After receiving the 'explanation', the businessmen could only express envy of Zhongli while anxiously waiting for when the official announcement of the sale time of electric vehicles would be made.

Of course, if they knew that Zhongli's newly acquired chariot was almost 'robbed' by Hu Tao to be used as a hearse, they would probably be in a state of confusion.


Just when there was a lot of discussion about electric vehicles in Guili City, strange sounds came from Han Xiao's home.


fifty thousand.

In the living room, Han Xiao, Zhong Li, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Mandrill were sitting around a table. The table was filled with small square squares engraved with patterns.

Everyone looked at the thirteen small squares in front of them with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Yes, you read that right, Han Xiao and the others are playing the ‘true national quintessence’ game, which is mahjong.

Han Xiao invented this thing a long time ago, but he just took it out and played with Xing Qiuyun Jin and the others for a few days before Ke Qing discovered and punished him.

In Keqing's words, gambling on Pai Gow, dice, and other activities in the Yanshang Teahouse is difficult to control, but if mahjong is added to it, it will be okay.

As for why Zhongli and the others played mahjong at Han Xiao's house, there are some reasons.

At first, Han Xiao was at home and Liuyun Jiefengzhenjun chatted through the sound conch about the various models of electric vehicles, such as private cars, dump trucks and even buses.

Just as the two sides were thinking about the future, Zhongli, who had been 'stimulated' by Hu Tao, suddenly came to the door, ready to have tea with Han Xiao and complain about his hall master's whimsical ideas.

After learning from the other party that the first car he let out almost became the hearse in the Hall of Rebirth, Han Xiao almost couldn't catch his breath.

In order to ensure her good mentality and comfort Uncle Zhongli, Han Xiao finally decided to take out the mahjong that had been sealed for a long time.

Then Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun on the other side of the conch said immediately that she would be there soon.

As for why Mandrill appears here?

That was naturally because three were short of one. Zhongli, who understood the rules of mahjong, directly called Mandrill over to add up the number of people.

This thing is quite addictive. Remember not to reveal it to the public. Three tubes.

After playing a few rounds of mahjong, Zhongli, who felt deeply that this thing was a gambling weapon, couldn't help but give Han Xiao a warning and played the cards he didn't want.

Don't worry, Ke Qing has already sanctioned me, Xifeng.

That's because ordinary people have weak minds and are easily addicted to fun. Ninety thousand concealed bars!

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said sarcastically in his mouth, but he neatly pushed down four ninety thousand cards in his hand.

Wait a minute, I'll take the lead.

Zhongli directly pushed down all the thirteen cards in his hand, and with a smile on his face, he played a big trick.

Then the sound of shuffling cards sounded again.

My plan has already started, you have to be prepared in the future.

Zhongli looked at Han Xiao while washing the mahjong with his hands.

This time Dadalia came to Guili City, which saved a lot of steps in his plan, so he also had to inform Han Xiao to prepare the other party.

Mr. Zhongli, do you really not think about it any more?

Well, I've already decided.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Mandrill looked at each other in confusion. Apparently, the 'encrypted conversation' between Zhongli and Han Xiao made them a little confused.

Emperor, Hanxiao, what are you talking about?

Before Mandrill could speak, the more impatient Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun took the lead and asked.

She always felt that there was a big secret hidden in the conversation between Han Xiao and Zhong Li.

Liu Yun, remember to think more and don't be impulsive.

Faced with Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's questioning, Zhongli did not answer but gave him an ambiguous piece of advice.

Yes, Emperor.

Although he didn't know why Zhongli suddenly advised him not to act impulsively, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng still agreed.

Seeing that Zhongli and Han Xiao were not going to elaborate, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Mandrill didn't ask any more questions, and the four of them started a new round of card games.


Mr. Zhongli, walk slowly.

Han Xiao, who was leaning on the door frame, looked at Zhongli walking away, waving his right hand repeatedly, with an expression on his face that said, It's over.

There was nothing he could do, he lost miserably.

After understanding the rules, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Mandrill consciously let go. As a result, Hanxiao, who was forced to play one against three for the entire night, had no gaming experience at all.

Hanxiao, tell me, what exactly is the emperor planning to do?

Seeing Zhong Li leaving, Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to sneak up to Han Xiao and asked in a low voice.

Well, Master Liuyun, I really can't say that.

You can't even tell me? Don't worry, I'm very strict with my words!

Mr. Zhongli gave the order. Master Liuyun, please don't ask.

Han Xiao shook her head crazily and couldn't help but complain about her cheap master.

Strict mouth?


This word has nothing to do with you, okay?

Chapter 131: Insufficient Electrical Crystal Inventory

Ever since she learned that Zhongli had officially started working on his retirement plan, Han Xiao had exercised even more diligently.

Fortunately, after integrating the physical talents of his friends, his development of Chinese martial arts and ripple qigong increased almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although no changes can be seen from the appearance, the outer membrane of the muscles and bones of Han Xiao's whole body is connected, which is the so-called opening up the Ren and Du meridians. Under the control of the ripples, the vitality in the body can be turned into dark energy and struck out with great power. Quite impressive.

The changes in Han Xiao's body were also discovered by Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who often visited the house.

Han Xiao, your body is undergoing transformation. Could it be that the emperor taught you the magic?

Feeling the surging energy and blood in his disciple's body, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was stunned for a moment, and then thought of Zhongli.

Han Xiao's body was full of energy and blood, and she was still undergoing transformation. Of course, the first thing she could think of was that the emperor had taught her apprentice the magic of immortality.

No, I just learned a physical training technique.

Facing Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's question, Han Xiao shook his head and briefly described the effect of the national martial arts training.

I didn't expect Liyue's martial arts to have developed to this extent?

After listening to his disciple's story, Lord Liuyun Jiefeng couldn't help but sigh that he might have ignored the development of Liyue's martial arts over the past thousands of years.

In her opinion, if she mastered this national martial art, she might be able to catch up with the real Qianyan Army back then.

Thinking back to the time of the Demon God War, not long after Liyue was founded, it can be said that all the Qianyan Army members at that time were martial arts masters, and now they are basically the founders of the sect.

It's a pity that the original war was too brutal, many Qianyan Army died in the battle, and a lot of martial arts were lost, resulting in the current Qianyan Army being far inferior to what it once was.

Anyway, in Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's opinion, the Qianyan Army now has only a reputation, and has lost the charm of fighting side by side with them at all.

However, now that he sees his apprentice's martial arts, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun feels that he may have been a bit narrow-minded in the past.

There are still capable people throughout these thousands of years.

Uh... yes, Liyue has undergone great changes in all aspects now compared to before.

Although he knew that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun might have misunderstood the origin of national martial arts, Han Xiao did not correct him, but admitted it.

This matter can be regarded as a beautiful misunderstanding, which can refresh the immortals' understanding of Liyue and save them from always looking at Liyue with the same old eyes.


The next day, Kuixing Tower.

Han Xiao went to Kuixing Tower as before and was about to leave, but Xingqiu appeared out of nowhere and stopped him.

You are really capable, Han Xiao, of tricking me into becoming the hands-off shopkeeper, right?

Looking at Han Xiao who was about to leave after visiting for a while, Xingqiu's face was full of 'grievance'.

He has really had a lot of work during this period. It can be said that Han Xiao's previous work is now done by him.

He finally caught Han Xiao today, but he couldn't let him go no matter what.

How could it be? Xingqiu, I am also contributing to Guili City.

Han Xiao, who was stopped by Xingqiu, didn't panic at all and retorted quite calmly.

Haha, then tell me what you have done.

Have you forgotten that Albedo and I were studying electric vehicles before? This is a new type of transportation that can reduce commercial transportation costs. Isn't it important?

Faced with Han Xiao's plausible answer, Xingqiu couldn't refute it for a while.

If electric vehicles are important, they are very important.

At least his father has written him several letters asking about electric cars.

Look, I'm working hard too.

Seeing that Xingqiu had nothing to say, Han Xiao spread his hands in a helpless manner, with a rather proud expression on his face.

Why did he come to Xingqiu? Of course, it was to liberate himself from his busy work.

Since Han Xiao dared to do it, of course he had the backup plan to stop the other party's mouth.

Merely Xingqiu is not his opponent yet.

Okay, I guess your explanation makes sense, but I have something to report to you.

Xingqiu, who found that there was no way to catch Han Xiao, had no choice but to accept his fate and turned around to talk about business.

Tell me what it is.

Something about electrical crystals.

Xingqiu took out a piece of information from the Eye of God and spread it out, then said to Han Xiao:

The raw material of the charging crystal developed by you and Abedo is electric crystal. Recently, every household and street lamp in the city has been replaced with this new energy source.

In addition, electric vehicles are also in demand, and there are not many electrical crystals in stock.

Didn't Beidou and I buy a lot of boxes so quickly?

Han Xiao was stunned when he heard that the inventory of electrical crystals had bottomed out. He remembered that he and Beidou had bought many boxes of electrical crystals.

It stands to reason that it should last for less than half a year, but why is it out of stock so quickly?

You think you and Abedo's research is free of materials.

Xingqiu turned the information to the page where the electrical crystal was recorded:

Originally, the output of electrical crystals in Liyue and Mondstadt is very small. The current inventory is shipped from Daozhu.

You and Abedo spent less than half of it on research and development, and part of it was spent on installing new energy sources in Guili City. If that's all, it's still enough.

But don't forget that Liyue Port also needs to be installed. Dao's wife is now locked down, and we no longer have a stable source of goods.

That's a problem.

After hearing Xingqiu's answer, Han Xiao couldn't help but scratch her head.

Do you want me to go find Beidou and buy some more?

You'd better not count on it. What the Southern Cross Fleet brings back simply isn't enough.

Xingqiu shook his head decisively at Han Xiao's suggestion.

Currently, all merchant ships that have business dealings with Inazuma are suspended. Only Beidou's Southern Cross Fleet is still operating normally.

However, Beidou's fleet simply wants to bring back enough electrical crystals to meet the needs of the entire Liyue Port, which is simply fanciful.

That's right...

Han Xiao couldn't help but frown. He knew that Xingqiu was right.

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