Xiao who was in the office with the account book, excitement written on his face.

He really didn't expect so many people to buy it.

The price of electric vehicles is very high, equivalent to about 500,000 units in previous lives.

But the actual cost is less than 50,000 yuan, and the profit of ten times is simply a huge profit.


After hearing Xingqiu's report, Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

The emergence of electric vehicles has given Guili City another source of income, and it is also a sustainable source of income.

By the way, Xingqiu, does uncle need a customized electric car?

My father?

Suddenly hearing Han Xiao mention his father, Xingqiu was startled for a moment, then shook his head and said:

It's better not to do it. Feiyun Chamber of Commerce has made a lot of money in Guili City, so it's better not to be special.

He knew that Han Xiao was repaying Feiyun Chamber of Commerce for supporting him.

But as Xingqiu himself said, Feiyun Chamber of Commerce has already received a lot of dividends in Guili City, so it is better to keep a low profile.

Chapter 134 Ice Element, One-Handed Sword

As the second batch of electric vehicles went on sale and were sold out, seeing them on the way back to the city has become a norm.

Most of them abide by the rules of the driver's license test, but there are also a small number of people who have their latent racing genes activated when they touch the steering wheel, trying to have a fast and furious race on the concrete road leading to Liyue Port.

Of course, they were quickly taken away one by one by the Qianyan Army who arrived, and their driver's licenses were immediately revoked and they were not allowed to take the test again within two years.

Faced with the official Thunder punishment methods, many people who had not yet had a chance to compete had to give up this idea for the sake of their driver's license.

At the same time, electric vehicles have brought a lot of money to Guilicheng and made Hanxiao more motivated to develop new models.

With the unremitting efforts of him, Abedo and Liuyun Jiefengzhenjun, the first dump truck was officially used in dam construction, which greatly reduced the cost of manual transportation of materials.

In addition to the dump truck, the drawings of the excavator have been designed, but if you want to put the excavator into use, you need to train drivers who can operate it.

So currently Han Xiao and the others have no plans to manufacture the excavator immediately.

Compared with the grand occasion of electric vehicles, there is another thing that deserves more attention.

That is, the department store building in the center of the city has finally been completed.


It took more than half a year to finally build it.

Looking at the building that was more than ten stories high standing in the center of Guilicheng's business district, Han Xiao, who came to inspect it, couldn't help but let out a sigh.

From today on, Guilicheng can be regarded as having a landmark building.

Hanxiao, what is the operating mode of the department store like?

Xing Qiu, the secretary-general on the side, raised his head like Han Xiao and observed the building in front of him, and couldn't help but ask his own questions.

At present, all the major chambers of commerce in Guilicheng's business district have opened their own stores. It is necessary to build a department store.

I'll give you an example and you'll understand.

Regarding Xingqiu's questions, Han Xiao patiently explained to him:

If you want to buy a piece of clothing, you may choose a store directly to buy it, or you may shop around.

But if three clothing stores are far apart, it would be quite troublesome for most people.

So the department store actually exists to solve this kind of trouble. It is a small market where all the stores are gathered together.

“Whether it’s clothes, jewelry, food, drinks, or other products, you can buy them all in department stores without having to run around.”

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Xingqiu immediately understood the operating mode of the department store.

Most people are lazy. You can buy all brands of goods in one store, so why do you need to walk more?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel moved, and asked in a tentative tone:

Whether the shops inside are for sale or not, Feiyun Chamber of Commerce needs a better location.

Xingqiu's business acumen is still very good. After the department store opens, the residents who have returned to the city will probably be willing to hang out in it during their free time.

Because in the plan of Hanxiao Department Store Building, he saw the planning of the rest and entertainment area inside the building.

What are you thinking about? You can only rent it, not sell it.

Hearing Xingqiu's inquiry, Han Xiao couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

The store rent in a department store is a huge amount of income. How could he sell the store so easily? Wouldn't it be a huge loss?

You can't even think about it. What if you lose your mind?

Xingqiu curled his lips and said something to Han Xiao. He didn't feel too disappointed. After all, even he would choose to rent rather than sell.

Selling it is a one-time deal, and collecting rent can increase the price.

You can inform your uncle when you go back. I have reserved a good location for Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, but the rent is not cheap.

no problem.

After spending time walking in the autumn, Han Xiao walked towards her home alone with her hands behind her back. However, not long after he walked out, he saw an unexpected little guy.

He has short purple hair, extremely pale skin, and a talisman on his forehead.

Qiqi? Why are you here in Guili City?

Who are you...?

Qi Qi, who was on the roadside, glanced at Han Xiao who called out her name with some doubts, and felt that the person in front of her looked vaguely familiar.

Uh, I'm Han Xiao, the Han Xiao who gave you coconut milk when you were a kid.

Han Xiao was not surprised at all that Qiqi didn't recognize him. Instead, he introduced himself in a familiar manner and asked the other party to look through his little book.

Hearing what the other party said, Qi Qi took out the small book she carried with her and quickly rummaged through it, and soon found Han Xiao's record in it.'s the nice guy who gave me coconut milk!

Hello Hanxiao, I'm sorry, Qiqi's memory is not good.

It's okay, it's okay. Why did you come to Guili City?

Seeing Qi Qi apologize to him in a low voice, Han Xiao repeatedly waved her hands to indicate it was okay.

Of course he knew the reason for Qiqi's bad memory, so naturally he wouldn't be angry.

Han Xiao was just curious about how Qiqi, who usually stayed in Bubulu, came from Liyue Port to Guili City.

Qiqi...came with Mr. Bai.

Boss Baizhu is here too, what about the others?

Knowing that Bai Shu had also arrived in Guili City, Han Xiao quickly looked around, but did not see him.

Mr. Bai is seeing a doctor, Qiqi is waiting for him outside.

Well, I'll accompany you to wait for Boss Baizhu. It just so happens that I have something to talk to him about.

So Han Xiao and Qi Qi waited for Baizhu on the roadside. During this period, he even bought a bottle of coconut milk for Qi Qi.

Not long after, Bai Shu's figure appeared in front of the two of them.


Bai Shu was quite surprised when he saw Han Xiao next to Qiqi.

Why are you accompanying Qiqi?

Boss Baizhu, long time no see!

Seeing Bai Shu return, Han Xiao smiled and said hello to him.

haven't seen you for a long time.

Bai Shu smiled and returned the salute, then said to Han Xiao:

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