After confirming that the transmission controller was indeed installed, Han Xiao sat back in the driver's seat and started the vehicle again.

After finding that there were no problems, he accelerated, braked hard, and even drifted once, which made many onlookers who had been scared to death look stunned.

Originally they thought the four-wheeled vehicle was a weapon used to collide with the army, but this is how emotions are really used!

After driving around in a circle, Han Xiao parked the car again in front of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Abedo, with a much satisfied expression on his face.

It'll be okay this time.

It can completely serve as a substitute.

Next, you can add a dump truck to the back of the vehicle, so that it can be turned into a vehicle for pulling goods.


Because of the speed problem, Han Xiao called Yan Fei who was working in Kuixing Tower and asked her to give Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng a good traffic lesson.

It seems that I have been away from the world for too long and have forgotten too many differences.

After Yan Fei's detailed explanation, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun's mind finally turned around and he realized the problem.

Zhenjun, you usually fly very fast in the air. Even if you accidentally hit a mountain, you will not cause harm to yourself. Mortals don't have such a good body like you.

Nonsense, I have never hit a mountain before. The one who hit the mountain was Cutting the Moon!

Under Yan Fei's astonished eyes, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was startled at first, and then with a look of panic on his face, he pushed the matter to Zhenjun Xieyuezhuyang, who was not at the scene.

I was just making an analogy casually. Have you really hit the mountain?

Looking at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng who had no 300 taels of silver in this place, Yan Fei looked exhausted.

She hasn't had a break since signing the contract with Han Xiao, and now she still has to deal with such troublesome things.

Liars are all liars!

Chapter 126 Zhongli takes the back door

After Han Xiao confirmed that there were basically no major problems with the electric vehicle, Mingyun Town got the order to start mass production of parts.

He himself drove his electric car around Guili City many times.

Many businessmen who were traveling to and from the city were shocked when they saw the car driven by Han Xiao, and then they remembered some of the rumors that had been circulated.

Is this an upgraded version of the original two-wheeled vehicle that could run without horses?

Many people are curious about how the car can run and how many people can fit in it.

In addition to being curious, many businessmen have begun to ask Kuixinglou whether this kind of car will be sold.

For sale, of course!

In Kuixing Tower, Han Xiao said without hesitation to the glare on the Dudu communication device.

Why did he work so hard to build the car? Isn't it just to improve Liyue's transportation efficiency? Now that the car is built, how could it not be sold.

How do you plan to sell it? It's not cheap.

On the other side of the communication device, Ningguang sat in front of his office and looked at the fourth issue of Liyue Daily sent by his subordinates.

It reports in detail the functions of electric vehicles, as well as the driver's license assessment procedures and traffic regulations written by lawyer Yan Fei.

This mechanism that Han Xiao calls an electric car is indeed a good thing, but it looks like it uses a lot of materials, so the price is probably quite high.

Sell it to rich people first and then recover the cost.

Upon hearing Ningguang's inquiry, Han Xiao also came up with a plan that he had prepared long ago.

In fact, the materials used for electric vehicles are not as expensive as Ningguang thought. What is more expensive is the early technical investment.

Therefore, he has long planned to sell electric vehicles as luxury goods, and then consider price reductions after fully recovering the research and development costs.

As the saying goes, buy early and enjoy early, buy late and enjoy discounts, right?

Okay, you and Gan Yu will discuss a charter in this regard, and we will discuss it at the Seven Stars Conference.

Gan Yu?

Well, your responsibilities in Liyue Port are all handled by Gan Yu, so I asked her to go to Guilicheng to report to you and discuss the light bulb issue. The date should be coming soon.

Just wait until Gan Yu arrives. You can tell her about the electric car.

Okay, I'll hang up first.

After hanging up the communication, Han Xiao couldn't help but pinch the bridge of her sore nose with her hands.

To be honest, he really doesn't want to meet Gan Yu now. Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng said before that he was going to Liyue Port to meet Gan Yu. Who knows what that woman will say to her.

Unfortunately, things did not develop as Han Xiao expected.

Xu Wan suddenly opened the door and walked in, reporting to him urgently:

Master Hanxiao, Master Ganyu is here and is in the hall now.

Hey...go and invite Miss Gan Yu to my office.


After sending Xu Wan away, Han Xiao couldn't help but let out a long sigh. What should come will always come. Now she just hopes that Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng will not say anything unreasonable in front of Gan Yu.

After a while, Xu Wan led Gan Yu into the office.

Han Xiao stood up and was about to say hello. As soon as his eyes fell on Gan Yu's face, the other party subconsciously turned his head, as if he didn't dare to look at him.

Oh, it's over.

That woman must have said something strange.

Seeing Gan Yu's performance, Han Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and an ominous premonition came to her heart, and she couldn't say anything.

The office fell into an eerie silence.

Realizing that something was not right about the atmosphere, Xu Wan swallowed silently and secretly glanced at Han Xiao and Gan Yu who were silent. She retreated quietly until she reached the office door and gently closed the door.


The sound of the lock cylinder closing still made a sound in the quiet environment. Han Xiao saw that it would not be a good thing to remain silent like this, so she quickly opened her mouth and showed a smile:

I haven't seen Miss Gan Yu for a long time. Oh no, I should call her Senior Sister Gan Yu now.

Well...Long time no see, Hanxiao.

Hearing Han Xiao call his senior sister, Gan Yu first subconsciously shrank his neck, and then replied weakly.

Somehow, after seeing Han Xiao, she could always recall the scene of Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng whispering in her ears.

My sweetheart...Hanxiao...move around more...

Senior Sister Gan Yu?

Seeing that Yeyang stayed where he was with his eyes empty after saying a word, Han Xiao couldn't help but call out to him again.


Gan Yu woke up and apologized to Han Xiao in a panic, his usual capable look completely gone.

I accidentally thought of other things just now. I'm really sorry.

I just spoke with Ningguang. Senior Sister Gan Yu, let's talk about business first.

Although he didn't know what Gan Yu was thinking, judging from the reddish expression on his face, Han Xiao decided to ignore the topic.

He had a vague feeling that if he continued to ask questions, he might be a pill.


Gan Yu tried his best to calm down his somewhat panicked state of mind and said calmly.


I always feel that that woman must have said something extraordinary.

After having a serious talk with Gan Yu, Han Xiao was walking home. As he walked, he was thinking about Gan Yu, who seemed not quite right today.

In a conversation lasting several hours, the other party would be distracted every twenty minutes on average.

This is nothing like the usual Ganyu.

Han Xiao was very sure that it was Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun who said something that caused the other party to be out of state.

It's a pity that he didn't dare to ask.

Walking to the door of her house, Han Xiao opened the door full of doubts.

As soon as he entered the door, he unexpectedly saw Zhongli sitting in the living room, holding a teacup in both hands, obviously waiting for his return.

Mr. Zhongli, why are you here?

I have something to discuss with you.

Putting down the tea cup, Zhongli took out a green booklet from his pocket and put it on the table. The cover of the booklet had the words Liyue Driver's License written on it.

This is my driver's license. That contraption you call an electric car is probably going to be sold. I plan to buy one.

? ? ?

Looking at the driver's license on the table, Han Xiao took it out and opened it. On the left was Zhongli's photo, and on the right was the license plate number 'LY·0001' engraved on it.

What the hell is going on? Didn't Yan Fei just announce the driver's license assessment process?

Where did Zhongli's driver's license come from?

Your driver's license...

Before Han Xiao finished speaking, Zhongli seemed to understand the question that the other party wanted to ask, and explained calmly:

Little friend Yan Fei, I signed up to take the exam on the day the process was released. I like your electric car very much.

By the way, my test scores were perfect.

When Zhong Li said this, Han Xiao couldn't help but twitch at the corner of her mouth. I'm afraid Yan Fei didn't expect that as soon as she released the assessment process, someone would come to take the exam immediately, and she got a perfect score.

I don't know if Yan Fei was happy or speechless at that time.

Chapter 127 Madam has nothing to do with me

In any case, since Zhong Li found him with his driver's license, Han Xiao could only promise him to arrange a car for him immediately.

So early the next morning, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who had returned to Mingyun Town, received news from his apprentice.

What, Di...Mr. Zhongli wants an electric car?

Arrangements must be arranged, and I will do the design myself!

Master Liuyun, why don't we just build a new one?

How is that possible?

The voice of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun on the other side of the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Conch suddenly increased, making Han Xiao have to move his head away.

Mr. Zhongli doesn't like seafood. The seat cushion must not be sponge, but good down and leather!

“The design must be distinctive and high-end!”

The finest down and also needs to be high-end and classy.

Han Xiao was speechless after hearing a series of requests from her cheap master.

What else can I do? Just fix it.

It's nothing more than giving it a unique look, and then changing it to some high-end interiors and colors.

But good suede leather is hard to find...

After hanging up the call, Han Xiao stretched out her hand and rubbed her chin, thinking about where she could get top-notch down and leather.

I vaguely remember that Ye Lan seemed to be wearing a top-notch furry leather cloak on her back.

Where did she get it?

After thinking about it for a long time, Han Xiao could only dial Ningguang's Dukou communication device.

You asked me where I got Yelan's cloak?


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