The piece of loot she snatched from a rich man seems to be a tribute that the other party is preparing to give to the Queen of Winter.

As if he noticed that Han Xiao was a little moved, Ningguang on the communication device immediately added another sentence:

But don't think about her piece. She even lost an heirloom bracelet for that thing. If you really want it, you should go find the businessman over at Zhidong.

Yeah, why did I forget about the winter solstice?

Hearing Ningguang mention Zhidong, Han Xiao suddenly understood and couldn't help but slap his forehead with his hand.

He must have been stupid in his recent research, why did he forget about the Winter Country, which is rich in furs.

Among the seven countries of Teyvat, the country with the coldest climate is definitely Zhiwin. The monsters there have thick fur in order to adapt to the extreme cold.

Hanging up the communication, Han Xiao immediately called his secretary Xu Wan.

Xu Wan, are there many merchants who have returned to the city for the winter?

Yes but not much.

Xu Wan recalled it carefully, and then told what she knew.

Since you last cleared out a group of merchants without temporary residence permits, the number of merchants in Solstice Kingdom has decreased a lot.

It turned out to be the reason that time.

Han Xiao immediately realized that what Xu Wan was talking about was about cleaning up the fools among the merchants last time.

So are there any fur traders among the remaining Zhidong merchants?

Maybe not.

After carefully filtering the list of merchants in his mind, Xu Wan shook his head.

The climate here in Liyue is pleasant, so the sales of furs with thick velvet are not good here.

That's it...

Knowing that there was no Zhidong merchant specializing in selling furs in Guili City, Han Xiao kept tapping her fingers on the table, lost in thought.

Xu Wan on the side saw Han Xiao meditating without saying a word, and stood there obediently waiting for the other party's instructions.

After a long time, Han Xiao raised her head and looked at Xu Wan:

Contact the young master from Beiguo Bank for me and tell him that I want to treat him to dinner.



Liyue Port·Northland Bank

take me Out to eat?

Due to being suppressed by Ningguang, the young master, who has been idle recently, can only stay in Beiguo Bank doing nothing.

Just when Dadalia thought today was no different from usual, his subordinate suddenly told him unexpected news.

Han Xiao, the newly appointed controller of Tianshu Star and Guili City, wanted to treat him to dinner.

This is really interesting.

The corners of Dadalia's mouth rose, and there was a glint in his eyes.

My lord, do you think there is any fraud in this?

Dadalia's close subordinates couldn't help but raise their own questions.

During this period, Beiguo Bank has been suppressed by Tianquan Xing Ningguang's bank. Now they have even restrained their debt collection methods a lot, just for fear of being caught by the other party again.

But now Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, who is also a Qixing, suddenly sent word that he wanted to invite him to dinner. There must be something fishy in it.

That won't happen.

Dadalia shook his head and denied his subordinate's speculation.

He had seen that Han Xiao was not the kind of person who liked to play dirty tricks. It could be seen from the fact that the other party brought the informant planted by the Fools out of Guili City and brought it back to him.

Send someone to prepare some good gifts.

Since it is an invitation from Tianshu Star, I naturally want to meet him.

Yes, Sir.

Soon, Beiguo Bank's carriage drove out from Liyue Port and embarked on the road to Guili City.

This road is really good, and the driving efficiency has been greatly improved.

After sitting on the carriage and not feeling the usual bumps, Dadalia couldn't help but stick his head out the window and glance at the concrete floor, and couldn't help sighing.

Although he doesn't like to use his brain, he can still see the benefits of cement roads.

Smooth and efficient.

Just by paving this road, trade between Liyue Port and Guili City will save a lot of transportation costs.

Can we get the cement formula?

Taking his head back, Dadalia turned to look at his subordinates and asked.

Beiguo Bank was hit in Liyue, even if it was because of the doctor, but he is the envoy currently stationed in Liyue after all, and he must have something to explain when he returns to Zhidong.

If he could get the cement formula, Dadalia felt that he would at least be relieved of some of his responsibilities in front of the Queen.

It's very southern, Sir.

Regarding Dadalia's thoughts, his subordinates were close to striking a classic pose.

Guilicheng's management of the cement formula is very strict, and a group of informants have been purged from us. It may be impossible to obtain the formula, but...

But what?

Dadalia was a little disappointed when he heard that he couldn't get the cement formula, but his subordinate's change of topic revived his hope.

There is news from the fools in Mondstadt that a cement factory is also being built in Mondstadt recently. Maybe we can start from there.

Get it from Mondstadt. It's a good idea.

Dadalia's eyes suddenly lit up.

Guili City is keeping a close eye on the Fools, so they probably have no chance to make a move. On the contrary, it is relatively easy for Mondstadt to do so.

Find some men who are proficient in concealment and go to Mondstadt. Be sure to get the cement formula.

What? Are you saying that women are in charge of all the fools in Mondstadt?

In response to this, Dadalia said calmly that the lady and I have a close relationship and are just colleagues at most.

Chapter 128 Han Xiao: Master, I’m giving you a wallet!

The emergence of the cement road has shortened the travel time between Liyue Port and Guili City. With the construction of the cement road on the Mondstadt side, Guili City's position between Liyue and Mondstadt is now Rising higher and higher.

Businessmen from both countries have become accustomed to treating Guili City as a commercial and trade transit center, and have paid to rent warehouses in the storage area.

Thanks to the prosperity of commerce and trade, Guili City's commercial taxes have increased significantly.

From a certain point of view, Guili City now has got rid of the blood transfusions that have always been provided by Liyue Port and has truly become an independently operating city.

Incidentally, it also fed back Liyue Port’s trade.

It was under such circumstances that Dadalia came to Guili City.

The carriage engraved with the words Northland Bank followed the convoy and stopped at the city gate to be inspected. While waiting for the inspection, Dadalia opened the curtain and jumped out of the carriage.

The first thing that catches the eye is the golden rice fields outside the city.

I didn't expect that Guili City is still growing food.

Looking at the food that was about to mature, Dadalia raised his eyebrows slightly. Guili City was more prosperous than he expected.

Originally, Dadalia only thought that Guili City was established only to share the population of Liyue Port explosion and to assume the responsibility of a commercial operation center.

Unexpectedly, Guili City has the idea of ​​​​opening up agriculture. Once the food is fully mature, Liyue's dependence on food imports will be reduced a lot.

My lord, now that we have the pass, let's go into the city.

Just as Dadalia was thinking about it, his subordinate came to him with a pass and asked in a low voice.

Let's go into the city.

Soon the Northland Bank's carriage slowly drove into the city gate and walked into this new city.

Is Mr. Mr. Mr. Beiguo Bank right?

The carriage was stopped as soon as it entered the city, and a woman dressed as a secretary asked Dadalia quite politely to Dadalia, who looked like she was no ordinary person.

I am, you are?

I am Xu Wan, the secretary of Kuixing Tower. Lord Hanxiao specially sent me to invite Mr. Young Master to a party. The banquet is ready.

Han Xiao is so polite. Then please ask Miss Xu Wan to lead the way.

Hearing that Han Xiao had prepared a banquet and waited for him, Dadalia showed a bright smile, told his subordinates to stay first, and then accepted the invitation.

Under the leadership of Xu Wan, Dadalia was quickly taken to a box of a luxury hotel.

The dining table was filled with steaming delicacies, and Han Xiao had been waiting in the private room for a long time.

Seeing Dadalia push the door open and come in, Han Xiao quickly stood up and smiled and cupped her hands:

Long time no see, Mr. Young Master.

Just call me Dadalia.

Faced with Han Xiao who was greeted with a smile, Dadalia did not hesitate. The smile on her face was as warm as the bright sun.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two sat down.

You must also know, Han Xiao, that I don't like to use my brain very much. I don't know why you suddenly invited me to dinner this time.

Not long after sitting down, Dadalia directly raised his question.

After all, he prefers to be direct rather than polite.

Hearing this, Hanxiao waved Xu Wan out first. After the other party closed the door, he looked at Dadalia and said:

Actually, I invited you here this time because I want to discuss a business deal with you.

Talk about business with me? What business?

The fur business.


Dadalia couldn't help but frown when she heard that Han Xiao was planning to discuss the fur business with her.

Given Liyue's climate, it seems that we don't need a lot of fur.

I have a use for this.

Han Xiao did not directly answer Dadalia's question, but simply mentioned it in one sentence, and then looked at the other party with a smile:

I wonder if you can make the decision on this business?

Of course it's possible.

Although she didn't know what Han Xiao needed fur for, Dadalia thought about it and fur didn't seem to be a restricted commodity, so she readily agreed to Han Xiao's trade request.

Beiguo Bank has become a bit difficult to operate in Liyue. If it doesn't make some extra money, the rich will have to look for him when they return to Winter.

So with the mutual consent of both parties, Han Xiao and Dadalia quickly reached an agreement on the fur trade issue.

After talking about the fur business, the two of them chatted about miscellaneous topics while eating delicious dishes, and the atmosphere in the box became much more harmonious.


Dadalia put down his chopsticks, and the expression on his face became relatively solemn, losing the gentleness he had during the chat.

Zhidong Kingdom wants to deepen its trade relations with Guili City. What do you think?

Okay, if you want to do business, I'm more than welcome.

Han Xiao raised her eyebrows, first expressed her welcome, and then said pointedly:

But the person coming this time should be a serious businessman, right?

Don't worry about that, I'm not that shameless.

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