Uh, what's going on?

Hearing the cursing voice of Lord Liuyun Jiefeng on the other side of Conch, Han Xiao was shocked for a moment and asked in a low voice:

Master Liuyun?

Hey, Hanxiao, wait a minute.

It seems that he discovered that the sound transmission conch had been connected to him when he was cursing. Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng first said something to Han Xiao and then shouted loudly:

Now hurry up and re-do it for me. If it still fails, you can go back to farming!

Then there was a sound of waving wings coming from the sound-transmitting conch, and not long after, the voice of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun came again from the sound-transmitting conch.

Hanxiao, why do you think of sending a message to me?

Master Liuyun, what happened to you just now?

Hey, don't mention it. Those idiots asked them to design a mechanical cooking machine and they couldn't even come up with the drawings. I'm really convinced.

When Han Xiao asked why he was angry, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun couldn't help but complain to the sound conch, his tone full of disgust.

I remember that you didn't seem to be able to finish it until the cooking competition.

A big word embarrassed appeared on Han Xiao's face, and she wanted to vomit a lot of things in her heart but could only hold them back.

Let's not talk about my affairs.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng didn't mention this matter much and directly turned the topic back to business.

Tell me, why did you suddenly come to see me?

This is Master Liuyun.

Soon Han Xiao told Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng that he and Abedo had developed the charging crystal, and also told them about their plans to build a four-wheeled vehicle.

I see, you are planning to develop a four-wheeled vehicle.

Hearing Han Xiao's plan, the tone of Conch Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's tone became obviously much cheerful.

Come to think of it, the reason Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was attracted to Guili City by Hanxiao in the first place was not because of the two-wheeled vehicle that could run without horses and only by the power of the mechanism.

Yes, Master Liuyun, Abedo and I are planning the drawings, and you still need to work on the mechanical parts.

No problem, I'll be here right now!

After learning that Han Xiao and Abedo planned to build a four-wheeled vehicle and invited him to participate in the production, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun immediately agreed.

Researching new mechanisms with two geniuses is much better than teaching a bunch of idiots in Mingyun Town.

In just half a day, when Abedo and Han Xiao were discussing the first version of the four-wheeled vehicle design drawings in the alchemy workshop, a strong wind suddenly blew open the window.

Then Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's figure rushed into the workshop from the window like a sharp arrow.

As soon as she landed, she quickly looked at Han Xiao:

The Hanxiao drawings are here, take them out and let me take a look.

Master Liuyun, you came so quickly.

Discovering that the intruder was Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, Abedo and Han Xiao looked at each other and stood up at the same time. Han Xiao warmly welcomed his cheap master.

That's because I really can't stand those idiots anymore.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun raised his head and said in a rather unhappy tone. Fortunately, Han Xiao saw this and handed over the unfinished first version of the design in time.

Taking the drawings, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng also looked at them carefully.

It's interesting, but the design of some parts of this machine is not reasonable. I think it can be changed.

If Zhenjun has any opinions, we can discuss them together.

Seeing that Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng seemed to have different ideas, Abedo quickly followed Han Xiao and extended an invitation to him again.

Okay, you're welcome then.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was not polite and directly stated everything he thought was inappropriate. Abedo and Han Xiao also expressed their opinions one after another.

The exchange started by the three lasted from afternoon to evening, and everyone put forward their own ideas and manufacturing suggestions on the functions of the four-wheeled vehicle.

As the discussion between the three of them became more and more heated, the first version of the four-wheeled vehicle design drawing was changed again and again, and soon the changes were completely gone.

It feels like five pairs of road wheels.

The power device can use the energy used by this immortal as the final machine. The power of this charging crystal is too low.

After finally finalizing the design, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun stared at the charging crystal on the side again, and his words were a little unsatisfactory.

She admired Han Xiao and Abedo's ability to convert electrical crystals into stable energy, but the power was still a bit small in her opinion.

Zhenjun, what we want is mass production.

Albedo, who was on the side, stretched out his hand to push up his non-existent glasses and explained calmly.

The ultimate machine is indeed powerful, but it is quite difficult to manufacture and does not meet our mass production philosophy.

Yes, Master Liuyun.

Han Xiao also echoed.

Our ultimate goal in manufacturing four-wheeled vehicles is to be used by ordinary people in Liyue, and energy production is our first choice.

Well... I didn't take this into consideration.

After listening to Han Xiao and Abedo's explanations, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun thought for a moment and then readily admitted that he had not thought carefully.

The four-wheeled vehicle is not like a final machine. It is aimed at ordinary people in Liyue, and mass production is the key.


A few days passed in the blink of an eye. With the technical support of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Abedo, Han Xiao's four-wheeled vehicle plan was progressing steadily, and it soon came to the end.

Due to the excessive demand for parts, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun flew to Mingyun Town to bring back a newly developed new model of machine tool. At the same time, they also moved the processing location to the open space outside the alchemy workshop.

For a time, the photo of two people and one bird appeared on the cover of the third issue of Liyue Daily.

All the residents of Guili City did not expect that one day they would see real immortals in the newspapers. Although they did not know what Master Hanxiao and the others were studying, they must be something very powerful.

As a result, many residents of Guilicheng deliberately made a large circle to come to the alchemy workshop when they were walking in the evening.

They did not come forward, but watched Han Xiao and others busy from a distance.

The four-wheeled vehicle chassis, charged crystal motor, various mechanical parts and body shell are formed one by one under the processing of machine tools.

The people watching from a distance couldn't help but marvel.

They had never seen this scene before. They had seen Master Han Xiao riding a two-wheeled vehicle that could move without horses.

Could this be an upgraded version?

Chapter 125: Self-destructing truck that ejects

As the last part was turned out by the machine tool, Han Xiao and the other three began to assemble according to the drawings.

Soon, a car with four wheels and a metal shell appeared in front of the onlookers in Guili City.

This car looks nothing like a carriage.

Can this car really run without horses?

Why can't you run? Master Hanxiao rode a two-wheeled bicycle out last time.

But compared with the last car, this one is much bigger.

Why are you talking so much nonsense? We'll find out when we look down.

Amidst the whispers of the people watching in the distance, Han Xiao took the lead in opening the car door and got in.

This seat feels good.

Han Xiao, who had just sat on the seat, seemed to have returned to his previous life. It was so soft and comfortable to sit on.

Because the seats are made of sponge, they are naturally soft.

Abedo, who also got into the passenger seat, heard Han Xiao's sigh and responded casually.

In order to solve the problem of seat comfort, he specially purchased a batch of sponges from fishermen and then processed them into seats.

Why are you saying it's useless? Han Xiao, hurry up and try to see if you can run.

While Han Xiao and Abedo were still discussing the issue of seat comfort, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng on the side could not help but urge.

The comfort of the seat is a trivial matter. Now she wants to know more about whether this four-wheeled vehicle with her participation can run.

Let me try.

Han Xiao put his hands on the steering wheel wrapped in animal skin, turned on the motor switch, and pressed down on the pedal with his right foot.

The next moment, the rubber tires started to rotate under everyone's attention, making a violent friction sound, and then the entire four-wheeled vehicle sped out like a sharp arrow from the string.

It's moving, it's really moving!

Master Hanxiao and the others are so powerful!

It's amazing, but why does it feel like it's getting closer to us?

Zhuo, the car is rushing towards us, why don't we run!

Seeing that the four-wheeled vehicle was rushing toward them and the crowd of onlookers without slowing down, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then fled in all directions with a crash like an exploding oil pan.

The next second, a rapidly approaching vehicle roared past the passage they gave way to.

This is wrong, Abedo!

Han Xiao turned the steering wheel fiercely to try to control the balance of the car, and at the same time released the accelerator to try to slow down.

How come it ejects as soon as it starts!

“The transmission controller is not installed!”

Because of the ejection, Abedo hit the windshield with his head and then bounced back into the seat. He covered his red forehead with one hand and looked more scared on his face.

Fortunately, he had fastened his seat belt, otherwise he might have smashed the glass and flew out just now.

I remember, didn't we design the controller?

It seems that Zhenjun didn't install it when assembling it.

(Liyue swears)

Hearing that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun did not install the variable speed controller in the end, Han Xiao couldn't help but say something in Liyue's local dialect.

When they were designing the drawings, Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun had not planned to install the transmission, but they both rejected it. Unexpectedly, the other party secretly withheld it during the final assembly.

Fortunately, in the end, Han Xiao relied on his years of experience as a veteran driver to leave a long series of brake marks on the cement road, and the vehicle was still stopped by him.

After the car stopped, Abedo slumped on the seat and was in a daze, while Han Xiao opened the car door and looked at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng quite speechlessly.

Master Liuyun, why didn't you install a variable speed controller?

I have always felt that your installation of controllers is really limiting the performance of the mechanism.

Faced with Han Xiao's questioning, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun looked matter-of-fact.

She believes that the machine creation can be used to its fullest potential without a controller, just like the original terminal. It wouldn't be funny if she set some kind of controller.

I finally understand why your mechanical cooking machine keeps blowing up the oven. You haven’t considered the power issue at all.

Looking at the eloquent Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, Han Xiao covered her face with her hands, her whole body felt bad.

Master Liuyun, not everyone has the physical fitness of a God's Eye owner. Without the transmission, they can't control it at all.

Indeed, even if there is no variable speed controller, the owner of the God's Eye can adapt and control it with good physical fitness. But the key is what do you ask ordinary people to do? If you just eject and start, wouldn't it become a self-destructing cavalry?

“But doesn’t the car have to be fast?”

Master Liuyun, Yan Fei has been handling traffic issues. You can ask her and she will give you a detailed explanation.

After realizing that he, a cheap master, might not be a potential speedster, Han Xiao decisively left the problem to Yan Fei.

I believe that with the other party's eloquence, I, a cheap master who knows nothing about traffic problems, will understand.

In short, the variable speed controller must be installed.

Okay, just dismantle the car and put it back together.

Although he didn't quite understand what was wrong with the speed of the car, seeing Han Xiao's insistence, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng still chose to listen to his little apprentice.

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